Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity Defense Mechanisms: Future Trends and Challenges. []

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into cybersecurity has significantly revolutionized the field, bolstering the detection, response, and mitigation of cyber threats. This piece delves into the current and future landscape of AI-powered cybersecurity, with a particular focus on the challenges and prospects that accompany these advancements. Traditional security systems are proving inadequate against increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, prompting the incorporation of AI technologies capable of predictive modeling, anomaly detection, and automated responses. While generative AI offers valuable protective capabilities, it also exposes new vulnerabilities, compelling the establishment of robust, transparent, and ethically sound AI frameworks. Topics addressed include the evolution of cybersecurity defense mechanisms, from antiquated approaches to AI-augmented systems; the implementation of AI in identifying threats, responding to them, and managing vulnerabilities; as well as ethical and adversarial challenges posed by AI. This paper also explores upcoming trends, such as autonomous security systems and explainable AI (XAI), underscoring the importance of continuous research and development in addressing emerging threats and safeguarding the integrity and security of digital infrastructures. Our analysis emphasizes the pivotal role of AI in reshaping cybersecurity, while also highlighting the need for careful implementation and diligent oversight.


This study investigates the satisfaction levels of 1,490 students across all year levels, utilizing data collected from respondents categorized by class using specified statistical tools. The survey assesses satisfaction with curriculum quality, teaching methods, classroom facilities, and faculty reliability. The findings reveal conflicting perceptions among students across different areas of study, indicating an overall less satisfying experience that demands immediate attention and action. Top management should conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current curriculum and implement necessary modifications to align it with evolving industry needs and contemporary standards. Introducing new programs based on industry demand will give students more choices and better prepare them for the job market. Teaching methods and their delivery should be regularly reviewed and updated. Faculty members should participate in ongoing professional development through seminars and training to stay current with educational trends. Although current teaching methods meet student satisfaction levels, adapting to new developments is essential for maintaining high educational standards. Classroom facilities must be upgraded to meet local authority standards and current academic requirements. This includes enhancing the library, laboratories, and other academic resources to align with contemporary educational needs and expectations. Improving faculty reliability and building student trust is crucial for increasing overall commitment and performance. Efforts should be made to enhance faculty-student interactions and ensure consistent support and guidance


ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to develop an anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS) that can promptly detect and classify various attacks. Anomaly-based IDSs need to be able to learn the dynamically changing behavior of users or systems. In this thesis, we are experimenting with packet behavior as parameters in anomaly intrusion detection. The objective of this research work is to improve on existing Network Intrusion System. This work was motivated by the inability of some internet security to automatically prevent dangerous attacks. The proposed IDS uses a back propagation artificial neural network (ANN) to learn system's behaviour. The methodology that was used for this research work is Object Oriented System Analysis Design and Methodology (OOADM), programming languages we will use are JavaScript for controls and flexibility, PHP for effective linking and communication with the database machine, HTML for browser communicator and MYSQL as a database machine. This research enhance the quality, convenience and reliability of Network Intrusion Detection System in internet services using artificial Neural Network, thereby providing a platform whereby information can be shared among internet users and in turn reduce the time spent by users in checking numerous intrusion attacks.


ABSTRACT In this research, a user-friendly software tool for predicting the students’ performance in course which is based on genetic algorithm technique was developed. The feature selection technique was combined with classification method in order to predict student academic performance for students in tertiary institution. It was discovered that almost all previous feature selection techniques apply local search technique throughout the process, so the best and optimal solution seems difficult and nearly impossible to achieve. Software for predicting the likely performance of a student was developed and tested using genetic algorithm technique. The methodology adopted in this thesis is structured system analysis design methodology (SSADM), the model was implemented using python programming language and MySQL database respectively. The result obtained from the study shows that genetic algorithm can be used by an educator for classifying students and distinguishing students with low achievements or weak students who are likely to have low achievements.


