Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2023 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Stabilization of lateritic soil developed over pegmatite by compacting it with soil developed over granite around Ikire and its environs was executed with the aim of determining the optimum combination of percentage by volume of the soil and the energy of compaction that will give adequate strength for construction purpose. Preliminary tests were carried out to determine the better set of soil prior to stabilization. Laboratory tests included petrographic study, grain size distribution analyses, consistency limits tests and specific gravity determination, prior to stabilization with 15% and 30% respectively by volume of stabilizer and varying compactive energy before being subjected to unconfined compression test. The major minerals in the pegmatite were quartz and feldspars with 25% and 51% respectively while the amounts in granite were 46% and 25% respectively. The pegmatite-derived soil possessed higher amount of fines than the soil developed over granite with average values of 42% and 25% respectively, due to the amounts of feldspars. This showed that the granite-derived soil is better than the soil developed over pegmatite. The values of the plasticity index ranged from 19.1% to 22.4% for pegmatite-derived samples and 10.0% to 15.2% for granite-derived samples. High energy of compaction gave values of Maximum Dry Density (MDD) higher than the recommended value of 1810Kg/m3 for bungalow bricks. The peak values of suncured unconfined compressive strength (UCS) obtained were higher than the minimum acceptable figure of 1034KPa for bungalow bricks. Strong positive correlations (0.95, 0.96 and 0.82) were established between UCS and compactive energy. Stabilization of pegmatite-derived soil with granite-derived soil using 30% by volume of stabilizer at higher compactive energy was quite effective and it generated MDD and UCS which make it suitable for use as bungalow bricks and good sub-base material for building and road construction respectively.

Factors Associated with Attendance of Antenatal care in the first trimester of Pregnancy in Gicumbi District, Rwanda []

Rwanda make progress in reducing maternal death and stillborn, 98% of pregnant women attend antenatal care at least once, only 47% make four or more visits during their entire pregnancy and 59% of pregnant women attend antenatal care in first trimester of pregnancy. The study assess prevalence of antenatal care, the demand side and supply side factorsin first trimester of pregnancy in Gicumbi District of Rwanda. An institution-based descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 384 pregnant women attended antenatal care services at 12 selected health centers. A systematic sampling technique was used to recruit pregnant women. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis used to identify an association between independent and dependent variable. The results show the prevalence of attendance of antenatal care in first trimester of pregnancy is (62.6%, n=240), there is association of antenatal care attendance and demand side factors such as attending the antenatal care service in the past, way to recognize pregnancy and planned pregnancy (P<0.001). There is also an association between attendance to antenatal care and supply side factors namely, ambulance services at health center (P<0.001), time spend for antenatal care service (P<0.001), who informed you to attend antenatal care service (P<0.001), and planned pregnancy was 5.9 times more likely associated with attending of antenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy than not unwanted pregnancy (AOR=5.9; 95%Ci: [3.1-11.2]; P<0.001. Gicumbi District authorities recommended availing ambulance service, using CHWs in mobilization of antenatal care service delivery in health facilities for the women in age of procreation, and encouraging the use of urine pregnancy test (UPT) at village level

Domestic violence and Psychological disorders, A case of Kirehe district hospital, Rwanda []

