Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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This review examines the use of biodegradable materials in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques, highlighting their environmental benefits compared to traditional methods. It explores the effectiveness of biosurfactants, biopolymers, and microbial formulations in different reservoir types. Biosurfactants, derived from microorganisms and plants, reduce interfacial tension and enhance oil recovery in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. Biopolymers like guar gum and xanthan gum improve fluid stability and sweep efficiency in heavy oil and unconventional reservoirs. Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) leverages bacteria to maximize oil displacement. The review discusses both the advantages and limitations of biodegradable materials, including technical challenges and industry adoption. It concludes with recommendations for advancing biodegradable technologies and research, emphasizing the importance of integrating these materials into EOR practices for improved sustainability and reduced environmental impact.

Error Analysis of Class 10th students' English Language Usage at Little Scholars Public School, Kuza Bandai, KPK, District Swat []

This study aims to analyze the errors made by Class 10th students at Little Scholars Public School in Kuza Bandai, KPK, District Swat, in using English as a second language. The analysis focuses on errors in sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, lexical categories, and functional categories. The study quantifies the students' errors and identifies their frequency. The findings suggest that errors in the second language are often caused by interference from the first language. However, errors can also occur in the target language due to the influence of the second language. The errors in the second language can be attributed to various factors, including simplification, over-generalization, hyper-correction, and faulty teaching methods

Association among Emotional Intelligence, Job Stress, and Work-life Balance: A Study on Employees in IT sector in the Colombo District []

Maintaining a consistent work-life balance (WLB) is a challenge addressed by many employees to manage their professional and personal lives effectively. In the context of the IT sector in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the increased rate of job stress could be seen as a problem due to night shifts, lengthy workdays, and several other factors that have disrupted their WLB. Various coping mechanisms have been applied to deal with job stress, particularly emotional intelligence (EI). This study explores the association among EI, job stress, and WLB among IT sector employees in the Colombo District of Sri Lanka. The primary objective of this study was to examine the relationship among three major variables: EI, the independent variable; WLB, the dependent variable; and job stress, the mediating variable, with further analysis of their respective sub-variables. A mixed-methods approach was employed to incorporate both primary and secondary data sources. A questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale was distributed among 100 employees in the IT sector. SPSS software was used for statistical analyses. The findings of this study revealed a positive correlation between EI and WLB (r = 0.65, p<0.001), indicating that employees with higher levels of EI demonstrate a higher likelihood of WLB. Conversely, EI had a negative relationship with job stress (r = -0.45, p<0.01), indicating that individuals with greater EI tend to experience lower levels of job stress. Moreover, job stress had a negative relationship with WLB (r = -0.50, p<0.001), emphasizing the unfavorable impact of job stress on WLB. The results of this study provide valuable insight for IT professionals to identify the reasons for job stress and the potential to enhance EI to maintain proper WLB. Furthermore, this study opens doors for future research in this domain, addressing the empirical and theoretical gaps.

Association among Emotional Intelligence, Job Stress, and Work-life Balance: A Study on Employees in IT sector in the Colombo District []

Maintaining a consistent work-life balance (WLB) is a challenge addressed by many employees to manage their professional and personal lives effectively. In the context of the IT sector in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the increased rate of job stress could be seen as a problem due to night shifts, lengthy workdays, and several other factors that have disrupted their WLB. Various coping mechanisms have been applied to deal with job stress, particularly emotional intelligence (EI). This study explores the association among EI, job stress, and WLB among IT sector employees in the Colombo District of Sri Lanka. The primary objective of this study was to examine the relationship among three major variables: EI, the independent variable; WLB, the dependent variable; and job stress, the mediating variable, with further analysis of their respective sub-variables. A mixed-methods approach was employed to incorporate both primary and secondary data sources. A questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale was distributed among 100 employees in the IT sector. SPSS software was used for statistical analyses. The findings of this study revealed a positive correlation between EI and WLB (r = 0.65, p<0.001), indicating that employees with higher levels of EI demonstrate a higher likelihood of WLB. Conversely, EI had a negative relationship with job stress (r = -0.45, p<0.01), indicating that individuals with greater EI tend to experience lower levels of job stress. Moreover, job stress had a negative relationship with WLB (r = -0.50, p<0.001), emphasizing the unfavorable impact of job stress on WLB. The results of this study provide valuable insight for IT professionals to identify the reasons for job stress and the potential to enhance EI to maintain proper WLB. Furthermore, this study opens doors for future research in this domain, addressing the empirical and theoretical gaps.


Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the effect and relationship between livelihood capital and livelihood diversification in the Niger Delta. Livelihood refers to the economy adopted by households for their survival. Livelihood diversification is the process where households shift from agriculture that is their predominant livelihood activity, to activities outside agriculture for their survival. The study area was Rivers, Delta and Akwa Ibom states chosen purposively to represent Niger Delta region. Cochran’s formula was applied to get a sample size of 390. Data were obtained from primary and secondary sources and analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as tables, means, percentages 5-point Likert Scale and Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient. The mean score of the factors of Likert Scale was 4.54 suggesting that the participants strongly agree that livelihood capitals facilitate livelihood diversification. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient was .586**, indicating a moderate positive relationship. This correlation is statistically significant with a p-value of 0 (p < 0.01). 0.80, implying that with increased access to livelihood capitals, livelihood diversification among households will also increase in the area. The findings suggest that most rural households are diversifying from farming to off-farm and non-farm activities. However, this diversification is hindered by access to required livelihood capitals and social amenities. The researchers recommends that government should support farm, off-farm and non-farm activities as they are all important to ensuring improved income, job creation and food security for rural households in the Niger Delta.

Investigating the correlation between Gas Emissions and Human infertility in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Public Concern. []

Abstract Emissions of gas into communities in Nigeria are known to release harmful chemical compounds that have detrimental impact on public health and the livelihoods of individuals residing in the oil host communities and their surroundings. The emissions greenhouse gases (GHGs) and hazardous chemicals also impact on the climate resulting inclimate changethat in return affect public health and livihoods, as well as causes erosions and floods that adversely impact on thewellbeing of the people, hence, this study examined the correlation between gas emissions and human infertility in theNiger Delta region of Nigeria and their associated global public health concerns. Using a qualitative research design, findings has revealed the negative impacts of gas emissions on the health of those exposed to extensive gas emissions, particularly their reproductive health and fertility. The effort to mitigate gas emissions appears ineffective due to weakpublic policy enforcement and monitoringby the statutory government institution entrusted to enforce anti-gas law. Therefore, monitoring andenforcing government policies relating togas emsissionensures that oil and gas operators, especially the multinational companies comply with government policies in order to ameliorate environmental health risks from gas emissions. There is the need for the federal government to encourage oil companies to invest in gas handling facilities. There is also the need for government to review fiscal policies that are related to gas flaring, and adequately sanction oil companies involved in gas flaring in the Niger Delta. KEYWORD: Gas Emission, Human Fertility, Infertility, Public Concern, Niger Delta, Nigeria

A visual composition of the African Mother and child (The role of a mother in the society) []

This study focuses on the basic role and importance of a mother in the society, using the African Mother as a case study in the visual composition, while the theatrical research talks about mothers in general. Nowadays, many problems arise from women who could not play their roles as mothers. A mother is capable of creating a responsible adult in a child's future and also capable of creating many damaging problems in a child's life which can in turn, affect society. Every society is made up of blocks of family units, the stronger each block is, the stronger the structure of the society. Families are thus the building blocks upon which rest the fate of the society. For the development of a good family, the mother plays a vital role. Many women today have aspirations of progress in their careers and degrees in various fields, but then, it is an indisputable fact that the most important achievement of a mother is to be able to raise a sensitive and well behaved child. It has been said that children are the leaders of tomorrow, but then, it is the mothers who play a major role in building this future leaders characters. This means that, mothers are the major architects of society, so to build a better society we should start by raising good mothers. If mothers with probity of character are raised, good children will come up, and a better society for all of us. There is a lot of evidence to prove that mothers are builders of society, so there is a need to inform women on their role in the society and also, mothers should be acknowledged in Africa, through this sculpture of a mother and child to remind them of their basic duties.

