Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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The purpose of this study was to find out and understand how the influence of the performance appraisal system, internal organizational communication and work motivation on the performance of employees in the Kendari City Agriculture Office. The data collection method that will be used in this research is filling out a questionnaire. The data analysis technique is Quantitative Data Analysis using the SEM-PLS 3 application. The results showed that the bootstrap analysis was carried out twice because, in the first stage of testing, there was a loading factor value that was less than the specified standard value. Then the average value of variance/AVE is obtained, each of which obtains a value above the specified standard, which means that the variables of the Performance Assessment System (X1), Organizational Internal Communication (X2), Work Motivation (Y2) and Employee Performance (Y1) can explain more than fifty percent of the variance of the indicators. The results of testing the hypothesis t conclude that Internal Organizational Communication affects Work Motivation, then the Internal Organizational Communication variable has a positive effect on Employee Performance, then the Work Motivation variable has a positive effect on Employee Performance, then the Performance Appraisal System variable also has a significant effect on Work Motivation, while the Performance Appraisal System has no effect and no significant effect on Employee Performance, Organizational Internal Communication has no significant effect on Employee Performance mediated by the Work Motivation variable, and the Performance Appraisal System has a significant effect on Employee Performance mediated by the Work Motivation variable.

Investigating Associations Between Milk Consumption and Markers of Cardiac Disease and Anxiety in University Students []

This empirical inquiry elucidates the complex interplay between university students' milk consumption patterns and the multidimensional factors shaping their dietary choices. Utilizing a survey-based methodology, the study analyses data from a representative, randomized sample of the combination of both qualitative and quantitative data from 200 participants. The findings reveal varied milk intake habits, with 30% consuming milk daily and 45% doing so 3-4 times a week. However, 25% rarely or never drink milk, while 15% avoid milk due to lactose intolerance. Adequate milk consumption provides important nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamin D that are critical for the health of young adults. This study analysed milk drinking patterns and influencing factors among 200 university students in Bangladesh using a survey methodology. The key objective was determining if promoting daily milk intake could help mitigate major health issues like cardiac disease and anxiety/stress facing students. The analysis revealed significant nutritional gaps, with only 30% of students consuming milk daily and a concerning 25% rarely/never drinking milk. While 60% recognized nutritional benefits, barriers like lactose intolerance (15%), preferences (20%) and lack of awareness (10%) impacted intake. Statistical analysis showed students regularly drinking milk exhibited lower blood pressure and anxiety, substantiating links found in existing medical research between dairy intake and decreased hypertension/CVD risk plus mental health resilience. These insights crystallize an imperative for contextualized, culturally- sensitive initiatives focused on fostering students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding balanced milk consumption. Promoting adequate intake promises protections against issues negatively impacting academic success and lifelong health trajectories.

Effect of Prolonged Consumption of Aqueous Extract of Raphia Hookeri Fruit Pulp /Mesocarp on Sperm Parameters in Male Wistar Rats. []

This research was aimed at evaluating the effects of the consumption of aqueous extract of Raphia Hookeri mesocarp on sperm parameters in male Wistar rats. 24 male Wistar rats weighing 200g to 355g were grouped into 4 groups, group 1 control which was fed with feed and water, group 2 given 500mg/kg, group 3 given 1,000mg/kg and group 4 given 2,000mg/kg body weight of the extract for 28days. The animals were sacrificed and sperm samples analyzed via selected analysis techniques, p<0.05 values. Result showed; sperm count values for group 2 (51.00 ± 3.00), group 3 (22.00 ± 1.00) and group 4 (51.00 ± 3.00), control group (44.00 ± 1.0). Sperm motility in groups 2 to 4 were 52.5 ± 7.50, 67.50 ± 2.50 and 96.5 ± 1.50 respectively, control group was 91.00 ± 1.00. Sperm morphology in groups 2 to 4 were 1.50 ± 0.50, 0.50 ± 0.50 and 2.50 ± 0.50 respectively, control group 4.00 ± 1.00. Sperm viability in groups 2 to 4 were 94.00 ± 3.00, 92.00 ± 7.00 and 88.50 ± 6.50 respectively, control group was 90.00 ± 2.00. Percentage change in weight of rats in groups 2 to 4 were 0.59 ± 1.91, 5.44 ± 2.32, 5.33 ± 1.16 respectively, control group was 8.48 ± 5.71. Increased total sperm count and percentage sperm motility in group 4 and significant when compared to control. Sperm motility, sperm count levels decreased across group 1, 2, no significant change in sperm viability, sperm morphology when compared to control. The results indicated no significant change in weight compared to control. Revealed that extract of Raphia Hookeri fruit pulp/mesocarp when consumed frequently (2,000mg/kg) is capable of boosting sperm quality, fertility through it’s positive effects on sperm motility and sperm count, this is as a result of its antioxidant activity. KEY WORDS: Prolonged consumption, Aqueous Extract, Raphia Hookeri, Fruit Pulp/Mesocarp, Sperm Parameters, Male Wistar Rats

