Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Constructing mathematical formulas in a simple way, such as Neper or generalized numbers, or representations of incomensurabilities, a possible path in mathematics and differential calculus and algebra. []

The article is based on presenting some types of formulas that determine the meeting of numbers, in this case relating roots, such as the square root of 2( ), or or infinite, , with , in this case the integers, but can be extended . Through its complement, increment, iterating the number in the sequence 4,5,6,7,8,9..., or infinite numbers belonging to , in summation form. Presenting a program that calculates for all roots and other programs with different possibilities and calculations and their appropriate formulas and their appropriate relationships presented and as is, this shows the possibility of building programming for the study and finding of metrics for the different areas of science and mathematics how to find formulas, to expose the analogy for a possible abstraction, Euler's Neper number is a good starting point, so right at the beginning the article was already published prematurely, critical suggestions, just get in touch contact, as the bulk of the theory is under work. With this we represent incommensurability through mathematical metrics, creating formula patterns.


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze the typologies of sales promotion techniques practiced by the different companies involved in the sale of manufactured products in the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo by highlighting the original character of the techniques used by these companies in order to identify the causes of the choice of these techniques. The analytical method was used in this work, supported by documentary techniques, individual interviews and direct observation. The choice of the sample of respondents (company managers) was based on reasoned choice. We came out with the results according to which the interviewed companies use the following sales promotion techniques: bonus techniques, advantages linked to quantity and price reduction among the seven techniques below: price reduction, vouchers discount or couponing, cash back offers (ODR), product quantity benefits, bonuses, free trial and promotional techniques with distributors, because these three used techniques do not cost, are profitable and are easy to master unlike the other techniques. KEY WORDS: Promotional Techniques for sales, manufactured products, and businesses.


Cet article examine les enjeux du plurilinguisme dans le processus entrepreneurial des petites et moyennes entreprises à Kisangani. Le plurilinguisme fait référence à la capacité de communiquer et de travailler en plusieurs langues. Dans un contexte multilingue comme Kisangani, où plusieurs langues sont parlées, il est essentiel pour les entrepreneurs de comprendre les raisons et les fonctions du plurilinguisme. Le plurilinguisme joue un rôle crucial dans le processus entrepreneurial des PME à Kisangani. Il facilite la communication, ouvre de nouveaux marchés et stimule l’innovation. Les entrepreneurs devraient reconnaître l’importance du plurilinguisme et investir dans l’apprentissage des langues pour renforcer leurs compétences entrepreneuriales et favoriser le développement durable de leurs entreprises.


L’apport du plurilinguisme dans le processus entrepreneurial à Kisangani, en particulier pour les PME, est significatif. Kisangani, en République Démocratique du Congo, est une ville multilingue où plusieurs langues locales, ainsi que le français et l’anglais, sont largement utilisées. La maîtrise de plusieurs langues permet aux entrepreneurs de communiquer avec diverses communautés et d’atteindre un public plus large. Cela facilite l’expansion des activités commerciales et l’accès à de nouveaux marchés, tant au niveau local que régional. Le plurilinguisme favorise aussi une communication fluide avec les clients, les fournisseurs et les partenaires commerciaux. En comprenant les langues locales, les entrepreneurs peuvent établir des relations plus solides, comprendre les besoins spécifiques de leurs clients et établir des accords commerciaux mutuellement bénéfiques. La maitrise de langues étrangères, telles que le français et l’anglais, ouvre la voie à des opportunités commerciales internationales. Les entrepreneurs peuvent participer à des négociations transfrontalières, établir des partenariats avec des entreprises étrangères et accéder à des ressources, des technologies et des connaissances provenant d’autres pays. Le plurilinguisme favorise aussi l’innovation et la créativité dans le processus entrepreneurial. En étant exposés à différentes langues et cultures, les entrepreneurs peuvent combiner des idées et des perspectives variées, ce qui peut conduire à des solutions novatrices et à des approches pour développer leurs PME.