Domestic violence is a public health concern that has considerable societal costs. As domestic violence incidence increases in the world, deaths and other consequences related to it, including psychological disorders have also increased worldwide. The objective of this study was to reconnoiter the connections between diverse forms of domestic violence and psychological disorders among victims received at Isange One Stop Center (IOSC) of Kirehe district hospital. The findings have clinical, preventive and educational contributions. Descriptive correlational design with a quantitative approach was used to explore the connections between domestic violence and psychological disorders among victims. A sample of 120 participants was taken from 2700 victims of domestic violence using Fisher et al., 1988 statistical formula. Respondents were selected using convenience sampling technique. The primary data was collected from victims of domestic violence attending Kirehe district hospital by using questionnaires. Questions were in respondents’ native language. Data analysis was done by using SPSS version 21, and presented in form of frequencies, percentages and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Throughout the findings, it was revealed that majority of victims of domestic violence were female 84.1%,44.2% were aged below 18 years old,61.9% were still single,70.8% had primary level of education and 55.8% are farmers by occupation. Physical and sexual violence are the most prevailing at 55.8% and 43.4% respectively while emotional 35.4% and economic violence 17% comes in as secondary to physical and or sexual violence. On the first objective, it was concluded that physical violence resulted in psychological disorders as indicated by 30.2% cases of phobias and 22.2% with anxio-depressive disorders. On the second objective, it was concluded that sexual violence resulted in psychological disorders as repercussion, this was indicated by 57.1% who reported phobias,26.6% with PTSD and 14.3% with anxio-depressive disorders. On the third objective, It was indicated that emotional violence resulted in psychological disorders as indicated by 50% who reported anxiety and depressive disorders while 42.5 % reported PTSD. On the fourth objective, 75% of victims of economic violence reported anxiety and depressive disorders while 25% reported other psychological problems. In addition to that, it was concluded that there is a positive degree of connection between diverse forms of domestic violence and psychological disorders. The researcher recommends the staff working at Isange One Stop Center(IOSC) of Kirehe district hospital to ensure an enhanced holistic support to victims of domestic violence. The government of Rwanda was recommended to put more efforts in the promotion of community based interventions through awareness on how to prevent the risks and negative outcomes of domestic violence including psychological disorders. In addition, family members of the victims should be encouraged to take responsibilities in fighting against domestic violence and caring for victims.

Awareness, attitude, and practice of Pediatricians in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection, diagnosis, and management in Rwanda. []

Helicobacter pylori infection (HPI) is a global public health problem, believed to cause more than 300,000 deaths each year. This study explores pediatricians' awareness, attitudes, and practice regarding diagnosing and managing HPI in Rwanda. METHODOLOGY This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from May to June 2022 in Rwanda. Among eighty registered pediatricians, 66 were recruited based on a simple random sampling approach. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed by the lead researcher. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and a p-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS Among sixty-six recruited participants, more than half (57.6%) initiate testing from 5-12 years of child’s age, 86.4% treated the infection after investigation and the most requested investigations were: stool antigen (90.6%), serology test (46.9%), and endoscopic exam (31.3%). Participants from public institutions were more likely to utilize stool antigen (90.0% vs 50.0%, OR:1.800, p=0.006) and less likely to utilize serology tests (40.0% vs 83.3%, OR:0.480, p=0.041). Participants with the rank of consultant or beyond were more adherent to a 14-day antibiotic regimen than junior consultants (55.0% vs 26.9%, OR:1.624, p=0.025. CONCLUSIONS Rwandan pediatricians are aware of the current evidence on H. pylori and are willing to utilize evidence-based guidelines. The results express a need to institutionalize the existing evidence on HPI among the pediatric population and a need to promote continuous medical education for capacity building of the pediatricians. Where possible, hospitals should create and sustain the inter-facility agreement to utilize the existing minimum capacity, to serve the maximum number of patients, as stated by Sustainable Development Goal 17. Keywords: Children; Helicobacter pylori; pediatricians; Management; Rwanda.


Proximate composition of a grain is important in that it helps in determining the quality and storage stability of grains. Hence, food processors have direct interest in the proximate composition of cereals in order to know the nature of the raw material before germination. After the fermentation of the maize grains, the proximate nutrients increased except for crude ash. The values are expressed in percentages. The moisture, fat, fibre, protein and carbohydrate contents increased by 1.18%, 0.86%, 0.03%, 0.09%, and 9.75% respectively. While the ash content decreased by 11.91%. On the other hand, the energy value of the sprouted grains is higher than that of the unsprouted by a significant value of 47.10kcal/g. This shows that the sprouting of maize appreciates significantly its nutrients and energy potentials.

