Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2020 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Apport de l’échographie dans le diagnostic de grossesses ectopiques à Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé, Cameroun []

La grossesse ectopique (GE) est l’implantation de l’œuf hors de la cavité utérine. Sa prise en charge pose des problèmes à la fois diagnostiques quant à sa présentation clinique souvent polymorphe ou alors thérapeutique avec des laparotomies blanches, des GE méconnues, ou des GE opérées tardivement. L’étude, rétrospective et descriptive sur l’apport de l’échographie dans le diagnostic de GE a été menée u service de Gynécologie et Obstétrique de HGOPY et pendant la période allant de janvier 2015 à Aout 2018. 192 cas de GE ont été diagnostiquées et traitées, pour une prévalence de 3,82%. L’âge moyen était de 28,46 ans. Le facteur de risque le plus incriminé était l’antécédent de GE (21,86%). Le signe clinique le plus rencontré était la pelvialgie (24,84%). Les techniques échographiques utilisées étaient la voie sus-pubienne (72,56%) et la voie endovaginale (27,44%). Les lésions échographiques suivantes étaient décrites : sac ovulaire extra-utérine contenant un embryon (41,37%) ; sac ovulaire extra-utérine avec activité cardiaque présente (58,62%), hématosalpinx (41,27%), endomètre decidualisé (14,15%), pseudo-sac intra-utérin (3,53%), épanchement liquidien au niveau du cul-de-sac de Douglas (40,70%) et épanchement dans l’espace de Morrison (9,73%). C’est dire que, l’échographie, beaucoup plus par la voie sus-pubienne a contribué à poser le diagnostic dans 105 cas sur 113 cas de suspicion de GE avec une sensibilité de 98%, une spécificité de 85%, une valeur prédictive positive de 99% et une valeur prédictive négative de 75%. La GE reste une pathologie fréquente qui touche surtout la femme jeune entre 24-27 ans et célibataire, et l’échographie se présente comme un apport certain et fiable dans le diagnostic et pour un traitement efficace. Mots clés : Apport ; échographie ; grossesse ectopique, HGOPY.

A Theoretical Review of Training Evaluation Frameworks as Enablers’ in Determining Training Outcomes []

Organizations continue to spend huge amounts of resources in training presumably to enhance employee knowledge, skills and competencies. It is critical that institutions undertake training evaluation to determine the contribution of training. There is need therefore for thorough understanding of theoretical and model frameworks for undertaking such training evaluation. This paper sought to discuss and cross examine through literature review the available theories and models that can be adopted in undertaking training evaluations. The review concludes that though these models present good frameworks for training evaluation at reaction, learning, behavior and impact level and inform various approaches adopted by various institutions in terms of approaches taken by their institutions in evaluating their training programs, the six models have a lot of similarities with Kirkpatrick’s model, hence making Kirkpatrick’s model a preferred training evaluation model. However, despite the wide use of Kirkpatrick model, little has been done on the entire four levels as most researchers have focused mostly on level one and a few on level two. The review also concludes that despite growth in approaches and changing situations in training evaluation, the four theories Vroom’s Expectancy theory, Goal Setting Theory, classical organization theory and Identical Elements theory provide a solid framework that adequately anchors training evaluations. The review recommends increased adoption of level three and four of Kirkpatrick’s model by researchers’, scholars’, professionals’, institutions and organizations to support generation of better metrics that can better inform training decisions; the designers of training should adopt backward planning by first considering preferred training outcomes and resultant behaviour from trainees so as to develop effective training programs that can deliver value to organizations and that there is need for increased uptake of other models so as to provide adequate opportunities for gross examination and comparative analysis of results with a view to increasing effectiveness of training evaluations.

A Hyper-inflation Hybrid Multi Risk Asset Pricing (HHMRAP) Framework for Zimbabwe’s Listed Stocks []

The research examined the behaviour of some of the asset pricing models under unstable economic conditions at the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE). The research assessed how the asset investment sector in Zimbabwe was copying with the new asset pricing models such as the Black-Scholes theory. The Supply and Demand (S&D) theory was found to be unreliable in unstable and unpredictable economic conditions because it was under-estimating the value of the listed stocks. The research developed an asset pricing framework and named it the Hyper-inflation Hybrid Multi-Risk Asset Pricing (HHMRAP) framework. The HHMRAP framework could be used as an alternative asset pricing tool of listed stocks at the ZSE. The HHMRAP framework was tested in hyper-inflation environment and produced satisfactory results.


