Sexe ratio, taille de première maturité sexuelle et rapport gonadosomatique de Hemichromis fasciatus dans le lac Sélingué au Mali [PDF] Kadiatou Traoré, Youssouf Sanogo, Adama Konaté, Fassé Samaké, Diakaridia Traoré
Cette étude a pour objectif de contribuer à la connaissance de la reproduction de Hemichromis fasciatus dans le lac de Sélingué. L’activité reproductrice est déterminée en utilisant des paramètres, à savoir le sexe ratio, la taille de première maturité sexuelle, le rapport gonadosomatique. Au total, 1050 poissons ont été prélevés dans les captures de la pêche artisanale de 2017 à 2019 et ont fait l’objet de mensurations et de pesées pour établir les courbes d’évolution mensuelle des paramètres. Les résultats ont montré que Hemichromis fasciatus se reproduit dans les eaux du lac. Le sexe ratio était en faveur des mâles soit 1,9 et 2,6 respectivement la première et la deuxième année avec plus de mâles dans les captures d’août à février. La taille de première maturité sexuelle était variable d’une année à l’autre mais était toujours inférieure chez le mâle. Pendant la première année, elle était de 78,9 mm chez le mâle contre 92,3 mm chez la femelle et en deuxième année de 77,5 mm chez le mâle contre 88,8 mm chez la femelle. L’activité reproductrice s’est étalée sur toute l’année avec une forte intensité de juin à novembre. Le rapport gonadosomatique a présenté trois pics correspondant à des pics de ponte, le premier en saison sèche chaude et les deux autres en saison des pluies, avec une variabilité temporelle d’une année à l’autre. En saison sèche chaude, le pic est enregistré en avril ou mai et en saison des pluies ils sont obtenus en juillet et septembre et en août et octobre, respectivement en première et deuxième années d’étude. Les rapports gonadosomatiques moyens annuels, 1,25±0,59 la première année contre 0,81±0,71 la deuxième année. Les résultats serviront pour la gestion de l’espèce dans le lac.
This study aims to identify and analyze: (1) financial technology (fintech) transactions based on the Peer To Peer Lending (P2PL) system in the tax perspective of Investree companies; (2) Implementing the Peer To Peer Lending (P2PL) system from a tax perspective at Investree companies. The results of the study state that: (1) Financial technology (fintech) transactions based on the Peer To Peer Lending (P2PL) system from a tax perspective have been well implemented, where the Financial Services Authority always monitors financial technology based on peer to peer lending by implementing the Financial Services Authority Regulation (OJK) Number 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 concerning Information Technology-Based Borrowing and Lending Services; (2) The implementation of the Peer To Peer Lending System (P2PL) from a tax perspective has been running well, because the legal relationship always occurs between the Lender and the Fintech service provider and between the Lender and the Borrower.
Asphaltene Precipitation in pipeline resulting from Water flooding [PDF] Dooka Yirakpoa Collins, Engr. Dr. C.J. G. Nmegbu and Prof. K. K. Dagde
Crude oil is a complex mix of hydrocarbons and other compounds with varying molecular weight, polarity and other properties. Crude oil's physical and chemical properties vary greatly from one producing region to another and even within a single region. According to viscosity, specific gravity, and API gravity, crude oil is traditionally categorized. One of the most surface-active components in crude oil is known as asphaltenes. Due to this characteristic, fluid-fluid interactions are most likely what affects how they behave during fluid flow. Water comes into touch with crude oil while it is being produced and transported through reservoirs and pipelines. This research analyse a numerical model for analyzing pipeline asphaltene precipitation issues in a field created with water injection. The modelling component includes pipeline configuration, measure for asphaltene precipitation, fluid and component transport. The PIPESIM and WINPROP softwares were utilized for this analysis. The difference between both simulators is that the PIPESIM predicts asphaltene precipitation using the thermodynamics of the system, while the WinProp software uses the mixing rule and thermodynamics of the system to predict asphaltene. From the analysis in this study it was observed that asphaltene precipitation weight percentage increases exponentially with increase in fractional water composition in the pipeline indicating that asphaltene precipitation is more severe in pipelines with high percentage of water resulting from water injection. The temperature effect analysis carried out on the sample shows that at low temperatures, asphaltene precipitation does not significantly vary with changes in temperature; however, at increasing temperature, the asphaltene precipitation increases as well. Asphaltene precipitation was observed to increases with pressure and water saturation, and for a field with significant asphaltene composition, produced with water injection, however, there is critical saturation where increase in water saturation will not cause any further precipitation of asphaltene for a particular pressure.The reduction simply implies the dissolution of precipitated asphaltene. Abundant asphaltene precipitations are noticed around bubble-point pressures which in this case is around 189 psia. The model's findings can be used to pinpoint operational circumstances that would make asphaltene precipitation less likely. This information can be used to design pipeline operating strategies during water injection. In this study we have taken a modelling approach for analysis, further studies should consider the use of experimental procedures for the purpose of adequate comparisons, justifications and improvement in findings. This study found that the effect of asphaltene precipitation in the pipeline is directly impacted by water injection. It is advised to conduct more research to find the optimal water flooding/injection approach that will lessen the difficulties in operating transportation lines, particularly with relation to the precipitation and deposition of asphaltene.
