Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Éthique et rhétorique de la mort dans Les sermons et Les oraisons funèbres de Bossuet []

Résumé : Cet article se veut une réflexion sur la thématique de la mort dans Le sermon sur la mort et la brièveté de la vie et les oraisons funèbres de Bossuet. Il fait ressort l’éthique de la mort, c’est-à-dire la leçon de morale et les valeurs chrétiennes que le prédicateur véhicule aux fidèles en montrant la précarité des choses terrestres. Si Bossuet traite avec instance le thème de la mort, c’est qu’en tant que prêtre, il ambitionne de détourner le regard de ses fidèles des choses terrestres pour le focaliser sur les biens célestes qui sont éternels. Parler de la mort revient à dire l’indicible, à nommer l’innommable. Aussi pouvons-nous voir chez Bossuet, plusieurs tropes employés pour traduire le mystère que représente le trépas. Mots-clés : Mort, immortalité, néant, éthique,

"The Economic Implications of AI and Blockchain Integration in Investment and Digital Banking Risk Management" []

This paper examines the transformative impact of AI and blockchain technologies on risk management in investment and digital banking sectors, with a focus on the American and Asian markets. Through empirical analysis of recent implementations at major financial institutions, we demonstrate that AI-driven risk management systems have reduced operational risks by 37% and improved trading efficiency by 42% (Goldman Sachs, 2023). Blockchain integration in digital banking has decreased transaction settlement times by 96% while reducing associated costs by 41% (JP Morgan, 2023). A comprehensive analysis across five major financial sectors reveals varying technology adoption rates, with Investment Banking leading AI implementation at 78% and Payment Services showing strong blockchain integration at 68%. The research presents compelling evidence of operational improvements, including a 64% reduction in customer onboarding time, 58% enhancement in loan processing efficiency, and 41% increase in risk assessment accuracy (JP Morgan, 2023). Notable case studies, including JPMorgan Chase's $250 million AI risk management implementation, showcase concrete benefits with a 45% reduction in false positives for fraud detection and $120 million in annual cost savings. Implementation challenges are thoroughly examined, with 72% of firms citing legacy system integration as a primary concern, followed by regulatory compliance (65%) and staff adaptation (58%). The findings indicate a significant shift in traditional banking paradigms, with implications for regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, and systemic risk management. The research demonstrates that institutions adopting these technologies achieve substantial improvements in key performance indicators, including an 82% reduction in process errors and a 38% increase in customer satisfaction. In this context, we find the main economic benefits associated with the use of AI and Blockchain technologies in the management of financial risk extend beyond direct cost savings to fundamental improvements in market efficiency, risk assessment accuracy, and operational resilience.

Digital Currency Adoption in Enterprise Resource Planning: Impact on Supply Chain Financial Performance []

The integration of digital currencies within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems represents a transformative shift in organizational finance and supply chain management (Zhao et al., 2022). While existing research has explored digital currencies' broader economic implications (Chen & Wilson, 2023) and ERP implementation challenges (Kumar & Singh, 2021), the intersection of these domains remains understudied. This research investigates how digital currency adoption in ERP systems affects supply chain financial performance through a mixed-methods approach. Drawing on Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989) and Digital Transaction Cost Economics (Thompson & Lee, 2022), we analyzed data from 245 organizations across 15 countries during 2019-2023. Our primary data collection involved structured surveys and semi-structured interviews with ERP managers, while secondary data comprised financial statements and transaction records (n=1,840). Using structural equation modeling and panel data analysis, we found that organizations implementing digital currency in their ERP systems experienced significant improvements in working capital efficiency (23%, p<0.001) and transaction processing times (31% reduction, p<0.001). The study revealed three critical success factors: technological readiness (β=0.67), regulatory compliance frameworks (β=0.58), and organizational change management (β=0.71). These findings extend the work of Martinez and Kumar (2023) on financial technology integration and provide empirical evidence supporting Wang et al.'s (2022) theoretical framework on digital currency adoption. Our research contributes to both academic literature and practitioner understanding by establishing clear linkages between digital currency integration and supply chain performance metrics.

