Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2022 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Introduction : L’objectif de ce travail est de démontrer l’évolution de la croissance économique en RDC dans le temps soit de 1986 à 2020. Méthode : Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons adopté une méthodologie qui repose sur deux démarches suivantes : La première est une étude théorique basée sur le fondement théorique et empirique de la dynamique de la croissance économique. La deuxième a consisté à expliquer empiriquement l’évolution de la croissance économique en RDC à travers la modélisation des séries chronologiques. Résultats : Les résultats obtenus de l’analyse économétrique indiquent que la situation macroéconomique de la RDC a connu une croissance négative en moyenne de -1,755% sur la période allant de 1987 à 2007. Mais elle est restée la même soit stable et positive de 5,752% durant la période de 2007 à 2020 ceci malgré la mise en œuvre de plusieurs réformes macroéconomiques. Conclusion : La RDC a connu deux grands moments face à sa production intérieure. Le premier est celui allant 1987 à 2007, marqué par une croissance économique moyenne négative de moins 1,755%au seuil de signification de 5%. Et le deuxième est celui allant de 2007 à 2020 marqué par une croissance positive moyenne de 5,752%au seuil de signification de 5%. La dynamique de la croissance économique en RDC reste exogène au sens strict de Solow ayant comme facteur principal, le capital physique alors qu’il a été démontré qu’à cette ère contemporaine, les pays pour réaliser leur objectif de forte croissance devraient passer de la croissance exogène à la croissance endogène comme les prônent les auteurs tels que P.Römer, R. E. Lucas et R. Barro. Mots clés : Croissance économique, Enjeux, Perspectives, Série chronologique, Modèle VAR, Régression de Pool.


Une bonne gestion de stock est une clé de la réussite pour toute entité (entreprise). De tous les livres et autres articles publiés sur la gestion de stock démontrent toujours la tenue d’une fiche de stock d'un article particulier donc, la gestion par article. Or en pratique, il y a certaines entités comme boutiques d’alimentation, pharmacies et autres qui peuvent gérer de fois plus de cinq cent articles en leurs seins et ces derniers sont mouvementés du jour au jour. Si nous nous écrivons dans la logique d’une fiche par chaque article vendu, combien des fiches qui peuvent être tenues par une entité qui en gère cinq cent ? La réponse et bien et belle cinq cent fiches donc, en raison d’une fiche par chaque article. Ce qui apparaît vraiment difficile et impossible. C’est pourquoi tout au long de ce travail, nous avons démontré comment instaurer une gestion efficace de stock dans les entités commerciales multiples articles.


Introduction : Notre objectif général est d’évaluer la prise en charge nutritionnelle de l’hypertension artérielle à l’hôpital valentin Disashi. Méthodologie : L’étude est de type descriptif transversal. Elle cherche à Evaluer de la prise en charge nutritionnelle des hypertendus à l’hôpital Valentin DISASHI, la période de recherche s’était étalée du 10 au 25 Octobre 2020 et celle-ci avait porté sur l’ensemble des patients ayant développé l’hypertension artérielle. La population de notre étude est constituée des malades hypertendus qui fréquentent l’hôpital DISASHI, tandis que notre échantillon est constitué de 29 hypertendus. Pour la réalisation de ce présent travail, nous avons opté pour la méthode d’enquête prospective. Résultats :  44,4% des patients hypertendus ont une durée de la maladie situé entre 1 à 5 ans ;  l’evaluation des apports alimentaires n’a pas etait faite sur tous les 27 cas ;  L’évaluation de l’état nutritionnel n’était pas effectué chez tous nos enquêtés soient dans 100% ;  Le diagnostic nutritionnel n’était effectuer chez tous les patients hypertendus soit 100% ;  La prescription du régime alimentaire en cas de l’hypertension étaient effectué chez 24 cas soit 88,9% seulement 3 cas soit 11,1% qui ne benéficie pas de la precription du regime alimentaire ;  L’exercice physique etait prescrit chez la majorité de cas soit 66,7% des patients hypertendus ;  La prescription médicale etait effectuée chez la plupart des patients hypertendus avec 25 cas soit 92,6%. Conclusion : L’hypertension artérielle (HTA) est un problème de santé fréquent en Afrique dont les conséquences peuvent être graves pour les individus et sont très lourdes pour la population. La réduction de ce fardeau repose sur la prévention à l’échelle de la population et sur le diagnostic précoce à l’échelle des individus, suivis par la mise en œuvre proactive d’interventions dont le bénéfice est démontré. Compte tenu de la variabilité de la mesure de pression artérielle (PA), le diagnostic n’est établi qu’à l’issue de mesures répétées dans des conditions standardisées, si possible en dehors de la consultation. Mots clés : Etat nutritionnel, Hypertension artérielle, Régime