The study tried to explore and analyze the Valenzuela City business establishments’ acceptance and use of the electronic or online services provided by the local government of Valenzuela City. It tried to determine the respondents’ perception and attitude towards the LGU’s e-services, and establish a correlation between and among demographics, perception and attitude towards e-government services, and their actual use of the e-services. The study used descriptive-correlational research methods using quantitative data. 149 out of almost 20,000 business establishments in the City of Valenzuela participated in the survey. The first part of the research instrument gathered data on the business profile while the second part gathered data on their perceptions and attitudes towards 3S Plus online e-government services in terms of its usefulness, ease of use, trust in technology, behavioral intention to use, and actual use. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools, such as measures of central tendency and variability, and correlational statistical tools are used in analyzing the data. Findings show that almost all of the business establishments are already using or considering using the 3S Plus online government e-services with about 11% still preferring to physically transact their businesses with the local government. Online services are found to be very useful to the business as transactions are easier, more accurate, and faster. In addition, the system is easy to use and not difficult to understand, learn or operate. The system can be trusted as it is safe and secure to use. There is a moderate positive correlation between the respondents’ perception and attitude towards the use of 3S Plus online e-services and their actual use of the system. The nature of the business activity the establishment does, their legal structure, and the size of their business have no correlation to their perception and attitude towards using 3S Plus online e-services.
Study on Communication Impact on the Public Building Construction
Projects among Stakeholders (The Case of Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia) [PDF] Alemu Abinew Dejen
Construction is a team activity involving many different actors specialized in various areas. An ineffective communication management system in the construction projects is the major cause of failure. The main objective of the study is to explore the impact on the public building construction projects between stakeholders in Bahir Dar City. The significance of the study is to help all stakeholders to be aware of factors, which are drawbacks of project success to avoid such negative impacts and get committed for better performance. Data were collected from building contractors, consultants, clients, and Urban Development and Housing Construction Bureau. The data collection method included a desk study interview, panel discussion, and questionnaire survey. The gathered data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) software computer program. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of the data. The study revealed that the top five impacts of communication in building construction projects due to ineffective information exchange are delay (87%), time overrun of project (85%), cost overrun (81%), variation order (70%), termination of projects and health and safety issues (70%).
Construction is a team activity involving many different actors specialized in various areas. An ineffective communication management system in the construction projects is the major cause of failure. The main objective of the study is to explore the communication practices on the public building construction projects between stakeholders in Bahir Dar City. The significance of the study is to help all stakeholders to be aware of factors, which are drawbacks of project success to avoid such negative impacts and get committed for better performance. Data were collected from building contractors, consultants, clients, and Urban Development and Housing Construction Bureau. The data collection method included a desk study interview, panel discussion, and questionnaire survey. The gathered data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) software computer program. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of the data. Per the analysis carried out, communication practice in construction companies is less effective; less training is given for the purpose of project communication. As understood from the finding, oral communication is the most widely used or practiced in construction projects rather than formal and written communications. The majority of construction firms use informal communication methods in their construction projects. The most popular communication channel (96%) used in construction projects were phones.
