Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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This research developed a road maintenance decision making system using System Dynam-ics (SD) Model. The SD model use the pavement deterioration, maintenance and optimiza-tion module to design road maintenance policies that would yield optimum cost-quality re-sult. To calibrate this model, quality, cost and maintenance-measures related data were col-lected for twenty-four (24) road sections in Osun State from 2012 to 2018, and inputted into the SD System. The pattern observed from the data inputted, coupled with the optimum op-timization parameters, were then used to simulate its own five (5) years maintenance struc-ture ranging from 2019 to 2023, which was then compared with the structure administered on the study roads to ascertain its level of performance. The result showed the best-case op-timization parameters of load related distress (LDR) threshold of 75 and highest prioritized maintenance measures as preventive maintenance (PM). The SD simulated maintenance structure outperformed that of the agency maintained with massive savings in cost. The health/usability of the SD simulated road sections at 2023 were also better than that ob-tained as a result of the maintenance management agency in seventeen (17) of the twenty-four (24) road sections used in this study. The two results were similar at three study road sections, while that maintained using the agencies system were better at four (4) road sec-tions only. Also, using the trend from the data available, the budgeted, approved and SD generated maintenance cost were forecasted for 2024-2028. From the result, both budgeted and approved running maintenance cost were in billions while that of the SD generated running cost were in millions. This shows that application of the System Dynamics road maintenance system would lead to massive savings in cost at appreciable quality.

Reading Comprehension Outcomes Related to Sociolinguistic Profiles and Translation Skills []

This research aimed to address the gap in understanding the interplay between translation skills and sociolinguistic profiles, specifically tailored to the needs of Grade 7 students. Employing a descriptive-correlational design, the study described the characteristics and behaviors of the participants and assessed the relationships among them. Participants' translation skills and reading comprehension levels were evaluated, and their sociolinguistic profiles were determined using a sociolinguistic survey. The study analyzed the correlation between translation abilities and performance on reading comprehension tests, providing insights into how sociolinguistic factors influenced language proficiency and comprehension outcomes.

Introduction to New Public Management (NPM) []

This article delves into the transformative governance landscape, focusing on the paradigm shiftcatalyzed by New Public Management (NPM). NPM, emerging in the late 20th century, introduceda novel approach to public administration, challenging traditional bureaucratic models. Itadvocates for market-based principles, emphasizing efficiency, accountability, and customer-centricity within the public sector. The article examines the theoretical foundations of NPM,exploring its fundamental principles and their implementation across various governmentalcontexts worldwide. It critically evaluates the successes and limitations of NPM in enhancingpublic service delivery, organizational effectiveness, and responsiveness to societal needs.Furthermore, the article investigates the evolution of NPM amidst contemporary challenges, suchas the increasing complexity of public issues, the rise of digital governance, and the imperative offostering inclusivity and equity. It highlights the adaptations and innovations within NPMframeworks to address these challenges and adapt to changing societal demands.In conclusion, the article underscores the significance of NPM as a catalyst for reshapinggovernance paradigms while advocating for a nuanced and adaptable approach that alignsefficiency-driven principles with the overarching goal of serving the public interest and promotingsocietal well-being. Similarly, it will examine the role of NPM in public administration andgovernance.


The quantity surveying profession cannot be said to have benefited fully nor optimized its capabilities within the facility management practice. Therefore, this study intends to examine the opportunities available to quantity surveyors in sustainable facilities management practice. However, in order to achieve this aim, it is imperative to assess the features of sustainable facilities management, the quantity surveyor’s role in sustainable facilities management, and the competence required by the quantity surveyor in sustainable facilities management. The study is limited to the quantity surveying and facilities management practice in Nigeria; however, the results of the study can be generalized to other countries and in particular, developing countries. Data for the study was collected through the use of well-structured questionnaires administered and distributed to fifty (50) quantity surveying professionals in the built industry with experience in facilities management and with emphasis on past projects within Lagos state, Nigeria. Forty (40) were returned and data collected was analysed using relative importance index (RII). The findings revealed that quantity surveyors have an emerging role in sustainable facilities management and which translate to opportunities being made available for the quantity surveyor.

Contribution des valeurs de l'islam dans sa diffusion en Afrique: cas du soufisme []

Le texte aborde l'influence de l'islam en Afrique, évoquant deux aspects distincts : la géographie de la propagation de l'islam et les spécificités de la pratique religieuse en Afrique. Il souligne l'ancienneté de l'islam en Afrique, débutant avec l'émigration des premiers croyants musulmans vers l'Abyssinie, et met en avant le rôle du soufisme dans la diffusion de l'islam en Afrique. Le texte examine les causes du refus de l'islam par certaines régions africaines et les facteurs favorisant la conversion dans d'autres. Il mentionne la facilité d'adhésion aux piliers de l'islam, la continuité avec les religions abrahamiques antérieures, l'impact économique et politique, et la force militaire comme des éléments influençant la propagation de l'islam en Afrique.

Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior of Co-Operative Employees in Butwal []

This study has examined factors examine the level of financial literacy and saving behavior of co-operatives in Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City. Independent variables included financial literacy and socio-demographic variables like age, marital status, and monthly income and dependent variable are saving behavior. The data have been collected from the co-operatives in Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City. Major focused of the study on factors that service quality and saving behavior on co-operatives with specific objectives. To meet these objectives, various statistical tools: Mean, Standard deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Coefficient of correlation, ANOVA test was applied. It has been found that higher levels of variables performance increase service quality and saving behavior on co-operatives, significance relationship between internal factors and satisfaction. The descriptive and causal comparative research design adopted for the study. The study targeted 145Co-operatives of Butwal Sub Metropolitan City as population, from there are altogether 145 co-operatives in Butwal. In this regard, the total employees these 145 co-operatives are 396 which are considered as the population of the study, the sample size is taken as 199 employees based on α% level of significance as mentioned below in sample size. Now, for the sample researcher has applied Yamen (1967) formula to calculate sample size. n = N/(1+Ne2). So, the sample of the study is 199. Conveniences sampling methods will be used.

Assessment of the Concentrations of 226 Ra, 228 Th, and 40 K in the Foods Stuff by Residents of Agona East District in the Central Region. []

In order to assess potential radiological dangers to human health, it is especially important to assess the levels of radioactivity in human nutrition. At the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission's Gamma Laboratory, studies of radioactivity concentrations in foods like cowpea, yam, millet, plantain, rice, cocoyam, potatoes, and cassava have been conducted. Gamma spectrometry systems have been used to quantify radionuclides of interest like Radium-226, Thorium-228, and Potassium-40. The average concentration values of 226Ra, 228Th, and 40K were found to vary between 276.88, 597.75 and 15564Bqkg-1 in all the food items that were recorded. The potassium levels in all food samples were found to be high, ranging from 217 -56342BqKg-1. Thorium-228 and Potassium-40 were discovered in the highest concentrations in cassava (2282 and 56342 BqKg-1, respectively). 4.05 mSv was found to be the total annual committed effective dosage after investigation. Plantains and cassava are the biggest donors to daily radionuclides from food consumption, whereas millet is the lowest. The concentrations of radionuclides were similar to those documented in other nations.

Resonance Retention Theory []

The Resonance Retention Theory presents a novel framework for understanding the retention of trauma in the body and its profound implications for individuals' well-being. Through specialized kinesiology, it was discovered that trauma becomes lodged within the body's tissues, leaving energetic imprints that resonate over time. This resonance manifests in a myriad of ways, from somatic symptoms to physiological ailments, underscoring the intricate interplay between psychological and physiological processes. For instance, seemingly innocuous childhood traumas, such as financial insecurity, can trigger somatic manifestations like lower back pain, highlighting the far-reaching impact of trauma on physical health.

L’exil sacré : de l’exode de Moïse à l’hégire de Mohammed []

« Nul n'est prophète en son pays », cette expression citée aux Évangiles de Luc et de Mattieu, présuppose qu’avec la mécréance des concitoyens, les prophètes avaient tendance de se déplacer pour faire entendre le message de Dieu. C’est ainsi que ce déplacement prenait plusieurs formes. Il s’agit parfois, d’un exil volontaire ou forcé. Également, il en est question, dans certains cas, d’une émigration individuelle ou communautaire. Or, ce qui relie tous ces voyages et déplacements, c’est la cause divine et religieuse. Les prophètes et les fidèles traversent les mers et les déserts, dans la quête d’autres croyants ou de conquérir d’autres territoires. Ainsi dit, l’exil, dans son sens général, représente, donc, l’une des caractéristiques des messagers, aussi bien que des savants et des saints, qui, à travers l’Histoire, se déplaçaient pour la prédication et pour propager l’appel à l’unicité de Dieu. Sans cet exil volontaire et ces voyages, aucune religion n’aurait retrouvé cet universalisme et cette diffusion mondiale.