Exploring the Flexibility: An Analysis of the Open Track Senior High School Curriculum []

This literature review explores the possible shift of the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum in the Philippines from a strand-based system to a more flexible and learner-centered framework. The review identifies the limitations of the current curriculum, including its strictness and collinearity of students' aspirations and workforce demands. It highlights the need for reforms that promote interdisciplinary learning, adaptability, and alignment with global trends, such as the adoption of open-track systems that allow students to personalize their educational pathways. The findings stress the importance of integrating comprehensive career guidance and counseling programs to address mismatched career choices, infusing sustainability principles into the curriculum to prepare students for global challenges, and enhancing teacher training to support flexible learning approaches. Operational challenges, such as resource shortages and the need for stakeholder collaboration, are also discussed as critical factors for successful implementation. Finally, this transition aims to create an inclusive and adaptive SHS curriculum that empowers Filipino learners to thrive in both local and global level.

Curriculum implementation []

Curriculum implementation refers to the process of putting a designed curriculum into practice within educational settings. This process often encounters various challenges, including resource limitations, training gaps among educators, and systemic barriers that hinder effective execution. Recent studies have identified specific barriers to successful implementation and have proposed measures to overcome these obstacles.

Design and construction of interlocking pavements through labour based technology []

The design and construction of interlocking concrete pavements is an engineering development that emerged after post war Europe in the late 1940s, that provided energy and redirected ancient technique of pavements construction witnessing introduction of modern cheap and mass produced concrete pavements, manufactured from high quality concrete with close tolerance to ensure interlock. This technology became the accepted method of paving with over 400 millions square meters paving units installed annually. It gained popularity in North America by early 1970s and has been used to implement various projects.

The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on the performance of Moroccan companies: Descriptive analysis []

In this study, we examined the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on Moroccan companies. Our sample consists of 189 Moroccan companies, selected in a representative way and from different sectors and sizes. Our data combine qualitative and quantitative variables, allowing for a comprehensive analysis. The main contribution of this study is constructing a new composite valuation index based on three ratios. The methodology used is based on descriptive statistical analysis. The results of our research are invaluable to companies and will help them better prepare for and respond to future health-related or economic crises.


This study investigates the potential recycling of refinery oily sludge (ROS) as a secondary resource in the production of red ceramics. ROS, a hazardous waste product from the petroleum industry, was incorporated at 5% and 10% by weight into clay mixtures used to produce ceramic samples. The impact of ROS addition on the physico-mechanical properties, including water absorption, porosity, flexural strength, and thermal conductivity, was analyzed at firing temperatures of 950°C and 1050°C. Results indicated that higher ROS content increased porosity and water absorption while reducing flexural strength and thermal conductivity. However, firing at 1050°C partially mitigated the negative effects on strength and thermal properties due to improved material cohesion. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing ROS in ceramic production, providing an environmentally sustainable solution for hazardous waste management while maintaining acceptable material properties for construction applications.

Theoretical Framework for Mitigating VR-Induced Motion Sickness Using AI-Driven Adaptive Systems and Customized APIs for Real-Time Physiological and Cognitive Assessment. []

Virtual Reality (VR) technology offers immersive experiences but often induces motion sickness (nausea and discomfort) in users, a challenge known as VR sickness. This thesis explores the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to mitigate VR sickness by employing customized APIs to evaluate and adapt to human mental and physiological conditions in real-time. Through theoretical insights, integration of Oculus Quest 1 data, and references to existing technologies, this study examines how AI-driven adaptive systems can enhance VR usability, reducing discomfort and improving user experience.

Impact of Leptochloa chinensis invader in the field of paddy []

The present investigation has been planned to evaluate the abundance of Leptochloa chinensis invader in the field of paddy at Adaptive Research Farm, Kot Nainan during 2024. The paddy crop Kissan Basmati (Aromatic) was planted with Mechanical Rice Transpalnter (MTR) in the month of July. The study aims to evaluate the abundance of different weeds in the presence of Leptochloa chinensis (LC) in the paired comparisons. The result of our experiment showed that maximum Leptochloa chinensis (LC) invader abundance 51 plantsm-2 (60%), 67 plantsm-2 (70%), 71 plantsm-2 (80%) were recorded in the three plots in its invader quadrats. The study showed that the LC is a serious weed in mechanically transplanted rice which suppressed the abundance on all the other plants in the community in its invader range compared to non invader quadrats. At the end it is concluded that the farmers of this region are advised to manage this invader in their paddy crop with the consultation of staff of Adaptive Research and Extension Department.

