Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Benefits of Women Empowerment: A Panacea for Community Development in Owo Local Government, Ondo State. []

AbstractThe main goal of this study is to examine how the empowerment of women would improve their financial state in Owo local government. Structured questionnaires was used to elicit information from the respondents. The target population comprised of 330 respondents purposively drawn from all the wards/quarters of Owo LGA. Both inferential and descriptive statistics was used in analyzing the data. Chi-square was used at 0.04% level of significance to test the hypotheses. The study reveals that more married women (% within financial ability=69.3%) 98.1% derive financial ability from empowerment than single women. The research further shows a significant difference between women who are employed and those who are unemployed on the benefits they get from empowerment program Z= (-2.060), p=.04, in Owo LGA. The study recommends that more empowerment programs in form of skill acquisition, loan/grants, scholarships e.t.c. should be provided for women of all categories to enhance their social/cognitive functioning in the society.Key Points: Women, Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Community, Development, Community Development.

Modernizing Financial Reporting: Enhancing Relevance and Quality Through International Standards Post-COVID-19 []

Accountability has increasingly faced heavy criticism for the lack of quality and relevance of information provided to stakeholders, the increase in formalization of procedures as a cumbersome "compliance exercise", and product privacy. For example, when talking about a fundamentally important group of stakeholders as investors, there is a growing dissatisfaction with the usefulness of financial reporting information for companies, a decrease in their ability to reflect objective current performance results and predict future performance results, and to explain the dynamics of stock prices and profitability. Realizing the loss of importance of financial information, business leaders are increasingly using alternative operating data and making various adjustments to financial information. In many studies of foreign and domestic scientific colleges, a decline in the functions of accounting as a major resource for economic information has been observed, and the risks of losing the role of this resource have been diagnosed, especially in the context of digitization, and attempts are to search for new opportunities to develop accounting theory for the needs of modern information consumption practices. It is known that the accounting model depends on the accounting methodology and includes a solution to issues related to information, software and hardware. In order to reduce these difficulties and obstacles facing the field of accounting, including the problem of financial disclosure for companies, this research came to present some modern mechanisms and methods in order to contribute to the preparation of financial statements in accordance with international standards, by conducting an analysis of the technical level of financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. . The most important results of the study, which are the figures 3-6.


Objective: This paper investigates the application of queuing models to optimize customer service efficiency in banks and it also explores how these models can be used to analyse customer arrival patterns and service times. Methodology: The observed data comprised daily records of the queuing in the First Bank PLC, Ado Ekiti over a week, examining customer arrival and service patterns from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Result: The results indicates that the arrival rate of customers per unit of time is 14.2071 which is greater than the service rate of 8.3571 customers per unit of time. This shows that queue will occur since the arrival rate is greater than the service rate in the banking hall. The expected inter-arrival time was calculated at 4.2232 minutes per customer, and the average service time per customer was approximately 7.1795 minutes. A probability of 0.10869 was determined for customers needing to wait for service upon arrival. To improve efficiency at First Bank PLC, Ado Ekiti, It is recommended to increase the number of servers handling arriving customers, as the current capacity is inadequate.


A role model is a person who encouraged us to aspire, to live to our fullest potential, and to see the best inside. A role model is someone we respect and someone we strive to be the same through their dedication to success and their capacity to make our personal development a reality. We are seeking advice and guidance. Anyone can be a role model; a parent, a sibling, a friend, but teachers are some of our most influential role models that change a life. This study determined the profile of the 19 teachers in Jose C. Payumo Jr. memorial High School and its influence on the academic performance of grade 10 students. The researcher devised for statistical treatment, weighted arithmetic means, frequency and percentage distribution, and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlations was utilized. Data revealed that they mean that in. terms academic performance during quarter two, it is said to be very satisfactory, and quarter three is said to be outstanding. The data showed a significant correlation between the factors influencing the students and their academic achievement during 2nd and 3rd quarters. The findings imply that the grade 10 teachers at Jose C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School is demonstrated good influence and model for students inside and outside the classroom.


