Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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رولر مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة في رفاهية الموظفين في فندق شيراتون عمان. []

تبحث هذه الدراسة في دور مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة في رفاهية الموظفين في فندق شيراتون عمان. تستخدم الدراسة أيضا استبيانا مسحيا لجمع موظفي مخطط البيانات. أشارت النتائج إلى أن مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة مثل ساعات العمل المرنة والعمل عن بعد والإجازة الوالدية وبرامج العافية ترتبط بشكل إيجابي برفاهية الموظفين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يتمتع الموظفون الذين يشاركون في مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة بأعلى مستويات الرضا الوظيفي ، وانخفاض الإرهاق ، ومستويات أعلى من الصحة العقلية والبدنية. وتبحث الدراسة في تأثير مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة على رفاهية الموظفين في فندق شيراتون عمان، وتحدد الاستراتيجيات الفعالة، وتحدد العوامل التي تؤثر على فعاليتها، وتقدم توصيات عملية لمديري الفنادق. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقدم الدراسة رؤى قيمة للمؤسسات التي تسعى إلى تحسين رفاهية موظفيها من خلال مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة. الكلمات الرئيسيه: مبادرات التوازن بين العمل والحياة، رفاهية الموظفين، فندق شيراتون عمان.


This study examines the role of work-life balance initiatives in the well-being of employees at the Sheraton Amman hotel. The study also uses a survey questionnaire to collect datagram employees. The results indicated that work-life balance initiatives such as flexible working hours, teleworking, parental leave, and wellness programs are positively associated with employee well-being. In addition, employees who participate in work-life balance initiatives have the highest levels of job satisfaction, lower burnout, and higher levels of mental and physical health. The study examines the impact of work-life balance initiatives on the well-being of employees at the Sheraton Amman hotel, identifies effective strategies, identifies factors affecting their effectiveness, and provides practical recommendations to hotel managers. In addition, the study provides valuable insights for organizations seeking to improve the well-being of their employees through work-life balance initiatives.

On the Speluncean Explorers Dilemma []

There is no abstract since it's a reflection paper.


This study examines the impact of rewards and recognition schemes on the performance of employees in Oman's banking sector. To collect primary data, a questionnaire was conducted on employees of one of the largest commercial banks in the Sultanate of Oman (Bank Muscat and the National Bank of Oman). 49 employees, specifically from the sales departments, participated in this questionnaire. The questionnaire focused on the four objectives of the study: examining the impact of reward and recognition schemes on employee performance in the banking sector, analyzing the relationship between reward and recognition schemes and employee performance, evaluating the types of reward and recognition schemes for employees in the banking sector, and assessing the factors affecting reward and recognition schemes in the banking sector. The study showed positive responses that reward, and recognition schemes directly affect employee performance, and that monetary rewards are the most preferred by employees. The study also found a positive relationship between receiving recognition at work and employee performance. In addition, it has been found that career advancement opportunities are the most recognition type that enhances employee interaction, which increases productivity and contributes to employee loyalty and retention.

Analyse des contenus de la RTNC sur la diplomatie de la RDC dans la région des grands lacs entre 2019 et 2021 []

Entre 2019 et 2021, la RDC s’est impliquée dans la réactivation de ses relations diplomatiques dans la région des grands, une région dont les Etats vivent dans des tensions persistantes. Cette implication a abouti au réchauffement de ses relations avec la totalité de ses voisins. Toutes les actions liées à ces activités diplomatiques sont régulièrement et largement couvertes par la RTNC Kinshasa, ce média officiel de la RDC dont nous analysons les informations dans le but de connaître les intentions et l’orientation qu’en ont fait les journalistes dans leur traitement.

Opinion congolaise sur la diplomatie de la République Démocratique du Congo dans la région des grands lacs entre 2019 et 2021 []

Dès l’accession de Félix Tshisekedi à la magistrature suprême en 2019, celui-ci a eu, comme première vision diplomatique, de réchauffer les relations avec les pays des grands lacs. Toutes les activités liées à ce réchauffement diplomatique ont été couvertes par la RTNC. Selon les intentions de ces médias dans ces informations diffusées, ce média officiel congolais avait pour but d’amener les congolais à changer leur opinion sur cette diplomatie, une opinion qui était, avant 2019, défavorable. Pour ce faire, ce média, non seulement il faisait une bonne sélection des événements y relatifs, mais également il recadrait son discours dans le but d’amener le public à avoir l’opinion selon laquelle le réchauffement diplomatique entre la RDC et les pays de la région des grands lacs devenait réel. Cependant, les résultats issus de cette enquête montrent que la RTNC n’a pas atteint cet objectif. La majorité des enquêtés, pendant cette période, n’avaient pas une opinion positive sur la diplomatie de la RDC dans cette région. Leur souhait était que que la RDC cesse son ouverture aux pays de la région des grands lacs, des pays , selon eux, qui sont à la base de la déstabilisation de cette région, en général, et de la RDC, surtout dans sa partie Est, en particulier.