With the advancement of wireless technologies, wireless sensor networks and IoT (Internet of Things) can be used to monitor and track the conditions of patients in the healthcare sector. Remote Health Telemonitoring System is one of the components of telemedicine capable of monitoring the vital signs of patients in a remote location using IoT platform. The data collected (vital signs) can help medical practitioners to proffer solution to chronically ill patient from anywhere in the world. Telemonitoring of the vital signs of the elderly and chronically ill patients using IoT plaforms is very crucial in helping to save their lives. The manual medical monitoring done in the Nigerian hospitals has a lot of challenges ranging from faulty instruments, negligence of duty on the part of the nurses left to do this monitoring, absence of doctors on call from their offices etc. This thesis makes use of real time readings of the Body Temperature of patients. This system consists of the design of a Physical hardware and software. The hardware part deals with the development of a physical model, the construction design, electrical and electronic circuitry. The model consists of a Temperature sensor (a contactless temperature sensor). With this device, the Temperature readings of the patients can be taken without making direct contact with the body. This device functions by placing your body or finger over it. This model has a GUI where the medical practitioner can select whichever readings that will be taken. All this data captured are sent to an IoT platform called Thingspeak which is an online IoT platform. For the Data security, the IoT platforms will make use of Cloudflare to avoid unauthorized access to the data collected. Also the developed model has both the private and public channel that can be used. For data security, the medical practitioner will make use of private channel and the Database used for this model is AWS cloud (Amazon Web server). The medical practitioners can be wherever he or she is, access this data, and proffer health solution to a sick patient. The collected real time health data can be remotely monitored by logging into the IoT platforms using mobile smart devices or a Computer System. A survey type questionnaire and a face to face interview were conducted on the nurses and the patients of different hospitals and Object Oriented Analysis and Design Method (OOADM) was deployed in this study. For the programming aspect of this work I used C++ and C for the hardware design and for the programming environment I used Arduino IDE.

Sectarianism in Giglit Baltistan and its impact on the local Market of Skardu. []

Abstract Sectarian conflict in G-B has remained an outstanding issue for decades. The conflict over religious differences is not a new dispute in the region. G-B claims to be home to various sects. The segments are Shia, Sunni, and Ismailia, who claim to live peacefully and have cordial relationships with each other. However, the rise of sectarianism began in the region in the late 1980s. The changes in the demographic composition, which included the abolition of the local law of the state-subject rule, led to a shift in power dynamics and further fueled sectarian tensions. The situation further changed with the formulation of the Kakoruram Highway. All this development leads to sectarianism in GB, which has a devastating impact on all segments of society. Based on all this, the market suffers a lot of such incidents because various segments depend on them. The whole region remained closed for a period with these unprecedented clashes of sectarian violence between the two sects of Muslims. It leads to an irreparable and chronic impacts on the common masses suffer greatly. During the sectarianism, region remained in deep crisis, which caused collateral damage for all sectors to suspend activity. Keywords Gilgit Baltistan, Sectarian conflict, Shia, Sunni

“Impact of Procrastination on Anxiety, Stress and Depression among College Students” []

This study explores the impact of procrastination on anxiety, stress, and Depression among college students. The primary objective was to examine how varying levels of procrastination affect these psychological dimensions. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference between students with high and low procrastination in terms of anxiety, stress, and depression. A sample of 100 college students aged 18 to 24 from Nashik City, Maharashtra State, was selected for the study, including 50 high-procrastination and 50 low-procrastination students. The Samvaidna’s Procrastination Scale (Abrahim, 2013) was utilized to measure procrastination, while the Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (ADSS) (Bhatnagar et al., 2011) was employed to assess anxiety, stress, and depression. The independent variable was the level of procrastination (high vs. low), and the dependent variables were anxiety, stress, and depression. Data were analyzed using the 't' test. Results indicated that students in the high procrastination group had significantly higher mean scores in anxiety, stress, and depression compared to those in the low procrastination group. These findings underscore the importance of addressing procrastination to enhance mental health among college students, enlightening us about the significance of this issue.