A Study on the challenges affecting Growth of the Life Insurance Industry in Zambia. A Case Study of Lusaka. []

The Life Insurance Industry in Zambia has been faced with the problem of slow growth. The penetration of life insurance is currently less than 1.4% in Zambia (IAZ, 2018). This is very low compared to the developed countries where life insurance penetration is as high as 11.5%. The objective of the study to identify the challenges affecting the growth of the life insurance industry in Zambia and explain the reason behind slow growth in the market. The study was conducted on the insurance companies registered and licenced by the Pension Insurances Authority as at 31st December 2018. The study employed a mixed method research approach. Data was collected using ques-tionnaires which were hand delivered to insurance companies targeting business development executives in self-addressed envelopes. The study population of this study was 230 employees and brokers from the 12 licensed life or long-term insurance companies in Zambia with a sample size of 146 employees, customers and brokers. The key finding from the study shows that insurance services provision in Zambia
faces a myriad of challenges that are inhibiting advancement. Due to these challenges the industry continues to register low growth as many people remain uninsured. Many challenges which have been outlined in the study need to be addressed by the stake-holders if the industry is to achieve a growth from its current less than 1.4%. The challenges affecting the growth include awareness, im-mature legal framework, and lack of strong market -led initiative, claims fraud and corruption, under­capitalization. Legal constraint to new' channels of distribution such as bancassurance, weak supervision and lack of vocational training facilities leading to shortage in skills needed in the industry. The findings of this study are important because they will assist in developing policies that will ensure that insur-ance is embraced in Zambia. This includes introducing favourable strategies that will result in increased adoption of insurance. In addition, it will help the government and other stakeholders will recognize their role so that it can support the industry. Key Words: Challenges, growth, life insurance, penetration, uninsured, brokers, cusomers, customer sevice staff

Impact of Medical Waste on Community Livelihoods in Nouakchott(Mauritania) []

The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of medical waste management on community livelihood in the city of Nouakchott in Mauritania, to assess the risks associated with poor medical waste management and their impacts on human and environmental health. Various methods were found to be used by medical institutions to dispose of their waste, including incineration and landfill. Entombment, sale, discharge and removal by municipal garbage cans. The practice of waste disposal has proven to be quite dangerous. And it was discovered that clinical and non-clinical waste was thrown together. There was insufficient awareness of the magnitude of the medical waste problem by those involved at different levels. No safety measures have been observed regarding the disposal of waste or the laboratory analysis of infectious or dangerous diseases. The chemicals used for staining and preserving slides and for sterilizing and cleaning equipment and the environment are potentially harmful to the laboratory technician and the environment. Hospital waste has a significant impact on health and the environment. From this study, it can be said that there is an urgent need for awareness and education on medical waste issues. An appropriate waste management strategy is necessary to ensure health and environmental safety. For a more in-depth study, it is necessary to collect more information on the impacts. Disposal and management to draw a clear conclusion. Need to collect information and examples from neighboring countries with strong medical waste management system. Find alternatives and appropriate technologies. Need for in-depth study on these medical wastes and their management aspects as well. This Research is based on data from the Questionnaire and documentary, A sample of 355 employees from various institutions in the Nouakchott City region that have registered with the ministry of health make up the population used to collect data. In order to describe the general information and features of the health establishments, the data are evaluated by using descriptive statistics.,.Also, this contains details about medical waste management, such as knowledge, practice, infection control, education, and training the study found that community awareness and involvement in waste management practices play a critical role in improving medical waste management and reducing its impact on community livelihoods. The study concludes with recommendations for policy changes, improved waste management practices, and increased community involvement in medical waste management. Key Words: Nouakchott, Mauritania, Hospital,Cheikh Zaid, INRSP,Incinerator

Determinants of Enterpreneurial Intention among University Students in Nepal []

This paper aims to identify the determinants of entrepreneurial intention among university students. The independent variables of this study consist of perceived educational support, perceived relational support, perceived structural support, and perceived behavioral control. This theoretical framework is verified on 384 university students in Nepal. The results found that perceived educational support, perceived behavioural control and perceived relational support are the predictors to entrepreneurial intention.

Impact Of Work Environment On Employees’ Performance At The Financial Institution In Butwal City []

The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of workplace environment on employees’ performance of financial institution. A well-structured questionnaire was developed to collect data from 385 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The results revealed that there is a significant influence of social work environment, job characteristics and training and development in employees’ performance on Employee’s Performance (EP) in Nepalese financial institution. The practical implications are transparent for the managers and employers in Nepalese financial institution since the workplace environment helps to improve the performance of the employees.