Hémorragie post-partum dans la maternité de Fakola, District Sanitaire de Kolondièba, Région de Sikasso du 1 janvier au 31 mars 2024 []

Résumé: Introduction : L’hémorragie du post-partum est une urgence obstétricale, est une perte sanguine d’au moins 500 ml survenant dans les 24 heures qui suivent l’accouchement et 1000 ml après une césarienne. Environ 14 millions des cas dont 70 000 décès chaque année et elle représente 31% des décès maternelles en Afrique. District de Kolondièba 397 cas en 2022 contre 334 cas pour 2023.En fin l’aire de sante de Fakola pour 2022 le Centre a enregistré 22 cas contre ,10 cas pour l’année 2023 et du 1er au 31 Mars 2024, sur 195 accouchements, nous avons enregistré 37 cas. Suite à cela, une étude a été envisagée par l’équipe cadre pour déterminer les causes. Méthode : Nous avons mené une étude analytique de type, corrélation, cohorte du 1er janvier au 31 Mars 2024 réalisé dans la maternité du CSCom de Fakola soit 3 mois, examiné les dossiers obstétricaux. Résultat : Sur 195 accouchements, 37 cas d’hémorragie du post partum s’est enregistré. Les principales causes étaient, le débris placentaire 40,5%, déchirures du col et vessie pleine chacun 18,9%, atonie utérine 13,5%, déchirure périnéale 5,4% et rupture utérine 2,4%. Leurs pronostics ont été100 %favorable. Conclusion : L’étude nous a permis de savoir les relations entre les variables et l’hémorragie du post partum et leurs degrés de signification. Mots clés : Hémorragie - postpartum immédiat – Maternité CSCom Fakola, 2024.


Today, when commercial banks grapple with such challenges as redundancy, profit reductions, employee turn-over or job-hopping phenomenon, an understanding of jobs and what amount of productivity could be obtained from the holders has become critical. This may call for constant and regular staffing of jobs to make them interesting and challenging and engaging and produce maximum from employees. The research aims at the analysis of the effect of staffing on organization performance, case of I&M bank plc Rwanda. The specific objectives of the research are to assess the effect of recruitment and selection on the I&M Bank I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance, to analyze the effect of training and development on the I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance, to assess the effect of job analysis and design on the I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance, to assess the effect of motivation on the I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance. The study tested the following hypotheses; H01: There is no the effect of recruitment and selection on the I&M Bank I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance, H02: There is no effect of training and development on the I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance, H03: There is no effect of job analysis and design on the I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance and H04: There is no effect of motivation on the I&M Bank Rwanda Plc performance. The population of the study is 134 employees of I&M Bank Plc Rwanda from a sample size of 100 was calculated using Yamen formula. The data was collected using questionnaire and documentary. The data was analyzed using correlation and regression analysis. The nuanced findings reveal positive HRM perceptions among employees and commendable bank performance. Means and standard deviations depict robust profitability (Mean=4.08, SD=1.11), liquidity (Mean=3.94, SD=0.98), solvency (Mean=4.14, SD=1.04), innovation (Mean=3.99, SD=1.01), and customer retention (Mean=3.67, SD=1.28). For specific HRM dimensions, mean values are Recruitment and Selection (Mean=3.80, SD=0.68), Training and Development (Mean=3.91, SD=0.81), Job Analysis and Design (Mean=4.11, SD=0.92), Motivation (Mean=4.25, SD=0.74), and Performance Appraisal (Mean=4.01, SD=0.88). Correlation analysis unravels significant relationships between HRM practices and performance dimensions, with Pearson correlation coefficients ranging from 0.656 to 0.991. Regression analysis reinforces the predictive power of HRM practices on bank performance (R=0.998). The model summary accentuates a high goodness of fit (R Square=0.998), underscoring the substantial influence of HRM practices on observed performance. ANOVA results (F=9.300, p<0.001) fortify the significance of the model. In light of these findings, recommendations are proffered, emphasizing the imperative for longitudinal studies, comparative analyses, and a targeted exploration of specific HRM interventions. The research culminates with suggestions for future studies, accentuating global comparisons, in-depth performance metric analysis, and a keen exploration of emerging HRM trends. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding HRM's impact on organizational performance, providing a roadmap for the continual refinement of HRM strategies within the banking sector. Key words: Staffing, organization performance, commercial banks, Rwanda

Using Bayesian Inference to Formulate a Beta-Binomial Model to Measure Literacy Rates in Liberia []