The study aims to provide a new vision and a clear concept on the issue of quality of work life. The study sheds light on the impact of the quality of work life on the performance and satisfaction of employees at Bank Muscat. In addition, revealing the relationship between the quality of work life and the performance and satisfaction of employees at Bank Muscat. To collect data and reach reliable results, we relied on primary sources through a questionnaire that contains 20 questions. This study was applied to a sample of 64 employees following a random sampling technique. Some important data was also taken to complete the research through secondary sources, which include books and electronic articles. The study relied on quantitative research methods. Descriptive analysis was used to accurately describe the results. The results showed that there is a positive effect between the quality of work life at Bank Muscat on employee satisfaction and performance. There is a direct and strong relationship between the quality of work life and the productivity and satisfaction of employees at Bank Muscat. Through this, the researcher confirmed that Bank Muscat is consistent with all principles and factors of quality in work life, and that Bank Muscat always seeks to give priority and responsibility to the rights and needs of employees. This research study is important and useful for society, companies, employees, as well as the government of the country. The researcher provided some advice to companies to apply some basic factors and strategies to enhance the quality of work life and raise the level of employee satisfaction and productivity to develop the company's performance and success.


This study investigates the impact of maritime transport and trade on the economic development of Senegambia, with a comparative analysis between The Gambia and Senegal. It also examined the effect of seaport activities on nearby communities. Using a convenience sampling technique a, we interviewed 150 households and residents, a snowball sampling technique was employed to collect data from 24 agents, 24 businessmen in both countries. Additionally, we analyzed a secondary dataset spanning 34 years to track trends in imports, exports and GDP growth of both countries through graphs. Our findings indicate that port activities negatively impact residents’ health in both countries, particularly in The Gambia. The performance of The Gambia’s port is significantly declining, whereas Senegal’s port activities are increasing according to the response we received from the agents on the evolution of containers they clear for imports, export, re-export and within themselves (The Gambia and Senegal). We observed that many Gambians prefer using Senegalese ports over their own. We also observed that the Gambia and Senegal highly depend on Norway and Mali for importation of goods respectively in 2020, while they depend on Senegal and Mali on exports respectively in 2020. Our analysis showed that both countries are facing similar challenges, such as port expansion issues, pollution, bureaucratic inefficiencies, which affect community well-being, social cohesion, and business operations. Furthermore, in the past five years The Gambia has experienced a significant downward trend of exports and has become increasingly reliant on import. In contrast, Senegal shows an upward trend in both Import and Exports, indicating that Senegal is becoming self-sufficient while The Gambia remains import dependent.

The Impact of Tax Changes on the Financial Performance: Case of Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) []

The study aims to determine the impact of tax changes on the financial performance of Oman Petroleum Development Company. The study combines previous studies on the impact of tax changes on financial performance and the measures taken to limit or reduce these changes that would make a difference in profitability. Primary sources were used, namely questionnaires and interviews with two of the company's employees. The results of primary sources showed that tax changes are linked to financial performance, and that tax changes have a direct impact on the financial performance of a company, thus reducing profitability and also making competition less among companies. Knowing the impact of tax changes helps make the company aware of the financial statements and thus works to create strategies and solutions that will reduce this impact on the company. Keywords: Oman tax laws, PDO, PDO tax changes on financial performance, tax changes, tax policy


Their similar means of transmission increases the risk of contracting both HIV,HBV and HCV concurrently . Viral hepatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the liver caused by viral infection . HBV is globally the leading cause of death due to liver disease in people living with HIV/AIDS . Aim : This study was aimed at assessing the Prevalence, co infections and risk factors of HIV, hepatitis B and C among pregnant women on prevention and transmission at the Mifi health district. Methods : This study was a cross sectional study involving pregnant women who visited different health centers within the Mifi health district between the month of February to June 2023. Sampling technique was done by convenience and the Data was analysed using SPSS version 20.0. Results : Out of the 467 participants who took part in this study , the overall prevalence of 8.6%(40) was recorded for HIV 1/2 , 2.4% (11) for HBV as well as 1.3% (6) for HCV . the bioline results of the 40 pregenant women who tested positive for HIV in this study, 87.5% were positive with HIV-1 meanwhile 7.5 % were co-infected by both HIV-1/ HIV-2 while only 5% of the total 40 HIV infected individuals were infected with HIV-2. After due laboratory investigations from pregnant women who took part in this study, there was a statistical significance (p= 0.05) between individuals who were both infected with HIV and HBV. A co-infection rate of 0.42%, when considering all the 467 pregnant women was as well recorded between patients suffering from HBV and HCV and again, these findings were statistically significant (p=0.007). men in their past. Furthermore, all the participants 467 (100%) had a history of sharing niddles and blade. This study equally reveals that most patients, 103(22.1%) had history of blood transfusion thus creating more chances for infections Conclusion : The prevalence rate in this study was relatively high for individuals infected with HIV, compared to other studies conducted in other part of the country and again, high prevalence was as well recorded for HBV and HCV a clear indication that this study was a necessity at this particular point in time as it has shown that more sensitization campaignes need to be done to cub the spreed of this viruses from one person to anther and most especially from mother to their new born babies.