La république démocratique du Congo, pays réputé de scandale géologique reste néanmoins quasiment non exploré sauf la chaine pana-fricaine affleurant vers l’ancienne province du Katanga. Pour contribuer à la connaissance géologique et la découverte des indices de mi-néralisation dans la partie Est de notre pays, nous avons effectué une campagne de lever géologique durant une semaine dans le secteur de Vwandanze et environs. A l’occasion, 26 échantillons des roches ont été prélevés sur le terrain. Ceux-ci ont été minutieusement étudiés et décrits in situ. Parmi eux, huit ont été sélectionnés sur base de caractéristiques pétrographiques et ont été envoyés au laboratoire de Lubumbashi pour les examens lithogéochimiques. Les résultats de l’analyse spectrométrique à fluorescence X des échantillons ont dévoilé que la potentialité géologique minérale de Vwandanze et environs est caractéristique de l’or (Au) associé à l’argent (Ag). Les indices de minéralisation sont syngénétiques et associés aux orthogneiss et aux diorites, mais aussi épigénétiques et liés aux filons de quartz et de pegmatites. La présence de l’étain à une teneur remarquable dans les échantillons atteste que le secteur de Vwandanze et environs est dans le contexte du Mésoprotérozoïque où affleurent les formations Kibariennes dont la minéralisation caractéristique est l’étain. La plu-part des roches hôtes de la mineralisation du secteur de vwandanze sont de nature métamorphique exceptée les pegmatites, les diorites intrudées dans ces mêmes formations.
Strategy For Development Of Aquaculture In Bogor Regency [PDF] Farah Khairunnisa, Asep Agus Handaka S., Ayi Yustiati, Atikah Nurhayati
Bogor Regency is one of the regencies located in West Java that has great potential in the field of fisheries, especially the aquaculture sector. The local government of Bogor Regency has implemented several policies as an effort to improve the welfare of cultivators but in reality there are still problems from the government and cultivator groups, including many groups of cultivators who have not been able to implement these policies, causing various problems including the level of welfare among cultivators, lack of infrastructure support, and other possible problems. The purpose of this study is to find out what government policies have been implemented by the Bogor Regency government, analyze problems and formulate appropriate policy recommendations for the development of aquaculture in Bogor Regency. The method used in this research is the case study method. Analysis of the data used in this study using a Soft System Methodology approach based on an unstructured problem approach using existing conditions which include technical and production aspects, institutional aspects, and human resources aspects. The research was conducted in January 2020 – March 2022 in Bogor Regency. Respondents in this study consisted of 6 people, namely 3 fish cultivators and 3 people from Bogor Regency government agencies.
Oman Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on Innovation and Sustaining Growth during and Post Pandemic [PDF] Adil Abbas Jaffar, Dr. Maria Teresa Matriano
This report aims to discuss number of SME approaches, structures, concepts, and strategies for directing innovation, entrepreneurship development, the implementation methods of innovation management and the impact to SME sustainability. The report’s data sources are divided into primary such as interview with one CEO and secondary source such as recently published scholarly articles on innovation and entrepreneurship.
Many businesses faced difficulties during pandemic which were handled very well as part of their innovation process primarily to maintain stability and to keep up with market trends. Businesses that fail to follow the trend may experience unintended consequences, such as failing to meet client ’s needs. It is recommended that organization should consistently be innovative in order to generate new investment ideas that may be used to boost entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Small-medium enterprise, SME innovation, SME sustainability, Innovation management
Inventory Management Practices And Financial Performance Of Manufacturing Firm In Rwanda
A Case Of Muhabura Multichoice Company Ltd. [PDF] Mr. NIYONGIRA Alfred (Department, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda)
Background: The research objective was to assess the contribution of inventory management and financial performance of manufacturing firm in Rwanda and was carried out in Muhabura Multichoice Company Ltd as the case study with the following objectives; to assess the contribution of stock reviews on organization performance in Muhabura Multichoice company Ltd, to assess the contribution of just in time approach on organization performance in Muhabura Multichoice Company Ltd and to find out the contribution of ABC analysis on organization performance in Muhabura Multichoice Company Ltd.