Strategic Analysis of In-Service Training Processes at Education Training and Research Unit-Ministry of Health-Sri Lanka []

The Education, Training and Research (ET&R) Unit of the Ministry of Health is the focal point of facilitation, the central agency of monitoring and evaluation and the principal provider of technical expertise in the education, training and research spheres in the Sri Lankan health sector. There are three directorates under the DDG; ET&R. The unit is responsible for capacity-building the health workforce through post-basic and in-service training programs (ISTP). ET&R Unit itself regularly carries out in-service training programs for different staff categories based on the requests made by the heads of the institutions and professional organizations. The objective of the case study was to evaluate the current IST process practised by the ET&R Unit. Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Focus Group Discussions (FGD), online-based Google forms and Document reviews were carried out as data-collecting methods. Process mapping, Ishikawa root cause analysis, Pareto analysis and priority matrix were the theories and tools used. The issues identified were the Unavailability of permanent leadership at the ET&R Unit in the Ministry of Health, Inadequate Fund allocation from GOSL, No proper TNA method practised, Unavailability of a proper post-ISTP follow-up evaluation system, Less reliable progress reports produced by the relevant focal points, Not aligned with IST Annual Action Plan (ISTAP), No proper prioritization is carried out, Delayed submission of proposals by IST focal points, MSOO are not included in ISTP, Approval delayed by the ET&R Unit. The prioritized problem was the unavailability of a proper post-ISTP follow-up evaluation system. According to the Pareto analysis, vital root causes were the unavailability of a Standard Evaluation tool, not using a standard TNA tool and the Lack of interest of the healthcare staff. The recommendation is to introduce New World Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation model at ET&R Unit-Ministry of Health-Sri Lanka. Keywords: In-service training processes, education, training, research

Assessment of project to Support Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) Management through outreach clinics and support access of families to treatment services in Kandy District-Sri Lanka []

Severe acute malnutrition [SAM] is defined as the presence of oedema of both feet or severe wasting (weight-for-height/length <-3SD or mid-upper arm circumference < 115 mm). No distinction is made between the clinical conditions of kwashiorkor or severe wasting because their treatment is similar. Infants and children who are 6–59 months of age and have a mid-upper arm circumference <115 mm, or a weight-for-height/length <–3 Z-scores of the WHO Child Growth Standards median, or have bilateral pitting oedema, should be referred for full assessment at a treatment centre for the management of severe acute malnutrition [WHO,2023]. All children with SAM should receive nutritional treatment. Nutritional treatment is based on the use of specialized nutritious foods enriched with vitamins and minerals: F-75 and F-100 therapeutic milks, and ready-to-use therapeutic food [RUTF]. The ultimate objective of this case study was to develop strategies to improve the project to support severe acute malnutrition [SAM]. Methods used were key informant interviews [KIIs], an interviewer-administered questionnaire [IAQ], document reviews and direct observation. The main problems were irregular usage of BP100, not allowing third-party involvement, objections from MOHs and paediatricians, delay in provision of lists of SAM children and attitudes towards the treatments. Recommendations are nutritional education and support to parents or caregivers, data sharing and integration, collaborative framework, optimized treatment centres and facilities and monitoring and evaluation. The positive outcomes observed in the Kandy district project indicate the potential for scaling up similar initiatives in other districts or regions facing similar challenges in SAM management. Strengthening the partnerships between SARVODAYA and Ministry of Health is essential for the sustained success and expansion of SAM management in Kandy district-Sri Lanka. Keywords: Severe acute malnutrition, outreach clinics, support access services

Resource Modeling and Quantification of Pozzolana Deposit in Njombe Penja, Littoral Region Cameroon Using Surpac 6.5.1 []

The increase in the construction of structures in Cameroon has led to an increase in the demand for aggregate. Sand is increasingly being limited and other aggregates are used to meet the rising demand in the construction industry. They include but not limited to basalt, gneiss, granite and pozzolana. Making an estimate of the quantity of a pozzolana deposit is as essential as it is to other industrial minerals, as it foretells the life of the deposit if to be exploited, and gives a cost and profit estimate of the business. Therefore, this paper sorts the use of Specialised Computer Software in mining (Surpac 6.5.1) to model a pozzolana deposit which will enable us to estimate the volume and tonnage of pozzolana in our study area. GPS coordinates were collected round the foot of the pozolanna cone, this process was repeated at different heights till the peak of the cone was reached. These coordinates were downloaded from the GPS with the aid of Garmin BaseCamp, exported, cleaned and an excel workbook consisting of collar and survey data generated. These data were then imported into Surpac 6.5.1 where a solid model, volume and tonnage estimate of the pozolanna were achieved. Results showed that the total area occupied by this deposit was 321600m2 with a total volume of 608520m3 and a tonnage of 419,878.75 tons.


