Effect of Leadership Style and Competency on Performance with Organizational Commitments as Intervening Variables [PDF] Andi Nabilah Annisa Ryalisar, Nurdjannah Hamid, Ria Mardiana Yusuf
In a government organization, success or failure in the implementation of tasks and government administration is influenced by leadership, through leadership and supported by adequate government organizational capacity. The implementation of good governance (Good Governance) will then be realized. On the other hand, leadership weakness is one of the causes for the collapse of performance on the government bureaucracy. The ability of organizational performance also very much depends on the competencies of its members in achieving an organizational goal. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the influence of leadership style and competence on performance with organizational commitment as an intervening variable.
The research analysis unit is members of the DPRD of South Sulawesi Province for period of 2019-2024. The research sample is 85 respondents using the saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire method. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which was processed with the Smart-PLS version 3.0 program.
The result shows that leadership style has a significant effect on organizational commitment and performance; competence has a significant effect on organizational commitment and performance; organizational commitment has a significant effect on performance; and leadership style and competence have a significant effect on performance through organizational commitment. Organizational commitment and performance are greater than management style competencies.
Image en médecine [PDF] Jaouad Yousfi, Lamiaa Essaadouni
Le lipome solitaire est la tumeur des parties molles la plus fréquente. Il s’agit d’une prolifération bénigne d’adipocytes matures. Il est qualifié de géant lorsque sa masse dépasse 1kg avec un diamètre supérieur à 10cm. Dans ce cas, la gêne fonctionnelle et sociale dont il peut être à l’origine motive l’exérèse chirurgicale après avoir éliminé la dégénérescence maligne.
The study was aimed at finding out the effects of ASEI-PDSI (Activity, Student-centred, Experiment, Improvisation – Plan, Do, See and Improve) approach of teaching on the students academic performance in basic science of junior secondary school levels. Method of teaching plays great role to the learning outcome achieved in any teaching and learning situation. There have been vigorous searches for innovations in instructions and strategies for effective delivery of basic science lessons in our secondary schools as against the traditional or conventional methods. Effects of using discussion and demonstration methods in teaching basic science were compared to ASEI-PDSI approach. The design of the study was pretest - posttest quasi-experimental design where Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) was used in collecting data from 60 students in three intact JSS 3 classes. The data were analyzed using mean, t-test and effect size. The classes were taught using discussion, demonstration methods and ASEI-PDSI approach to determine and compare their effects on the students academic achievement. The result of the analysis showed that the two methods and the approach were all significant, however, it revealed that students taught basic science using ASEI-PDSI approach had higher mean achievement reflected in gain score of 13.0 than their counterparts taught using discussion and demonstration. Also, ASEI-PDSI approach in teaching basic science was found to have large effect size (r = 0.33). Students taught using ASEI-PDSI approach performed better when compared to discussion and demonstration methods. They got greater mean achievement in ASEI lesson. ASEI-PDSI approach had large effect size because it is fully activity-based and learner-centred. Teachers should use ASEI-PDSI approach in teaching basic science which allows students participate in class work, improvise instructional materials, retain what is learnt and makes the teaching easy for the teacher when the principles of the approach are properly applied.Keywords: ASEI-PDSI, activity-based, Student-centred, innovations, approaches, teaching method, performance
Educational Theatre as a way to overcome trauma of women raped during the war in Kosovo [PDF] Marigona Bekteshi Ferati
This study investigates the long-term consequences of sexual violence and overcoming trauma at survivors of sexual violence through educational theatre. Participants in this research were 30 women survivors of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo and 4 women were interviewed, who recounted in details the event of sexual violence and their lives after the war. For the quantitative part, three self-report questionnaires were utilized, the qualitative part was realized through a semi-structured interview, whereas the survivors; stories were transcribed, then used in the theatrical play “QUEENS WITHOUT CROWNS” which was part of this study. The first hypothesis, which is directly related to the experience of sexual violence and social acceptance, was not resulted as significant, however, from interviews were obtained results that confirm the impact of sexual violence on the social acceptance of survivors in their walks of life.