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Merger on the financial performance of listed commercial banks at Nairobi Security Exchange Kenya. The study seeks to address the following research hypothesis. The hypothesis used in this study were: -Merger Capital Adequacy does not have a positive effect on financial performance of listed commercial banks at Nairobi Security Exchange, Merger Liquidity Management does not have a positive effect on financial performance of listed commercial banks at Nairobi security Exchange, Merger Asset Structure does not have a positive effect on financial performance of listed commercial banks at Nairobi Security exchange, Merger Asset Quality does not have a positive effect on the financial performance of listed commercial banks at Nairobi security Exchange. A descriptive research design was used for a population of 13 merged commercial banks in Kenya from year 2010 to 2017. This design is appropriate for this research as it provides an accurate representation of situations and make inferences to the target population. This study targeted all the merged commercial banks in Kenya from 2010 to 2017. The study used Primary data through administered questionnaires and secondary data obtained from Nairobi security Exchange Handbook and Central Bank of Kenya’s website. This study used a descriptive and inferential statistics to establish the relationship between the four independent variables:- Merger Capital adequacy, Merger Liquidity Management, Merger Asset Structure and Merger asset Quality and Financial Performance being the dependent variables measured by:- Return on Assets and Return on Equity. Regression and correlation analyses was used and based on the association between two variables. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21.0 was applied. From the findings, the hypothesis that there was no improvement in financial performance after bank merger was therefore rejected. Thus the study found that there was improvement in financial performance after commercial banks merger. The study also found that there was general increase in the financial performance of the listed commercial banks after merger and also improvement on the Liquidity management policies, Asset Quality and merger capital adequacy. The study recommends that, those listed commercial banks in Kenya facing constraints on the market should consolidate their energies by resorting to merger so as to improve their financial performance as the merger is not just for the best interest of the managers but also shareholders. This generally leads to an increase in shareholders’ value as opposed to each commercial bank operating as separate entities.

Assessment of Nutritional Contribution of Pre-scholar Packed Meals: A Case of a Day-Care Centre in Sakubva Township, Mutare []

The study sought to assess the nutritional contribution of the foods packed for pre-scholars attending a certain early childhood development (ECD) day-care centre in Sakubva Township, Mutare. Well-nourished children are healthy physically, emotionally, socially, cognitively and are less prone to infections and diseases. The target population consisted 60 parents/guardians of all the pre-scholars (3-6 years) attending the selected day-care centre. A sample of 10 parents was selected using the simple random sampling technique. All the three pre-school teachers manning the selected day-care centre participated in the study. The research was inclined towards a qualitative paradigm, with the case study research design being adopted. Observations and focus group discussions were the instruments for data collection. The inductive approach was used to thematically analyse data before discussion. The major findings of the study revealed that parents were generally lacking nutritional knowledge and consequently the correct food to pack for the pre-scholars. The researchers observed that most of the food items packed for the pre-school learners were mainly carbonated beverages, energy dense cereals and sweet snacks. This kind of diet has detrimental effects on the dental health of the pre-scholars. The results of the study suggest that the socio-economic conditions prevailing in Zimbabwe were so intense that families struggled to obtain decent meals due to the high rates of inflation, unemployment and poverty. Consumption of unbalanced meals, especially empty calories, consequently affects the child’s health and these effects continue through to adulthood. Consumption of healthy food, with varied nutrients, colours and textures, helps to ensure that pre-scholars enjoy a good state of health and enhance cognition. The study recommends that parents be exposed to nutrition education seminars, through nu-trition programs organised at community level by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the Ministry of Health and Child Care.

