Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2025 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Enhanced Factorization Attack: Extending Fermat's Factorization Method to Breach RSA and its Multi-Variants Moduli Enhanced Factorization Attack: Extending Fermat's Factorization Method to Breach RSA and its Multi-Variants Moduli []

Abstract This paper presents a novel factorization attack on RSA and its multi-variant moduli by extending Fermat's factorization method. It presents a modified version of Fermat's method tailored to exploit structural weaknesses in RSA modulus, especially in case of multi-variant moduli, enabling more efficient factorization of large composite numbers. The extension aims to improve the algorithm performance, making it feasible to factor larger RSA keys. It integrated computational enhancements of Fermat's method and demonstrated significant improvements in factorization speed and efficiency, thereby posing a substantial threat to RSA implementations that utilize multi-variant moduli. Our results demonstrated the potential vulnerability of RSA implementations using multi-variant moduli, highlighting the need for reinforced security measures to safeguard against factorization-based attacks.

A Novel Hybrid Cryptosystem by Integrating Four Distinct Ciphers to Improve Data Security and Efficiency []

Abstract The increasing reliance on digital communication has created a pressing need for secure and efficient cryptographic techniques. The integration of multiple ciphers presents a new approach of improving data security and efficiency in cryptographic systems. Many ciphers have been developed to provide data security, but all the conventional encryption techniques have proved to be amenable to attack and it seems that there is need for more improvement. This paper integrated four distinct ciphers as a hybrid system aimed to bolster security by capitalizing on the strengths of different cryptographic techniques of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods. The four ciphers measured as functions (bijection) and idea of composition of functions was used to combine and compose the functions. The novel hybrid showed an improvement in data security and efficiency. The study addresses the vulnerabilities of each method when used independently, resulting in a more robust encryption system. The hybrid not only improves data security but also adaptable to different communication scenarios.


Local people have knowledge of their lands based on soil and land characteristics that remain largely unknown to the scientific community. It is important for researchers and sextensionists to understand farmers’ knowledge of soil classification and management. To address this, indigenous knowledge was elicited by focused group discussion, direct field walks and observation with Luguru farmers in Mkundi village- Morogoro district. Luguru farmers soil classification based mainly on topsoil colour, texture and workability. When they talk a particular soil type, they are referring to the soil as seen in terms of its surface characteristics. Based on their knowledge of soil types, farmers decide the use to which a particular piece of land can best be put. For example, black or dark soil is classified as Urongo wa mtitu, this soil is very fertile which is used for production of all crops like cereals, legumes oils and fibers crop. A coarse texture soil is classified as Urongo wa msanga which has low fertility and low water holding capacity, it is used for growing of drought tolerance crops like sorghum, pigeon peas, groundnuts and potato, also it is reserved for grazing and road construction.


The essay explores cloning as a scientific practice with technical, social, ethical, and theological implications, connecting it to biblical eschatology. It begins by detailing the technical process of cloning, highlighting Dolly the sheep as a historical milestone. It proposes human cloning as a solution to demographic crises, particularly in developed countries with declining populations, while also exploring its practical utility in operational tasks. The author discusses ethical and religious aspects, suggesting that clones lack a spirit, possessing only a body and soul, which differentiates them from complete humans. This perspective is supported by biblical interpretations and Creationism, emphasizing that clones may play an eschatological role as hosts for demons and in fulfilling the prophecies of the Apocalypse. The essay also addresses the possibilities of cross-species cloning, speculating on the scientific advancements needed to overcome biological barriers. It argues that science is neutral regarding morality and should advance without ideological constraints. The text concludes that cloning is inevitable and potentially beneficial, offering solutions to demographic challenges, scientific advancements, and the fulfillment of biblical prophecies. It highlights the need for dialogue between science, ethics, and theology to address the impacts of this technology, asserting that science should always prioritize the common good while confronting cultural and religious resistance. Finally, it emphasizes that scientific progress, including cloning, can reveal new understandings of humanity and the universe, inviting readers to reflect boldly and critically on the future. KEYWORDS: Cloning, Science, Theology, Ethics, Eschatology, Demographics.