Flexible working hours are attracting the attention of many managers and researchers, and one of the most important pillars at the present time in organizations and companies because they are closely and strongly linked to the performance and well-being of employees. The more flexible working hours are available that suit the desires and expectations of employees, the greater the performance and well-being of employees, which will contribute significantly to achieving the organization’s goals. This study aimed to examine the impact of flexible working hours on the performance and well-being of employees at the Development Bank. Primary and secondary sources were used for the methodology of this study in order to achieve a comprehensive and accurate understanding to cover the objectives of the study. Secondary sources included previous literary studies relevant to the objectives of the study, such as magazines, books, articles, websites, and the MEC electronic library. The primary sources included questionnaire questions sent via social media platforms to Development Bank employees, in addition to conducting two interviews with the Director of the Human Resources Department and the Director of the Human Resources Development Department. The study showed that flexible working hours have a significant and positive impact on the performance of employees, as flexible working hours enable them to choose the appropriate time to start and finish their work, which in turn contributes to increasing their performance. The results also indicated that flexible working hours play a major role in achieving balance between work tasks and the requirements of personal life, as it gives employees control over their flexible schedules, and contributes to reducing levels of stress and absenteeism from work at the bank, thus enhancing employee well-being. Furthermore, the study founds a strong positive relationship between flexible working hours and employee performance and well-being, as when allow employees to choose their working hours, they develop a sense of duty to rise their performance and job efforts. The researcher recommends that the need to restructure the bank's policy to address employees' concerns about the lack of career growth opportunities when implementing flexible working hours. Keywords: Advantages and disadvantages of flexible working hours, employee performance, employee well-being, flexible working hours, factors affecting flexible working, types of flexible working arrangements


1. Introduction : Cette étude avait pour objectif d’analyser la relation entre l’approche PB-Famille et la survenue de la malnutrition aigüe en vue de réduire la morbidité et mortalité liées à la malnutrition. 2. Méthodologie : Cette étude a eu pour cadre d’investigation, la Zone de Santé de TSHILENGE et pour la réaliser, nous avons fait recours à la méthode d’enquête prospective appuyée par les techniques d’interview structurée au moyen du questionnaire et l’observation participative. La taille de l’échantillon s’élève à 248 couples mères-enfant et nous avons utilisé un questionnaire d’enquête et une fiche d’enregistrement des données du ruban MUAC, comme matériel pour notre étude. Les données ont été saisies et traitées sur l’ordinateur avec le Microsoft Word 2010 pour la partie narrative et avec un logiciel Excel 2010 pour les tableaux, et l’épi info pour les analyses statistiques bi-variées. 3. Résultats : - Il n’existe aucun lien significatif entre la surveillance communautaire par l’approche PB –Famille sur la survenue de la malnutrition, car (2= 0,303, P=0,604), - Tout de même, on a constaté un lien statistiquement significatif entre la survenue) de la malnutrition aigüe et la disponibilité d’un ruban MUAC dans le ménage et le suivi ou accompagnement technique du ménage par un relai communautaire avec un P= 0,02 et P=0,000. - Il n’existe pas une association significative entre la survenue de la malnutrition aigüe et certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques des personnes enquêtées mais seulement l’occupation de responsable (2=15,864 P=0.345) et leur qualité au niveau du ménage (2= 47,855 P=0.000) - Il existe un lien statistiquement significatif entre la survenue de la malnutrition aigüe et la Connaissance des avantages sur la mesure du PB (2= 8,479 P= 0,000), Connaissance du responsable sur l’interprétation des couleurs du MUAC (2= 65,335 P= 0,000), Fréquence de la prise du PB (2= 498,923 P= 0,000), Maitrise de la prise du PB par le responsable (2= 11,367 P= 0,000) 4. Conclusion: Plusieurs mécanismes de surveillance nutritionnelle à base communautaires sont mis en place par différents partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF) en appui au ministère de santé, hygiène et prévention parmi lesquels l’approche PB-Famille ou PB-Mère. Cette approche consiste à renforcer la capacité des membres de la communauté sur le dépistage de la malnutrition par la mesure du périmètre brachial et la recherche d’œdèmes nutritionnels. Mots clés : surveillance nutritionnelle, communauté, malnutrition aiguë, Approche PB-famille.