Observance thérapeutique des Personnes Vivantes avec le VIH (PVVIH) sous ARV suivies au centre de santé de référence de Sélingué, Juillet 2022. []

Observance thérapeutique des PVVIH sous ARV suivies au centre de santé de référence de Sélingué, Juillet 2022. Therapeutic compliance of PLHIV on ARV followed at the Sélingué reference health center, July 2022. Cheick O. Kamissoko1, Kaly KEITA2, Amadou A DRAGO3, Karim Dao4, Modibo Tall1, Mamou Samaké1, Moustapha Coulibaly1, Menta Djènèbou Traoré2, Oumar O Sangho5, Bouyagui Traoré6, Kaya Assétou Soukho2. 1. Centre de Santé de Référence de Sélingué, Sikasso, Mali. 2. Service de Médecine Interne hôpital Point G, Bamako, Mali. 3. Centre de Santé de Référence Commune I, Bamako, Mali. 4. Service de Médecine Interne hôpital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali. 5. Département santé publique, faculté de Médecine et d’Odontostomatologie Bamako, Mali. 6. African Field Epidemiology Training Program, Bamako, Mali. Auteur correspondant : Dr Cheick Oumar KAMISSOKO, Chargé de Recherche en Médecine Communautaire/Médecine de Famille, FETP Intermédiaire, Centre de Santé de Référence de Sélingué. Email : cheickamissoko85@gmail.com ; Téléphone : (00223) 76 29 78 52 RESUME : Introduction : L’observance du traitement antirétroviral (ARV) est un élément essentiel du succès thérapeutique permettant une amélioration des résultats virologiques, immunologiques et cliniques. En absence de rapport d’étude antérieur à la présente et vue la nécessité d’atteindre les objectifs de l’ONUSIDA nous avons décidé d’évaluer l’observance du traitement ARV chez les PV-VHIH adultes suivis au centre de santé de référence (CSRéf) de Sélingué sur les données du 1er janvier 2021 au 30 juin 2021. Méthodes : Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale descriptive réalisé au CSRéf de Sélingué du 1er janvier au 30 juin 2021. Nous avons procédé à un échantillonnage exhaustif de l’ensemble des patients vivants avec VIH (PVVIH) suivis en ambulatoire. Nos variables d’intérêts étaient d’ordre sociodémographiques, biologiques et de suivis. Les données ont été saisies sur Excel puis analysées sur Epi-Infos 7.2.5. Résultats : Un total de 163 patients suivis pour traitement ARV ont été recensés. La tranche d’âge la plus représenté était de 25-34 ans avec un ratio de 3,18 en faveur du sexe féminin. L’infection à VIH1 était prédominante à 100%. Dans notre étude 82,2% des patients respectaient le rendez-vous des renouvellements de l’ordonnance. La prise des médicaments conformément à la prescription du médecin était retrouvée dans 74,8% à J0, 89% à 3mois et 95,7% à 6mois de traitement. Le niveau d’observance était de 76,6% au début de l’étude 82,8% à 3 mois et à 95,7% à 6 mois de l’étude chez les patients suivis. Il existait une relation statistiquement significative entre le niveau d’observance et la présence des effets secondaires (p=0,02) et entre le niveau d’observance et la charge virale (p=0,00). Les causes d’inobservance les plus observées étaient respectivement l’oublie (42,9%), le refus pour effets indésirables (21,3%), le manque de moyen de déplacement (14,3%) et le manque de soutien familial (14,3%). Conclusion : Nous constatons une bonne observance thérapeutique chez les PVVIH de Sélingué. Les difficultés rencontrées étaient d’ordre sociales et économiques. L’engagement conjugué de tous les acteurs permettra de relever les défis. Mots clés : Adultes, Antirétroviraux, Observance thérapeutique, Sélingué. SUMMARY : Introduction: Compliance with antiretroviral treatment (ARV) is an essential element of therapeutic success allowing an improvement in virological, immunological and clinical results. In the absence of a study report prior to this one and given the need to achieve the UNAIDS objectives, we decided to evaluate compliance with ARV treatment among adult PV-HIV followed at the reference health center ( CSRéf) of Sélingué on data from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out at the CSRéf of Sélingué from January 1 to June 30, 2021. We carried out exhaustive sampling of the all patients living with HIV (PLHIV) followed on an outpatient basis. Our variables of interest were sociodemographic, biological and follow-up. The data were entered into Excel then analyzed on Epi-Infos 7.2.5. Results: A total of 163 patients followed for ARV treatment were identified. The most represented age group was 25-34 years old with a ratio of 3.18 in favor of the female sex. HIV1 infection was predominant at 100%. In our study, 82.2% of patients kept their prescription renewal appointments. Taking medications in accordance with the doctor's prescription was found in 74.8% on D0, 89% at 3 months and 95.7% at 6 months of treatment. The level of compliance was 76.6% at the start of the study, 82.8% at 3 months and 95.7% at 6 months of the study in the patients followed. There was a statistically significant relationship between the level of compliance and the presence of side effects (p=0.02) and between the level of compliance and viral load (p=0.00). The most observed causes of non-compliance were respectively forgetting (42.9%), refusal due to adverse effects (21.3%), lack of means of transportation (14.3%) and lack of family support. (14.3%). Conclusion: We note good therapeutic compliance among PLHIV in Sélingué. The difficulties encountered were social and economic. The combined commitment of all stakeholders will make it possible to meet the challenges. Keywords: Adults, Antiretrovirals, Therapeutic compliance, Selingué.