The second hypothesis turned out to be confirmed because according to the results obtained victims of sexual violence have a high level of post-traumatic stress, whereas the data also confirm and third hypothesis that due to stigmatization, survivors are excluded and self-excluded from cultural activities. Meantime, as a way to overcome trauma, it has been proven that the theatrical performance realized based upon the stories of survivors has resulted in: reducing the stigmatization of victims and their social acceptance in their living and working circle and it has influenced as therapeutic process to victims to overcome trauma, it has directly influenced in education of family members towards the path of accepting victims, it has raised social awareness among the various spectators present in the artistic performance.
Keywords: sexual violence during the war, educational theatre, social acceptance, overcoming trauma
( Cas des ménages du Quartier Matembela dans la Ville de Kabinda, Province de Lomami/RD.CONGO) [PDF] John MAYUNGA YA LUBO SHABANTU , Jean de Dieu MUKIENDA MALUMBA , Marie Claire NTUMBA YA MBU , Abdoulayi NGOYI BULAYA , Senghor NGOYI MBO , KAMONGA MULENDA Fidélie , Christophe KALENGO NSOMUE , Jean Christophe BUKASA TSHILONDA
Introduction : Cette étude a pour objectif d’établir un état de lieu de l’hygiène des latrines et observance des mesures préventives contre les maladies des mains sales dans les ménages du Quartier Matembela de la Ville de Kabinda, Province de Lomami/RD.CONGO)
Matériel et Méthodes : L’étude a été menée auprès des ménages du quartier Matembela, Commune de Mudingayi, Ville de Kabinda, Province de Lomami en République Démocratique du Congo. Ce quartier compte une population estimée à 4358 habitants, il est limité au Nord par le Quartier SIMBA, au Sud par le Quartier Kamukungu, à l’Est par le Quartier Bunduki et à l’Ouest par le Quartier Bandaka .
La méthode d’enquête par questionnaire et la technique d’interview ont été utilisée pour rassembler les informations nécessaires à notre étude et la taille de l’échantillon été de 384 personnes.
Résultats : La tranche d’âge de 40 ans et plus représentait 43,3%, le sexe masculin était aussi plus représenté avec 52,1% et les mariés représentaient 86,5%.
Partant du niveau d’étude des chefs des ménages, la majorité d’entre eux 66,4% avaient un niveau d’études secondaire, 41,7% des enquêtés étaient sans profession. Les ménages dépensaient moins de 60 dollars Américains par mois, soit 86,5% contre 13,5 % qui en dépensaient plus. La taille de ménage de plus de 5 personnes occupait la tête de la série avec 60,7 %, les parcelles avec un nombre de personnes allant de 1 à 5 personnes étaient plus représentées avec 62,5% et 90% avaient une latrine seulement. Le type des latrines non améliorées (sans dalles) représentaient 87,5% .
Quant à la profondeur des latrines, 85,9% des latrines avaient des selles visibles à l’œil nu, 86,7% des toilettes étaient situées à plus de 15m du site d’approvisionnement en eau et 50,4% étaient des latrines gardées propres.
Pour l’accessibilité à la toilette 91,4% des latrines étaient accessibles à tous, 88,5% des latrines avaient une localisation externe et 66,9% des latrines étaient construites en pisé.
Dans 71,1% de cas des latrines, les mouches y étaient présentes, 63,1% des latrines dégageaient les mauvaises odeurs et 11,2% seulement des latrines étaient bien éclairées.
Quant à la présence des cancrelats, 83,9% des latrines avaient des cancrelats visibles la journée, 80,5% des latrines avaient des matières fécales déposées dessus, 97,7% des latrines n’avaient pas du papier hygiénique à utiliser par les usagers, 64,8 % des latrines n’étaient pas couvertes d’une toiture et 57,1% des latrines n’avaient pas des portes sécurisantes.