Determining the effectiveness of instructional method used by Senior Grade Secondary School Mathematics teachers in promoting STEM Education in Zambia. []

The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of instructional methods used by senior grade secondary school mathematics teachers in promoting STEM Education in secondary schools in Luampa District. This study was influenced by the current poor performance of learners in mathematics in the past years in secondary schools. The researcher realized the mounting pressure on the need to change the way teachers conduct their lessons characterized with teacher-centered approaches to approaches that integrate STEM Education. Instructional methods that encourage learners to be in the forefront in searching for their knowledge using various representations that foster proper understanding. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not teachers of mathematics involve instructional methods that promote STEM Education. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The respondents to the study were learners of senior grades, teachers of mathematics, and other STEM subjects. Questionnaires were administered to collect data. Teachers’ interviews were conducted with three teachers of other STEM subjects being; Information and Communication Technologies and Science. In interpreting data Simple Statistical procedure known as Microsoft Excel was involved to turn quantitative data into meaningful data while qualitative data was analysed by categorising or grouping the emerging aspects of behaviour. The results indicated that teachers fail to integrate STEM Education into their instructional methods due to some challenges faced. The identified challenges were: lack of modern STEM laboratories vanished with latest textbooks and equipment, some institutions were not connected to hydroelectric power sources, teachers lacked knowledge on the operation of technological tools, a shortage of suitably qualified STEM teachers, and negative attitude of some administrators in supporting STEM activities.

Determining how teachers of mathematics are updated with recent trends in teaching and learning of the subject: A need of In-Service Teacher Training. []

This paper attempted to explore the role of In-service teacher training in the promotion of teacher’s self-professional development in teaching of mathematics. It also examined the role institutions play in supporting In-service training and inquire on the forms of In-service training undertaken. The study further aimed at analysing the already established literature on In-service teacher training programs in relation to the prevailing situation in selected schools in Mitete District in Western Province. A questionnaire was prepared and piloted before conducting the actual data collection. This was to test the validity and reliability of the questions set. In-service training enhances teachers’ efficiency in understanding their work and in serving learners better so that they are equipped with necessary skills and knowledge that enable both teachers and learners overcome pressure exerted on them by changes that occur in education. It is known fact that for teachers to be kept abreast with new development that occur in their profession they must remain lifelong learners through on-going school based continuous development workshops, Teacher Learning Communities (like subject associations meeting) and adult distance education programs. The findings indicated that in-service training are taking place in schools, though with difficulties. It was also noted that teachers understand the importance of In-service trainings within their institutions.


There is a change in the way of teaching today due to pandemic. However, giving quality education is still the main goal of the Department of Education whatever the mode of teaching is. Thus, instructional supervision should be strengthened in assisting teachers especially today that there is a sudden shift from the old normal to the new normal. This study aims to determine the experiences of the school heads in the conduct of their instructional supervision, their strategies used in helping and assisting teachers during distance learning which will serve as a basis in redesigning instructional supervision framework. A mixed-method design using explanatory sequential design two-phase was utilized. Respondents of the study were 25 second-ary school heads in Eddis II in the Division of Bulacan. A purposive sampling technique was applied to select the respondents of the study. A 5-point Likert scale survey questionnaire and interview guide questions were employed. The instruments used were validated by three experts and had undergone pilot testing. The study employed a computer administration collection of data. Results of the study showed that school heads experiences on observation in terms of (1) online synchronous necessitates a good internet connection as well as knowledge on the use of many online learning platforms which is “Highly Observed by the school head (2) in video lesson, school heads “Highly Observed” that making video lesson increases teachers’ ICT competence and creativity (3) in the LAC session, school heads “Highly Observed” that teaching strategies and content of the lesson are the focus of the observation. In addition, school heads “Highly Observed” that the schedule and type of observation to be conducted depends on the teacher’s choice, follows strictly the classroom observation tool provided by the Department of Education, conduct supervisory conferences right after observing the teachers, discusses teacher’s weaknesses and difficulties based on the conducted observation, online coaching and mentor-ing, learning activity sheets and summative assessments are being checked, peer coaching and mentoring through LAC is highly encour-aged, provide positive feedback and suggest some points that can be adopted by the teacher. Also, school heads employed different strat-egies in conducting instructional supervision during pandemic. Based on the results of the study, a designed framework was developed, and it was also concluded that school heads were able to find new methods and utilized different strategies on how they can efficiently conduct instructional supervision during distance learn-ing. The different strategies employed by the school heads aim to help teachers to face the new ways of teaching. Collaboration among the school heads and the teachers was established.