This provides a comprehensive overview of the issue of student tardiness in educational settings, highlighting its multifaceted nature and implications for academic success. It discusses the societal norms and values surrounding punctuality, emphasizing its importance in effective learning outcomes. Furthermore, the abstract delves into various factors contributing to student tardiness, including personal habits, parental influence, and institutional policies. It emphasizes the need for proactive measures to address underlying causes of tardiness and promote a culture of punctuality. Also discusses the role of parental involvement and support in shaping students' attitudes towards punctuality, as well as the impact of institutional policies and practices on student attendance. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration between educators, parents, and stakeholders in developing holistic approaches to address tardiness effectively. Additionally, it highlights the behavioral implications of tardiness and its correlation with academic performance, underscoring the need for targeted interventions to support students at risk of chronic tardiness. Overall, it provides valuable insights into the complexities of student tardiness in educational settings and proposes strategies for addressing this pervasive issue. It calls for a comprehensive approach that addresses individual, familial, and systemic factors to promote punctuality and enhance student academic success in the new normal.

Olympus Corporation financial statement fraud case study []

Culture refers to ideals that people in a group share and that tend to survive through time, even when group membership changes (Schein & Scheiner, 2016). Corporate cultures exist in all businesses, albeit some have far "stronger" cultures than others. Particularly in a setting of competition, these cultures can have a significant impact on people and their performance.

Social Media and Its Impact on Adolescent Well-being: A Literature Review []

This literature review aims to identify both the positive and negative effects of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, on adolescent well-being. As well as protective factors that may mitigate these negative effects, in the hopes of encouraging future psychology practitioners to create strategies and/or interventions that may make the online world a safer and a more empowering place for developing teens.