Les données révèlent que les verminoses étaient les maladies des mains sales dont la population avait beaucoup souffert à 91,7% et celle-ci avait recouru au CS/Hôpital pour la prise en charge dans 76,3% des cas. 52,6% des sujets connaissaient plus les verminoses comme maladie des mains sales et 91,7% des sujets citaient les coliques et l’anorexie comme les signes généraux rencontrés en cas des maladies des mains sales.
94,3% des ménages ne disposaient pas d’une station de lave mains à domicile, 80,5% n’ avaient pas l’habitude de laver les mains après avoir été à la toilette, 50,4% des ménages disaient utiliser les toilettes propres, 87,2% affirmaient qu’ils buvaient de l’eau potable de la Regideso et 95,5% affirmaient également bien cuire les aliments.
Quant à la pratique de laver les fruits crus avant de le consommer, 59,4% seulement de la population utilisaient cette pratique et 100% évitaient de marcher pieds nus.
Conclusion : L'état sanitaire d'une population est généralement tributaire des conditions d'hygiène, d’usage des latrines hygiéniques et d'assainissement du milieu immédiat, c'est ainsi que chaque population se trouve dans l'obligation d'assainir son environnement et améliorer ses conditions d'hygiène pour assurer sa santé
Mots clés : Péril fécal, maladie des mains sales, prévalence, latrine
Modeling the Optimal Control of the Transmission Dynamics of COVID – 19 Infection with Quarantine and Isolation [PDF] Titus Ifeanyi Chinebu, Chidi Ukwuoma Okonkwo
This present study discusses the spread of COVID-19 epidemic and its control. Regrettably,the virus is continuously spreading and its mortality rate is increasing daily. Here we used quarantine and treatment (isolation) strategies to control the spread of the disease. This work used mathematical modeling and optimal control approach to study the effect of the two control strategies as time-dependent intervention and also ascertain their contributions in the dynamic of the transmission of COVID-19. The model was well-posed as we proved that all its state variables are non negative for all time. The basic reproduction number was computed and was used it to carry out the sensitivity analysis that classify the serious parameter contributing to spread of COVID-19. The optimal control analysis was done using the Pontryagin’s maximum principle to find out the optimal strategies needed to restrain the disease. The finding’s of the optimal control analysis and numerical simulations showed that the combined implementation of the two interventions produced a fine result in reducing COVID-19 infection in the population. This implies that combined interventions need to be deployed early in order to reduce the virus infection to the barest minimum.
Due to emerging technologies in the area of information and communication such as telephony and computer technology, there is need for Nigerian’s higher institutions to upgrade their curricula and mode of teaching in order to meet up with the fast evolving academic and industry demands. In Nigeria, the mobile technology is one of these emerging technologies that has not been fully utilized to its fullest just as e-learning has paved way for educational breakthrough. In the tertiary institutions, research indicates that lecturers struggle to cover the allotted course contents within a semester because of inadequate hours, which affects both the students and the lecturers. In order to mitigate this anomaly, ubiquitous learning or what is rightly referred to as mobile learning could be applied, where lectures are made available through a mobile application. Therefore, this study aims to develop an android-based application which supports mobile learning (m-learning) for higher institutions. Primarily, the m-learning app offers direct communication between students and lecturers, provides mini-computer based test (CBT), and supports sharing of files and creation of course contents. The app is developed with Android Studio and Mysql database. The analysis and design were performed with the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Model. The development method adopted is waterfall and Java, an object-oriented programming language was used for programming of the application
Public Policy on Women Wages [PDF] Dr. Corinne Bates
The article provides a greater insight into the unknown factors that are prevalent within the diverse organization. It will explore the inequities of minority women within the workforce; we will review examples of race, gender, ethnicity, and pay, both in literature and in a personal account of two minority women. The conjectures will enlighten academics and practitioners and will contribute a deeper understanding of the disturbing findings and revelations of what has or has not transpired since the 1960’s.