Décryptage de la théorie de l'énonciation : de la genèse à la pratique []

Dans cet article, nous nous intéresserons à la linguistique de l'énonciation en se penchant d'abord sur la genèse du concept d'énoncé et d'énonciation. Il explore ensuite les fondements de cette théorie en se concentrant sur trois aspects clés : les personnes, les déictiques et le temps. Dans la première section, l'article analyse en profondeur la notion de personnes dans l'énonciation, mettant en lumière son rôle dans la construction du sens. La deuxième section se penche sur les déictiques, soulignant leur importance pour l'ancrage spatial et référentiel des énoncés. Enfin, la troisième section examine la dimension temporelle dans la théorie de l'énonciation et son impact sur la compréhension du discours. Cet article offre un aperçu approfondi des bases de la théorie de l'énonciation, mettant en évidence son importance dans l'analyse du langage et de la communication.


The research work is focus on federalism and the minority Question in Nigeria. The introduction of regionalism under the Richard's constitution of 1946 which made some parts of the country majorities and others minorities coupled with the federal system adopted with imbalance structures precipitated the problems of injustice, marginalization, balkanization, oppression and brutalization of minorities by the majority ethnic nationalities. This act by the majority ethnic groups over the minorities especially the Niger Delta people continued and became worst after independence was attained in 1960. The minorities have agitated and articulated their grievances to the Nigerian State. This grievance has been responded to but empirical analysis shows that they have never been genuinely carried out to address these fears which has further made the minority ethnic nationalities to continue in their grievances and agitations. This is because most of the Nigerian state response to these grievances were not done to address them but were meant to further make the minorities underdeveloped and marginalized. Therefore, the objectives of this study, was to ascertain whether the nature of the grievances of the minority ethnic nationalities and also, to ascertain whether the Nigeria state has succeeded genuinely in addressing these fears and grievances of the ethnic minorities in the federation. In order to archive the above objectives, a viable proposition was established that could be tested in other to produce a good and meaningful conclusion. This study also utilized the structural functionalism theory which gives a better explanation of what the study entails. In terms of data presentation and analysis, this study adopted the time series research design. The conclusions made in the process of this study, was that the genesis of minority grievances started from the introduction of regionalism by the British colonial imperialists and that the Nigeria state have not genuinely addressed these minority fears and issues of underdevelopment especially that of the Niger Delta. Finally, this study recommends that the solution to ethnic minority problem is not true federalism but good governances and restructuring.

A Smart Heart Diagnostic Machine: Developing an Effective Predictive Classification Algorithm []

Heart disease remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide, necessitating the development of accurate and reliable diagnostic models. This study aimed to optimize the application of machine learning in the medical field and better the process of decision-making in diagnoses process by analyzing the intricate relationship between various parameters and the precision of heart disease categorization by developing a heart disease detection system that utilises artificial neural networks and machine learning process. An artificial neural networks (ANN) with data scaling on the Cleveland Heart Disease dataset. The proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model with data scaling achieved remarkable performance with an accuracy of 99.61%, surpassing various existing models. In addition to this thalassemia, Major Vessels, and oldpeak exhibited strong positive correlations with the target (presence of heart disease). Specifically, the number of major vessels showed the strongest positive correlation (0.58) with the presence of heart disease, followed by the thalassemia feature (0.52), and the ST depression induced by exercise (oldpeak) with a correlation of 0.44. Conversely, features such as thalassemia (maximum heart rate achieved) and slope (slope of the peak exercise ST segment) demonstrated negative correlations, suggesting their association with a reduced likelihood of heart disease. Furthermore, statistical comparisons between patients with and without heart disease revealed that individuals with heart disease tend to have lower maximum heart rates thalassemia and higher oldpeak values, further supporting the importance of these features in diagnosis. This results improve the precision of machine learning algorithms for diagnosing heart disease, but also provide valuable insights medical professionals. Ultimately, the outcomes contribute to improving understanding and decision-making in various domains related to human care, diagnoses, heart treatment and medical field at large.