1. Introduction : Cette étude avait pour objectif de déterminer le profil épidémiologique de la coïnfection tuberculose et VIH dans la zone de sante de Kabinda 2. Matériels et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective descriptive sur 5 ans, incluant tous les patients infectés par le VIH, hospitalisés au cours de la période et traités pour tuberculose. 3. Résultats : La prévalence de la co-infection TB/VIH était de 7,0 % parmi les patients VIH. L’âge moyen était de 39,3±9,5 ans avec un sex-ratio de 1,4 . La symptomatologie clinique était dominée par l’altération de l’état général (89,2 %), la fièvre au long cours (65,8 %), les râles crépitant (61,7 %) et la toux (49,2 %). Chez 66,7 % des patients, la localisation pulmonaire de la tuberculose était retrouvée dont 52,5 % de bacillifères. Outre la tuberculose, la candidose digestive (53,3 %), la toxoplasmose cérébrale (20,0 %) et l’herpès (5,8 %) étaient les plus fréquents. Près de 2/3 des patients (65,8 %) étaient au stade clinique IV de l’OMS. La médiane des lymphocytes TCD4 était de 52,5 cellules/μl [IIQ : 14 ; 110]. Le taux d’hémoglobine moyen était de 8,1±2,0 g/l. Le retour à domicile était effectif chez 52,5 % des patients avec une mortalité hospitalière de 42,5 %. La médiane de la durée de séjour était de 27 jours [IIQ : 16 ; 36]. 4. Conclusion : La tuberculose est découverte chez les patients VIH fréquemment dans un contexte d’immunodépression sévère avec aggravation du pronostic. Par conséquent, la détection précoce de la tuberculose chez les personnes infectées par le VIH d’une part et le dépistage systématique du VIH chez les patients tuberculeux d’autre part constituent un impératif pour améliorer le pronostic de ces patients. Mots clés : Coïnfection, Tuberculose, VIH, Séropositivité, Zone de santé.


1. Introduction : Cette étude avait pour objectif de comparer les indicateurs de la PCIMA dans les approches simplifiées et standards en vue de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité de la prise en charge de la malnutrition dans la Zone de Santé de TSHILENGE. 2. Matériels et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude cas-témoin. Les cas sont constitués des indicateurs de l’approche simplifiée et les témoins sont les indicateurs de l’approche standard. La population de notre étude est constituée des indicateurs de performance et de qualité de la PCIMA dans l’approche standard et dans l’approche simplifiée. Quant à l’échantillon, nous avons considéré les données ou les indicateurs du mois de Mai jusqu’au mois de septembre 2022 de 6 Aires de santé (UNTA) dont 3 aires de Santé appliquant l’approche standard et 3 autres aires de santé appliquant l’approche simplifiée et sa taille était constitué de 1119 cas traités dans l’approche simplifiée contre 158 cas traités dans l’approche standard sur la même période. Pour réaliser cette étude, nous avons fait recours à la méthode d’enquête rétrospective qui a consisté à collecter les données contenues dans les archives des structures ciblées au moyen de la grille d’observation qui a été utilisée comme matériel. 3. Résultats : En considérant uniquement les cas MAS pris en charge dans les 2 approches le dépistage est toujours précoce dans l’approche simplifiée que dans l’approche standard avec l’écart réduit de 3,03, légèrement supérieur à 1,96 au risque d’erreur de 5% pour une moyenne de 107,9± 0,7 mm de PB à l’admission dans l’approche standard contre 108,9 ± 4,2 mm dans l’approche simplifiée ; - Il existe une différence largement significative entre les deux approches par rapport à la durée moyenne de séjour des malades traités dans l’ensemble (MAM et MAS). - Autrement dit, les enfants prennent plus de temps au programme dans l’approche standard que dans l’approche simplifiée. - En séparant les deux formes de malnutrition (MAM et MAS) la différence persiste toujours même si on prend en compte seulement les cas MAS traités dans les 2 approches avec l’écart-réduit (ɛ) de 19,13, largement >1,96 au risque d’erreur 5% ; - Existe une différence statistiquement significative entre les quantités moyennes d’ATPE (PlumpyNut) consommées dans les 2 approches. - La consommation moyenne d’ATPE est extrêmement grande dans l’approche standard que dans l’approche simplifiée avec l’écart-réduit (ɛ) de 11,42 largement >1,96 ; - La différence entre les 2 approches persiste même pour les cas MAS seulement, elle est toujours grande dans l’approche standard que dans l’approche simplifiée avec l’écart-réduit (ɛ) de 38,13 largement >1,96 au risque d’erreur 5%. 4. Conclusion : Il vrai que la lutte contre malnutrition aiguë est un problème pluri disciplinaire au vu de ses nombreuses causes qui se trouvent à plusieurs niveaux. Ainsi, l’implication de la population vaut son pesant d’or, mais le poids des structures sanitaires en est le moteur. Cependant cela nécessite une évaluation périodique enfin de savoir le niveau de performance atteint parle structures sanitaires dans la prise en charge de ce problème de santé publique voyant ses conséquences néfastes sur la vie des jeunes enfants, des femmes enceintes et allaitante. Mots clés : Indicateur, PCIMA, Approche standard, Approche simplifiée, Malnutrition aiguée sévère.