Education has been significantly evolving and adapting new teaching strategies throughout the years. However, certain schools are still utilizing traditional pedagogy, which becomes the central point of discussion in this study. The primary research question examines whether incorporating multimedia in the classroom can significantly influence students' understanding of literature. The study specifically compares the pre-test and post-test literary comprehension scores between 34 Grade 8 Quezon students which are divided into two groups: a control group receiving traditional instruction and an experimental group receiving multimedia-enhanced instruction in the La-boratory Junior High School of Mindanao State University – Buug. Employing a quasi-experimental design, this research facilitates the comparison of non-randomly assigned groups. The findings revealed that the control group’s mean pre-test score was 49.47, categorized as "High," while the experimental group's mean pre-test score was 57.71, also "High." Post-test results showed a mean score of 54.88 for the control group "High" and 67.18 for the experimental group "Very High". Statistical analysis indicated a highly significant improvement in both pre-test and post-test scores within the control group (p=0.006) and the experimental group (p=0.001). Additionally, there was a significant difference in pre-test scores between the two groups (p=0.014) and a highly significant difference in post-test scores (p<0.001). In conclusion, this study affirms that multimedia pedagogy can effectively improve students' understanding of literature. The integration of multimedia elements such as videos, images, and audio-visual presentations not only enhances literary comprehension but also en-riches the overall learning experience, suggesting a promising approach for educational practices.

The Impact of International Trade Agreements on Nigerian Textile Industry's Market Access []

The Nigerian textile industry, once a significant contributor to the nation's economy, has faced severe challenges due to international trade agreements (ITAs). This paper explores the impact of these agreements, particularly focusing on bilateral agreements with China and multilateral frameworks like the World Trade Organization (WTO). Historical data reveals a decline in the industry, exacerbated by trade liberalization policies that have exposed Nigerian textiles to intense competition from cheaper imports, especially from China. Empirical evidence from trade statistics and qualitative insights from industry stakeholders underscore the detrimental effects of ITAs on market access and competitiveness. The study highlights a dramatic increase in Chinese textile imports to Nigeria, paralleled by a near cessation of Nigerian textile exports, resulting in a significant trade imbalance. This has led to reduced profitability, job losses, and factory closures within the Nigerian textile sector. The findings call for a strategic review and renegotiation of trade agreements, effective utilization of trade provisions, comprehensive industrial policies, targeted export promotion, and capacity building initiatives. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of policy coherence, stakeholder engagement, and regional cooperation to foster a resilient and competitive textile industry in Nigeria. This research contributes to the academic discourse on international trade, industrial policy, and economic development, offering practical recommendations for policymakers and industry stakeholders.

Bilateral Agreements and Nigeria's Textile Industry: Lessons from China. []

This study explores the impact of bilateral trade agreements on Nigeria's textile industry, with a focus on the Nigeria-China trade relationship. Historically, Nigeria's textile industry was a significant economic contributor, but it has faced severe decline due to various challenges, including competition from imported textiles and inadequate infrastructure. The study employs a qualitative research design, utilizing document analysis and semi-structured interviews with key industry stakeholders to assess the effects of trade agreements on the sector. Key findings indicate that while bilateral agreements with China have facilitated market access for Chinese textiles, they have also exacerbated the decline of Nigeria's textile industry by increasing competition and highlighting structural inefficiencies. The research underscores the need for strategic policy interventions, improved infrastructure, and enhanced support for domestic manufacturers to mitigate these adverse effects. The study contributes to the literature on international trade and industrial policy by providing a nuanced understanding of the dynamics between bilateral agreements and local industry performance. It offers actionable policy recommendations to revitalize Nigeria's textile sector, emphasizing the importance of protective measures, technological upgrades, and skill development.