Creation and Destruction occur in the infinite darkness of the Universe due to the Heat Energy . Heat energy is the life of every thing in the Universe . The heat of an object is the total energy of all the molecular motion inside that object .Temperature is the measure of the average heat of the molecules in a substance. The combined relation of volume , pressure and temperature of a given mass of gas can be derived from the combining law of ( Boyle’s law as well as Charle’s law ) , (Boyle’s law as well as Gay Lussac’s law) and (Charle’s law as well as Gay Lussac’s law). The combined relation of pressure, volume and temperature of a given mass of gas can be derived from the law of motion of a wheel. Motion is the law of the Universe . Rotation is motion and vice versa. If a force is applied on a wheel and that force simultaneously converts to the centripetal force as well as the centrifugal force then the wheel moves forward. So that every point on the wheel moves vertically on a curved path to cover horizontally on a straight line path. The following laws are derived from the above facts as follows , LAW OF MOTION ----------------------- Nrusingh’s 1st law (a) INERTIA OF REST : A body is at rest, until the applied force on it , converts to the centripetal force as well as the centrifugal force . (b) INERTIA OF MOTION : A body is at motion, as long as the applied force on it , converts to the centripetal force as well as the centrifugal force . The following law is derived from Nrusingh’s 1st law THE FORCE OF ACTION IS ALWAYS EQUAL TO THE SUM OF OPPOSITE REACTION AND ABSORPTION ------------------------ Nrusingh’s 2nd law This implies that , 14 PARTS ACTION = 11 PARTS REACTION + 3 PARTS ABSORPTION So 1 PART ACTION = (11/14) PART REACTION + ( 3/14) PART ABSORPTION The following laws are derived from Nrusingh’s 2nd law Force = (11/14) Mass *Acceleration ----- Nrusingh’s 3rd law Energy = (11/14)mass(velocity of light)² ---- Nrusingh’s 4th law Pressure * Volume = (11/14) Temperature ---- Nrusingh’s 5th law Pressure = (11/14) Force / Area ---- Nrusingh’s 6th law Energy = (11/14) Frequency ---- Nrusingh’s 7th law Work = (11/14) Force * Distance ---- Nrusingh’s 8th law APPLIED HEAT = (3/14) ABSORBED HEAT + (11/14) WORK DONE HEAT This implies that Q = (3/14) U + (11/14) W ----- Nrusingh’s 11th law The following law is derived from Nrusingh’s 5th law of general gas law HEAT ENERGY = (11/14) TEMPERATURE ----- Nrusingh’s 13th law The following law is derived from Nrusingh’s 5th law and Nrusingh’s 13th law HEAT ENERGY= PRESSURE * VOLUME


This paper explores the critical role of education in fostering job creation and enhancing productivity among secondary school leavers in Rivers State, Nigeria. As the state grapples with economic challenges and high unemployment rates, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive and strategic approach to managing education to empower the youth for the demands of the contemporary job market. The paper discusses the current state of education in Rivers State, highlighting challenges and opportunities, and proposes a set of recommendations to effectively manage education for improved job creation and productivity.


The achievement and performance of employees given their tasks have not been able to reach the perfect target as expected and aspired by the organization. Based on the background, it is known that there are still several health programs that have not reached their targets, which are related to the performance of health personnel. This research aims to identify the factors associated with the performance of Sukajaya Health Center staff in Sabang City. The study is a descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional study design. The population in this research includes all Sukajaya Health Center staff, totaling 130 people. The sample size is 60 individuals, selected through random sampling. The research was conducted from December 26 to 28. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The analysis used includes univariate and bivariate analysis with the Chi-Square test. The research results indicate that 33.3% have poor performance, 33.3% indicate insufficient leadership, 40.4% have low work motivation, 45.6% have an optimal workload, 59.6% fall into a new work category, and 29.8% state that the work environment is not supportive. From the statistical test results, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between leadership (p=0.013), work motivation (p=0.0001), workload (p=0.006), length of service (p=0.017), and work environment (p=0.0001) with the performance of Sukajaya Health Center staff in Sabang City. It is recommended for the management of Sukajaya Health Center in Sabang City to enhance the development of employee skills as part of ongoing efforts. The management should ensure that Sukajaya Health Center operates according to the standard duties and obligations of civil servants, taking into account the professional capabilities of the staff.