Globally, half of cardiovascular deaths are related to hypertension. Good adherence to anti-hypertensive medications is the most successful measure to control and prevent the now-increased hypertension crisis and its complications. Sub-Saharan Africa is burdened with lower adherence to anti-hypertensive medications. Identifying factors associated with adherence, aimed at drawing solutions to improve the wellbeing of populations. The objective of this study was to assess factors associated with adherence to hypertensive medications among hypertensive patients in a district hospital of Northern Province in Rwanda. The study was conducted under a cross-sectional descriptive study with analytical features on hypertensive patients. The systematic sampling method was used and the data was collected by the researcher and his assistant on 272 participants, data was analyzed using SPSS version 21.0: descriptive statistics bivariate and multivariate analysis were used. The significance level p-value ≤ 0.05, and odds ratio and adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval (CI) and significance of p < 0.05 were applied. Among 272 participants, 33 (12.1%) were Under 40 years, 90(33.1%) were 40-60 years, and 149(54.8%) were 60 years and above. There were 169 (62.1%) females and 103(37.9%) males. All 272 (100%) had health insurance. The self-reported adherence was 64.3%. Factors associated with adherence to hypertension medications were being female (AOR: 4.188, 95%CI [1.555-11.281], p=0.005); being diagnosed and be on treatment for 5 years and above (AOR: 33.35, 95%CI [5.016-221.2851], p<0.001); having good belief of medication (AOR: 16.867 95%CI [5.438-52.321], p<0.001), believing that it is important to take medication even when no symptoms (AOR: 24, 95%CI [4.831-119.281], p<0.001); and being once a smoker but stopped it after realizing health concerns (AOR: 9.348, 95%CI [2.594-33.686], p=0.001). To conclude, adherence was low, female sex, being on treatment for a long time, having good belief in medication and perceived susceptibility increased the chance of adherence to medications.


As part of the implementation of the TARSPro project, the establishment of a Climate Smart Village (VIC) is planned. To do this, a village base survey was conducted in the village of Sabenebougou in the region of Sikasso in southern Mali. The overall objective of this study is to generate baseline information at the community level on natural resource use, landscape/environment and climate change impacts. The results from the focus groups of men and women revealed the degradation of the village's natural resources linked to climatic hazards and anthropogenic pressures. The main climatic hazards that impact resources are drought, floods, early cessation of rains and pests. The resources most vulnerable to these hazards are agricultural land followed by lowlands and watercourses. These hazards affect agricultural productivity and the plant development cycle, degrading soils and plant cover. It should be noted that approximately 99% of inhabitants are exposed to climatic hazards with 90% sensitivity linked to drought and floods. In general, we note a low capacity for adaptation of producers in the face of identified climatic hazards. The vision of the future by 2040, according to the populations of Sabenebougou, is to have more fertile arable land, redeveloped lowlands with an improved hydrological regime, denser and more diversified forests populated by wild animals, a course of water de-silted and stocked with developed banks, regenerated pastoral rangelands with more diversified forage crops, the recultivation and reforestation of degraded lands, the establishment of a market gardening area for women and the construction of a rice-fish pond. Keywords: Community baseline study, Natural resources, Focus group, Climate-smart village, Sabenebougou, Mali.

Impact de la Régénération Naturelle Assistée sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages dans les cercles de Diéma et Kolokani au Mali. []

In Mali, the agricultural sector is largely dependent on the rain and flood regime, with the exception of production systems based on total water control. This is therefore a sector that is particularly vulnerable to climate change which has negative impacts on the main cereal crops and consequently agricultural productivity and household food security. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is one of the agroforestry practices that contributes to improving food security, protecting soil against erosion and adapting to climate change. The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of the FMNR on the food and nutritional security of households in the districts of Diema and Kolokani, in Mali. To achieve this, the approach adopted is based on descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing and correlation analyses. The food consumption score was used to measure the status of food quality and safety at the farm level. The results indicate that the presence of trees in crop fields has significant effects on household food security. Statistically, the variables, food consumption score and the average rate of coverage of cereal have a significant difference respectively at the threshold of 5% (P= 0.03) and 10% (P= 0.054) in favor of the beneficiaries. The results also reveal the correlation between the level of food security, the number of assets, the surface area and the possession of animal-drawn equipment such as plow, cart and draft animals. Keywords: FMNR, food security, households, Mali.