Introduction: This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of local women on female genital bilharzia as well as its prevention. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in Mbujimayi with local women frequenting the rivers that run along the 4 HZs, namely the BONZOLA HZ (at the Lubilanji and Kanshi rivers), the NZABA HZ (at the Nzaba river), the LUKELENGE HZ (at the Kalelu River) and the MUYA HZ (at the Muya River). The survey for data collection took place for 1 week, from 05/10 to 12/10/2021. The sample consisted of 185 women, it is a simple random sample, drawn on the basis of the selection criteria below: - All having frequented one of the five rivers mentioned below to bathe or do the laundry or wash the plates; - Any woman who agreed to participate in the survey and to complete the consent form and answer the survey questionnaire. The data was collected and analyzed using epi info software. Results: 1. Knowledge Eighty-six point five percent of the women had never heard of the BGF. Among those who had heard it, 92% had heard it more during the CPN. 64% had defined BGF as "a genital infection" and 48% as "uncleanliness of the female genitalia". Ninety-two percent of women had cited vaginal discharge followed by 76% of women who had successively cited pain on urination and the presence of blood in the urine and respectively 72% and 68% of vaginal pain and during sexual intercourse as Symptoms of the BGF. 2. Women's attitude towards FGM One hundred percent of women accept the prevention of BGF, say that BGF is avoidable and they are ready to give up river water for tap water provided their socioeconomic conditions improve. Conclusion: Bilharziasis control activities are currently managed primarily by public health officials, stakeholders in neglected tropical disease control programs, and school nurses who administer mass treatment. People with symptoms of BGF, such as smelly vaginal discharge, small bleeding and pain, are managed by primary health care professionals (in rural areas), health centers for sexually transmitted infections (in urban) and general practitioners. Clinical observations are usually made by nurses performing Pap smear tests, visual inspection with acetic acid, or by physicians during speculum examinations. Gynecologists are likely to see patients when symptoms and lesions are refractory to treatment for sexually transmitted infections or suspicion of cancer or more advanced cases of genital lesions in women and girls living in vulnerable situations. Keywords: Bilharzia, Mollusc, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice


Introduction : Considérant la problématique des structures hospitalières qui éprouvent d’énormes difficultés dans la dotation de son personnel, nous avions pris l’initiative de mener une étude portant sur « expérience et attente des Infirmiers Chefs de service sur la dotation du personnel infirmier ». Cette étude a pour objectif de comprendre l‘expérience et attente des infirmiers chefs des services hospitaliers sur la dotation en personnel infirmier à l‘Hôpital Général de Référence de Kintambo, dans la ville province de Kinshasa, en République Démocratique du Congo, en vue d‘orienter les politiques et plan de dotation en personnel pour une meilleure qualité des soins. Méthode : Cette étude est qualitative et elle utilise la méthode phénoménologique. Elle a utilisée également la technique d‘interview semi-dirigé face à face pour la collecte des données sur un échantillon de dix infirmiers de sexe confondu. Résultats : les Infirmiers Chefs des services se représentent la dotation comme une activité de répartition des infirmiers, ayant un rôle d’un processus de supervision et évaluation. Pour ce qui est de l’expérience, pour arriver à faire des dotations, ils tiennent compte des critères de la dotation et se référent aux anciens roulements ; l’élaboration de la dotation est une activité très difficile et douloureuse, l’ignorance de la méthodologie de la dotation, indisponibilité, l’irrégularité des infirmiers et la résistance au roulement sont les difficultés vécues. Comme mécanismes d’adaptation aux difficultés de la dotation, ils appliquent des sanctions et prévoient le service de remplacement. L’attente des Infirmiers Chefs des services face à la dotation a été axé sur le besoin essentiel de la formation en dotation et la prise de conscience des infirmiers sur le travail. Mots-clés : Expérience, attente, dotation du personnel, Infirmier.