The main purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting employee engagement in Ethiopian Electric Power and to determine the effect of the five variables namely job characteristics, training and development, performance appraisal, salary and benefit, and employee relations with manager on employee engagement. The primary data were collected using self-administered questionnaire, for which 278 Ethiopian electric power head office and national load dispatch center employees responded properly. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive, correlation and multiple linear regressions using Statistical package for social science version 26 software. The descriptive analysis result showed that job characteristics, training and development, performance appraisal, salary and benefit, and employee relations with manager have less mean value which indicates most respondent’s disagreement with statements provided. Further, the total mean value of employee engagement is 2.78 which shows that Ethiopian electric power employees are disengaged. In addition the finding from correlation analysis indicates that all independent variables have positive relationship with employee engagement and also significant value. Also based on the multiple linear regression analysis, the study found that job characteristics, training and development, performance appraisal, salary and benefit, and employee relations with manager have significant effect on employee engagement. Moreover, the study confirmed the applicability of social exchange theory. The findings of this study provided helpful knowledge and direction for future researchers on the scope of the studies. Finally, based on the study findings the researcher forwarded some recommendations such as the scope of the study to be broadened geographically and conceptually. Keywords: Employee engagement, Job characteristics, training and development and performance appraisal


The main objective of this study was to determine levels, trends and factors associated with measles-1 vaccination among children under-five years in Ghana, using four waves of Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys data. Methods and materialsThe study utilized four waves of the Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys (GDHS) from 2003-2022. The GDHS is a nationally representative survey conducted every five years. After combining the four datasets, a total of 17,399 children were included in the analysis. Chi2 test was conducted to determine the association between the dependent variable (measles vaccination) and the independent variables. Multivariate logistic regression was used to establish the strength of association between the dependent variable and the independent variables.Results Out of the 17,399 children included in the analysis, 30.2% did not receive the measles vaccine. Factors that were associated with measles-1 vaccination include mothers education, region of residence, mothers religion and occupation, household socioeconomic status. Specifically, children who reside in Northern, Central and Western Regions were disadvantaged in measles-1 vaccination compared to the other Regions. Also, children mothers whose are educated up to secondary school were more likely to be vaccinated. Higher household socioeconomic status is associated with child vaccination. ConclusionWe conclude that measles-1 vaccination coverage has declined between 2003 and 2022. Factors responsible for measles-1 vaccination includes region of residence, mothers education, religion and occupation, household socioeconomic status are predictors of measles-1 vaccination in Ghana. Efforts to improve measles vaccination in Ghana should address context-specific factors such as those enumerated above.

Empirical Analysis of Monetary Policy and Economic Growth in Nigeria []

The study Assesses the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Nigeria. The study employed time series data ranging from 1982 to 2023. Economic growth is expressed by Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) with interest rate, exchange rate, money supply, and foreign direct investment serving as monetary policy variables or instruments. The study adopted the ex post facto research design due to its unique quality of being able to examine the cause-and- effect relationship between dependent variables and regressors. The method of data analysis was Auto regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. The empirical result shown, while foreign direct investment and exchange rate had positive and significant on real GDP, money supply (M2) had negative significant impact on real GDP and interest rate was found to be positive and insignificant to real GDP. The study concludes that monetary policy has positive impact on economic growth in Nigeria during the reviewed period. Owing to the findings, the study recommends that monetary authority should implement policy that will enhance foreign direct investment and optimize exchange rate management in the country.

The impact of export diversification on intra-regional merchandise exports: an analysis of production integration in Namibia within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. []

This paper examines the effects of export diversification on intra-regional merchandise exports a case study of production integration in Namibia within the SADC region. It assesses the impact of this measure on intra-regional merchandise exports and evaluates the short-run and long-run effects by using the VECM estimation technique. The results imply that there exists a positive relationship between export product diversification and intra-regional merchandise exports particularly on a short-run and long-run basis meaning that it encourages globalization in trade for Namibia through greater diversification. The net inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) have in the past further limited intra-regional exports because foreign investors tended to outperform domestic firms but in the long run, they contributed to growth by transferring cash and economies of scale. In a positive long-term manner, an increase in labor supply has a beneficial impact on productivity which in turn fosters intra-regional exports. At the same time, a higher GDP boosts regional exports by adding to overall disposable income and boosting domestic demand. These findings reaffirm the benefits of export diversification: it can increase competitiveness through product diversification, reduce dependence on specific markets, and lead to economic growth, all while helping Namibia withstand external shocks. The research offers recommendations for policies that improve regional cooperation as well as the economic situation of Namibia and the entire Southern African Development Community ( SADC) region.