Mathematical Modeling of Antibacterial Activity of MoS2 (MX2) Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) Nanotubes against Escherichia coli (E. coli): A Novel Approach to Combat Antibiotic Resistance using Stochastic Differential Equations []

Antibiotic resistance poses a significant threat to global health, necessitating innovative strategies to combat bacterial infections. This study develops a mathematical model using stochastic differential equations to investigate the antibacterial activity of MoS2 nanotubes against Escherichia coli populations, accounting for bacterial growth, death, and interaction with MoS2 nanotubes, as well as intrinsic biological noise. The model is solved numerically using NumPy and SciPy libraries in Python, revealing the impact of varying parameters on the system dynamics. Simulation results demonstrate that increasing MoS2 concentration and controlling bacterial growth rates can effectively suppress E. coli populations, providing valuable insights into optimizing antibacterial interventions. The results are presented in time series plots, phase plane plots, and tables, showcasing the potential of mathematical modeling and simulation in developing robust strategies to combat antibiotic resistance.

Nature and Predictors of Dwelling Quality of Selected Informal Communities in Metropolitan Lagos Nigeria []

Informal settlements are a pervasive feature of metropolitan Lagos, home to millions of urban poor residents living in substandard housing and environmental conditions. Improving the residential quality of these communities is a critical challenge for sustainable urban development in the region. This research is therefore aimed at analysing the nature and predictor of dwelling quality of selected in metropolitan Lagos. To achieve the aim, the researchers assessed the physical and spatial characteristics of sampled communities, identified the socio-economic factors influencing dwelling quality and examined the relationship between spatial patterns and dwelling quality within the sampled informal communities. The study employed the descriptive cross-sectional research design to assess the nature and predictors of dwelling quality among selected fifteen (15) informal communities across four (4) local government areas of Lagos State. Dwelling quality data were collected from 15 communities, totalling 1800 respondents, while 1600 were considered valid for the research. Descriptive Statistics and spatial Clustering Analysis were adopted to explore the spatial relationships between dwelling quality indicators and spatial patterns within the informal communities. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was used to identify clustering and spatial trends of dwelling quality indicators and assess their relationship with spatial characteristics. The research established that a holistic, participatory approach is essential for achieving lasting improvements in residential quality. Community-based upgrading initiatives involving residents in the planning and implementation process demonstrate greater success in meeting local needs and securing long-term ownership. Integrating the development of water, sanitation, electricity, and transportation infrastructure also emerges as a critical strategy for enhancing overall living conditions. Therefore, a set of policy recommendations and a conceptual framework for guiding future interventions aimed at improving the residential quality of informal communities in metropolitan Lagos should be put in place. Urban practitioners, policymakers, and community stakeholders seeking to deliver sustainable and equitable improvements in the living conditions of the urban poor should be engaged in a sustainable informal dwelling upgrade.

Selected Teacher Factors and the Use of Collaborative Instruction of English in Secondary Schools in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya []

Educational reforms in Kenya seek to enable the learner to become an engaged, empowered and ethical citizen. This can be achieved through provision of quality instruction that provides every learner opportunity to learn. This requires highly knowledgeable, reflective professional teachers having meaningful pedagogical skills to facilitate learning. Collaborative instruction, sometimes called cooperative teaching or team teaching, involves educators working in tandem to lead, instruct and mentor groups of learners. It is a significant concept in the field of English language teaching that involves teachers in sharing expertise, decision-making, lesson delivery, and assessment. The purpose of this study was to investigate selected teacher factors and the use of collaborative instruction in the teaching of English language in public secondary schools in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. The study was guided by the objective to determine the influence of the teacher’s gender on the use of collaborative instruction in English. The study was guided by the Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population was of 314 respondents that were Heads of Department languages, Heads of Subject English and Teachers of English in Kwanza Sub-County. Simple random sampling was used to sample the respondents from the target population. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used as instruments for data collection. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Before the actual data collection, a pilot study was carried out to establish the reliability of the research instruments. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was transcribed and reported verbatim and thematically. The findings of the study in line with the objective on gender yielded a Chi-Square value of 2. 252 at 3 degrees of freedom and p-value of .522 >.05. From the findings it was concluded that, teacher’s gender has no significant influence on the use of collaborative instruction. Therefore, the study recommends that, both genders should be involved in the design development and implementation of curriculum activities with the view of enhancing collaborative instructions and the Ministry of Education should provide detailed and appropriate guidance on the usage of collaborative instruction Keywords: Collaborative instruction, teacher’s gender and public secondary schools.