The Bayesian inference is employed in this study to develop a Beta-Binomial model to measure literacy rates accurately in each county in Liberia using data from the 2016–2017 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES). The study will integrate prior knowledge with observed data and provide a robust statistical framework to estimate literacy rates. Updating with new data, prior distribution will be incorporated into the model. The model aims to yield more precise and credible estimates. The application of the Beta-binomial model, suited for binary outcomes such as literacy status, offers a nuanced understanding of the literacy landscape in Liberia. This paper outlines the theoretical underpinnings of Bayesian inference and the Beta-Binomial model, presents the methodology for data collection and analysis, and discusses the implications of the findings for educational policy and planning. By leveraging comprehensive HIES data, this study aims to support evidence-based strategies for improving literacy rates in Liberia.

Communism is fail !! []

Communism is Defective policy ! Mistake of communism. Political science. Social classes. Self employment.


This study examines agricultural practices and production constraints of climbing beans in the Nkombo and Kalamba marshes , in the Kaziba Chiefdom , South Kivu, DR Congo. Climbing beans, favored for their profitability and agronomic advantages, face major challenges: limited land, climatic hazards, lack of stakes and poor drainage. The results show that agriculture is dominated by women, especially in Kalamba , and that monoculture predominates in Nkombo , while polyculture is more common in Kalamba . Producers face challenges related to input costs, soil fertility management and frequent flooding. Despite these constraints, the perception of yields remains generally positive, particularly in Nkombo . The study highlights the need to strengthen agricultural practices, improve natural resource management and adapt production techniques to increase yields

Role of Long Neck weld Flange plate technology in precision Agriculture []

The development of the key success in water lifting devices with emphasis on the long neck weld flange plate (LNWFP) technology used in precision agriculture. There are many techniques used to uplift water from natural resources during the water scarcity periods. Uplifting of irrigation water through different resources played a pivotal role in water engineering. The study was conducted at Adaptive Research Farm, Kot Nainan during Kharif-2024 to evaluate the effectiveness of long neck weld flange plate (LNWFP) technology connected with water uplift generator and harvest rain water into the upland and low land fields through already installed underground PVC pipes where the irrigation water is needed. The farmers are using tractor drawn uplift pump for the drainage of excessive rain water from the paddy fields. For this purpose the overall consumption of diesel recorded @ 5-8 literhour-1, however the loss was observed in Pakistani 1375 to 2200 rupees at the farmer’s field. To overcome this problem long neck weld flange plate (LNWFP) technology was developed to harvest rain water for irrigation into the required field through drainage points. By the use of this long neck weld flange plate with 3500W uplift generator consumed only one liter petrolhour-1 and its cost was observed in Pakistani rupees 270 only. By the use of this technology the rain water harvested from one field to the other field through already installed underground PVC pipes. This technology is cost effective, eco-friendly, easily installed with generator used in precision agriculture in future.

Faults Detection and Mitigation of Synchronous Machine in a Generation System. (A Case Study in ,Sapele Steam Turbine Power Plant). []

Abstract This paper presents faults detection and mitigation in a synchronous generator: a case study in ,Sapele Steam Turbine Power Plant. The steam power plant is very powerful in Nigeria. Sapele steam turbine power plant is a 720MW gas fired power project. Generators used in steam power plants are generally of the synchronous generator type, which in its operation always experiences dynamics from time to time as the load changes in electricity. In this study, faults detection and mitigation in a synchronous generator has been carried out concerning changes in electricity load. Synchronous generator faults are rotor winding fault, stator winding fault, bearing fault, broken damper bar, eccentricity faults and so on. Sapele Steam Turbine Power Plant in this study provides an important role in the supply of electric power. When this faults detection and mitigation are properly carried out, synchronous generator will perform effectively and efficiently.

Synchronous Generator Protection and Generator Synchronization in a Power System []

Abstract The paper explained the electrical workings and dynamics of synchronous generators and their connections to the power system. Generator performance under short-circuit conditions is also described, along with generator grounding practices. In addition, some of the most misunderstood aspects of generator protection were discussed. The paper also discussed about Stator Phase Fault Protection and Stator Ground Fault Protection. Both the generator and turbine are limited in the degree of abnormal frequency operation that can be tolerated. At reduced frequencies, there will be a reduction in the output capability of a generator. Turbines, especially steam and gas turbines, are considered to be more restrictive to operation at reduced frequencies than the generator because of resonances in the turbine blades. The paper also presents a detailed meaning of generator synchronization.