Supplier Relationship Management And Production Performance Of Manufacturing Industries In Rwanda
A Case Study Of Inyange Industry Company. [PDF] Mr. RWIGIMBA Stephane (Department, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda)
The fundamental focus of this research was to evaluate the impact of supplier relationship management and production performance of manufacturing industries in Rwanda, using a case study of Inyange Industries LTD. The specific objectives of the research was to analyze the effect of trust on production performance of Inyange industries LTD and to establish the effect of mutual goals on production performance of Inyange industries LTD and to assess the role of commitment of supplier relationship management on production performance of Inyange industries LTD. The theoretical literature and empirical literature was also reviewed.
The decisions regarding capital structure play an integral part in firms’ financing mechanisms. This is because company’s’ decisions concerning the use of various forms of financing often lead to varied capital structure choices, potentially have different effect on the firm’s financial performance. This has led to a plethora of empirical investigations to ascertain whether capital structure choices have a positive, negative or no effect on financial performance. This study aimed at probing the link between capital structure and financial performance of 43 non financial firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study focused on firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). This study adopted Pecking order theory, Trade-Off theory and Agency theory as the principal anchoring theories. The study adopted panel descriptive design. The findings confirmed a positive and significant linkage between capital structure and financial performance. The study recommended that future studies should consider cross-sectional dataset as well as different indicators of the variables to replicate analogous studies.
Cervical cancer is the third leading cause of death among at-risk reproductive women in Malaysia. This study was to find out the level of knowledge about cervical cancer among urban and rural women. The study involved women aged between 30 and 65 years. The design of this comparative study was conducted to compare the level of cervical cancer knowledge among urban and rural women. The sampling method uses a probability sampling method based on sampling criteria and sample exclusion criteria. The IBM Corp.'s 2013 Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 software was used to analyse the data in this study. The results show that the percentage of this knowledge is good for urban and rural women on the east coast of Malaysia.
Key word : Knowledge, Cervical Cancer, Urban and Rural Women
Blockchain technology presents unique opportunities as regards its traceability capabilities. This paper explored the critical success factors for adopting blockchain technology to promote traceability in the supply chain of SMEs. To achieve this, a qualitative thematic analysis of scholarly articles pertaining to blockchain-based traceability systems was conducted. The researcher used Google Scholar to identify and select 28 scholarly articles. Inclusion-exclusion criteria for this systematic review include: the article must be empirical; the study focused on the blockchain technology and traceability; the study targeted supply chains, and was published in the last 7 years. The results were presented by addressing the needs of various stakeholders including consumers, regulators, and suppliers. The critical success factors for implementing blockchain technology included technology readiness level, supply chain practices, regulation of traceability efforts, and collaborative participation. These findings play a crucial role in providing researchers and practitioners allied to the SME sector with a basis for further descriptive and empirical research in implementing blockchain technology for traceability purposes.
Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Traceability Systems, Supply Chain, Critical Success Factors
Challenges faced in the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities; a case study of three schools in Warren Park District, Harare. [PDF] Jonathan Mrewa
The purpose of this paper is to find out about problems besetting the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities in local schools. The study was undertaken to establish the problems affecting the implementation of inclusive education in Warren Park District, Zimbabwe. The study was necessitated by the fact that inclusive education has become a topical issue in the provision of non-discriminatory education for learners with disabilities. Inclusive education has been found to provide appropriate education for all students despite their level of disabilities in their local schools. In the context of Zimbabwe, even though there is no comprehensive policy of inclusion, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education enacted a number of Acts and Circulars that are meant to promote inclusive education as they emphasize on schools not to discriminate on children due to their disabilities. In an effort to implement the concept of inclusive education, many problems have been encountered that act as barriers to the practice of inclusive education prompting the researcher to carry out research to identify the problems that beset the provision of inclusive education in Zimbabwe with in Warren Park District. A case study was carried out determine the implementation of inclusive education. The research results reveals that there are a number of challenges hindering the implementation of inclusive practice in Warren Park District in Harare. Three schools that participated in the study are Kuwadzana 1 High School, Kuwadzana 2 Primary School and Dzivaresekwa 6 Primary School.