Assessment of Hand Hygiene Knowledge, Practice and Attitude among Healthcare workers in Dermatology department, Benghazi Medical Center [PDF] Rima.H. Ali*, Omar N. El Gadari**, Fatma F. Al-borki**, Ebtehal S. Alshakmak**, and Sara Rabea Abdulmohsen**
In every healthcare facility, staff practice, which is driven by their knowledge and attitudes, plays an important role in the achievement of infection control programs. Objective: To assess the knowledge, practice and attitude regarding hand hygiene among healthcare workers in dermatology department –Benghazi Medical Center and to find out if there is bacterial contamination in the hands of healthcare workers. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to August 2020 in dermatology department. A total sample of 78 HCWs were included. A self – administrated, pretested questionnaire in Arabic were used which were developed from the WHO hand hygiene questionnaire. The hands of 20 HCWs were swabbed and cultured. Results: All of the HCWs responded to the questionnaire, giving a response rate of 100%. Most of the respondents ages were ranging between 25-34, and the majority of the them were females (74.4%). 83.4% of the respondents were doctors, 12.8% of them were nurses and 3.8% were pharmacists. The level of knowledge regarding hand hygiene was moderate among 61.5%, while17.9% have a good level of knowledge, and 20.5% have a poor level of knowledge. The knowledge level was not associated with age and gender but type of profession was significantly different in level of knowledge. Bacteria isolated showed Acinetobacter spp. was the predominant organism (45%), Escherichia coli (10%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5%), Klebsiella spp. (5%) lactobacillus (20%) and staphylococcus aureus (15%). Conclusion: Majority of the participants have moderate level of knowledge regarding hand hygiene. The most defect in the knowledge was regarding the minimum time necessary for hand rubbing with an alcoholic product to kill the microbes on the hands and also regarding the main source of microbes causing hospital infection.
The high level of corruptions, lack of trust, insincerity and the pervert mode of operation in the oil sector over a long period of time in the country has become worrisome that needs the high level of technology to alleviate this problem to a barest minimum. This paper presents an automatic transmission development and measures of the amount of petrol and other fractions of crude oil generated in a refinery each day to transmit the result to separate users using wireless technology. The machine combines a telemeter with a hall-effect flux sensor, which helps produce the output pulses in proportion to the fluid flow rates, in which fluids are transferred via sensor and rotor blades that are rotated in the generation of pulses. The sensor is then combined with the fluid line and pinwheel, the Hall Effect Sensor for output signals. The Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontroller is sent a signal from the flow sensor to a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) module that links the UART port to the mobile telephone. The data analyzed, converted were sent to Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) to show the flow rate and volume. The site technician or personnel at the base station could easily calculate the product entering the calibrated reservoir and receiving it as SMS. The report will allow the country's people who have access to GSM to know how much oil is generated in Nigeria in each day. After getting the value of fluid generated via SMS from the GSM module, the personnel at the base station then manually upload the data to the firm website; thus, everyone in the country can get access to the information. The website is built such that the different stations can upload their data if the admin gives them a password and user name. This will alleviate the levels of corruption, indecency, and crime in the oil sector. The device is approximately 98 percent reliable and cost-effective.
Keywords: PIC. microcontroller, LCD, GSM, SMS, Crude Oil
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) In Manufacturing Industry in Malaysia [PDF] Danial Nowzari
This research is a case study which examines the level of implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices in Malaysia. The fact that Green Supply Chain Management has become more popular in Malaysia, there are still plenty of companies that are implementing traditional and conventional supply chain. ISO 14001 is one of the indicators that a company is environmentally conscious, but literature has proven that it is just a framework for internal practices only. The purpose of this research is to identify the level of Green Supply Chain Management practices that an ISO 14001 company is implementing in their practices. This is a quantitative research, and the data was collected using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was adopted from a previous study, and purposive sampling was used to select the respondents. The results were graded based on an Agreement Level of Mean Measurement to identify the level of implementation. The results of the research showed that the ISO 14001 Company that participated showed a medium implementation level of Green Supply Chain Management practices. The research also indicated that the company showed promising signs of competency and desire to increase the company’s implementation level of Green Supply Chain Management practices. The findings are able to help policy makers come up with better policies in the future to help increase the awareness of GSCM. It also helps in adding to the existing literature on GSCM practices in Malaysia.