SMART Learning: An AI-Driven Strategy to Enhance English Language Proficiency of Grade 9 Learners []

I. ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the significant difference between the two separate groups of Grade 9 learners in Sacub National High School, Division of Davao del Sur based on their assessment scores in the pretest and post-test scores in English and to determine their procedural and conceptual understanding on SMART Learning (Self-Learning, Machine Learning, Adaptive Learning, Responsive and Technology-based) through an AI-driven strategy. Utilizing a random sampling method, this study identified 35 Grade 9 Learners from two separate groups; the experimental group used SMART Learning while the control group used traditional learning methods. Frequency counts, mean, and paired sample T-tests were utilized to analyze the data gathered. Results revealed a significant difference in assessment scores before and after the implementation of the SMART Learning strategy. The mean difference of -8.129 and a t-value of 4.26 with 34 degrees of freedom implied that the use of SMART Learning had a substantial and statistically significant impact on enhancing the English Language Proficiency of the learners. The negative mean difference, in this context, indicated an improvement in proficiency levels, and the t-value reinforced the reliability of this observed improvement. Moreover, the participants' comprehension of procedural and conceptual aspects in SMART Learning, indicated by a mean score of 3.26 and verbally interpreted as a "Confident Demonstration" of understanding, suggested that the participants, on average, exhibited a moderate level of confidence in grasping both the procedural and conceptual components of SMART. The term "Confident Demonstration" conveyed a positive sentiment, yet a substantial, level of proficiency. Participants might not have exhibited an exceptionally high level of confidence, but they demonstrated a solid and dependable level of understanding in both procedural and conceptual aspects of SMART Learning, with a notable degree of confidence in their comprehension.

Assessing the Multi-faceted Impact and Mitigation Strategies of the Port Harcourt Ultra-Modern Abattoir Situated in Rumueme Town, Port Harcourt. []

Abstract An abattoir functions as a facility dedicated to the slaughtering and processing of animals for the production of meat. Its importance is underscored by its pivotal role in the meat industry and the larger framework of the food supply chain. The primary objective of this study is to assess the multifaceted impacts of the Port Harcourt Ultra-Modern Abattoir in Rumueme Town and to develop strategies that ensure the facility's sustainable integration within the community. The study systematically explores the positive impacts of the abattoir on both the local populace and the surrounding environment. Through a meticulous examination, the aim is to identify aspects where the abattoir contributes positively. Conversely, the study rigorously investigates the negative impacts exerted by the abattoir on health, social dynamics, the economy, and the environment. This involves a detailed analysis to understand the challenges associated with its operations. An integral aspect of the study also was to identify and formulate a diverse array of strategies geared towards mitigating the identified negative impacts. Simultaneously, the study strives to enhance the positive contributions of the abattoir to the community, environment, and overall sustainability. The findings illuminate a complexity of perceptions, revealing challenges related to environmental issues, economic dynamics, and social structures. While acknowledging positive practices, the study underscores the need for balanced evaluations and emphasizes the significance of proper waste management as a key mitigation strategy. In conclusion, the study advocates for a holistic approach to address the identified challenges and enhance the positive aspects associated with the Port Harcourt Ultra-Modern Abattoir. The proposed mitigation strategies offer a pathway towards sustainable integration, fostering a harmonious relationship between the abattoir and the local community.

Dengue Vector (Aedes aegypti) mosquito Invasion in Blue Nile State, Sudan, 2023 []

ABSTRACT Background: In urban and rural disparities in water storage practices and water source supply may affect mosquito immature abundance and, potentially, arbo-viral risk. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the presence or absence of dengue vector Aedes aegypti and its invasion and indices in relation to dengue fever in Blue Nile State Materials and methods: This cross-sectional entomological study was carried out in Blue Nile State , Sudan between September and October 2023. The mosquito immature stage including larvae and pupal stage of the genus Aedes were collected from the surveyed positive containers by sweep nets. In addition, the total number of larvae counted, and approximately 10% stored for species identification. The collected larvae and pupae were kept in plastic vials with 70% ethanol. Then taxonomic identification of mosquitoes was carried out in the entomology laboratory of the Blue Nile State by using appropriate taxonomic keys. Data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel sheet.

Bacillary Dysentery Prevalence in Blue Nile State, Sudan, 2015-2022 []

ABSTRACT Background: Dysentery is an infectious clinical syndrome which can cause high morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. Objectives: This study aimed to estimate the bacillary dysentery disease in Blue Nile State, 2015-2022. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross sectional study health facility-based study. Data was collected from Blue Nile health facilities during the years 2015-2022. Results: The overall mean prevalence of bacillary dysentery was found to be 1.8%. There was significant difference between mean of bacillary dysentery prevalence during the studied years, p=.000.The Year 2018 significantly showed high prevalence of typhoid fever 2.1 % while the year 2015 reported less bacillary dysentery prevalence 1.6% There was significant difference between the mean prevalence of the months of the studied years, p=.003. High prevalence of bacillary dysentery was significantly found during August 2.1% and July 2.1% of each studied year. There was no significant difference between weekly mean prevalence of the studied years, p=.281.