Effect of ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme on Agricultural Sector Performance in Selected West African Francophone Countries []

The study investigates empirically the effect of ECOWAS trade liberalization scheme on agricultural sector performance in selected Francophone ECOWAS West African countries using annual time series covering a period of 41 years, between 1980 and 2020. The study used agriculture GDP as the dependent variable and used ECOWAS trade liberalization scheme as the main independent variable whereas agriculture exports, agriculture imports and exchange rate were used as check variables. The study used a sample of 5 Francophone ECOWAS countries. The study used descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, pooled OLS, fixed effect and random effect models as well as generalized method moment (GMM) modeling techniques for the analysis. The study shows that ECOWAS trade liberalization scheme (ETLSFRC) has a negative effect on Agricultural sector performance in all the selected Francophone West African countries; agriculture export to GDP ratio (AGEXFRC) has a positive effect on agricultural sector performance in all selected in Francophone countries; agriculture import to GDP ratio (AGIMFRC) has a negative effect on agricultural sector performance in all selected Francophone ECOWAS countries; exchange rate (EXRCFRC) has a negative effect on agricultural sector performance in Francophone countries. The study therefore concludes that ECOWAS trade liberalization scheme has not enhanced agricultural sector performance in selected Francophone West African countries within the period of study. The study therefore recommends full compliance in the removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers in line with the provisions of ETLS, implementation of (Common External Tariff CET), and adoption of a common currency by ECOWAS member countries to help mitigate negativity in exchange rate. Key words: ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme, Agricultural Sector Performance, West African Francophone Countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal).

Role of ultraviolet rays filters and antioxidants in prevention of DNA damage and oxidative stress associated with phototherapy in jaundiced term neonates. []

Background: phototherapy induces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) damage by direct and indirect (oxidative) effects which are prevented by ultraviolet (UV) filters and antioxidant. Objective: our goal was to assess DNA damage and oxidative stress associated with phototherapy and to prove the efficacy of UV filters and antioxidants for prevention of that DNA damage. Methods: The study included 160 jaundiced neonates who had been exposed to phototherapy for at least 48 hours divided into four groups, 40 neonates per each group, the first (control) group received phototherapy only, the second group received antioxidants before and during phototherapy, the third group received phototherapy under umbrella of UV filters and the fourth group received phototherapy under both UV filters and antioxidants. DNA damage was assayed by (comet assay). Plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and total oxidant status (TOS) levels were also measured then oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated for the all four groups before and 48 hours after phototherapy. Results: the first group showed significant DNA damage accompanied with severe deterioration in all oxidative stress parameters by about 19%, the second group showed decreasing as regard DNA damage and oxidative stress parameters deterioration to about 9%, the third group showed more decreasing than group II to about 5%, but on the other hand the fourth group showed complete DNA protection from damage with no changes in oxidative stress parameters. Conclusion: phototherapy cause DNA damage that can be completely prevented by combined concurrent use of UV filters and antioxidants.


This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical programs that were carried out to investigate the effect of shear reinforcement ratio on the behaviour of circular reinforced-concrete (RC) beams. A total of three full-scale circular RC-beams with, the same GFRP longitudinal reinforcement ratio (1.5%) and, different spiral shear reinforcement ratios, ranging from 0.26% to 0.53%, were constructed and tested to failure. Afterward, numerical finite element models (FEM) were built to imitate the conduct of those beams. The beams had a diameter of 500 mm and a length of 3000 mm. The beams were subjected to a vertical shear force through two points. The test results showed that, increasing the shear-reinforcement by 35% and 104%, from 0.26% to 0.35% and 0.53%, increased the shear strength by 9% and 31%, respectively. The constructed FE models, also, were able to copy the characteristics of these beams in terms of load-deflection curve, and load-strain relationships for reinforcing bars as well, with excellent accuracy. Last but not least, the results from the FEM, showed that the average value for the experimental shear strength to the predicated one, by the FE program, (Vexp/Vmodel) for the beams is 0.99 with a 2.3% standard deviation.