Le minerai le plus exploité dans le Lom-et-Djerem à l’Est-Cameroun est l’or. Une activité en milieu rural qui attire les ménages aux dépends de l’activité agricole et de la productivité alimentaire. Or l’Est fait partie des régions du Cameroun sujet à une sous-alimentation et une zone d’insécurité alimentaire. Le but de cet article est de démontrer que l’orpaillage est un facteur d’insécurité alimentaire. La méthodologie est basée sur la recherche documentaire, des enquêtes auprès des miniers et des personnes ressources. Les résultats montrent que l’orpaillage est une activité non agricole en milieu rural à cause de son potentiel géologique riche. C’est une activité qui contribue à la paupérisation des artisans, chefs de ménage et au sacrifice de l’environnement. Le fait que la main d’œuvre agricole ait muté pour une main d’œuvre minière accroît la dépendance alimentaire des ménages au marché extérieur. Les contraintes physiques et d’approvisionnement concourent également à la volatilité des prix des produits alimentaires sur les marchés locaux. Des actions de sensibilisation et de formation en gestion des moyens de subsistance sont nécessaires pour résoudre ce problème. Mots clés : activité non agricole, insécurité alimentaire, ménage, orpaillage

Enjeux et défis de la gouvernance locale dans les communes à fort potentiel agricole au Cameroun : Cas de la commune de Nkondjock []

La gouvernance locale et la décentralisation sont deux concepts au cœur des discours des hommes politiques, intellectuels, et de la société civile. Ces discours pris individuellement et collectivement malgré quelques divergences liées à leur culture et idéologie politique, sont unanimes sur la finalité et les objectifs de ces concepts à savoir le développement inclusif des populations à la base. Cette étude qui s’inscrit dans la problématique de nombreuses autres études est une réflexion sur le rôle de l’Etat des collectivités territoriales décentralisées et des populations locales autrement dit sur la capacité de ces acteurs à promouvoir le développement, à créer la richesse au niveau local et l’analyse se veut approfondie afin de mieux cerner le sens de ces termes, leurs enjeux et défis. Il s’agit dans le cadre de cette réflexion de mettre en relief le sens de ces termes, de présenter leurs enjeux et défis et surtout de formuler les suggestions pour une gouvernance locale plus efficace et plus efficiente au Cameroun. Au plan méthodologique, la démonstration des résultats est effectuée à partir des données primaires et secondaires obtenus à l’aide des outils d’enquêtes dans la Commune de Nkondjock. Ceux-ci relèvent que la gouvernance locale à travers ses principes et ses outils apporte des solutions idoines aux problèmes de développement des communes au Cameroun. Mots clés : Gouvernance locale, Commune, développement, potentiel agricole, Cameroun

Evaluation of 226Radium, 228Radium, 228Thorium and 40Potassium Concentrations in Foodstuffs Consume by Dwellers of Ayawaso North Municipal Assembly. []

Assessment of radioactivity levels in human diet is of particular concern for the evaluation of potential radiological hazards to human health. Studies of radioactivity concentrations in foodstuffs such as cassava, cocoyam, maize, plantain, potatoes, yam and rice have been investigated at Gamma laboratory under Ghana Atomic Energy Commission using gamma spectrometry system to quantify the radionuclides of interest such as Radium -226, Radium-228, Thorium-228 and Potassium-40. The recorded mean average concentration values of 226Ra, 228Ra, 228Th and 40K in all the foodstuffs varied from 5.96 ± 2.34, 7.38 ±3.35 ,5.98 ±2.52,253.59 ± 15.39 Bqkg-1 respectively. All food samples were found to contain high potassium level, which ranged from 41.71- 367.51 ± 19.21BqKg-1. The highest concentration of Thorium-228 and Potassium-40 was found in cassava with recorded values of 8.70-28.90 and 367.51 ± 19.21 BqKg-1 respectively. The total annual committed effective dose was investigated to be 4.33 mSv. The daily radionuclides from food consumption indicate that plantain and cassava are the highest contributors while maize is the lowest. The radionuclide concentrations were comparable with those reported from other countries. Keywords: Radionuclide, Effective dose, Foodstuff, Internal dose, Dome – Kwabenya Municipality