Exploring the lived experiences of family members caring for persons with mental illness – an interpretative phenomenological analysis []

This research paper explores the experiences of family caregivers of individuals living with mental illness. Using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), the study examines the challenges, coping mechanisms, and growth trajectories of caregivers within the caregiving context. Thematic analysis of in-depth interviews with ten family caregivers reveals the significant impact of caregiving on their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Caregivers face intense emotional strain, financial burden, social stigma, and a sense of helplessness, leading to isolation, burnout, and despair. However, caregivers also demonstrate resilience and coping strategies, such as distraction techniques, acceptance, and seeking social support, which help alleviate caregiver stress and enhance well-being. Moreover, caregivers go through a journey of acceptance, personal growth, and resilience, finding meaning and purpose in their caregiving role. These findings align with existing literature on the experiences of family caregivers of individuals with mental illness, contributing valuable insights into the complexities of caregiving. Recognizing and addressing the diverse needs of family caregivers can lead to tailored interventions and support programs that improve their overall well-being.

Unveiling Optical Rogue Waves: Exploring the Coherently Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Alternating Nonlinearities []

The research aims to examine optical rogue waves in the coherently coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation with alternating signs of nonlinearities. The paper uses the Darboux transformation approach to investigate rogue wave patterns, such as single-peak and double-valley configurations, and dazzling rogue waves, which may have single or double peaks and no valleys in their paths. The paper observes two types of rogue waves: a dark wave with no troughs and a rogue wave with a brilliant peak and two valleys. The research in this paper can be helpful in various technologies, including fiber-based supercontinuum synthesis, laser systems, and Raman fiber amplifiers. Overall, the paper contributes to understanding optical rogue waves and their potential applications in various fields. Keywords; Optical Rogue Waves, Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Alternating Nonlinearities, Coherently Coupled

Comparative Analysis of Classifier Performance on Housing Price Prediction: Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Naïve Bayes Models []

This paper presents a comparative analysis of three commonly used machine learning classifiers—Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Naïve Bayes—applied to a housing price prediction task using a dataset from the 1990 California census. The dataset, which contains various features related to housing and geographic information, was preprocessed to handle missing values and categorical variables. The classifiers were evaluated based on their performance metrics, including correctly classified instances, incorrectly classified instances, and overall accuracy. The results indicate that while all models exhibited low accuracy, the Decision Tree classifier outperformed the KNN and Naïve Bayes classifiers, achieving the highest accuracy of 3% and the lowest number of incorrect classifications. The KNN classifier showed the poorest performance with an accuracy of 0% and the highest number of misclassified instances. These findings highlight the challenges in predictive modeling with this dataset and suggest the need for further data preprocessing, feature engineering, or alternative modeling approaches to enhance classification performance. The insights from this analysis contribute to understanding the efficacy of these classifiers in the context of housing price prediction.


The ongoing insurgency in Nigeria involves acts of violence carried out by various insurgent groups, most notably Boko Haram in the northeastern region. Despite government efforts, challenges persist, necessitating sustained endeavours for long-term peace and development. This work introduced an innovative mobile technology designed to mitigate insurgency crisis in Nigeria. Agile methodology was employed for system development due to its adaptability, collaborative nature, iterative approach, and focus on continuous improvement. The system was designed using Flutter (Dart) as the programming language, while Firebase was utilized for its Database Management System (DBMS). A mobile technology solution was developed to mitigate insurgency by leveraging advanced technologies and real-time information sharing, enabling users to report insurgent activities on a central platform. This system enhances incident reporting, intelligence gathering, feedback, and response coordination for effectively combating insurgency threats. By leveraging the capabilities of mobile technology, Nigeria can significantly strengthen its intelligence gathering, enhance security measures, and mitigate the threats posed by insurgency. Collaborative efforts between citizens, security agencies, and stakeholders, combined with the effective utilization of mobile technology, will contribute to a safer and more secure Nigeria.