The world at large places great value on students academic performance, therefore, all measures are being adopted to ensure its success. It is important to mention that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing in strength as a tool for global economic development, and the education sector is no exception. Academics agree that AI helps students better study habits, others disagree, that it further affects the cognitive abilities of the students, due to overreliance on its use. This research is, therefore, aimed to examine the impact of AI integration on the learning desires of the students; the impact of AI on the critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities of the students, and also analyse the impact of AI integration on the academic performances of the students. The study was conducted in Lagos State, 1 school was selected from each local government in the state, and 10 students were randomly selected from each school, hence the research constituted 200 respondents. In addition, AI Base Social Studies Question (AIBSS), and Artificial Intelligence Integration Questionnaire (AIIQ) were also used. The researchers adopted the use of correlation statistical tools to validate the research hypotheses at 95% confidence interval. The research reveals a correlation value of 0.810 and 0.067, for hypothesis one and two respectively, the third hypothesis established a significant impact of AI devises on the academic performance of students. The research established that the significance of AI integration in the education sector cannot be overemphasized, as it plays an important role in the motivation of students to study social studies, thereby, having a positive significant impact on the academic performance of students in social studies. However, AI technology needs to be effectively integrated into the teaching and learning process to improve the learning and performance of the students. Therefore, Government and its stakeholders should make provision for AI facilities in secondary schools in Lagos State, and also promote collaboration among teachers, students, and schools for effective interaction in the learning process. It is, however, important to put checks and balances in place to ensure it does not affect the students critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.


Cesarean section is a surgical procedure which is performed to reduce maternal and perinatal mortality in mothers with obstetric and medical complications. Despite its importance, it has adverse complications to the mother and neonate in subsequent pregnancies. The study was conducted in Ayder comprehensive specialized hospital and Mekelle general hospital and the study period was from December 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020.Institution based cross sectional study design was employed on 215 women. Convenient sampling technique was used to select study participants. Data was collected on maternal and perinatal outcomes of women with one previous Cesarean Section scar in Mekelle Public Hospitals using semi structured questionnaire. After checking for completeness data were entered using EpiData manager then exported to SPSS version 23 for further analysis. Descriptive analysis such as frequency and mean was done. Figure and tables were used to report findings. Result: Four thousand four hundred twenty-seven women delivered in Ayder comprehensive specialized hospital and Mekelle general hospital during the study period, of them 215 women had one previous cesarean section. More than half (56.74%) of the women were offered trial of scar, in which 58(47.54%) women delivered vaginally which gives vaginal birth after cesarean section success rate of 47.54%. One third of women underwent elective repeat c/s and 9.30% women were experienced emergency repeat c/s. No maternal death was reported but 6.06% women had antepartum medical complications and 5.58% women had postpartum complications. Postpartum hemorrhage and surgical site infection were the most common maternal complications. Nearly one percent new born mortality and four percent new born morbidity was reported. Conclusion: The finding of this study revealed that 4.85% women had one previous c/s scar out of them 56.74% women underwent trial of scar and the success rate was 47.54%. One third of them underwent elective repeat c/s and 9.30% women experienced emergency repeat c/s. No maternal death was reported but 6.06% women had antepartum medical complications and 5.58% women had postpartum complications. Nearly one percent new born death and four percent new born complications were reported. Encouraging eligible women to have trial of scar and strict feto- maternal follow up of women under trial of scar recommended. Key words: outcome, previous c/s


Biomarkers, in Oncology, are very valuable as they underpin the concept of a new diagnostic method and molecular characterization of cancer. Regardless of being in blood or other fluid, these circulatory tissue-specific molecules are reliable biomarker for early di-agnosis and differential therapeutics. There are certain biomarkers for different types of diseases including PSA in case of prostate cancer and BRCA 1/2 mutations in case of breast and ovarian cancer. In genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, biomarkers identification and usage have been enhanced with the recent technologies such as next generation sequencing and mass spectrometry. However, difficulties connected with heterogeneity of the tumor, the problems with the technology and the question of its cost still remain. The changes will be reached via incorporation of multi-omics information as well as artificial intelligence and enhancement of immunotherapy approaches, making the idea of personalized anti-cancer therapy even further.