Les facteurs influençant le changement d'itinéraires thérapeutiques dans la zone de santé de Miti-Murhesa, Province du Sud-Kivu en RD Congo []

The general objective of this study is to determine the factors influencing the change of therapeutic itineraries in the Miti- Murhesa health zone. This study is descriptive and cross-sectional; it extends over a period of 6 months which involved a sample of 335 heads of households living in the Miti- Murhesa health zone. After the survey and data analysis we arrived at the following results: Regarding organizational factors, 19% of respondents highlighted the inadequacy of health infrastructure and the lack of hygiene in these structures. In addition, 15% mentioned that the costs related to care were high. Regarding the performance of the reception service, 51.6% rated the quality of reception as good, 29.9% considered it quite good, 12.5% appreciated it very well and 6% considered it bad. The majority of respondents (56.4%) also reported the absence of certain necessary services in health structures. Regarding socio-cultural factors, the low level of education of the population influences the change of therapeutic itinerary. Thus, 58% of respondents reported resorting to self-medication in case of illness in their home, which suggests a lack of knowledge about therapeutic itineraries. In addition, some respondents indicated preferring other health structures due to the comfort and good doctors they offer. Finally, the influence of socio-economic factors on the change of therapeutic itinerary. 72.5% of respondents believe that their low income allows them to access quality care in the Miti- Murhesa health zone. Regarding the high cost of care, the majority of respondents (65.1%) said that their monthly cost was between 11 and 35 dollars.

Investigation of the Performance Evaluation Strategies and Impact on Employees' Overall Performance: Case of Petroleum Development Oman []

Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) 's assessment of employee performance is a strategic process designed to enhance productivity and align with organizational objectives. This process involves periodic evaluations based on predefined criteria, including merits, professional competencies, and organizational behaviour. Regular feedback is provided to employees to facilitate improvements in their performance. The focus is on professional development, supported by targeted training programs and incentives for high achievers. The performance evaluation system promotes efficiency, innovation, and increased employee satisfaction. It fosters a culture of transparency and fairness, ensuring objectivity in evaluations that accurately reflect employee performance. This research aims to examine these objectives through data collected via a questionnaire distributed to Oman Oil Development Company employees. The findings indicate that the company effectively implements performance evaluation strategies, which positively impact the overall performance of its employees. This research aims to examine these objectives through data collected via a questionnaire distributed to employees of Oman Oil Development Company. The findings indicate that the company effectively implements performance evaluation strategies, which positively impact the overall performance of its employees. Furthermore, the analysis highlights areas for improvement, suggesting that continuous refinement of evaluation methods can further enhance employee engagement and contribute to PDO's long-term success. By understanding the dynamics of performance evaluation, organizations can better align their strategies with employee needs, ultimately fostering a more productive and innovative workplace. Keywords: employee engagement, employee performance, performance evaluation strategy, Petroleum Development Oman


This study case study of Asyad Shipping investigates the influence of remote work on employee engagement and organisational culture. Following the COVID pandemic, which only accelerated remote work and the associated shift of work, the traditional workplace dynamics have been changed, raising questions regarding employee motivation, organisational and cultural cohesion, and commitment. It examines how employee engagement is affected by remote work and how organisational culture may moderate this relationship. The study is designed as a mixed-methods study utilising survey data (open and close end questions) from 200 employees. The results show that remote work provides multiple benefits, such as extra flexibility, autonomy, and a better work-life balance, leading to better employee engagement. However, the study also shows several substantial difficulties, including poorly formed interpersonal relationships and diluted company culture, that can ultimately erode engagement. The analysis suggests that organisational culture is an essential role-modulating factor in minimising the adverse side effects of remote work. Strong leadership, communication tools, mentorship programs, and virtual team-building activities were found to reinforce cultural values and create collaboration to sustain engagement levels. Although these interventions improve the situation somewhat, there are areas in which continued improvement is needed, such as regarding additional support for training and development, the development of recognition systems, and the combat of isolation. The research finds that remote work could improve engagement but that for its long-term success, the ability to foster cultural cohesion and communication is a proactive organisational strategy. The recommendations include bolstering organisational leadership practice, enhancing the feedback mechanisms, and enlarging employees’ recognition and development opportunities. Based on this study, organisations that aim to optimise remote work policies and keep remote workers engaged and culturally aligned in virtual settings will find this a helpful guide.