Keywords: implementation, Green, Supply, Chain, Management, Measurement, practices and level
Provider Knowledge on Nutrition Information and Client Acceptance Towards Services Offered at Alternative Health Care in Dar es Salaam Tanzania [PDF] Nyamizi Julius, Josephine Manase and Abela Zakayo Twin’omujuni
The integration of complementary health care services and alternative health care providers is essential in making sure that clients obtain quality and accessible health care services in Tanzania. In order for alternative health care to play part efficiently, there must be practitioners who are knowledgeable and capable in offering quality health care services to their clients. This study assessed alternative health care services in Dar es Salaam Tanzania specifically with regard to provider knowledge on nutrition information and client acceptance from services offered. A cross-sectional survey was adopted to obtain primary data from respondents. A sample size of 450 respondents was selected by using purposive sampling (snowball was used to select 75 alternative health care providers while convenient sampling was used to select 375 clients) because the study population was unknown. Structured questionnaire was used as an instrument of data collection. Data was analysed by using SPSS version 20 to generate descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages which have presented in tables and figures. Results show that alternative health care practitioners build their knowledge on nutrition from multiple sources of information including reading books and friends (22.7%), friends only (22.7%), reading books, internet and friends (20%), internet and friends (18.7%) and books and internet (16%). Other results show that majority of alternative health care practitioners were not sure about the use of nutrition information such use of carbohydrate during physical exercise, processed food, sedentary lifestyle, drug-nutrient interaction, vitamin B1 and K, time of eating fruits and amount of drinking water in relation to prevention and treatment of diet related diseases such as hypertension, cardiac diseases and diabetes. Also, the study revealed that clients using alternative health care services have accepted the use of alternative medicines because they perceived that traditional medicines have less side effects (86.4%), more improve of their health conditions than conventional medicines (85.6%) and accessible with lower costs (52%). This study recommends that since clients have accepted the use of traditional medicines, all alternative health care providers should be identified through mandatory registration and thereafter provided regular capacity building training from Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre and/or other authorized institutions on how they can apply nutrition information for prevention and treatment of diet related diseases in Tanzania.
MATERNITY HEALTH CARE SEEKING BEHAVIOR AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG REPRODUCTIVE AGE GROUP IN KURMUK DISTRICT WESTERN ETHIOPIA, 2018. [PDF] Author 1. Mohamed Mussa (MPH, BA.R. N) Email: ibnisirur@gmail.com/abuayatulahmusa@gmail.com Author2. Mr. Simegnew Handebo (B.Sc., MPH) Email: hsimegnew@yahoo.com Author3. Mr. Wulo Sisay (BSc, MPH) Email: - wulo.sisay@uog.et
Background: Maternal health has been becoming a worldwide alarm. The great number of maternal mortalities, particularly in under-developing nations has-been due to a low level of maternity healthcare-seeking behavior. The lives of billions of women in reproductive age can be safeguarded through maternity health care services. Regular utilization of maternity health care services reduces maternal morbidity and mortality.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the maternity healthcare-seeking behavior among reproductive-age women (15-49) in Kurmuk district, Benishangul Gumuz region, western Ethiopia, February 2018.
Methods A community based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to June.2028. A total of 596 participants were recruited using a multi-stage sampling method. The sample size has been proportionally allocated to the size of each selected kebeles. Interviewer administered structured and pretested questionnaire has been used to collect the data. The data has been coded and entered into a computer by using EPI Info version 7 and then exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Finally, Bivariate and backward multivariable statistical methods were carried out to identify factors associated with maternal healthcare-seeking behavior.
Result: Maternity health care service seeking of women was found to be 54%, CI, 95% (49.7-57.7) for antenatal care, 34%CI 96 % (29.40.-37.1) for institutional delivery and 33.6% CI 95 % ((29.9-37.1)) had used postnatal care services. Women education [AOR: 3.51, 95%CI: (2.45-5.02)], mother occupation [AOR: 2.01, 95%CT: (1.21-3.33)] were statistically associated with ANC. Household monthly income [AOR: 2.12, 95% CI (1.34-3.33)] distance to health facility [AOR: 4.94, 95%CI, (3.324-7.51)]. Treatment preference place [AOR: 0.16, 95%CI :( 0.09-0.29) were statistically associated with institutional delivery.