Almost all forms of sweet potato tuber processing required that the sweet potato be peeled. These peeling processes face a significant problem of time consuming and inefficiency due to loss of a substantial part of the sweet potato by manual peeling. In order to ameliorate the resulting fatigue and reduce the amount of time consumed and the same time improve the peeling efficiency a mechanical sweet potato peeling machine was designed, developed and tested. The sweet potato peeling machine consist of 0.113112m3 cylindrical peeling chamber, with a peeling tool constructed on a 25mm diameter shaft using 2mm x 2mm square pipe. A 3hp electric motor was part of the machine, with a 36mm diameter pulley while that of shaft was 490mm. feeding of the tubers was done with aid of a constructed hopper on top of peeling cylinder which allow the tubers fall free with gravity. The machine was operated with an average speed ranging from 151-253rpm. This speed of rotation was achieved by means of pulley and belt arrangement. The abrasive surfaces of the shaft and the cylinder where the peeling is done. The peeling time, peeling efficiency and flesh loss was determined at the speed of 151,200 and 253 rm. The result obtained for the speed of 151,200 and 253 rpm respectively were 3.10sec, 2.31sec and 0.87sec for peeling time, 35.55%, 56.37% and 70.44% for peeling efficiency and 7.46%, 5.16% and 4.92% flesh loss, ANOVA shows that speed has an effect on peeling time and peeling efficiency but not on flesh lost. The peeling time decreases with increase in speed. The peeling efficiency also increase with speed with the highest efficiency of 70.44% occurring at a speed 253rpm. The use of the machine is recommended at a speed of 253rpm. Key Words: Sweet potato, peeling, peeling machine


Background: The accessibility to various types of drugs and their indiscriminate use before, during, and after childbirth have become threats to the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Many drugs are not meant to be taken by pregnant women but not many women are aware of the drugs that are dangerous to them and their unborn child. This study aimed to ascertain the prevalence and practice of self-medication among pregnant women that are attending ante-natal clinics. Method: This study was carried out among pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic in Enugu State University of Science and Technology teaching hospital, Enugu. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study that involved distributing a structured questionnaire to 300 pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic in the hospital. Result: The result showed the mean age of the respondents as 24.1(±1) years. The practice of self-medication turned out high with about 63% of the population practicing self-medication. The major reasons behind the practice of self-medication were affordability (31.6%) and previous experience of treating a similar ailment (19.6%). The ailment that was majorly treated was cough (27.40) and malaria (27.05%) and the drugs mostly used were analgesics (34.4%), anti-malaria (19.1) and antibiotics (19.1%). The study showed that there was a high prevalence of self-medication among pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic in the hospital. Conclusion: This study shows that there is a high prevalence of self-medication among pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic at ESUT teaching hospital, Enugu; despite the health education given to them during the ante-natal sections about the side effects. There is a need to continue creating awareness of the negative effects of self-medication, including reducing maternal and infant mortality.

The impact of Corporate Religion on the Management of African work organizations as a measure for enhancing organizational success. []

Successful business organizations sell emotional and spiritual inner values rather than brand with physical attributes, Jesper,(2000) noted that what a company does, makes, sells is inseparable from who it is. Any organization that wants to succeed globally in recent times, should have to get a religion (corporate Religion). In this context corporate religion and workplace spirituality are important and emerging trends in organization that should receive attention from managers. This study examines how to inject corporate religion into the management of African work as a measure of improving efficiency and enhancing organizational success, the study explores how religious work environment provides a beneficial situation for a company or organization. However, given the profound role that religion continues to play in contemporary societies, it is surprising that management researchers have not explored the intersection between religion and organization in a more meaningful and determined way. This is because religion is considered too far from the commercial organizations. Keywords: Corporate religion, African organization, efficiency, Brand, Corporate Identity, effectiveness, spirituality, organizational success.