“Harnessing Information Communication Technology in Civic Education Teaching and Learning: A Comprehensive Review”. []

Overview: This comprehensive review explores the intersection of ICT and civic education teaching and learning, examining its potential, challenges, and implications for educators, policymakers, and learners. Contribution to the Body of Knowledge: ICT has revolutionized the landscape of teaching and learning, particularly in the domain of Civic Education. This comprehensive review explores the multifaceted role of ICT in enhancing the efficacy and relevance of Civic Education instruction. ICT integration in civic education facilitates immersive and interactive learning experiences, transcending traditional classroom boundaries. Through multimedia resources, such as videos, simulations, and virtual tours, ICT engenders a dynamic learning environment that captivates pupils' interest and fosters deeper engagement with civic concepts and issues. Methods: The study employed both the qualitative and quantitative methods and a descriptive survey design that sampled officials from DEBS office, head teachers, teachers, parents and the pupils. The sample size for this study was 150. Data was obtained from the respondents by means of interviews and questionnaires. Percentages, tables, graphs and pie-charts were used in combination with the use of software MS access and MS Excel. Results: The study found that the role of ICT in promoting global citizenship education and addressing pressing societal issues cannot be over-emphasized, underscoring its potential to foster cross-cultural understanding and social change. Recommendation: This review underscores the transformative potential of ICT in enriching civic education teaching and learning processes. By leveraging innovative technologies thoughtfully and inclusively, educators can empower learners to become active, informed, and responsible citizens in the digital age.


The advent of the novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, has presented unprecedented challenges to global public health. By May 7, 2020, there were a reported 3.8 million cases spanning over 200 countries worldwide. COVID-19, an infectious disease triggered by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was initially identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, on December 12, 2019. Adhering to proper safety protocols is imperative in the battle against this virus. This review highlights the role of masks and hand sanitizers in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous research underscores the significant contribution of masks in preventing COVID-19 transmission, particularly medical masks which are found to be more effective than non-medical alternatives. However, it is crucial to provide appropriate precautions and guidance for mask usage, identify the type of masks to various departmental needs. Respirators such as FFP1 and FFP2, along with face shields, can substitute for medical masks depending on the context. Implementing risk-based strategies for mask use and enhancing compliance are recommended measures. Additionally, ensuring an adequate supply of hand sanitizer is vital for comprehensive hand coverage. Good hand hygiene is contingent upon compliance, with current sanitizers proving effective in neutralizing the virus. Nevertheless, excessive use of hand sanitizers, particularly those containing ethanol or isopropanol, may have adverse health and environmental effects, including potential toxicity and the development of drug resistance. Thus, hand sanitizer should be used when handwashing is impractical or inconvenient. In summary, this review emphasizes the indispensable role of masks and hand sanitizers in managing COVID-19.

Organisational Behaviour and Learning in Oman Organisations []

This study examines organisational behaviour and learning within enterprises in Oman, focusing on the intricate relationship between organisational strategy, human behaviour, and resource allocation. It emphasises the crucial importance of human capital in achieving success and adapting to a dynamic business environment. The study highlights the significance of a robust corporate culture, efficient communication, and incentivizing structures in enhancing employee engagement, productivity, and organisational cohesion. Moreover, the research examines how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives impact Omani companies' public perception and stakeholder perspectives, focusing on the shift towards ethical and responsible business practices. Additional suggestions are proposed to enhance the development of organisational culture, communication, and leadership training and foster an environment conducive to ongoing learning and innovation. The results suggest that prioritising the development of human capital, along with a dedication to corporate social responsibility (CSR), can result in sustained growth and achievement in Omani organisations. This article examines the significance of organisational behaviour and learning in Omani organisations, specifically concerning Oman Vision 2040. This statement highlights the significance of business culture, communication, and employee motivation in fostering economic diversification and social progress. The report highlights the significance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in aligning business practices with the broader national agenda. The essay examines various factors, including leadership, team cohesion, talent retention, and ongoing learning, to identify the essential qualities contributing to the success and resilience of companies in Oman. In order to enhance the competitive edge of Omani firms, improvements should be made in organisational culture, communication channels, motivating frameworks, and leadership training. The article concludes that human behaviour and organisational strategy interplay are crucial for sustained growth and competitiveness in the worldwide energy market.