Unveiling Prejudice: Religious Discrimination in Private Schools of District Tank, Pakistan []

This research paper analyzes the discrimination against students from minority communities in the private schools of district Tank Pakistan, particularly focusing on religious and sectarian biases exhibited by the teachers. Especially religious teachers consider the students of other religions and sects as ‘other’. It points out the problem of teachers being the source of discrimination in the classrooms. The way teachers behave and treat the students of other religion and sect gives rise to a double standard in the classrooms. It highlights the suppression and oppression of students belonging to other religion and sect at the hands of teachers. The way teachers mentally and physically torture students by daily demanding non-Muslim students to recite verses of Quran. Additionally, teachers smash the very idea of equality in the classrooms by mocking and bullying Shia students. This paper is an attempt to analyze the role of teachers as discriminators in the classroom. This study investigates that how teachers’ discrimination causes physical and psychological suffering for students.


The study entitled “The Effectiveness of Using International Phonetic Alphabet Symbols on Grade 12 Students’ Pronunciation Skills” aimed to determine the effectiveness of using International Phonetic Alphabet Symbols on the pronunciation skills of Grade 12 students. The study used a pre-experimental research design specifically employing one-group pretest-posttest research design. The essential data were gathered from a sample size of 24 respondents with the aid of a validated research-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed and interpreted using weighted mean and paired t-test as statistical tools. It was found that the Grade 12 students initially struggled with their English pronunciation skills; however, after the intervention, there was an increase in students' scores from the pre-test to the post-test. It was also found that there is a significant difference in the students' pronunciation skills before and after using the IPA symbols. The researchers acknowledged the major limitation, which is the absence of a control group during the study. Nevertheless, the implications of this study would be of interest to the curricularists and the education policymakers in integrating IPA symbols in English language classes. Future researchers were recommended to utilize true experimental research design, which includes control groups and random assignment that can help establish stronger cause-and-effect relationships.

"The trajectory from Adolf Hitler to Artificial Intelligence" []

The comprehensive narrative of one of history's most notorious dictators, who in 1945 incited racial animosity and resulted in the deaths of millions, is as clear as day. While Hitler directly extinguished lives, artificial intelligence threatens to obliterate the potential and dreams of vulnerable individuals. Recently, billionaire and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk addressed this issue at a technology conference, forecasting that AI could undermine social justice, diminish the necessity for altruistic actions, and ultimately disrupt human interpersonal relationships. As the 21st century commenced, the volume of literature produced concerning Hitler since his passing surpassed that of works written about Napoleon in the fifty years following the latter's death. Furthermore, the temporal and spatial separation from the events of World War II has influenced the historical analysis of Hitler's legacy. There is a widely accepted view regarding his significance in history, a designation that does not necessarily carry a favourable connotation. Hitler was primarily, and singularly, accountable for the initiation of World War II, a situation distinct from the multifaceted responsibilities of leaders and diplomats associated with the outbreak of World War I. His culpability in the execution of the Holocaust—specifically, the transition of German policy from the expulsion to the systematic extermination of Jews, ultimately encompassing Jews from all over Europe and European Russia—is also evident.


This chapter delves into the foundational concepts of curriculum evaluation, focusing on its essential role in assessing the effectiveness and impact of educational programs. It introduces various models of curriculum evaluation, providing a framework for understanding different approaches to evaluating curriculum quality and outcomes. The chapter outlines the systematic process of curriculum evaluation, from setting evaluation criteria to collecting and analyzing data. Emphasis is placed on the practical steps involved in conducting evaluations to ensure that curricula meet educational goals and standards. By exploring these components, the chapter equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement effective curriculum evaluation practices.

Effects of PROJECT SASCI (Supplementary Activities in Science) in the Performance of Grade 5 Learners of Taytay Elementary School []