This research examined the perceptions of the Dibabawon parents and students, the minority tribe in of New Kapatagan, Casoon, Monkayo, Compostela Valley. It covered the perceptions of this particular group of people in education. Using the qualitative method with interview approach, the study was conducted to gather data about the perceptions of the Dibabawon parents and students and the influence of it in sending their children to school or being in school. Specifically, the study was conducted in order to explore their lived experiences regarding education, their perceptions or views regarding education, the benefits Dibabawon parents and students may get in education and how do the experiences and the possible benefits of Dibabawon parents and students influence their drive in sending their children in school or being in school. Findings showed that the participants and respondents were very grateful and delighted in the establishment of the school and expected that their children may finish studies and find a good job. Thus, it made them supportive to their children with the help of teachers and government officials inspite of the scarcity of financial resources. Keywords: Dibabawon, minority tribe, perceptions, benefits, establishment and scarcity.

Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Relapse of Drug Abuse among Youths at Huye Isange Rehabilitation Center, Rwanda []

Globally, in 2016, the number of people who used drugs rose by 30 percent than it was reported in 2009 according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report. In Rwanda, a 2018 mental health survey revealed that about 1.6% of the youth suffer from drug and alcohol-related disorders and that nearly 10% of rehabilitated drug users experience relapse. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of relapse on drug abuse and the risk factors associated with it among Rwandan youths at Huye Isange rehabilitation center. A logistic regression analysis showed that age group onset to drug abuse of < = 25 were 12.1 times higher risk of developing relapse with as strong association of a p-value (0.03), (OR=12.1), 95% CI [0.703-208.31]. As conclusion, the study found that at Huye Isange Rehabilitation Center the prevalence of relapse is high whereby factors such as group age onset, student by occupation, peer pressure and to cope with family/home problems were contributing to relapse of drug abuse and effort should be made while including drug abuse related courses in the curriculum for students of all levels, also enforcement in the clubs related occupation to prevent drug abuse in youth should be encouraged especially among younger people in order to decrease peer pressure that may result to drug abuse behaviors and relapse.


ABSTRACT The leadership traits of prefects in public secondary institutions is an essential concept that is capable of influencing a positive effect in academic achievement of the institutions as well as influencing the general growth of the institution and the learner. This study focused on establishing the influence of prefects’ leadership characteristics on learners’ academic achievement in secondary institutions in Matuga Sub County, Kwale County Kenya. The specific objective of this research was; to establish the extent to which prefects’ academic performance influence learners’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in Matuga Sub County, Kwale County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Path-Goal theory and was descriptive in nature. The study employed questionnaires, interview guide and secondary data sources to enrich data gathering. Descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics were employed to analyse data. The results of the study revealed that prefects’ academic performance had a great influence on learners’ academic achievements. The study concluded that prefects’ academic performance positively influenced learner’s academic achievements in public secondary schools. The study recommended that: School management should induct and train prefects before assuming their roles; school management should engage prefects and learners in general to be actively involved in their learning activities; and school management should organize regular appraisal sessions with prefects with a view of identifying their weaknesses and remedial measures taken to make them work better.

The influence of organizational conflict on task-achievement. The case of Microfinance Institutions in Cameroon []

Organizational conflicts are disagreements that occur in the workplace between members of the organization. Such disagreements occur as a result of actual or perceived oppositions of relationship, values and task to be performed. Task-achievement is the primordial role of every organisation irrespective of the nature of the task. The achievement of any given task requires the combined efforts of a number of people with varying functions and responsibilities whose positions in the organisation are usually hierarchically arranged to establish the relationships between the superiors and their subordinates. Within the hierarchical structure incompatibility in opinions occur because of unclear responsibility, interpersonal relationship, scarcity of resources and conflict of interests. Financial institutions in Cameroon have over the years organized workshops to discuss and propose solutions on the occurrence of relationship, value and task conflicts and how they hinder the attainment of institutional goals. This paper therefore adopts an analytical approach on the major conflict types -task, relationship and value as well as the concept of task achievement. Factors influencing organizational conflict will also be analysed. The study further explores organizational conflict from a theoretical point of view. It highlights organizational conflict challenges faced by Cameroon Micro Finance institutions. Finally it suggest proposals that Micro Finance institutions through strategic organisational conflict resolution can use in minimising the occurrence of conflicts within the organisation.