Description of Cholera Outbreak in Blue Nile State, Sudan, 2019 []

ABSTRACT Background: Cholera is a large public health issue, especially in countries with limited resources. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the cholera and cholera-related mortality in Blue Nile State, 2019. Materials and methods: A descriptive epidemiological study was carried out in Blue Nile State during cholera outbreak 2019. Data was collected from patients’ records during period of outbreak from August to November 2019. Results: A number of 202 cholera cases were reported during 2019. Most of cholera cases was reported in Elroseries locality 117 (57.9%) followed by Eldamazin locality 72 (35.6%); Bau locality 7 (3.5%). The proportion of deaths was 4.0% with case fatality rate of 0.004/1000. Female was more affected by cholera 126 (62.4%) compared to male 76 (37.6%). Gender and age group not significantly influence the cholera deaths.

AI-Enhanced Human Resources Management Practices in Sultanate of Oman. []

Research on Al integration in Oman is limited but could improve employee engagement and performance. However, there is a lack of understanding of its implications, obstacles, and potential in HRM. The ideal economy should achieve equitable growth, create a welcoming business climate, and increase exports in high-tech and value-added industries. (Oman Vision 2040). O'Connor (2020) highlights that AI is a technology that enables computers to learn from and create actions based on data. is crucial for efficient human resources management in the 21st century, but it also presents challenges in HR processes like hiring and performance evaluations. artificial intelligence may be used to manage basic HR practices. Moreover, it’s important to lighten the workload for human resources employees. This research will investigate how artificial intelligence will enhance human resource management practices to improve the organization's productivity. The study relied on both quantitative and qualitative research methods, as qualitative research is a sort of scientific research in which the researcher gathers data to answer a question. This research used secondary sources, such as crucial articles from the MEC e-library, to collect the data. Primary sources such as surveys, were conducted with HR staff at a firm in Oman to get reliable data and proper outcomes. The findings indicated that while AI is still in its early stages in Oman, employees are becoming increasingly interested in the subject. The amount of employees' awareness regarding AI and its tools that will facilitate their job at work was also demonstrated by the findings. The findings proved that employees' jobs will be smoother if they have a chatbot to respond to their concerns and questions. Additionally, the researcher suggests organizations broadly consider implementing this technology and begin to discuss it. They should also share their thoughts and experiences with utilizing artificial intelligence tools to improve HR practices so that literature articles about the topic in Oman can be written.


The research study explored the lived experiences of children who have incarcerated parents, specifically to determine their life experiences, coping mechanisms, and ways in which their parents maintain parental responsibilities while being incarcerated. Qualitative research using a phenomenological study with five participants in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte was used. The interview guide, recording device, and interview were the data gathering tools. Thematic analysis was used in this study. The themes derived from the lives of the children with incarcerated parents include a peaceful life before incarceration, emotional turmoil during incarceration, affective separation after incarceration, and revitalizing family bonds. Despite these challenges, children with incarcerated parents cope through positive reframing, focusing on achieving goals, and maintaining parental responsibilities through paterfamilias wisdom and financial support. They demonstrate resilience in regaining a sense of normalcy. Researchers found that parents maintain parental responsibilities while incarcerated through paterfamilias wisdom and parental financial support, despite the challenges, as they must find ways to maintain their absolute responsibilities. The study highlights the emotional turmoil faced by children of incarcerated parents, emphasizing the importance of their emotional well-being. The Department of Social Welfare and Development together with Women and Protection Desk may provide a safe space for the children to express these emotions and be able to provide effective coping strategies as it is essential for children with incarcerated parents. Eclectic Approach is more appropriate in the case of these children because it able to focus on the specific needs of the children depending on the gravity of the impact of the incarceration of their parents. The study also highlights the maintaining a connection between incarcerated parents and their child is essential for emotional stability. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and Penology may conduct Family Day to promote to close family ties being one of the truest Filipino traditions. Regular visitations and communication in prisons can promote parent rehabilitation and foster healthier family bonds. Key words: Children with Incarcerated Parents, Imprisoned Parents, Parental Incarceration, Parental Imprisonment, Lived Experiences of Children with Incarcerated Parents, Incarcerated Parents, Impact of parental incarceration.