Rural Land Policies of Amhara Regional State for the Past 30 years: An Assessment of Shortcomings and negative outcomes in the case of West Gojam Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia. [PDF] Tsegaye Eskezia
The issue of land becomes curtail from time to time in Ethiopia in general and in Amhara region in particular. This study explored the shortcomings and negative outcomes of rural land use policies and rules of the Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia especially in the past 30 years. It also identified current economic activities used by rural farmers that highly contribute for land use change in West Gojjam Zone specifically in Dembecha Zuria Woreda. Primary data has been collected through interview, focus group discussion and structural observation. Besides, secondary data has also been used through document analysis to support the primary data. After analyzing the data, the study found that the rural land use policies and rules of Ethiopia in general and Amhara region in particular have many drawbacks. Unfair distribution of rural land holding right, non-participatory lawmaking, lack of accountability on illegal land use activities and less implementation of legal rules and regulations are among the shortcomings of rural land policies and rules. Thus, this exacerbated rapid expansion of improper economic activities such as: environmentally unfriendly tree plantation especially eucalyptus plant, illegal land rent, illegal house construction and unstipulated investment activities. In the study area, the new principle of the regional government to establish Kebele residential centers in all kebeles combining with the population pressure and expansion of urban areas initiated rural people to shift their farm lands in to tree plantation and house construction to get much compensation price when they leave their land for the project. This also aggravates illegal rent of rural lands either for house construction or Eucalyptus tree plantation. Finally, this study recommends that the government should have land policies that inclusively involve rural people to make decisions and to make them equal beneficiaries, investment activities should be implemented in considering economic, social and environmental sustainability and rural farmers should be aware on the impacts of improper land use activities.
Key Terms: Rural land, land policy, shortcomings, negative outcome, rural farmers.
This study explored the lived experiences of seven students who instilled resiliency amidst covid-19 and to determine their issues and concerns during the pandemic, the coping mechanisms they adopted after the blended learning, and the possible intervention program that can be implemented in order to increase their resiliency. A multiple case study and phenomenological approach was used to delve into the experiences and real-life experiences of students who had varied issues and concerns in life in pandemic time. Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 20 years old and were from a selected college student in North Eastern Mindanao State University / Surigao del Sur State University- Cantilan Campus. Thematic analysis of recordings revealed several factors associated with students’ resiliency including internet connectivity issues, new normal learning set up, lack of gadgets, inconvenient study environment, and financial problem. The most common themes relevant to coping were self-motivation/self-control, the will to learn, thinking positively/being optimistic, having open communication with the teachers, and learning to go with the flow.
Based on the findings, a lesson log was developed that can be used for teaching-learning in social science as well as some series of mental health webinars and appropriate interventions for students who had negative feelings experienced by the students during the pandemic.
The valley of Gounti Yena (Niamey-NIGER) is an area of strong market gardening activity. However, this valley is surrounded by multiple sources of pollution that contaminate soils. However, very little data is available on soil contamination by metallic trace elements (MTEs) in NIGER. Thus, in the interest of consumer safety and ensuring a healthy environment for the population, a study on soil pollution by the MTEs in the Gounti Yena Valley was initiated. The objective of this study is to contribute to new data on soil pollution on the one hand and on the other hand to remedy this pollution through a biological technique: phytoremediation. The results showed that standards were exceeded, particularly in Cu (369,42 mg/kg), Pb (725,66 mg/kg) and Zn (5 546,30 mg/kg). For example, the Zn contents were up to 18 times higher than the AFNOR NF U 44-041 standard. The study of transfer of these MTEs from soils to amaranth, sorrel, okra and tomato revealed a transfer of soil MTEs to these plants. To evaluate the possibility of setting up a phytoremediation technique, hyperaccumulative plant species were sought. For this purpose, 59 species of herbaceous and 24 species of ligneous were inventoried. Thanks to the literature, 14 plant species turn out to be hyperaccumulative. Datura innoxia, Cyperus esculentus, Ricinus communis were selected for the phytoremediation test. This phytoremediation test carried out has shown that these plant species have the capacity to reduce 44.27% for Cyperus esculentus, 41% for Datura innoxia and for 136% pour Ricinus communis the initial concentration of Zn in soils in one month of culture. These plant species are very good at phytoremediation of the soils of the Gounti Yena valley and could well clean up other soils polluted by the MTEs.