This study aims to determine the effect of website quality, perceived value and promotion on website loyalty through customer trust as an intervening variable. This research method uses a quantitative approach. The Population of this research is all active users of Tokopedia in Makassar City. The sample of this study was 400 users, while the sample was taken using the Lemeshow method because the population was unknown. The data analysis techniques are instrument test (validity and reliability test), Classical Assumption Test (normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity) and Hypothesis Testing (multiple linear regression analysis, path analysis). (1) Based on the results of the study indicate that the quality of the website has a t-count value of 6.054 with a significant value of 0, 000 Then the result of the hypothesis is that the quality of the website (X1) has a positive effect on the trust of Tokopedia customers in the city of Makassar. (2) The results of the analysis using the Sobel test showed a statistical value (z- value) of 4.6933 > 1.96, then the customer trust variable was the intervening variable between the Website Quality (X1) and Customer Loyalty (Y) variables. (3) Based on the results of the study, it shows that the perceived value has a t-value of 2.854 with a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. Then the results of the hypothesis that perceived value (X2) has a positive effect on the trust of Tokopedia customers in the city of Makassar. (4) The results of the analysis with the Sobel test showed a statistical value (z value) 0.2869 < 1, 96, it can be concluded that customer trust is not significant as an intervening variable between perceived value and customer loyalty. (5) Based on the results of the study, it shows that promotion has a tcount value of 2,739 with a significant value of 0.006 which is smaller than 0.05 (0.006 < 0.05). So the results of the hypothesis that promotion (X3) has a positive effect on Tokopedia customer trust in the city of Makassar. (6) The results of the analysis using the Sobel test showed a statistical value (z value) of 0.2869 < 1.96, so it can be concluded that customer trust is the intervening variable between promotion and customer loyalty. 05) Then the result of the hypothesis is that promotion (X3) has a positive effect on the trust of Tokopedia customers in the city of Makassar. (6) The results of the analysis using the Sobel test showed a statistical value (z value) of 0.2869 < 1.96, so it can be concluded that customer trust is the intervening variable between promotion and customer loyalty. 05) Then the result of the hypothesis is that promotion (X3) has a positive effect on the trust of Tokopedia customers in the city of Makassar. (6) The results of the analysis using the Sobel test showed a statistical value (z value) of 0.2869 < 1.96, so it can be concluded that customer trust is the intervening variable between promotion and customer loyalty.


Trials were carried out in field cages during 2017 cropping season at teaching and research farm of faculty of Agriculture Bayero University, Kano (11.9836˚N, 8.4753˚E) to evaluate the efficacy of plants phenolic fraction to legume pod borer (Maruca vitrata (G.) Fab). Three cowpea varieties (IT07K-318-33, IT07K-292-10, and IT97K-556-4) were used. Treatments were arranged at Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated three times and sprayed at 500µg/ml, 250µg/ml, 125µg/ml, and 0µg/ml (control). Parameters assessed include flower damage, pod damage, and larval mortality. Results of the experiments showed that all concentrations of the treatments were significantly better than control treatments. There was significant difference (p>0.05) among the different concentrations and the cowpea varieties. Application of the treatments at 500 and 250µg/ml showed significant reduction of damage due to larval Maruca at both at flowering and the podding when compared with 125 µg/ml and control. Highest protections were recorded in plots sprayed with 500 and 250µg/ml. highest percentage of damage on the pods and flowers were recorded on the untreated control plots. Response of the varieties against the larval damage also varied significantly (p>0.05). Highest percentage flower damage was recorded on IT07K-318-33, and then the other varieties, however no significant difference was recorded with respect to pod damage among the three varieties used. Mean percentage mortality was very low on untreated plots which do not differ (p>0.05) with 125 µg/ml sprayed plots. Although the calculated LC50 was determined at 389.05 µg/ml. Application of the treatments at 500 µg/ml showed highest percentage mortality of the larvae at 66.11% and the mortality tend to reduced to 21.11 % at 250µg/ml.