Reduction of Sidelobe Level in Antenna Array for Improved Antenna Performance Using Invasive Weed Optimization []

Abstract: In this paper, the possibility of minimizing antenna sidelobe level was investigated by using invasive weed optimization (IWO) technique. IWO algorithm which inspired by the dynamics of invasive weed growth, has shown promise in finding global optima in complex, multi-dimensional spaces, and it was used in this work to bring down sidelobe level in antenna array. The effectiveness of the invasive weed optimization algorithm in minimizing the level of sidelobe in antenna array was clearly seen in the comparative examination of the algorithm with two other algorithms such as the biogeography-based optimization (BBO) algorithm and the particle swamp optimization (PSO), where it was shown that of all the three algorithms, invasive weed optimization algorithm had the lowest sidelobe. Besides this good result, it was also observed that IWO was better than PSO and BBO in terms of stability. Keywords: Antenna Array, Array Factor, BBO, IWO, PSO, Population, Sidelobe

Typhoid Burden in Blue Nile State, Sudan, 2015-2022 []

ABSTRACT Background: Typhoid fever is a systemic infection that presents with multisystem signs and symptoms albeit without pathognomonic clinical features. Objectives: This study aimed to explained burden of typhoid disease in Blue Nile State, 2015-2022. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross sectional study health facility-based study. Data was collected from Blue Nile health facilities during the years 2015-2022. Results: The overall prevalence of the typhoid fever was 13.5/100 person –years with 95% confidence interval (CI) (3.0-4.0). The Year 2020 significantly showed high prevalence of typhoid fever 18.2 % while the year 2015 reported less typhoid fever prevalence 9.1%. Also there was significant difference between the mean prevalence of the months of the studied years, p=.001. High prevalence of typhoid fever was significantly found during October 15.9% and November 15.6% of each studied year. Hence our study showed that there was no significant difference between weekly mean prevalence of the studied years, p=.379.

A review of Disruptive Transformation and its impact on talent management and Business Process efficiency. []

In the context of disruptive transformation in the dynamic business world, organizations are focused on setting and communicating clear objectives. The main idea is to develop a direct link between the performance of employees and corporate strategic objectives. The process of disruptive transformation is important because organizations are focused on empowering their workforce with future skills. In the context of AI and automation, the demand for highly skilled employees is more urgent than ever. Disruptive innovation has made it possible to empower employees with the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI-powered digital assistants play an important role in refining training opportunities to employees in different sectors such as the automotive and energy industries. As innovation plays a significant role in organizations’ digital transformation, companies are expected to do something more beyond the simple adoption of new technologies. Process modelling has been observed that organizations are expected to have a clearly defined and effective process modelling competence. The process of disruptive transformation is frequently seen from the perspective of sustainability. Companies have recognized the importance of realizing sustainable development goals in the context of persistent digital transformation. It appears that disruptive technologies can significantly contribute to attaining sustainable development goals. This paper aims to review and provide insights on various impacts that disruptive Transformation has created in Business process. Key words: Disruptive transformation, Talent management, Process modelling, Process optimization, Innovation

Improved Diverse Data Visualization Scale System using Kyrix Platform []

The amount of data being saved in statistics centers and databases of organizations is increasing daily. As these statistics sets grow exponentially with time, it becomes extraordinarily difficult to understand and interpret data with their relationships that exists. This exponential growth of data poses new organizational challenges, as conventional record management system infrastructure can no longer give a precise and detailed about the behavour data and relationships that exist in a database. There is a growing concern and confusion when selecting a tool or technique to handle massive data visualization system:. Viewing all related data at once in a database is a problem that have attracted professionals with machine learning and data science skills: This is a lingering problem in the data industry, because data viewing can only be done one at a time. The aim of this study is to develop an improved diverse data visualization scale system using Kyrix platform with the help of random forest structure. We employed the random forest technique to effectively visualize large amount school library data. The proposed system uses few lines of Python code to create visualization in Kyrix. The model can help user at a glance understand and interpret the behavour data and relationships in a database. The model was trained and tested to learn and extract hidden behavour or patterns of data to clearly help user understand and give detailed information about data. Stacked generalization with the help of a cross validation technique was introduced to combine the functionalities of RF and existing tree structure to have a better accuracy rate. The results of RF model produced 95% accuracy with 0.223600 RMSE error value in comparison with the DT that gave 80.00% success rate and 0.15990 RMSE value. The introduction of stacking further improved the model and produced 96.0% accuracy with an error rate of 0.159885 RMSE. Keywords— Data Visualization, Improved, Kyrix Platform, Scale System

An Investigation on Moroccan Teachers’ Attitudes about Sexuality Education in Moroccan Public High Schools []