In this paper, advanced machine learning models are investigated for their ability to predict student academic performance, focusing on key features termed "important features." The study thoroughly compares data mining techniques to categorize student performance and predict grades, utilizing a diverse array of classifiers including Bayes Network, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree. Additionally, ensemble method like Voting was employed to enhance classifier performance. Exploring an ensemble-based machine learning method to predict students' performance is driven by the desire to improve learning. Notably, the results showed exceptional performance by the voting classifier, achieving impressive accuracy rates of 86% in the online dataset and 100% in the local dataset compared to other classifiers. This research significantly contributes to the evolution of predictive modeling within educational settings, offering insights into the comparative effectiveness of different classifiers and ensemble approaches. By identifying important features and exploring ensemble methods, the study provides valuable insights for personalized education, resource allocation, and informed decision-making in educational policies. Educators and institutions of learning can leverage these findings to develop targeted interventions and support systems tailored to individual student needs, ultimately promoting academic success.


The growing incorporation of nutraceuticals into patient care signifies a notable transformation in the health and wellness paradigm. The term “nutraceutical,” introduced by Stephen DeFelice in 1989, refers to food products that provide medical or health advantages, including the prevention and treatment of diseases. This paper delves into the pharmaceutical dimensions of nutraceuticals, emphasizing formulation challenges, innovative delivery mechanisms, and their effectiveness in disease management. High-quality nutraceutical formulations presents key challenges, such as the intricate nature of botanical ingredients, their chemical instability, and the necessity for age-appropriate dosage forms. To tackle these challenges, advanced drug delivery systems, including nanocarriers, liposomes, and pH-responsive formulations, are investigated to improve the bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of bioactive compounds. The paper highlights the effectiveness of nutraceuticals in disease prevention and management, particularly using antioxidant-rich compounds, with evidence indicating their role in mitigating risks associated with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. The regulatory frameworks governing nutraceuticals differ across regions, influencing their safety and marketing practices. While nutraceuticals are generally regarded as safe, potential adverse effects warrant careful consumption. Looking to the future, the prospects for nutraceuticals appear bright, propelled by advancements in personalized nutrition and digital health technologies that can enhance product effectiveness and consumer trust.


ABSTRACT Grief and anxiety are two of the most pervasive emotional struggles experienced by individuals worldwide. Grief, a natural response to loss, can manifest in various forms—whether it involves the death of a loved one, loss of a relationship, broken relationships, job loss, life transitions, or other significant life changes. Anxiety, on the other hand, is characterized by excessive worry, fear, and unease, often impacting one’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Both conditions can disrupt daily functioning, impair relationships, and create a profound sense of isolation. In addressing these challenges, Christian counseling emerges as a holistic approach that integrates biblical principles with effective counseling techniques. Unlike secular counseling models that often rely solely on psychological methods, Christian counseling incorporates faith-based interventions, emphasizing God’s presence, promises, and purpose in the lives of those experiencing pain and uncertainty. Scriptures such as Psalm 34:18 (“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”) and Philippians 4:6-7 (“Do not be anxious about anything… and the peace of God… will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”) serve as foundational truths that bring comfort, hope, and healing. The significance of Christian counseling lies in its ability to address not only the emotional and psychological dimensions of grief and anxiety but also the spiritual needs of individuals. This integrated approach acknowledges that human beings are holistic creations—physical, emotional, and spiritual—who require multifaceted care. Effective Christian counseling empowers individuals to process their emotions, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and draw strength from their faith to overcome their struggles. This paper explores biblical principles, techniques, and approaches utilized in Christian counseling to provide compassionate and effective support to individuals experiencing grief and anxiety. It also highlights the importance of combining biblical wisdom with psychological insights to foster resilience, hope, and long-term healing. In a world where emotional pain is inevitable, Christian counseling offers a pathway to restoration that aligns with God’s design for wholeness and peace.