Assessment of Index Properties of Lateritic Soils in Offa for Road Construction Works []

Lateritic soils are the most common surface deposits occurring in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The index properties of lateritic soil of selected borrow pits in Offa, Nigeria for road construction works has been investigated. Specific gravity, natural moisture content, particle size distribution and Atterberg limits tests were conducted on the samples taken from the borrow pits/lateritic deposits. The results revealed that the specific gravity of the soil samples has been classified as inorganic soils. The natural moisture content of samples A to D, are within the average specified limit for road constructions while sample E does not conform to the specified range (which is an indication of high water adsorption capability of the soil material). The soils of samples A and B; and C and E, fall under group A-6 and A-7-6, respectively, suggesting poor road construction material. However, soil samples D fall under group A-2-7 classification suggesting good road construction material. Soil samples A, B, C, and D are within the maximum standard limit of liquid limit, thereby making them suitable for subgrade, subbase and base materials. While sample E value is above 50% rendering it unsuitable materials. Keywords: Index properties, Lateritic soil, Road, Offa

Consumer Behaviour Towards Food Delivery Apps []

The purpose of this research is to find consumer behaviour towards Food Delivery Apps. The study shows most preferred app used by consumer to order food online and factors leading to us consider it the most preferable app. There are many factors related to customers ordering behaviour- like price, on time delivery, packaging, peer service provider behaviour, platform design etc. There is gradual shift in way people order food. The purpose of this research is to know what are factors that defines consumers perception and to find most popular app in the food delivery industry.

Application of Blockchain in Education Sector []

Blockchain is the technology that is used to create the cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin. In the today’s emerging world and rapid changes in technology, blockchain is now used in various areas like finance, commerce and judiciary etc. The disruptions in the technology sector will have a significant impact on e-governance, institutional functions, business decisions and operations, education and in our daily life also. The adoption of blockchain in various modes of commerce, education etc. is expected to promote the development of knowledge-based economy on a wider scale. This paper will deal with how blockchain technology brings changes in the education sector and it can solve the issues being faced while it’s adoption. Because education is a sector which is as important as finance and healthcare. Blockchain, this technology behind the much talked about Bitcoin, is admired as having the potential to transform the global economy due to its ability to increase transparency and trust. Why? Blocks of information that are time-stamping of life events or financial transactions are secured by complex algorithms that are hard to hack and cannot be erased and manipulated. Therefore, it has a very huge role to play in validating identity management, without the use of an independent third party. Recently, blockchain technology has gained more considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. This is mainly due to its unique features including decentralization, security, reliability, and data integrity Blockchain use in the education sector is a new concept but school and college administrators should look ahead to the future. They should think about how to adopt this powerful technology.


The aim of this study was to investigate the social and environmental influences towards littering in Zimbabwe. A mixed approach was used to collect data and vendors in Harare City were the target population. The researcher used both questionnaires and interviews to collect data. Research findings showed that high population density areas are more prone to littered environments; and the more a place is littered; the more the place attracts even more litter; while less people are likely to litter in cleaner environments. Socially speaking; attitudes and behaviours can be learnt from others which then influence certain behaviours to be highly prevalent. There are a handful of studies that focus on what the influencing attitudes and behaviours of littering are, in Zimbabwe; in the past decade. While its great insight to know the attitudes that drive the behaviour; there has been some knowledge gap in understanding what the influencing factors of littering attitudes and behaviours are; socially and environmentally.

Heavy metal contamination in water and the Strategies for the Reduction of Pollution Load of Commercial and Industrial Areas of Pakistan []

Water is significant for living and fundamental might want of every cell on living tissue. Water due to its unmistakable properties is considered to be the first various dissolvable. Water being a general solvent retains, adsorbs and suspend a lot of materials in it hence it will just be tainted by human exercises especially. Persistent properties of drugs, production techniques and industry have an inescapable impact on pollution of air, water and fully soil primarily based altogether. Real supply of water pollution is trash tossing, processing, industry and urbanization. Water is certainly debased by genuine metals like Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Copper (Co), (Cr) and so on. This water tainting will cause genuine disorders and normally it's hence bold that it can cause passing of a creature whenever expended. Water cleaning is accordingly appallingly important and furthermore the procedures that might be utilized for this reason for existing are frequently substance, physical or organic. Out of the considerable number of ways just as oil/fat evacuation systems, chlorination, air circulation and so on high-impact decontamination is most appropriate in view of its intensity and viability. In this review, we have discussed about the water contamination of ground water, also demonstrated about the measurements of contaminated as well as ground water samples abstracted from different areas of Pakistan especially where the effluents released by industries to lakes and rivers.