Whilst many people acknowledge the importance of education in a person's life and how it paves the way to a bright future, there is still a lot of debate and rejection surrounding the topic of sex or sexuality education. Currently, there is a debate regarding the implementation of sex education programs in schools mainly because it is thought to encourage early sexual activity and dispossess children of their innocence. In Muslim countries, such as Morocco, it is forbidden to have sexual relations outside wedlock, and talking about such things is considered taboo. However, no one can deny the increasing number of adolescents who are suffering from the horrific consequences of unprotected sex such as AIDS, HIV, Gonorrhea, etc. With more and more people being at risk of these illnesses, the need for sex education has become immense as it improves one’s skills to protect oneself and make informed decisions about one’s health. Despite this great emphasis and importance of sex education, it is not part of the Moroccan educational system. This study aims to examine the attitudes of Moroccan Teachers about the effectiveness of sex education in Moroccan public high schools and the challenges that face its implementation. Keywords: Sex, Sexuality, Sexual Education, Sexual Health, Attitude


This study delves into the dynamic interplay between medical cannabis and tourism in the context of Sri Lanka, a nation seeking to navigate the evolving landscape of alternative healthcare experiences and wellness tourism. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research encompasses both quantitative surveys targeting tourists and qualitative inter-views with local stakeholders. Findings reveal positive attitudes among tourists toward the integration of medical can-nabis into their travel experiences, indicating a potential for economic growth, job creation, and diversification of tour-ism offerings. Cultural sensitivity and community engagement emerge as critical factors, emphasizing the need for the respectful incorporation of local perspectives. The establishment of clear and supportive regulatory frameworks is rec-ommended, alongside ongoing public health education initiatives. The study concludes with a call for collaborative ef-forts, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches and adaptive strategies to ensure the responsible and sustainable devel-opment of medical cannabis tourism in Sri Lanka.

Profitability and Efficiency Measurement of the Selected Leasing Companies in Bangladesh []

Abstract: Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess the profitability and efficiency of the selected leasing companies in Bangladesh. Methodology: The study used a quantitative methodology and collected profitability data for the years 2012–2021 from various publicly available annual reports of the sample leasing companies in Bangladesh. Both parametric and non-parametric techniques (descriptive analysis, multiple regressions, and efficiency analysis using DEA) were used to examine the data. Findings: The entire sample leasing companies had quite excellent asset positions. The positive return on assets further suggests that the distribution of assets was successful. Both the net profit margin and the equity to total asset ratio were reasonable. More than 80% of the variation in profitability can be explained by net profit margin and return on assets, while return on equity has less of an impact. It is a sign of good efficiency that each of the selected leasing companies has a technical efficiency of greater than 99%. The efficiency and profitability of the sample leasing companies are significantly impacted by each of the criteria that were selected. The sample leasing companies can undoubtedly increase their revenue if they can reduce the amount of non-performing loans (NPL). The companies' profitability will suffer if they don't turn their equity capital into assets that can generate profits. To increase profitability, long-term variable adjustments are required. Proclamation: To the best of the author's knowledge, this study may be the first to assess the efficiency and profitability of the sample leasing firms in Bangladesh while accounting for the elements that directly affect profitability. Keywords: profitability, efficiency, moderate, measurement, data envelopment analysis, leasing companies, impact, regression analysis, generating, adjustment, etc.


This research explores the complex dynamics between tourism and the traditional lifestyles of indigenous communities in Sri Lanka. Focused on understanding the sociocultural, economic, and environmental repercussions, the study em-ployed in-depth interviews as the primary data collection method. Findings reveal a nuanced interplay of positive and negative impacts. Positive outcomes include increased cultural exchange and economic empowerment through cultural tourism. However, concerns emerge regarding cultural commodification and the potential erosion of traditional practices due to tourism influence. The research provides recommendations for fostering sustainable tourism, including commu-nity-led cultural education programs, responsible tourism partnerships, and environmental conservation measures. These recommendations aim to strike a balance between deriving economic benefits from tourism and preserving the cultural authenticity and environmental integrity of Sri Lanka's indigenous communities. The findings and recommenda-tions contribute to the ongoing discourse on responsible and culturally sensitive tourism practices, with implications for policy development, community empowerment, and continued research in the field.

The Role of CSR Implementation in Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage. []

Motivated by the need for a long-term competitive edge, the necessity to adopt environmentally friendly practices to enhance businesses' sustainable performance, and an awareness of how CSR initiatives affect society. This study focuses on the role of corporate social responsibility implementation in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. This research topic aims to find out the relationship between the activities of CSR and competitive advantage and to study the impact of corporate social responsibility application in improving the living standard of the society and community. It has been found from the analysis of a company that implementing CSR that the implementation of corporate social responsibility is helping in getting a long-term competitive advantage and having the loyalty by the society. Much literature reviews have been written about the role of corporate social responsibility in several aspects, including the challenges of implementing CSR, how CSR is a strong factor during the COVID pandemic, the impact of CSR in achieving sustainability, competitive advantage, CSR with society and community, and CSR implementation process and its importance. This research contributes to expanding the literature to companies and organizations in motivating them to adopt this approach which leads to enhancing the competitive advantage and establishing new strategies that can improve sustainable performance for them.