Introduction Mental health nurses work in psychiatric wards which is challenging and stressful for the nurse who must provide nursing care holistically, by showing the right attitude, patience, and passion because most patients may be unpredictable and unstable upon admission. Methods A qualitative, phenomenological, and interpretative methodology was used to explore the experiences of workplace violence on registered nurses in the psychiatric hospital in Fiji. Data was collected by a moderator. Results Data analysis revealed five (5) major themes where registered nurses enjoyed working in the wards. However, they were stressed, challenged, felt they were in danger every time, they were scared and feared an outburst any time in the ward. Registered nurses cared for unpredictable violent and aggressive patients, who would act out on the staff, which happens throughout a normal working day. Nurses have to take care of challenging, violent, forensic, acute and stable patients who are sometimes nursed in common areas due to improper facilities and infrastructure, and lack of manpower where violence would occur anytime. Nurses revealed that inadequate support was provided to them during a violent or aggressive act by the patient and when provided it would be too late. The number of years the nurses spent in the ward played a significant role in how they managed aggressive and violent patients. Most of the nurses interviewed voiced the desire to stay on in the field of psychiatry. Discussions and conclusion The welfare of staff in terms of a well-deserved pay, proper working conditions, and a safe environment is essential to keep a well-functioning organization. Registered nurses face various challenges in the psychiatric setting, having to deal with aggressive patients, and forensic clients, working extra hours without a proper meal, poor security, and an unsafe environment are some of the issues highlighted in the study results.


The advancement of technology has made its way in every educational filed, including preschool learning environments. Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in preschools presents both challenges and opportunities, particularly when teachers are making content according to diverse learning styles such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. This study explores the ICT tools integration in preschools, focusing on how these tools can be used for different learning preferences. The study aims to identify barriers to ICT adoption, evaluate its benefits and suggest ways to optimize technology use for various learner types. Examining the current practices and the impact of ICT tools on preschool education, offering recommendations for educators and policymakers.


COVID-19, instigated by the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, has developed as per a substantial global healthiness emergency subsequently its proof of identity in 2019 December. As of epidemiology, COVID-19 has established speedy programmed dynamics, with symptomless carriers conducive to its blow-out. Signs choice from insignificant breathing problems to plain pneumonia and serious breathing pain disorder, predominantly upsetting susceptible people. Treatment approaches have progressed, integrating antiviral treatments, monoclonal antibodies, as well as helpful attention, along with the enhanced expansion of serums. Contempt to these progressions, trials continue owing to viral alterations and serum tentativeness. Forthcoming standpoints high spot the essential for ongoing investigation, explore into long lasting belongings, and reasonable vaccine distribution to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and prevent future outbreaks linked to coronaviruses.


Domestic violence is a common problem in Nigeria and around the globe, affecting millions of people every year; as many as one in four women and one in nine men are victims of domestic violence. Virtually all healthcare professionals will at some point evaluate or treat a patient who is a victim of domestic violence. Domestic violence includes economic, physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse of children, adults, or elders. Domestic violence causes worsened psychological and physical health, decreased quality of life, decreased productivity, and in some cases, mortality. It can be difficult to identify. Many cases are not reported to health professionals or legal authorities. This work describes the effect of Domestic violence on the lives and education of young children, children, and young people and how they can be supported within the education system. Schools are often the service in closest and longest contact with a child living with domestic violence; teachers can play a vital role in helping families access welfare services. In the wake of high profile cases of child abuse and neglect, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of multi-agency responses to children living with abuse. Children can also be affected indirectly by violence occurring in their home by seeing or hearing it taking place. Violence in children’s lives often causes disruption to their schooling and harms the quality of their educational experiences and outcomes. The abused children experience can result in emotional trauma, physical and psychological barriers to learning, and disruptive behavior in school, while the underlying causes of these problems remain hidden. Frederick Douglas said “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults(men)”, as a result, the following recommendations were made:* Raising awareness about the harmful effects that witnessing abuse has on children. *To implement more effective public policies and support systems that protect children and adult victims. *There must be an enhancement of the social services that serve children. * Programs that identify early signs of domestic violence can encourage victims to seek help, thus protecting their children from the harms as well. Keywords: domestic violence, education, children, young people, schools, teachers, multi-agency working