Design and Implementation of a Smart Solar-Optimized IPS with Adaptive Load Management to Reduce Grid Dependency in Residential Energy Systems []

The increasing adaption of renewable energy sources, especially solar power, for sustainable domestic energy systems directly addresses the environmental issues linked to electricity generation from fossil fuels. However traditional solar IPS setups typically function in isolation from the electrical grid which only activate during grid outages, thereby restricting their capacity to fully exploit solar energy and resulting in greater reliance on grid-based power sources. This paper introduces an intelligent, microcontroller-based energy management system designed to optimize solar energy usage in off-grid home solar systems with grid back-up. In contrast to conventional systems that depend on the electrical grid for battery recharging and power provision during outages, our adaptive innovative approach continuously checks grid conditions, solar energy production, and battery levels to prioritize solar power consumption prior to using grid electricity. In order to maximize the use of renewable energy, the system easily switches between the grid and solar sources and continuously adjusts to variations in the availability of solar energy. In times when solar power is scarce, the system efficiently manages less emergency loads to prolong solar energy consumption when the grid is absent, while prioritizing emergency loads according to battery charge status to preserve critical operations. Our innovative system presents an adaptable and environmentally conscious approach to residential energy management, fostering the integration of renewable energy sources in domestic settings and supporting global ecological objectives.


Kokoro is a popular Nigerian snack made from whole maize, is notably low in protein, which makes it vulnerable to malnutrition. This study investigates the significant benefits of fortifying whole maize flour with defatted sea purse flour (DFS) to improve the nutritional value and sensory quality of Kokoro snacks. By substituting 5% to 20% of maize flour with DFS, while using 100% maize flour as the control. The results show marked improvements in various functional and pasting properties of the flour blends. During the production process, flour pastes were combined with salt and onion and then deep-fried in hot oil. The resulting snacks were analyzed for colour, texture, proximate composition, and sensory attributes using standard methods. The findings demonstrated significant enhancements across all evaluated parameters. Notably, water absorption, the protein, ash, fiber, and energy contents increased considerably with increasing addition of DFS. In contrast, the carbohydrate content decreased as the proportions of DFS increased. The snacks fortified with DFS displayed a notable increase in both protein and fiber content. The optimal combination of 90% maize to 10% DFS achieved an impressive consumer preference score of 8.2 on a 9-point hedonic scale, along with reduction in the values for adhesiveness, stickiness, and gumminess, contributing to a more enjoyable chewing experience. With the richer DFS in its composition, snacks would gain a crunchier texture and a slightly brown colour with a less intense aroma and taste of DFS. Consequently, fortifying kokoro with DFS can reduce malnutrition and promote the global policy on zero hunger and sustainability of plant materials.

Assessments of Physico-Chemical Quality on Some Selected Sachets Drinking Water Marketed in Greater Accra Region of Ghana. []

This study's objective was to ascertain the amounts of various Physico-chemical and radiological investigations and the consequences of these on human health from 20 distinct brands of sachet water samples produced in a selected communities in Ghana's Greater Accra Region. In 2024, during both the wet and dry seasons, twenty (20) sachet water samples were collected. Using analytical methods, Physico - chemical characteristics such pH, conductivity, temperature total dissolve solids (TDS) and chloride (Cl), were all analyzed to see how they appeared overall. The following range of mean values was obtained from the analysis: pH (6.4 – 6.8), TDS (0.3 – 2.4 ppm), Conductivity (145.2 – 161.1 µ/cm and Cl (0.01 – 0.03 mg/l. These findings confirm that the average levels of pH, conductivity, temperature, total dissolve solids and chloride for the sachet water samples examined over the study's dry and wet seasons fall within the WHO's recommended ranges for safe drinking water and national standards. Activity values of 0.02±0.01 to 0.12±0.03 Bq/L for 226Ra and 0.06±0.02 to 0.18±0.03 Bq/L for 228Ra were found during the radiological evaluation; the corresponding average levels of activity were 0.06± 0.02 and 0.18± 0.03 Bq/L. This indicates the radiological safety of the sachet drinking water. Just 2% of all the sachets water samples did not met the national and international standards. The twenty sachet drinking water brands are safe for public consumption in terms of Physico-chemical quality and radiological safety, from the study's overall findings.