Analyse des voix citées dans le discours sur les conflits interethniques en Ituri : de 2004 à 2005. Cas du journal “ Les Coulisses” []

La plupart des tensions dans la province de l’Ituri tournent autour de l’accès à la terre et se sont produites à une période où les Hema et les Lendu s’étaient organisés en mutualités respectives, notamment la « Libération des opprimés et rejetés d’Ituri » (LORI) pour les Lendu et l’Ente « vache » pour les Hema. Ces mutualités ont depuis des années la réputation d’être à la fois des facilitateurs de la violence et des catalyseurs de la paix. Ainsi, les conflits liés à cette adversité se traduisent fréquemment par de violentes guerres civiles et ont provoqué des pertes des vies humaines, l’enracinement de l’idéologie de la xénophobie et de la haine ethnique, l’exode rural, des incendies des villages et hausse du taux d’analphabètes. Il est de notoriété publique, que dans la couverture des conflits par les médias, les journalistes ont toujours une part des responsabilités. A ce titre, la présente étude voix citées dans le discours du journal les coulisses sur le cas des conflits en Ituri. Pour y parvenir, notre stratégie est parts de l’examen des archives du Journal les Coulisses. Le corpus analysé a démontré que le journal les coulisses était engagé dans le conflit comme auxiliaire. Mots clés : Voix, discours, Journal les coulisses, Conflit et ethnies


Analysing Bank Dhofar’s financial performance is crucial to understanding the bank's efficiency in using resources and its ability to maintain profitability and growth in a competitive market. This analysis is vital for investors, stakeholders and bank management to make informed decisions. The objectives of this research were to analyze Bank Dhofar's overall financial performance during the period 2019–2023, and by assessing the bank's financial position, stakeholders can gain insights into its operational effectiveness, strategic direction, and potential areas for improvement. This study employs a quantitative analytical research methodology. We obtained secondary data from the financial annual reports of Bank Dhofar, which were available from the Muscat Securities Market during the period 2019-2023. We analysed the collected data using financial ratios in Microsoft Excel. According to financial reports, profitability ratios showed moderate performance, with subsequent downward and upward trends in ratios such as ROAWA and ROAA indicating the bank's adaptation to changing circumstances. There were changes in liquidity ratios, mainly the liquidity coverage ratio and the ratio of net loans to total deposits. This caused cases of liquidity stress and a focus on keeping liquidity ratios in a healthy range. Key solvency ratios, such as capital adequacy ratios, remained good, indicating that the bank is in a strong position in terms of capital base and ability to absorb financial shocks. Efficiency ratios, i.e., the ratio of operating expenses to operating income, showed gains in operational efficiency, supported by strategic cost management and technological investments. In order to sustain and enhance its financial performance, the study recommends that Bank Dhofar focus on several key areas. First, the bank must improve its risk management strategies to ensure sustainable profitability amid market volatility. Second, the continued development of innovative financial products and services is essential to meet the evolving needs of customers. Third, investing in financial technology (FinTech) can enhance operational efficiency and provide more effective services to customers.

Treatment Efficacy and Safety of ND YAG 1064 nm Laser for Onychomycosis []

for onychomycosis. Method: The study comprised 25 patients who had been diagnosed with onychomycosis. Patients who had used topical antifungal treatment within a week or oral antifungal medication within a year were excluded from consideration. The chosen patients received four weekly sessions of ND YAG 1064 nm laser treatment. Before every treatment, pictures were collected, and every week, fungal culture tests were carried out. Patients who showed improvement after the first round received additional treatment. If the test came back positive, there was a one-month follow-up and then another round. Patients who did not respond well to the second treatment received follow-up appointments three and six months later. Patients who refused laser treatment were not accepted and received normal care instead. Result: A second treatment cycle was initiated following the first round, as 14 out of 25 individuals tested positive for the pathogen. Three individuals demonstrated resistance and were excluded after the second cycle, leaving six patients who still tested positive at the three- and six-month follow-ups. With the use of laser therapy, the remaining patients were successfully treated, with only minor side effects including erythema and edema. Conclusion: As a safe and successful treatment for onychomycosis, ND YAG 1064 nm laser therapy has encouraging outcomes in terms of both efficacy and adverse effects. More research with a larger patient population and longer follow-up times is required to confirm its status as a trustworthy therapy approach.