Key words: Pollution, MTEs, soils, plant species, phytoremediation, Niger
Among the manufacturing firms listed at the Nairobi Securities exchange, some firms have reported better financial performance compared to others. It is therefore essential to investigate whether the disparity in financial performance is ascribed to the level of financial leverage that the firm has adopted. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between financial leverage and financial performance of manufacturing firms listed at the NSE in Kenya. The study employed longitudinal research design where 10-year annual financial data ranging between 2011 and 2020. The target population was all the 9 manufacturing firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study used census approach where all the 9 firms were involved in the study. Descriptive statistics (univariate analysis) was used to summarize data on each of the study variables while random effect general least squares (GLS) panel model was applied as the main econometric model. The empirical findings revealed that debt ratio and interest cover positively and significantly related to financial performance. The findings of the study are valuable to policymakers as it enables them to develop policies for supporting the financial sector especially policies financing of manufacturing organizations.
Banking sector worldwide is undergoing many challenges and limited researches have been done on effect of strategy implementation on organizational effectiveness of commercial banks in Makueni County. This was adopted as the main objective of this research. Explanatory research design was adopted, target population was 15 branches of commercial banks in Makueni County where a total of 10 branches were selected. A total of 80 respondents were randomly selected. Primary data was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaire consisting of closed- ended questions. Data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics by using standard deviations, measures of central tendency and SPSS. Multiple regression model was used to assess the extent on which independent variables predicted the dependent variable. Data presentation was done using frequency tables and percentage used to analyse the proportions. The findings indicated that communication systems insignificantly effected on organizational effectiveness. Resource allocation insignificantly effected on organizational effectiveness. Leadership significantly and positively correlated with organizational effectiveness and monitoring was significantly and positively correlated with organizational effectiveness. Thus commercial banks management should consider this outcome for improvement organization effectiveness.
A SWOTAnalysis On Starting Private Airline Through Baf Welfare Trust [PDF] Md. Majidul Haque Bhuiyan
BAFWT is a familiar name within the aviation industry of Bangladesh. It has been successful in
establishing own small-scale businesses for its organizational members. Today, private airlines
supplying by a known name in the aviation industry seems much demanding. So, BAFWT has the
opportunity to engage themselves in the large-scale commercial business introduction. But, there
are many factors that can have an impact on that new startup. This paper draws the attention of
new airlines' demand in Bangladesh. Then it thoroughly identifies the main advantages and
setbacks to establish such a kind of big business startup in the hospitality industry of Bangladesh.
Thus, it creates space for researchers and strategists to make better plans for the startup to establish
it as a successful one. The factors acting as pros and cons for BAFWT to start private airlines are
analyzed with detailed discussion so that both the country and BAFWT can get benefitted from
the startup idea.
This study aims to examine the relationship between project leadership, project type, project culture, and project success. Survey-based research using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted with 173 project managers working in different organizations from various Sudanese business sectors, whereas the snowball sampling technique has been used to reach out to the target population. Both leadership and project culture were found to be statistically significantly related to project success. Furthermore, project culture and project type have proven to be moderators in the relationship between project leadership and project success. Such findings identifying the nature of project leadership’s contribution to project success and revealing the role of project type and project culture in project success provide the business era with guidance on the proper project success models and enlighten many dark holes in project management learning and practice.