Reform Proposition to Address Academic mishaps Caused by Wartime Turmoil (Sudan plight as example) []

Reform Proposition to Address Academic mishaps Caused by Wartime Turmoil (Sudan plight as example) By Professor Mohamed Elimam Mohamed Ahmed Abdelrhman MBBS MSCHPE MD FRCS SIUF, Professor of Urology and Medical Education at Gezira University Key words, Gezira. Wartime, medical education, Elimam. *Preamble* : The medical schools in Sudan have faced tremendous challenges due to the ongoing conflict between the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) and the Sudanese military force. These clashes have created a series of complex problems that have significantly impacted the education and training of aspiring medical professionals. *Introduction* War has been a constant presence throughout human history, often leaving a trail of destruction and disruption in its wake. One of the critical aspects affected by conflict is education. The impact of war on education is multifaceted, affecting not only access to education but also the quality of education, the mental health of students and teachers, and the long-term development of societies. In conflict-affected areas, access to education is severely compromised. Displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and fear of violence all contribute to children being out of school. According to Smith et al. (2015), an estimated 75 million children living in conflict zones have had their education disrupted, with many of them never returning to school. The lack of access to education not only deprives children of their right to learn but also perpetuates cycles of poverty and instability. Even in post-conflict settings, the quality of education is often compromised. Teachers may be unavailable or unskilled, curricula may be outdated, and resources may be scarce. A study by Johnson (2018) found that students in post-conflict environments often struggle to catch up academically, leading to long-term educational deficits. The mental health of students and teachers is another critical aspect affected by war. Studies by Lee and Smith (2017) have shown that exposure to violence and trauma can lead to a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Teachers, who often serve as sources of stability for students, may themselves be traumatized, affecting their ability to teach effectively. The impact of war on education extends beyond the immediate consequences, affecting the long-term development of societies. A lack of education can hinder economic growth, perpetuate cycles of poverty, and contribute to social and political instability. Research by Brown and Jones (2019) has shown that investing in education in post-conflict settings is crucial for rebuilding communities and promoting peace

Dose- dependent effect of intermittent administration of Aqueous Extract of Raphia Hookeri Mesocarp Pulp on leucocytes differentials and Platelet counts in Male Wistar Rats []

The purpose of this research was to determine Dose-dependent effect of intermittent administration of Aqueous Extract of Raphia Hookeri Mesocarp Pulp on leucocytes differential and Platelet counts in Male Wistar Rats. A total of 28 apparently healthy male rats weighing between 137-190g were divided into four groups, 7 rats in each group. Group 1 served as the control were given feed and water, group 2 given 500mg/kg, group 3 given 1000mg/kg, group 4 given 2000mg/kg of the extract for 28 days. The animals were sacrificed, blood samples collected and laboratory test done and statistical analysis done at P<0.05.Result revealed that Total leucocyte count for treated groups 2 (11.05 ± 1.61), 3 (12.73 ± 4.28), 4 (8.35 ± 0.55) respectively while control group 1 (10.00 ± 1.00). The platelets count for treated groups 2 (356.00 ± 65.62), 3 (272.00 ± 91.59), 4 (214.00 ± 68.46) respectively while control group 1 (390.00 ± 58.00). It does not have any significant effect on total leucocyte ( white blood cell) count, Neutrphil, Lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophil and mean corpuscular value (MCV), Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), platelet count, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, plateletcrit, platelet larger ratio for test groups. However, level of MCV, PWD and P-LCR were observed to be significantly raised for group 4 treated with 2000mg/kg b.w when compared to that of the control group. KEYWORDS: Dose-Dependent, Intermittent Administration, Raphia Hookeri, Aqueous Extract , Mesocarp Pulp, Male Wistar Rats

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on The Export Capacity of Ghanaian Manufacturing Enterprises []

This study examines the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on the export capacity of manufacturing companies in Ghana using time series data from 1990 to 2022. The analysis employs regression models and correlation techniques to examine the relationships among foreign direct investment (FDI), political stability, tariff rates, gross domestic product (GDP), currency rates, and product exports. The study's findings suggest a strong and positive correlation between foreign direct investment (FDI) and the ability to export goods. This implies that there is a positive correlation between higher levels of foreign direct investment (FDI) and an enhanced ability to export goods and services. Moreover, there is a positive association between foreign direct investment (FDI) and political stability, whereas tariff rates are negatively correlated with political stability. Nevertheless, the direct financial influence of political stability on the ability to export seems to be insignificant. Regression analysis provides additional support of the significant impact that foreign direct investment (FDI) has on the export of commodities. Export capacity does not show statistically significant correlations with other variables, such as gross domestic product (GDP), currency rates, and tariff rates. The paper highlights the importance of attracting foreign investment and promoting political stability in order to improve the export competitiveness of Ghana's manufacturing industry.