A Comparative Study of Dermapen and Fractional Laser for Skin Rejuvenation: Efficacy and Side Effect Analysis []

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and potential side effects of Dermapen versus Fractional Laser for skin rejuvenation in patients between the ages of 39 and 50. Methods: 24 patients in the 39–50 age range in total. Which involved interventions; two Dermapen sessions were completed by each of the twelve patients. And 12 individuals received skin rejuvenation with fractional laser therapy. The gap in sessions was a one-month interval between the two sessions. Patients with diabetes, a history of herpes, or other serious condition were not eligible to participate in the case studies. Result: The outcome revealed five patients (41.67%) in the fractional laser group had post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Patients with severe photosensitivity: 5 (41.67%), Downtime increase: 5 patients (41.67%) whereas in the Dermapen Group, 0 individuals (0%) had post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Patients with photosensitivity: 0%, Downtime: 0% of patients Conclusion: Dermapen had fewer side effects than fractional laser treatment in terms of skin rejuvenation. Due to its little downtime and lack of photosensitivity or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, Dermapen is a safer option. Since of the way it works, Dermapen can be used on more skin types since it reduces some of the side effects associated with fractional lasers. The study claims that since Dermapen doesn't result in adverse effects like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is typically connected to light-based therapies, it is a safer choice. Those with darker complexion tones should especially be aware of this.

"Harnessing Platelet-Rich Plasma for Effective Hair Restoration" []

Objective: to evaluate the safety and efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in treating patients' hair loss. Methods: Twenty individuals were recruited for the study, consisting of three females and seventeen men. In a Regen centrifuge, PRP was made utilizing the single-spin technique. Then, over the course of four therapy sessions spaced 30 days apart, the activated PRP was injected into the scalp. Two booster sessions were also given, separated by six months. Result: With every treatment session, hair loss showed a decreasing trend that culminated in an amazing 75%–80% recovery by the end of the fourth month. High levels of patient satisfaction were noted, and no negative effects were noted. Conclusion: The results indicate that PRP has less negative effects and can be used safely as a treatment alternative for people who are losing hair. Combining PRP with complementary therapies like medicated hair sprays, specialty shampoos, mesotherapy, and oral supplements like Biotin may improve its overall results, while further research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.


Le traitement le plus efficace recommandé par l’organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) est une polythérapie à base d’artemisinine extraite de l’artemisia annua dont la consommation traditionnelle sous forme de tisane est très efficace contre le paludisme. La présente étude qui lui est consacré a été réalisé dans la zone d’Agboville et avait pour objectif d’établir une technique culturale idéale pour la culture de l’Artemisia annua. Plusieurs méthodes ont été utilisées pour produire l’Artemisia annua et les résultats ont montré que pour réussir la culture d’Artemisia annua en Côte d’Ivoire il faut lancer la pépinière 1 mois et demi avant la période pluvieuse. Il faudrait que la période de repiquage en champ corresponde au début de la saison des pluies sur un terrain plat, bien exposé au soleil avec de préférence une terre meuble avec un espacement d’un (01) mètre entre les lignes et 0,5 mètre sur la ligne. La germination s’opère après 4 à 7 jours puis le premier repiquage dès que les plants atteignent le stade de neuf feuilles environ et le second repiquage deux (02) semaines plus tard. La récolte des feuilles et tiges d’Artemisia annua doit être fait juste avant la floraison qui survient autour de 4 à 5 mois après repiquage. Le séchage se fait en plein soleil car elle augmente la concentration en principe actif. Il faut aussi conserver les plus beaux plants pour la production de graines d’Artemisia annua pour un nouveau cycle. Cette étude a donc permis d’établir un itinéraire technique pour la production de l’Artemisia annua en dans la sous-région en générale et en Côte d’Ivoire particulièrement. Mots clés : Artemisia annua, semis, technique culturale, Côte d’Ivoire.

A Case Study to Analyze the Impact of Downsizing on the Organization Performance: A Case Study of Oman Air []

Downsizing is a strategy of scaling down business activities in an entity. It is a management strategy that is used by executive management to reduce and control costs during financial crisis. Oman Air is one of the airlines that is using downsizing strategy due to financial challenges post covid 19 pandemics. This project evaluates: the main factors that led Oman Air to downsize, impact of downsizing on organizations performance, strategies that could prevent companies from downsizing and recommendations to help companies reduce negative impact of downsizing on organizational performance. To collect data for this case study, a questionnaire of Likert scale, closed and open-ended questions was used. Total of 136 Oman Air employees participated in this survey. From the findings, there were many factors that led Oman Air to downsize, and some of the factors are: lack of competent management, lack of vision, poor planning, wrong strategies and reduced governmental support. Additionally, downsizing negatively impacted on organization performance as many talents were laid off and some voluntarily resigned from the company while rival companies like Emirates, Etihad and Qatar airways were experiencing growth and were recruiting talents. Lastly, companies could reduce some of the negative impacts of downsizing on organization performance through employee’s involvement in change management, effective communication, ethical conduct to avoid lawsuits, reward loyalty and performance to retain good talents.