Facts and Problems In Aquaculture Development Strategy In Bogor Regency [PDF] Asep Agus Handaka S., Farah Khairunnisa
Despite the fact that aquaculture in Bogor Regency has grown rather well, there have been a number of issues with this achievement, in-cluding many groups of cultivators who have not been able to implement these policies, causing various problems including the level of welfare among cultivators, lack of infrastructure support, and other possible problems. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge the facts and problems found in the strategy for aquaculture development in Bogor Regency. The method used in this research is the case study method. Analysis of the data used in this study using a Soft System Methodology approach based on an unstructured problem approach using existing conditions which include technical and production aspects, institutional aspects, and human resources aspects. The research was conducted in January 2020 – March 2022 in Bogor Regency. Respondents in this study consisted of 6 people, namely 3 fish cultivators and 3 people from Bogor Regency government agencies.
SYNTHESIS AND CONJUGATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES WITH BETA LACTAM AMPICILLIN (2) ANTIBIOTIC [PDF] Onyangore, H. D. M1*. Andala, D.1, and Ndangili, P.2 Department of Chemistry, The Multimedia University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. P.O. Box 15653- 00503 Nairobi, Kenya School of Chemistry and Material Science, The Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi, K
This paper sets out to determine whether silver nanoparticles conjugation enhance the antibacterial efficacy of clinically approved drugs. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) arises when microorganisms undergo gene mutation upon exposure to antimicrobial drugs. The increase of drug resistance among pathogenic bacteria has augmented the search for new antimicrobials or modifying those available to boost antibacterial activity. The most promising and novel antimicrobial agents are metal nanoparticles. Before the discovery of antibiotics, silver nitrate and silver sulfadiazine were used to treat skin infections. The main aim of this research was to synthesize, characterize, and carry out in vitro assay for silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) conjugated to ampicillin (2). Ag-NPs were synthesized chemically using sodium citrate whereby the pristine Ag-NPs had a dark grey colour and their formation was checked via UV-VIS spectrophotometer. They exhibited a characteristic Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) band at 421 nm with smaller particle size and shifted blue, confirming Ag-NPs synthesis. Fourier transform infrared (FT- IR) spectroscopic methods exhibited various functional groups within the range of 4000–400 cm-1. Cyclic voltammetry confirmed the conjugation of antibiotics to Ag metal. The voltammetry of pure unconjugated antibiotic (2), and their conjugates showed Newtonian behaviour. The Dynamic light scattering (DLS) size distribution ranged from 41 nm to 44 nm, Polydispersity Index (PDI) ranged from 0.511 to 0.589, and zeta potential, ranged from -9.16 to -15.2 for Ag-NPs. Ag- NPs/antibiotic conjugates size distribution ranged from 120 nm to 395 nm, PDI ranged from 0.256 to 0.440, and zeta potential ranged from -11.2 to -35.9. In vitro bioassays of conjugated ampicillin (2) exemplified a significant difference (p<0.01) and exhibited effective synergistic effects against E. coli and S. aureus against ampicillin (2) alone.
Keywords: Ampicillin (2), cyclic voltammetry, nanoparticles, antibacterial, nanotechnology
Investigating the Cause of Excessive Triethylene Glycol Loss during Dehydration of Natural Gas (A Case Study) [PDF] Choko K.O., Ademiluyi F. T., Dune K. K and Jaja Zina
The simulation model of Imo River AGG plant was done using Aspen Hysys process simulator. The operating data for the simulation was obtained from the above mentioned plant. This work established the optimum operating temperature and pressure that will give the least amount of TEG lose. Material and Energy Balance for the plant model was done using the principles of conservation of mass and energy. The plant was assumed to be operating at steady state condition. Sizing of major equipment such as contactor having a diameter and height of 0.6096m and 6.034m, was carriage out. Sensitivity analysis to determine the effect of process parameters such as temperature, pressure, density and molecular weight on number of trays in the contactor. Temperature was observed to be decreasing with the number of trays, pressure was constant because pressure of the inlet gas and inlet TEG were relatively close. Process optimization was carried out to determine the optimum temperature (350C) and the corresponding TEG loss (1.2705kg/hr), also the optimum pressure 6400kpa with a corresponding TEG loss (1.0782kg/hr). The simulation done assisted greatly in determining the optimum values, however, further research should be done using advanced process simulators such as Aspen Hysys Plus, Unisim, and Prosim.