I. Abstract The study entitled the “Effects of Project SASCI (Supplementary Activity in Science) in the Performance of Grade 5 Learners of Taytay Elementary School” determined the performance of the two groups of respondents as exposed to two different approaches in teaching and learning Science. The present study was in connection to the previous study which focused on the development and validation of the researcher-developed supplementary activity in Science for Grade 5 learners. Furthermore, the researchers determined the least mastered skill in Science based on the test result. A checklist was administered to the teachers which enabled them to identify the least mastered skill. Then, the researchers developed the project to address low mastery of Grade 5 learners. The study was conducted during School Year 2019-2020 in Taytay Elementary School. Moreover, it utilized experimental method of research employing 2 groups of respondents with 40 members in each group, and with average grade in Science as the equating variable. Results revealed that the 2 groups of respondents differed in their performance as exposed to the prescribed activity and to Project SASCI. The controlled group which was exposed to the prescribed activity attained a mean score of 11.05 and the experimental group which was exposed to Project SASCI garnered a mean score of 14.43. Findings implied that there was a significant difference between the performance of the two groups of respondents with t-value of 4.16 and critical value of 1.99 which indicated that t-value was higher than the critical value implying that there was a sufficient evidence to reject the hypothesis. Hence, the researchers intend to disseminate the developed materials to fellow teachers and LRMDS of the school and district.


ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to determine the extent of transformational leadership of the school heads in the public elementary schools in the District of Taytay 1-A and its relationship to the performance of the schools during the School Year 2018-2019. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the extent of transformational leadership of the school heads in terms of: a. idealized influence, b. inspirational motivation, c. intellectual stimulation, and d. individualized consideration 2. What is the performance of the public elementary schools for the last three years in terms of the following indicators: a. enrolment rate, b. drop-out rate, c. cohort survival rate, d. completion rate, e. promotion rate, and f. graduation rate 3. Is there a significant relationship between the extent of transformational leadership of the school heads and the performance in schools with respect to the aforementioned variables? 4. What development program for school heads may be proposed based on the results/findings of the study? Descriptive-evaluative method of research was employed in the conduct of this study. This type of research explores facts about the topic that lead to valuable generalizations. The study utilized a questionnaire-checklist adapted from Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to assess the extent of leadership of the school heads in the public elementary schools in the District of Taytay I-A. The respondents of the study were the teachers from the District of Taytay I-A. The said district consists of four (4) public elementary schools during School Year 2018-2019. Using Slovin’s Formula, 121 or 70 percent of the teachers served as the respondents of the study. Further, stratified random sampling and fishbowl technique were used to evenly distribute the frequency of the respondents from the concerned schools. The statistical treatments used to analyse and interpret the data gathered in the course of the study were Ranking, Weighted Mean, and Pearson-R. Findings of the study are as follows: 1. Results revealed that the teacher-respondents perceive the school heads of the public elementary schools in the District of Taytay I-A to be inconsistent in their practice of transformational leadership with respect to addressing various situations or scenarios in the school. 2. Results revealed a decline in the performance of the schools in the District of Taytay I-A in the span of three years. Furthermore, results implied that there were priority areas in the school which needed emphasis and plan of action to mitigate the decline and improve school performance. 3. Results revealed that the four aspects of transformational leadership have significant relationship with the school performance of the public elementary schools in the District of Taytay I-A. Moreover, results conveyed that the leadership style of the school head affected the performance of the school. This implied that school head’s manner of administration could influence the image of school. Hence, transformational leadership if consistently portrayed by the school heads might increase the performance of the schools.

Study of Current Situation about Space Debris and Mitigation Strategies. []

Abstract — What goes up doesn’t always come down, Like Space Debris. Space junk, or space debris, is any piece of machinery or debris left by humans in space. It can refer to big objects such as dead satellites that have failed or been left in orbit at the end of their mission. It can also refer to smaller things, like bits of debris or paint flecks that have fallen off a rocket. The proliferation of space debris is one of the major threats to the sustainability of space operation, considering the potential collision that may cause a catastrophic loss of satellites and further generation of debris. This paper reviews the status of space debris distribution and density, and the related risks to active space assets. In this paper, orbital simulations will be used to discuss efficiency on space debris mitigation techniques, such as collision avoidance maneuvers and active debris removal methods, including passive ones like satellite disposal at the end of their life. Efficiency of current techniques will be derived from these, and optimized strategies will be proposed to mitigate collision risks. This research makes another step in the ongoing effort to protect the space environment and ensure the long-term sustainability of space operations and overall safety of both people in space and on earth.