This article examines the determinants of entrepreneurial intention among students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at the University of Social Sciences and Management of Bamako (FSEG/USSGB), in the context of Mali. Faced with unemployment and underemployment among young graduates, entrepreneurship is perceived as a key driver of economic development. The authors analyze the effect of entrepreneurship programs and individual attributes on students' entrepreneurial aspirations. Adopting a quantitative approach and relying on multinomial logistic regression to process data from 567 students, this research identifies attitudes towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control - in line with the theory of planned behavior and Shapero and Sokol's model of entrepreneurial intentions - as major influences on entrepreneurial intention. Contextual variables, such as place of residence and gender, also reveal their significance. The results highlight the crucial role of entrepreneurship education programs, positively influencing the orientation of students' entrepre-neurial intentions. Significant variations between the entrepreneurial intentions of men and women, as well as according to place of resi-dence, are observed, suggesting the need for differentiated approaches to stimulate entrepreneurship. The article enriches the literature by providing a detailed analysis of factors affecting entrepreneurial intention in a specific African con-text. It underscores the importance of entrepreneurship programs in activating this intention among young graduates. The authors en-courage future research on gender dynamics in entrepreneurship and the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches. Finally, it discusses implications for the development of policies and programs promoting entrepreneurship in Mali and similar contexts.

Population dynamics of effect of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) and effect of zamzam water on it in honey bee colony []

Honey bees, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) are social insects live in colonies. They infested Varroa mites, Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) causing destruction to colonies and also cause undesirable effect on honey whether taste or quantity. Chemical insecticides can’t be used to manage Varroa because they can kill honey bees inside the colony so researchers make their efforts to get alternatives to chemical pesticides. In this study, the Holy Zamzam water was applied in the colonies instead of tap water, the population of Varroa was counted, the amount of clover and cotton honey yield was determined and chemical analysis to clover honey was investigated to detect the quality standards of treated honey with Zamzam water and the untreated one. The results proved that applying of Zamzam water inside colonies reduced the population of Varroa compared with other colonies without Zamzam water. Reduction of cotton and clover honey yield due to Varroa was observed in the colonies free of Zamzam water compared with that was treated with Zamzam water.

Research Paper. Paper Title : Prostate specific antigen level estimation amongst apparently healthy male of Southwest university in Nigeria. []

Background Men above the age of forty years are prone or at risk of cardiovascular diseases but beyond this age group and above is the commonest cancer that ravage men worldwide which is Prostate cancer. Prostate specific antigen(PSA) have been used in screening large population of men for Prostate cancer lt has also been found and shown to be useful making a real difference in the detection of this disease. Not much has been done in determining the serum prostate specific antigen level amongst apparently healthy male individuals in this university, and this form the basis for which the work is conducted to estimate the level in the university community. Method Participants for the study came to the Health Centre with no symptoms of lower urinary tract infections following Urinalysis test to rule out possible bacterial infections. They are aged 40 to 69years between July 2022 to March 2023 at the Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria .Blood sample collected into plain bottles thereafter centrifuged. The serum is separated within two to three hours of collection for the analysis. lf the assay is not conducted within time frame of three hours , the serum should be frozen at -20 0C. Result A total of 170 subject participated in the study out of which 160 subjects fulfill the criteria for assay. 14 (8.7%) had a scale of results greater than the normal reference range of 4.0ng/ml Results reveal a slight increase in the PSA level amongst the subjects, the frequency increases with age. Conclusion It is not expected but it is real that even in the university community, many people are scared of conducting the test therefore there is need for health promotion program for awareness and benefits of conducting it as a stitch in time saves nine. Keywords : Prostate specific antigen ,prostate cancer, men, university community, test.

On “The Paradox of Immigration Attitudes in Luxembourg” []

There is no abstract since this is a reflection paper.

Thoery of Spacetime fabric curvature for time travel []

This hypothesis presents a new viewpoint on time travel, proposing that the universe, envisioned as a cuboid consisting of infinite space-time layers, permits backward time travel by manipulating the present space-time fabric with gravitational machines. This theoretical model examines the factors influencing time travel and provides a fresh interpretation aligned with Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.


This study introduces an examination of the forecasting of Nigeria’s foreign exchange rate dynamics using time series data considering the Monthly official foreign exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the US Dollar. Utilizing the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach, the monthly data spanning from January 2011 to December 2023 was forecasted. Analysis of the results indicated that the series achieved stationarity upon differentiation. Through diagnostic evaluation, it was determined that the ARIMA (0, 1, 2) model was the most suitable based on the Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). Projections for future exchange rates indicated a consistent revaluation of the Naira. These predictions could offer valuable insights for policymakers in Nigeria to anticipate the Exchange rate variations and potential fluctuation ranges of the Nigerian Naira against the US Dollar in the future.