Effects of Temperature, Substrate Concentration and Reaction Time on Reducing Sugar Yields from Hydrolysis of Cassava Peels []

The effect of temperature, substrate concentration and time on reducing sugar yields from acid and enzyme hydrolysis of cassava peels was studied. Temperatures ranging from 40oC to 80oC were used. Substrate concentrations were varied between 5% and 30%. While the time for the hydrolytic process was between 1 hr and 6 hr. Crude amylase extract from potato was used for the enzyme hydrolysis. Results of the highest reducing sugar (RS) yields for enzyme hydrolysis at 40 oC, 50 oC, 60 oC, 70 oC and 80 oC were: 90 mg/mL, 238 mg/mL, 277 mg/mL, 388 mg/mL and 224 mg/mL, respectively. Similarly, highest RS yields for acid hydrolysis were: 36 mg/mL, 50 mg/mL, 74 mg/mL, 158 mg/mL and 507 mg/mL, respectively. Generally, RS yields increased with temperature for both hydrolytic processes. There was also a general increase in RS yields with substrate concentration up to 25% (substrate concentration). Reducing sugar yields also increased with time of hydrolysis for both treatments. The enzymatic hydrolysis peaked at 70oC, 25% substrate concentration and a reaction time of 6 hours, while the acidic hydrolysis (during this study) peaked at 80oC, 10% substrate concentration, at a reaction time of 6 hours.

Adaptive Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 and Prophylactic Vaccines for COVID-19 []

The world experienced the outbreaks of SARS and MERS in the past and now experiencing the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2. Initially the infection was linked to seafood market in Wuhan for that studies were designed and investigation were done to know about the intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2. However, to date, there is no evidences that defines the SARS-CoV-2 specific relationship or association with animals and birds. The number of confirmed cases and deaths are rapidly increasing day by day, but unfortunately, we have no prophylactic agent till date. It is noted that individuals have strong immune system can wins the race from SARS-CoV-2. The host immunity is divided into innate and adaptive immunity. The innate immunity relies on the activation of interferon 1 and its downstream cascade mechanism. While the adaptive immune responses are cell mediated and greatly relies on the activation of T cells. T helper cells type 1 plays a dominant role in host adaptive immunity to any viral antigen. Antigen presenting cells (APC) activates the cytokines which act as an inducers of T cells responses. However, titer of neutralizing antibodies is directly proportional to T cell Reponses, higher the titer higher will be the responses. Receptor binding domain in spike S1 protein could be considered good vaccine antigen, as it contains regions which induces the production of neutralizing antibodies to prevent attachment of SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2. However, nucleic acid- based vaccine, RNA and DNA vaccine are the advance vaccine platforms against emergency infections. R0 value of SARS-CoV-2 is 2.2 to 2.6 greater than 1 which means continued transmission can occur. As we have no vaccine and other prophylactic agents. So to reduce transmission, the reduction of R0 value less than 1 is must, for which more than half of the infections must be prevented or controlled.

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Epilepsy Management Among Community Health Workers in Nyabihu District, Rwanda []

The study general objective is to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of community health workers towards Epilepsy management in Nyabihu District. It was a cross-sectional study using quantitative approach. 207 Community Health Workers were selected using simple random sampling technique. Pearson’s chi square was used to assess the association between dependent and independent categorical variables. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the strength of association. Results shows that Community Health Workers aged between 41 to 50 years were about 2 times more likely to have adequate practices [AOR=1.722; 95%CI=0.519-5.711; P=0.374] compared to those aged from 51 years and above and those with moderate/low knowledge towards epilepsy management were 0.085 times less likely to have adequate practices [AOR=0.085; 95%CI=0.028-0.254; P<0.001] compared to those with high knowledge. The study respondents with good attitude was 5 times more likely to have adequate practices towards epilepsy management [AOR=5.244; 95%CI=1.969-13.967; P=0.001] compare to those with poor attitude. The study found that the level of understanding and knowledge regarding epilepsy is to be enhanced by community educational programs in order to fill the gaps, and reduce the social stigma. There is an issue of Epilepsy management, majority were having moderate knowledge regarding epilepsy management.