Factors which will determine the fate of COVID-19 []

Abstract The aim of this research is to show the result of struggle between the international community and COVID-19 after administration of vaccines which based on current fundamental factors. Covid19 has caused real threat to the entire world in the past 2 years. Nearly 5 million have been dead since its occurrence and many countries have been severely hit economically during imposing mandatory lockdown which led to paralyzing of all life facilities. Global efforts have been united to find a safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19 to prevent the devastating consequences if the virus left untreated. Many pharmaceutical companies have managed to produce different types of vaccines based on different known technology such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Jonson and Johnson, Sinopharm. There are many factors which will determine the fate of pandemic among them: 1. High mutation rate of SARS-COV-2 due to lack of error correcting process(proofreading) which means the virus capacity to proofread and remove mismatching nucleotides during genome replication and transcription. 2. sustainability of the antibodies induced by vaccine and evaluation the period of its effectiveness. 3. Inequalities in distributing of vaccines worldwide which made many low- income and developing countries unable to vaccinate their people while some developed countries started to give a booster dose at least 6 months after completion of primary vaccine series. 4. Impact of misleading rumors of using COVID-19 vaccines.

Research []

The Ethiopian traditionall distilled alcohols (‘Wheat Berkrakie Areki, ‘Wheat Sharata Areki’, ‘Dagusa Arefa Areki’, ‘Dagussa Sharata Areki’, ‘Dagim Areki’, ‘Gibto Areki’, ‘Wheat Arefa Areki’, ‘Mixed Areki’, ‘Koso Areki’ and ‘Yemar Areki’) were collected from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the mesurment of their ethanol, methanol, solid, salanity contents, acid value, pH value and electrical conductivity. The over all average values of pH value, ethanol% (v/v), acidic content (g/L), solid content (mg/L), conductivity (μS) and salanity (%) found in any of the beverages studied were in the range of 2.80 - 51.2, 0.02 - 105, 0.00 - 20328, 5.87- 8391 and 0.1 - 4.6 respectively. The methanol contents of the beverages were determined using GC-MS. The results showed that the level of methanol in some of the studied traditional distilled alcoholic beverages were found in the range between 0.867 - 0.979% (v/v). Hence, on the contrary to the general assumptions, the levels of methanol observed in the analyzed drinks do not pose any health threat to the human. However, the normal alcohol health risk associated with high consumption remains a problem.

Characterization Of Etiopian Commonely Consumed Trdational Home Distilled Alcoholic Beverges. []

The Ethiopian traditionall distilled alcohols ( Wheat Berkrakie Areki, Wheat Sharata Areki, Dagusa Arefa Areki, Dagussa Sharata Areki, Dagim Areki, Gibto Areki, Wheat Arefa Areki, Mixed Areki, Koso Areki and Yemar Areki) were collected from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the mesurment of their ethanol, methanol, solid, salanity contents, acid value, pH value and electrical conductivity. The over all average values of pH value, ethanol% (v/v), acidic content (g/L), solid content (mg/L), conductivity (μS) and salanity (%) found in any of the beverages studied were in the range of 2.80 - 51.2, 0.02 - 105, 0.00 - 20328, 5.87- 8391 and 0.1 - 4.6 respectively. The methanol contents of the beverages were determined using GC-MS. The results showed that the level of methanol in some of the studied traditional distilled alcoholic beverages were found in the range between 0.867 - 0.979% (v/v). Hence, on the contrary to the general assumptions, the levels of methanol observed in the analyzed drinks do not pose any health threat to the human. However, the normal alcohol health risk associated with high consumption remains a problem.