Education is considered as a key factor towards the social-economic growth of a nation. Science education is very important since it is the backbone of Science, Technology and Innovation which are the drivers for national development. This is why the government of Kenya is investing in resources for science education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of utilization laboratory facilities by learners on their achievement in physics practical on electricity. This study was anchored on David Kolb’s theory of experiential learning. Descriptive survey and quasi- experiment research designs were adopted for the study. The target populations of the study were teachers of physics, form 3 students of physics, heads of schools and laboratory technicians. This provided a total target population of 888 respondents from 37 public secondary schools in the sub county. A sample of 253 respondents comprising 4 principals, 13 laboratory technicians, 200 Form 3 students of physics and 36 teachers of physics, from 13 public secondary schools, were drawn from the target population. Samples were drawn using simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules, Physics Assessment Tests and Physics Laboratory Checklists. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistic used were percentages ,frequencies and means while the inferential statistic used was the T-test.The t value obtained indicated a significant difference was found between the control group and the experimental group since (t= (198) =.000, p< .05). The study established that the learners who utilized the apparatus during the lesson performed better in the post test compared to the ones who did not. The study recommended that strategies should be put in place by the government and school administrators to ensure adequate facilities for learning the topic of electricity in order to boost performance practical in the topic.

Risky sexual behaviours and adolescent pregnancy around the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya []

Objectives: The current study aimed to investigate risky sexual behaviours and adolescent pregnancy around the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to sample of 398 adolescents aged 10–18 years using a questionnaire and focus group discussions. Results: Primary-level education had an association with adolescent pregnancy. Significant intrapersonal factors were, perceived behavioral control and intention to have sex .Additionally, living with a single parent, maternal level of education, having a sibling who had adolescent pregnancy and poor communication with parents on reproductive health issues were significant interpersonal predictors of adolescent pregnancy. Conclusion: There was high prevalence of risky sexual behaviours and tendency to conform to subjective norms. Intentions to have sex was a strong predictor of pregnancy and was likely mediated by family and peer factors.


Résume En Afrique, les politiques publiques cristallisent l’attention des acteurs sociaux quant aux aspirations de développement. Il en est attendu qu’elles impulsent le développement. Concrètement, les populations censées en être bénéficiaire en attendent qu’elles leur permettent de résoudre leurs problèmes quotidiens. Cependant, le constat est que les résultats des investissements qui vont aux projets de développement conduisent souvent à des résultats discutables. Le département du Nkam, objet de la présente étude met en lumière des liens inattendus voire surprenants entre ces politiques de développement et le sous-développement des campagnes. Cette réflexion est partie de l’hypothèse selon laquelle, dans le contexte camerounais, les politiques publiques, à travers leurs stratégies inadaptées et inefficaces, participent à la pérennisation du sous-développement. Il en ressort que de nombreux déterminants sont à l’origine du mal-être des populations du département du Nkam. Les raisons économiques généralement évoquées ne sont que la partie visible de l’iceberg. Aux côtés de celles-ci, des déterminants socio anthropologiques contribuent également à cette situation à travers l’image négative et répulsive qu’ils présentent du département, le privant ainsi de bon nombre de potentielles initiatives et développement. Le quiproquo entre les stratégies des populations locales et celles des pouvoirs publics conduit également à une déperdition des énergies et à la création d’un climat d’attentisme de la part des populations locales. Enfin comme dernier déterminant de cette situation, et pas des moindres, le faible encrage des stratégies des pouvoirs publics sur les potentialités de développement locales est à l’origine d’une utilisation inefficace de ressources, pourtant limitées dans ce contexte. Ces trois derniers déterminants, moins souvent évoqués et ignorés dans l’orientation des stratégies des pouvoirs publics, constituent un blocage dans le processus de développement du département du Nkam. Si la courbe ascendante de la pauvreté dans cet espace doit être inversée, il faudra que ces derniers déterminants soient pris en considération. Ceci implique que les pouvoirs publics réorientent leurs stratégies d’intervention. Mots clés: politiques publiques, développement, pauvreté, Nkam

Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use on the Behavioural intention to Adopt E-Learning Technology during the Pandemic []

Covid-19 has caused a massive disruption of the education system and introduced new methods of teaching through online mode across the world. E-Learning platform has been a game changer in education industry during pandemic situation. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to assess the acceptance of E-Learning platform among the Management students from the institutions across Coimbatore. Snowball sampling method has been adopted in this study due to Covid-19 and non-disclosure norms followed by Management colleges. Sample size of 410 was taken for the analysis. Questionnaire was converted into Google forms and the data was collected using online platform. TAM factors such as Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, attitude, behavioral intention and students’ acceptance of E-learning platform and their performance were explored. The findings of the study have reported that the TAM-based model has successfully identified the factors predicting the use of e-learning platform among Management students in India during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have also found that there is a significant relationship between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitude. Students welcome the new platform and prefer the technique to be a part of classroom teaching in future.