The usefulness and reasons for the adoption of Blockchain Technologies in conducting modern businesses and other socio-economic engagements that affect our life are gaining momentum, along with these are the challenges pose by the Internet and the Cyberspace at large, as a result of the financial wreckage usually caused by internet fraudsters, hackers, industrial espionage and cyber-warfare which made the ‘Traditional’ Information System (IS) a constant ‘soft’ target, even with the myriads of Intrusion and Detection Systems Installed to forestall attacks or prevents attack should they occur. This paper therefore is to explore and evaluate the promising advantages of deploying blockchain technologies to fight and curb cybercrimes with the financial sector in focus.

An Examination of the Causes of Financial Cyber Crimes and Electronic Fraud - As Advanced by Some Youngsters. A Juxtaposition Analysis of Two Countries (Nigeria and India) []

India, is the largest democracy in the World with a GDP per capital of $7,200 as of 2017, while Nigeria - the Most Populous Black Nation in the World has a GDP per capital is $5,900 as of 2017. In 2018, Nigeria - a Country endowed with abundance of natural and human resources overtake India as the world's poverty capital, with around 88 million people living in extreme poverty, compared with India's 74 million, who are also blessed with greater advantage in skilled workforce in Information Technological Innovations, even a Nuclear Power Nation. However, according to the World Poverty Clock, the latest statistics of Nigerians living in extreme poverty was pegged at (70,677, 758) representing 33 per cent of the population. The above demographics coupled with financial strengths of these two nations could be seen as a dangerous signals arising from the wanton financial crimes, high level electronic frauds and economic recklessness that have dominated their respective National Livelihood in the last three decades or more! The growth of cyber-crime – particularly in these two countries ranges from Hacking, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, Phishing, Spamming, Trojans, Service Denial Attacks, Identity theft, Premium Online Dating Scams and Account Takeover– and these incidents and several other challenges (like poor awareness campaign, unskilled personnel, poor infrastructure etc) have threatened the existential relevance of financial institutions, especially regarding how they protect their assets and prevent their customers from becoming victims of cyber frauds. These criminal activities have remained pervasive due to the borderless nature of the internet banking transaction and the continuous growth of the information super highway with different innovative service offerings by banks and other financial institutions. This study will adopts mixed research methods with the aid of descriptive and inferential analysis because human nature is heavily involved, which comprised exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the quantitative data analysis, whilst thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data analysis. The theoretical framework was informed by Routine Activity Theory (RAT) and Fraud Management Lifecycle Theory (FMLT) which will assist the study in maintaining the balance required in the competing and complementary actions within the Fraud Management Lifecycle.

Fleet Management System for Government Ministries in Sri Lanka []

ABSTRACT The government of Sri Lanka has a number of ministries, departments, statutory bodies, and semi-government institutions. The development and administration programs of these institutes are undertaken by government departments and other institutes. Transportation is playing a vital role in the functioning of these institutes effectively. To facilitate transportation, the government has provided a fleet of vehicles for necessary institutes. Even though most Government Institutions maintain a large Fleet of vehicles the fleet management of all the ministries is done manually at present. Thus problems such as data duplication, data inconsistency, lack of integrity, No proper search facility, the inefficiency of vehicle allocation, low monitoring, and inability of tracking vehicles have become major problems. To overcome the above-mentioned problems an IOT-based system was implemented.This proposed system which specially targets government ministries and institutions provides a better way of optimizing the usage of vehicles which saves fuel usage and fuel cost. Since the government also has a requirement for a system that handles the fleet efficiently due to the fuel crisis the proposed system would also be a better solution. Since the paperwork has been minimized through the proposed system it follows the Think Green – Think Paperless Concept of the Government

Socio-Economic Impact of Remittances on Household Gender Roles []