Evaluation of Activity Concentrations of 226Ra, 228Th, and 40K in Cooking Oil and Assessment of Radiological Risks to Human Health in Greater Accra Region of Ghana. []

The specific activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th, and 40K in several cooking oil brands sold in various markets were measured. High-purity germanium (HPGe) detector gamma spectrometry was employed. The results observed activity concentrations for 226Ra 232Th and 40K, ranged from 0.21±0.01-7.01±0.03 Bq l-1, 0.63±0.00-2.87±0.01 Bq l-1, and 1.22±0.01-13.45±.0.04 Bq l-1, respectively with corresponding average activity concentrations of 2.34, 1.44 and7.197Bq l. 8.59μSvy-1 was assessed as the total annual effective dosage, which is less than the 290 μSvy-1 global total dose value for all food provided by UNSCEAR 2000. The findings demonstrate that none of the tested samples pose a substantial risk to public health from radiation exposure.


This study employs Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling (BHM) to analyze COVID-19 transmission dynamics across Liberia's counties. It addresses the shortfalls of tradition in epidemiological models such as the Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) model. This study integrates spatial heterogeneity and probabilistic framework by inputting COVID-19 cases, healthcare capacity, and mobility interventions at the county level into the estimation of critical epidemiological parameters. Statistical methods such as Poisson regression, Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM), and BHM are employed to assess the effect of interventions: partial and full lockdowns, curfews, and border closures. The findings indicated that partial lockdowns and border closures have large positive correlations with COVID-19 case counts while curfews and full lockdowns have little effect. The study shows a need for localized interventions and further highlights how findings serve as pointers for improving some regional characteristics of public health responses.

Improving Pavement Asset Management in Libya: A Markov-Based Approach to Maintenance Planning []

Pavement condition in Libya is one of the most important issues on the national level. The prediction of the current and future condition of the pavement using a reliable asset management model is of a great importance in order to develop a suitable maintenance strategy that combines both, the least cost maintenance procedures and an acceptable serviceability of the road to ensure the comfort of the driver. This study introduces a model to estimate the condition of Benghazi – soloq road, as a sample for the roads in Libya, in the future and discusses some of the maintenance strategies that represent the main outcome from this model. Many conditions cause the pavement to deteriorate through its lifetime. When inspection takes place to investigate the condition of the road and it was found degraded, maintenance should start to restore the road to an acceptable condition using different maintenance techniques. This paper depends on a Markov model that predicts the deterioration of the pavement with time for a certain asset management policy. The model is practiced on pavement with a certain maintenance policy and it investigates the pavement’s efficiency for this policy. Deterioration, inspection, and maintenance of the pavement will be the three main components of the model that will affect the outcome of this model and then the decision taken after analyzing the results.

The Green HRM Practices And Millennnial Employee Retention: The Moderating Role Of Work Environment In Hotel Industry []

Abstract Purpose: The study aims to investigate the interplay between Green HRM Practices and millennial employee retention in hotel industry. Method: Data collection employed a convenience sampling technique, targeting 310 employees of hotel industry. The study utilized a self-administered questionnaire featuring a rigorous seven-point Likert scale. Likewise, a descriptive and causal comparative research design was employed, supplemented by a comprehensive array of statistical measures, including Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation, and Regression, meticulously chosen for robust data analysis. Findings: The findings revealed that Employee Performance in decision making and Job Security are the major factors for Millennial Employee Retention. Likewise, it is also found that gender moderates the relationship between work environment and Millennial Employee Retention. Implications: The implications of these findings suggest thatthe hotel companies should reformulate their policies in providing secure job to their employees and encourage employee performance with making right decision to retain their employees successfully. Keywords: Training and Development, Employee Participation in decision making, Compensations, Performance Appraisal, Job Security, Millennial Employee Retention

The Impact of Succession Planning to Overall Employees Relations: Case Study of Vodafone, Oman []

Succession planning plays a crucial role in modern human resource management, ensuring that leadership and talent remain within an organization. For Vodafone Oman, nurturing strong employee relations is crucial for promoting productivity and a positive work environment. This research has examined how structured succession planning can improve employee relations, boost engagement, and cultivate a strong organizational culture. By concentrating on Vodafone Oman, this study has explored a practical application within the Omani context, enhancing the understanding of how succession planning contributes to workplace harmony and stability. This research has collected primary data through survey questionnaires distributed to Vodafone's headquarters' HR departments, team leaders, and staff. Additionally, secondary data were gathered from literature published in the last five years. The research findings suggest that succession planning at Vodafone Oman significantly improves employee relations, with a large proportion of employees (46% rating it 4, 37% rating it 5) recognizing its beneficial effect on workplace interactions. Moreover, 63% of respondents noted that succession planning encourages collaboration among team members. Nevertheless, only 22% of employees stated that they regularly receive updates regarding career advancement opportunities, indicating a need for better communication. Succession planning is also crucial for retention, with 98% of participants expressing that it inspires them to stay with the organization. Employee engagement is positively affected, as 54% are satisfied and 17% are very satisfied with the engagement generated by these initiatives. Additionally, 80% of respondents reported enhanced retention as a result of succession planning efforts. Lastly, 31% believed that the organization’s succession planning aligns well with its long-term goals, emphasizing its strategic significance. Keywords Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Leadership, Succession Planning