Assessing the performance and Impact of Amotekun Security Network in crime mitigation and reduction in Ibadan []

Insecurity is a re-occurring threat to the peaceful coexistence of the Nigerian society. While previous studies explored the modern security patterns to mitigate criminality, the spate of insecurity has remained. Also, while few studies examined local security network, their impact, and acceptability are not often discussed. The study therefore Assessed the performance and Impact of Amotekun in crime mitigation, and reduction in Ibadan. The social control theory was adopted to provide a framework for the study while the exploratory research design was adopted. The study area was clustered into two local government areas (LGAs) in Oyo state, name: Akinyele and Ibadan North. purposive sampling was used to select Amotekun officials, community leaders and members, Three hundred and fifty one (351) copies of questionnaire were administered in total in Akinyele (196) and Ibadan North (155) respectively while 6 Key informant interviews were conducted in Akinyele and Ibadan North. Community leaders (3) in Akinyele and (3) in Ibadan North. Similarly, 6 In-depth interviews were conducted with Amotekun officials in Akinyele (3) and Ibadan North (3) respectively. The study was analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) and content analysis. The study established that people in Akinyele and Ibadan North have had reservations on the ability and the effectiveness of the other security outfit like the Nigeria police on the detection of crime, reduction and mitigation but the advent of the Amotekun has helped in the mitigation of crime because of the mode of operations like 24 hour patrol and easy access.. The security network has also been generally accepted by residents, who appreciate the additional security measures taking by Amotekun in the area of prompt response. The study also explored some challenges faced by the network like inadequate funding and inadequate personnel. In spite of the successes of Amotekun, the security network is bedeviled with lack of modern security gadget which affected it operations. It is imperative that government provides adequate gadget for Amotekun security network for the security of Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria. Keyword: Amotekun Security Network, crime mitigation, crime reduction, IbadanWord count: 334

The stages towards the peaceful settlement of the Angolan civil war,1975-2002 []

Abstract The Angolan civil war, which lasted from 1975 to 2002, was one of the longest and most devastating conflicts in African history. The war was characterized by intense fighting between the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). This Paper examines the stages that led to the peaceful settlement of the Angolan civil war, highlighting the key events and negotiations that played a significant role in ending the conflict. Our methodology applicable here is a qualitative model, with the consultation of primary and secondary sources as our main source of information. The study examines the various stages or mitigation efforts at the national, regional, and international levels in resolving the Angolan civil war, ranging from the Gbadolite Accord of 1989 to the Lusaka and the Luena memorandum of understanding. This research contributes to the existing literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of the stages used to resolve the Angolan civil war. Keywords: Civil war, Negotiations, International Mediations, Conflict resolution, Peaceful resolution.

Ungoverned Spaces and the National Security Challenges in Nigeria: A Study of North-East Geopolitical Zone []

Abstract In recent years, the security issues in Nigeria has been highly disturbing, especially with the emerging threats from non-state actors in some of the geopolitical zones of the country. These multipronged national issues are undoubtedly rooted in the ungoverned spaces created by the federal government. Allowing some areas to remain undergoverned, it means that government is consistently depriving citizens of their rights to social security. It is on this background that this study with a focus on North-East geopolitical zone identified the attendant consequences of failure of government to govern these ignored spots in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, historical research design was adopted, and qualitative method of data collection was utilised for the purpose of this research. Relative Deprivation theory was adopted as its theoretical framework. This study finds out that the inability of government to govern the undergoverned spaces stirred the security threats in North-Eastern Nigeria. The government therefore is required to identify the critical areas that are left ungoverned for the purpose of resolving them through policy option. In addition, government should review the 1999 Federal Constitution to accommodate regional security networks, and to complement government effort in the war on terrorism and insurgency in the North-East, and to avoid a repetition of their kinds in other geopolitical zones.