Migration is not a nascent topic in the global academic and developmental discourse. It has, over the years, become a topic of interest, concern and debate amongst the international community. There are currently an estimated 200 million migrants worldwide, of which 86 million are economically active. The sheer numbers alone suggest that migration will be one of this millennium’s critical opportunities and challenges. In the context of Africa in particular, migration has and will continue to shape the continent’s social structure, economy and development objectives. As a result of poor socio-economic and political conditions, Africa has been and is still the major beneficiary of remittances which relatively has helped alleviate the socio-economic lives of African populations and enhanced local community initiatives and female participation in development. Africa's migration patterns have been influenced by pull (better opportunities in destination nations) and push (conflict in home countries) factors. As per the UN estimates, of the 150 million migrants worldwide, more than 50 million are Africans. Furthermore, Africa is home to approximately 50% of the world's internally displaced persons and 28% of the world's refugees. Considering these aspects, this research paper aims to examine the patterns of remittances to Africa and its impact on the socio-economic lives and livelihoods of family members in migrant households. This study attempts to analyse how remittances impact household gender roles within African societies.


Abstract Ship recycling is the process of stripping down an obsolete ship or its components to be reused and reprocessed. At specialized ship recycling facilities, this activity is carried out to help recover useful materials, where hazardous and other materials must be handled with caution, which includes activities such as storage and handling at the site. Today there are around 20,000 ships over 500 gross tonnages, at the age of 20 years need to be recycled. Ship recycling has been a booming industry for the last two decades for few countries like Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, and Turkey; as they recycled 97-98% of global tonnage. Bangladesh accounts for more than 25% of global share. Therefore, governments and international organizations have heightened their regulations and imposed rules for environment friendly recycling. This need is seen as positive, with many environmental advocates arguing for greater control. In 2009, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) created the Hong Kong International Convention (HKC) for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships in response to rising regulatory scrutiny. This agreement establishes stringent standards meant to ensure safety and environmental protection at shipyards. An essential part of being HKC-compliant recycling Yards must have Ship Recycling Facility Plan (SRFP). The European Union Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) was recently adopted, prohibiting the open beaching method and requiring ships under the EU flag to be recycled at certified European ship recycling yards. This is an analytical study in order to identify deficiencies and make improvements of Bangladeshi recycling yards to continue the business in competitive world. Key Word Ship Recycling, SRFP, SOC, HKC, EUSRR, etc.

The Impact of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in South Asian Countries []

Government spending on economic growth is a crucial metric for assessing sustainable economic development. We examined government spending for the period 2000–2021 in the south Asian countries, taking into account both the significance of a country's economic development and the impact of government expenditure on economic development. (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Srilanka, and Maldives) The research finds that government spending and economic growth are cointegrated using panel cointegration and panel causality, showing the existence of a long run equilibrium link between them. With the exception of Pakistan, Bhutan, and the Maldives, it also supports the existence of a causal relationship between government spending and economic growth on a short- and long-term basis. This paper indicates that higher government spending is both a cause and an effect of higher economic growth.


ABSTRACT Background: It is difficult for female care leavers to adapt to life aftercare. The trajectory from institutional care to independent living is a complex process for female care leavers. Most of them fight to adjust to independent living once they are out of care. They struggle to exercise self-sufficiency and self-reliance, and they are seldom contributing members of society. The study, thus, focused on extracting the female care leavers’ perspectives on preparation for life aftercare. Methods: A constructivist grounded theory approach was employed for this study. In-depth interviews were used on a sample of six female care leavers purposively sampled. The sample size was determined by saturation in the generation of the findings. The findings were analysed in three stages namely case-by-case analysis, inter-case analysis, and theoretical analysis which eventually led to the formulation of the care leaving theory. Results: The study revealed that the preparation of female care leavers for life aftercare was incomplete, and had a bias towards productive preparation. Conclusion and Recommendations: Female care leavers are not being adequately prepared for life aftercare, and their views of the process vary from individual to individual. There is a lack of definition, consistency, and consideration in preparing female care leavers for life aftercare. The findings suggest that preparation be well defined and communicated to female care leavers, and that institutions of care mobilize resources to build the capacities of care givers in guidance and counselling. They should up with realistic in-house policies to better prepare care leavers to gradually age out of care. Further research should be carried out to find out the perspectives of relevant stakeholders on the same matter. Key Words: Aftercare, Female Care Leavers, Leaving Care, Life after Care, Preparation, Views, Zimbabwe.