Conclusion Overall, maternal health care service seeking was found to be low in the study setting. Mother education and occupation were significantly associated with ANC service seeking, Household monthly income, distance from health facility, and treatment preference place was significantly associated with institutional delivery.
POSTNATAL CARE SEEKING BEHAVIOR AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG REPRODUCTIVE AGE GROUP IN KURMUK DISTRICT WESTERN ETHIOPIA, 2018. [PDF] Mohammed musa , Master of Public Health (MPH,MA in sociology ) Tel: +251-917-42-30-07 Email: ibnisirur@gmail.com/abuayatulahmusa@gmail.com
Background: Maternal health has been becoming a worldwide alarm. The great number of maternal mortalities, particularly in under-developing nations has-been due to a low level of maternity healthcare-seeking behavior. The lives of billions of women in reproductive age can be safeguarded through maternity health care services. Regular utilization of maternity health care services reduces maternal morbidity and mortality.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the maternity healthcare-seeking behavior among reproductive-age women (15-49) in Kurmuk district, Benishangul Gumuz region, western Ethiopia, February 2018.
Methods A community based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to June.2028. A total of 596 participants were recruited using a multi-stage sampling method. The sample size has been proportionally allocated to the size of each selected kebeles. Interviewer administered structured and pretested questionnaire has been used to collect the data. The data has been coded and entered into a computer by using EPI Info version 7 and then exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Finally, Bivariate and backward multivariable statistical methods were carried out to identify factors associated with maternal healthcare-seeking behavior.
Result: Maternity health care service seeking of women was very low. Distance to a health facility [AOR: 0.12, 95%CI: (0.07-0.214)], Mother occupation [AOR 1.85 (1.13-3.054) were about two times more likely to seek postnatal care compared with unemployed women
Conclusion Overall, maternal health care service seeking was found to be low in the study setting. Treatment preference place, distance to health facility and occupation of women were significantly associated with after delivery (PNC) service seeking
Organ Transplantation; an Analysis on Legal Validity of Organs Transplantation in Sri Lanka and Some Other Countries [PDF] AATR Amarasinghe, SVV Silva
Organ transplantation has vital importance in the medico-legal system throughout the world. The transplantation of organs is done according to the legal framework of each country and based on rules, regulations, circulars, protocols and guidelines of health and legal authorities. Because of this egregiousness procedure, very clear knowledge and experience regarding medico-legal issues and ethical aspects are mandatory for an effective transplantation system. Here in this article, attempts to critically evaluate the medico-legal and ethical aspects pertaining to the existing system of organ transplantation process in Sri Lanka and compare such local provisions with some other countries.
Environmental Impacts and Organization Business Survival on SMEs [PDF] Ahannaya Chinedu Gandolph, Osianor Elijah .A.. Fijabi Lateef Kolawole,
Ogunwole Olatunde Joshua, Akinlawon Ajani Gbolahan.
The research work focused on the environmental impacts and organization business survival on SMEs. The study identified some environmental factors that were peculiar to the business organisations. Several authors have attributed failure of businesses particularly small and medium scale enterprises to various factors ranging from training of the entrepreneur to exposure and experience while some analysts opined that business environment could impact on small and medium scale enterprises. Electricity, government policies and fraudulent practices were found as factors critical with severe impact on the survival and growth of business organisations in Nigeria. This study seeks to ascertain the nature of the relationship between environmental impacts and organization business survival on SMEs. The study concludes that it is imperative to realise that performance goals and targets, set in production and low costs for the SME can only be achieved when SMEs are provided with good SME friendly policies, conducive operating environment, improvements in infrastructure, peace and security; and have the right type of personnel, that have cooperative attitudes and spirit, good teamwork, high morals, high motivation, high-performance goals, have the desire to achieve the company's goals and objectives and are served with good communication. However, this study recommends that small business operators must adopt scientific business management strategies that will help to increase their understanding of both their business and its environment in order to aid planning on the most significant factors that affects business survival.