Determination of Groundwater Corrosion Indices in Yaounde - Cameroon: Seasonal Variations []

This study determined the encrustativity, corrosivity, aggressivity indices of the groundwater and its variability with seasons in Yaounde. Six indices, Puckorius (PSI), Langelier (LSI), Ryznar (RSI), Larson–Skold (LI), Aggressivity (AI) and Corrosivity (CI) were programmed in Microsoft Excel and their spatial variations illustrated using Global Mapper18 and SurferV18. From the range of values for the model indices; LI is 80% non-corrosive, 15% corrosive and 5% highly corrosive in the wet season while 50% non-corrosive, 25% corrosive and 25% highly corrosive in the dry season. The PSI of the groundwater is encrusting in the wet season and corrosive in the dry season; LSI is corrosive in both seasons; RSI is intolerably corrosive in both seasons. Comparing these values of the six stability indices with seasons elucidated that groundwater of Yaounde is encrusting in one season and corrosive in another and there is variation in the percentage of corrosion, suitability and scaling indices. Carrying out groundwater tests only in one season might lead to errors in selecting material types, planning/construction of groundwater supply networks, selecting the best methods to prevent corrosion and storage of network replacement components, which may pose serious network management challenges. This potential to cause damage to groundwater supply infrastructure in Yaounde needs to be factored in present network planning, remediation and management to proffer solutions to such networks. Keywords: Groundwater; Corrosion-indices; Seasonal-variations; Yaounde-Cameroon

Effect of formal land titling and credit accessibility. Case study of Ikom Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. []

Land registration and titling has assumes popularity around the developing countries in recent times. The argument that land titling enhances access to credit is often the underlying factor for the implementation of land registration programs. The main aim of this study is to establish whether secure or formal land title enhances access credit. The study reveals that formal land titling are used as collateral to access credit in most developing countries and default titles have little or no impact on credit accessibility in commercial banks and microfinance banks unless savings association that accept that accept default titles as collateral to access credit base on friendship basis ( man know man) in Ikom, Nigeria. The methodology applied for this study is based on empirical data collection through review of related literature band, direct interview with banks officials, professional in Cross River State Ministry of Lands, Cross River Geographical Information Agency ( CRGIA), Cross River Property Development and Investment Limited (CROSPIL). The study also reveals that land registration and titling enhances security of tenure.

Appraisal of Urban Water Supply Service: In Somaliland Case of Hargeisa City. []

Abstract Water scarcity is one of the major challenges faced by dwellers of many developing countries. Hargeisa city, like other cities in developing countries, is presently facing numerous challenges on how to handle and improve water system to achieve sustainable water supply for the city. This study was carried out to appraise the urban water supply in Hargeisa city. It employed descriptive survey type of research using qualitative and quantitative research approaches using with Primary and Secondary data. Primary data was collected through questionnaire, structured interview and field observations targeting sampled households and water agency and ministry of water resource officials. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted in consistency with the research objectives. The findings showed that the current water supply is both inadequate and inaccessible of water supply. In addition, piped water covers 37% of the total population. Furthermore, the findings revealed that urban dwellers could not afford the water service as 63% of the studied population paid monthly water expense of more than 5% of their monthly income. The current monthly water consumption is twice lower than the standard minimum urban water consumption rate at households of medium family size.


The study was conducted in Guduru District to assesses the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on rabies. A cross sectional study design and simple random sampling procedure were employed for house hold selection in this study. Peasant Association in study area were selected purposively, and selection of households from each Peasant Association was using simple random sampling method. The data were collected from 384 households through face to face interview using a direct and structured questionnaire. Out of the 384 respondents interviewed, 183 (47.7%) of them were males and 201 (52.3%) females. Age categories were grouped into 15-30, 31-50 and >50 years old. The majority of the respondents, 137 (35.7%) were protestant followed by orthodox, 125 (32.6%). Majority of the study participants, 67.7% had good level of KAP and there was no strong association (P>0.05) between KAP scores and educational status of the respondents. There was no strong association among the sex, age, and occupation of the respondents. Generally, these findings indicate that the community of the town has good knowledge about rabies. This necessitates a need for educational out reaches in and around Guduru district to raise accurate knowledge on mode of transmission, symptoms and appropriate prevention and treatment measures.