Currently, there is a high demand for clean energy from renewable sources owing to their minimal environmental impacts. In Kenya, biomasses such as sawdust from sawmill industries and agro-wastes, such as banana leaves and pseudo stem, are potential sources of renewable energy. However, these biomasses are normally discarded in the fields and little information exists on their use as fuel in blended briquettes. Consequently, the current study investigates the use of carbonized sawdust and banana waste as raw materials for briquettes production. Specifically, the study aims at characterizing physical and combustion properties of blended briquettes produced from the two raw materials. In the study, pseudo-stem and banana leaves from Musa acuminata AAA species and sawdust from Eucalyptus tree species were collected, dried to 8 % moisture content, hammer milled, sieved and carbonized in muffle furnace at 400 ℃ for 5 minutes. Blended briquettes were produced at constant compaction pressure of 5 MPa at varying particle sizes (2.5 mm to 11 mm) using molasses as a binder. The manufactured briquettes were then characterized in terms of mass density, durability index, ash content, moisture content, volatile matter and calorific value. From the characterization study of the raw materials: sawdust, banana waste and molasses had moisture contents of 12.52 %, 14.63 % and 22.23 %; volatile matter of 25.32 %, 31.45 % and 43.25 %; calorific value of 15.92 MJ/kg, 12.35 MJ/kg and 11.24 MJ/kg; ash content of 5.79 %, 6.89 % and 8.00 %, respectively. The determined mass density, calorific value and durability index of the blended briquettes increased with increase in ratios of sawdust while ash content, moisture content and carbon monoxide emission decreased. The density ranged from 392.54 kg/m3 to 681.21 kg/m3, calorific value from 23.40 MJ/kg to 25.92 kg/m3, ash content from 6.89 % to 5.79 %, moisture content from 11.10 % to 7.45 %, durability index from 95.35 % to 99.70 % and carbon monoxide emission from 5.64 ppm to 1.74 ppm. In addition, as the particle sizes were increased from 2.5 mm to 11 mm, the moisture content, ash content and carbon monoxide emission increased while calorific value, density and durability index decreased. The moisture content ranged from 6.65 % to 8.76 %, ash content from 5.82 % to 5.83 %, carbon monoxide emission from 4.58 ppm to 5.66 ppm, calorific value from 25.54 MJ/kg to 22.03 MJ/kg, density from 763.33 kg/m3 to 557.68 kg/m3 and durability index from 99.01 % to 96.52 %. In conclusion the 2.5 mm was the optimal particle size as it produced the highest calorific value and density, low emission and low moisture content. From determined properties, the blended briquettes from carbonized sawdust and banana waste can be used as alternative source of fuel. Future studies are recommended to study effects of carbonization temperature on combustion and physical characteristics of blended briquette and also to determine interactions between variables such as compaction pressure and particle sizes.


This study examined management strategies deployed by owners of private secondary schools in facilitating effective service delivery in their schools. The survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study consisted of 85,861 (5629 principals) and (80232) teachers from 5,629 private secondary schools in North central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The sample size was 382 respondents selected through the multistage sampling procedure. The first stage involved the use of stratified sampling technique where the population was divided into strata proportionately in six states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The second stage involved the use of simple random sampling technique for the selection of the final respondents. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled: “Private owners Management Strategies of Private Schools Questionnaire (POMSPSQ)”. The data were analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation to answer the research questions while Chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that the different strategies employed for managing schools have effects. The study concluded that different strategies employed by private owners for managing schools helped to ensure seamless administration of teaching and learning. It was recommended that private secondary school owners should develop a comprehensive budgeting approach that takes into account all aspect of school operations. Keywords: Private Secondary School Owners, Management strategies, Effective Service Delivery