Emerging administrative challenges combined with global economic downturn in the wake of 21st century, and very recently, the covid-19 pandemic more than any combination of factors, observably, compelled managers to adopt and use more efficient technologies in work places. Educational institutions such as secondary schools are not left out. This study is a comparative analysis of the availability of e-administration platforms in the management of public and private secondary schools in Ebonyi State. Three research questions guided the study and three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive Survey research design was used and multistage sampling procedure was used to draw a sample of 120 out of 350 respondents from both public and private secondary schools in the state. Instrument for data collection was a 15-item researcher-developed questionnaire whose reliability of 0.70 was obtained using Kudder-Richardson 21. Data collected was analysed using frequencies and percentages while χ2 was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings showed that open source e-administration platform and proprietary e-administration platform were unavailable to neither public secondary school principals nor private secondary school principals, but social media e-administration platform was available to the two categories of principals. Also, there was no significant difference in the open source platforms available to principals in management of public and private secondary schools. It was recommended, among others that the state government should establish a public-private partnership with software development companies so as to make the cost of proprietary software available at more affordable prices thereby encouraging their availability to principals and teachers in public and private secondary schools.
The important richness in which the wetlands abound and theirs goods productivities (arable lands) make that a detailed attention is reserved by them. The aim of this study is to contribuate to the best knowledge for the valorization of the wetlands through the multiple functions (environmental goods, practical values/not use, services ecosystemic and benefit) which they do not cease providing us. This will make it possible to equip the local authorities with useful data for the development of a national policy of valorization of the wetlands as the setting a decision-making of the help tool.
The methodological approach consisted with the information retrieval, with the direct observations and investigations in real medium. Then, has been carried out to the economic evaluation by the contingent methods and the application of the model of functional analysis of the wet ecosystems.
Tbe results reveal that (04) functions were identified. They are the functions : ecological and of regulation, socio-economic (amenities entertaining, educational, scientific and spiritual), tourist and of domestic and pharmaceutical.
To address the situation, it is essential for all stakeholders to improve information dissemination must to be it a central element for the various actors intervening in order to give a beneficiation on the multiple functions in which they abound. Thus, the development of an education relating to the environment and the awareness of the public must be the leitmotiv in order to improve and to reinforce knowledge relating to the values and functions of the wetlands into the process of sustainable development which conducting into their rational use and their sustainable management of the wetlands in disrict’s of Allada.
Virtual Value Chain and Physical Value Chain Integration to Get the Competitive Advantage in the Sri Lankan E-Commerce Market [Concept Paper] [PDF] Sonali Diyamanthi Jayasooriya
As the world enters the digital age, the way of doing business is changing dramatically. Every business depends on the collection and sharing of information throughout the value chain. Old days, most organizations followed porter’s physical value chain model, which explained a linear flow of activities to get a competitive advantage over their competitors. But today, every firm operates in the interconnected digital world and E-Commerce plays an important role in this context. Hence, businesses are operated in the physical and virtual world both at the same time, so that information does not consider as channel partners as in the past. Because, firms cannot completely rely on porter’s value chain model, since it considers information as part of the linear flow of activities, but in the virtual world to get the competitive advantage businesses must use information throughout the value chain process. E-Commerce in Sri Lanka is emerging tremendously recently, most of the Small and Medium Enterprises are continuing the business activities on this platform. The competition will be high in future in the Sri Lankan E-Commerce environment. To get the sustainable competitive advantages on products\service, all the firms need to be reshaped the business strategy with the integration of virtual and physical value chain together. This paper is formulated as a concept paper with a discussion on empirical insights. This paper investigates, how Sri Lankan firms could be benefited from the integration of these two value chains, especially in the E-Commerce platforms. This paper has used a comprehensive literature review as the main research tool and few Multi-National cases are discussed here to get the importance about the concept. Finally, conclude the paper with some research directions and highlights some future research areas.