Traditional fish farming faces several significant challenges, including water contamination, temperature imbalances, feed management, limited land availability, and high costs. The aquaculture industry continues to face various challenges, including the need for enhanced monitoring systems, early identification of disease outbreaks, high mortality rates, and the promotion of sustainability. These issues represent ongoing concerns that require resolution and have prompted this study to conduct research on fish pond water quality management using the Woosong University fish pond dataset sourced from the Kaggle machine learning repository. The objective of this research is to develop an aquaculture solution utilizing machine learning (ML) techniques, with the aim of enhancing prawn growth and increasing productivity in pond environments. Hence, the study scrutinizes the effectiveness of some machine learning algorithms, including XGBoost, Gradient Boosting, K-Neighbors Regressor, Random Forest Regressor, and a Hybrid Ensemble Model. Evaluation metrics using some evaluation metrics such as Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), R-squared (R2), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) to assess the algorithms' effectiveness. The study's findings revealed that the Random Forest Regressor and the Hybrid Ensemble Model outperform other algorithms in terms of prediction accuracy, making them strong candidates for assessing water quality in fish farming. Key-Words: XGB Boost (XGBOOST), Gradient Boosting (GB), K-Neighbors Regressor (KNN), Random Forest (RF)

Sewage cleaning system []

Abstract : In today’s era automation plays a very important role in all engineering applications for the proper disposal of sewage from industries and household is still a challenging task. Drain pipes are used for the adequate disposal of waste and unfortunately sometimes there may be a threat to human life during the cleaning of blockage in the drain pipes or it can cause serious health issues because of the pertaining problems like malaria, dengue, etc. In order to overcome this problem as well as to save human life we implement a design “Sewage or Drainage Cleaning System”. We designed our project in order to use it in an efficient way to control the disposal of waste along with regular filtration of drains, cleaning of solid waste in order to avoid blockage in drains to promote continuous flow of drainage water which ultimately reduces the threat to human life. So, we are making a sewage or drainage cleaning machine

Genetic Algorithm-based Path Loss Models: An Optimization Technique in LTE Wireless Communication Systems []

Signal path loss models play significant role in predicting signal strength, its attenuation, and enable characterisation of the radio frequency channel. Distance, transmitting frequency, and obstacles are critical elements that emphasize the signal strength variability affecting signal propagation at various areas. This study employs denoised data and unprocessed data to formulate path loss models using drive-test method. The signal strengths were measured, analyzed, and presented considering four base-stations (BS) within Port Harcourt using Long Term Evolution (LTE) at 2600MHz. A comparative analysis was performed between COST231-Hata model, Okumura-Hata model, and the developed models, based on metrics such as RMSE, MAE, and correlation coefficient (R). The developed model using denoised data exhibited excellent performance with the lowest RMSEs of 2.88dB, 3.94dB, 4.76dB, 6.94dB, demonstrating its accuracy in predicting path loss. Additionally, it yielded the least MAE values of 2.20dB, 2.87dB, 3.48dB, 5.82dB as compared to the existing standard models. The correlation coefficients of the developed model showed close alignment with the measured path loss of 90.04%, 78.61%, 92.21% and 91.23% for the BSs respectively. Validation of the developed models with data from different BSs confirms high efficiency of 97.41%. Conclusively, COST231-Hata and Okumura-Hata models exhibited limited accuracy in predicting path loss within Port Harcourt. The developed model illustrates exceptional performance and it’s recommended for effective communication network planning and optimization in the area. Future research is encouraged to expand the study to include more BS, regions, and locations for an in-depth and robust model development.


This research aims to delve into the factors contributing to employee turnover within Regami Solutions, a prominent player in the technology sector. By exploring the reasons behind attrition, this study seeks to offer insights and recommendations to mitigate turnover and foster a more engaged and stable workforce. The need for this study arises from the recognition of the detrimental effects of employee attrition on organizational stability and performance. This research study delves into the Study with a sample size of 236 respondents who have been employed at Regami Solutions, the study adopts a descriptive research design and leverages primary data sources, predominantly structured questionnaires. Based on the findings, this research proposes a series of strategic interventions to address employee attrition effectively.

Design and manufacturing Sewage cleaning machine []

In this project the proposed concept is to replace the manual work for drainage cleaning by mechanical system. We know that water has a great importance in human being life, the water flow in drain having full of wastes like polythene, bottles etc. The drains get blocked due to these wastes in water. Now a day’s even through mechanical machine plays a vital role in different applications in the proper disposal of sewages from industries and residential are still challenging task. Drainage is using for the disposal of waste water and unfortunately sometimes there may be loss of human life while cleaning the blockage in the drainages. The government also spends too much money to clean the drainages. To overcome this problem and to save the human life we implement design “Drainage cleaning system”. We designed our project to use this system efficient way to control the disposal of wastages. The system has a dc motor that starts running as soon as the set-up is switched ON. DC motors are connected to the spur gear drive and it is run the wiper blade shaft. A wiper blades are used for clean wall surface of the sewage. This system has limited human intervention in the process of cleaning and it turn reduces spreading of diseases to man who clean the drainage. Keyword: Drainage system, clean water, Sewage.