Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Neuroscience Applied to Education: Potentials and Challenges []

Neuroscience has offered important contributions to the understanding of learning processes and cognitive development. This article explores how advances in neuroscience can be applied to the field of education, discussing the practical implications for teaching and learning. It also addresses the ethical and methodological challenges associated with applying these findings in educational contexts.


Soil quality mapping is essential for sustainable land management and agricultural development in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. This study applied statistical modeling techniques to develop a Soil Quality Index (SQI) for the region. Two SQI models (model 1 and model 2 for Central and Eastern regions of the Niger Delta respectively) were generated using multiple linear regression analysis, incorporating various soil properties such as sand, silt, clay, pH, organic matter, and exchangeable cations. Model 1 revealed a strong correlation between soil properties and soil quality (R-Squared = 0.88), while Model 2 showed an even stronger correlation (R-Squared = 0.91). The significant parameters in both models include sand, silt, clay, pH, organic matter, calcium, magnesium, and base saturation. The SQI models classified soil quality into good, moderate, and poor categories, providing a framework for targeted interventions and monitoring efforts. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a data-driven approach to soil quality mapping in the Niger Delta region, contributing to sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. The SQI models can be used to identify areas with poor soil quality and inform data-driven soil management decisions.

Comment résoudre le problème des embouteillages monstres dans la ville de Kinshasa en particulier et en RDC en général par le truchement du Big data ? []

La ville de Kinshasa est la capitale de la République démocratique du Congo. Elle se situe sur la rive sud du fleuve Congo, au niveau du Pool Malebo et s’étend sur 9 965 km2. Démographiquement, c’est une mégalopole de plus de 12 millions d’habitants. Elle devrait atteindre 20 millions d’ici à 2030 et 26 millions d’ici à 2040, devenant ainsi la deuxième ville la plus peuplée d’Afrique subsaharienne après Lagos, au Nigeria. Sur de plan urbanistique, la ville connait une urbanisation rapide, cependant, l’aménagement actuel des infrastructures reste encore insuffisant, entrainant de ce fait une congestion de trafic routier et une perte économique. Raison pour laquelle nous avons abordé ce sujet en présenter les avantages du Big data pour venir en aide la ville de Kinshasa, en particulier et la RDC, en général pour endiguer ce fléau que n’est rien d’autres que ces phénomènes monstres des embouteillages interminables.


This present generation has witnessed unprecedented advancement in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) so much such that even the small medium enterprises are getting their businesses online. The church which is one of the fulcrums of the society is not also left out in the wake of this technological development. Many churches are more and more getting their activities online to get a wider coverage in order to fulfil their operational mandate of reaching out to the whole world. As part of my contribution to this growing search, my study is aimed at designing a time series model to forecast church growth in terms of attendance and financial income using machine learning. The time series models that will be considered will cut across the Exponential Smoothing Models consisting of Single, Double and Triple Exponential Smoothing, the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), the Seasonal eXogenus ARIMA (SARIMAX) and the Prophet. These models are well established and widely used in predictions. While the Exponential Smoothing Models are good at capturing short term changes in trends and seasonality which are key components in the time series decomposition. The ARIMA, SARIMAX which is an improved version of the ARIMA with eXogenus variables are good at capturing patterns, trends and seasonality of the data using a combination of the past values, differencing and errors.


Slaughterhouse waste comprises high levels of organic materials and contaminants that can affect the environment and public negatively if not treated. Several types of treatments can be used to reduce the effects of these contaminants. The conversion of waste to energy has gained a lot of prominence due to the combined benefits of reducing pollution and extracting value from waste in the form of green energy. One of the methods applied is Anaerobic digestion which is a biological process that produces biogas for energy generation. This study investigated the potential production of biogas from cattle paunch manure, animal blood, potato, and cabbage waste using a laboratory batch process of reactors with 600 ml size. Three replicates of cattle paunch manure, animal blood, potato, and cabbage waste were mixed with (12-20 gm VS) inoculum concentration at Mesophilic temperature. The overall quantity of biogas produced after 49 days of experiments was (419± 1 ml/gm VS), (359± 1 ml/gm VS) ml, 243± 1 (ml/gm VS), and (197± 1 ml/gm VS) for potato waste, cabbage waste, paunch manure, and animal blood respectively. The study also found that the waste was treated by the anaerobic digestion process to the extent of disposal in sewer lines but needed further treatment for disposal into the environment.

Contribution of poverty graduation programme on socio-economic development in Rwanda. A case of concern worldwide initiative project in Gisagara district. []

This work is untitled '' Contribution of poverty graduation programme on socio-economic development in Rwanda'' with special focus on Gisagara District as a case of study. Rwanda is one of most countries in the world that have excellently achieved Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) in different socio-economic services such as health, education, gender and poverty reduction. For this, Poverty graduation programme contributed and supported significantly these services in order to boost their implementation in Gisagara District. However, the level Poverty and extreme poverty did not reduce significantly as shown by National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR / EICV5 2018) as the poverty graduation programme is being implemented in the Southern Province of Rwanda since May 2011. These reasons led us to conduct a study whose aim was to answer the questions such as What are the perceptions of beneficiaries towards minimum Packages for poverty graduation programme? What changes in socio-economic development indicators that have occurred through the poverty graduation programme? What is the level of impact of poverty graduation programme’s activities to the achievement of socio-economic development in Gisagara District? In order to answer these questions, the following objectives were set: the first objective was to find out the perception of respondents towards the minimum package (supports) given to the beneficiaries selected for Poverty graduation programme, to assess the socio- economic development of beneficiaries in Gisagara District, and to analyse the contribution of poverty graduation programme on socio-economic development of beneficiaries. The research methodology that was used during the research are both qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher targeted 2500 people in this study of whom 345 respondents were selected. Descriptive and correlation study which collected views from poverty graduation beneficiaries are presented in the part of data analysis and interpretation. In this study, the researcher used questionnaire guide as a tool of data collection. The findings indicate that there is a statistical significant contribution of poverty graduation programme on socio-economic development of beneficiaries; on a regular coaching basis and respondents had access to food security, employment creation, social empowerment as well as financial inclusion. The correlation also indicated that there is as statistical significant contribution of poverty graduation programme on socio-economic development of the beneficiaries. The recommendation is to increase the amount of payment given to the beneficiaries. The study found out that majority of the beneficiaries struggle with the increasing cost of living. The amount provided is less as compared to the needs and therefore there is a need to increase the amount.


This study, Simulation Performance and Practicum Performance of BS Psychology Students of Southville International School and Colleges was conducted to the Psych graduates of the following batches 2012 to 2019. The purpose of the study is to identify the correlation between the performances of the students in their simulation subjects which have Laboratory components such as: Experimental Psychology, Psychological Statistics and Psychological Assessment with their Practicum Performance. The results of the study showed that majority of the respondents have moderately satisfactory (MS) ratings on their simulation performance and satisfactory (S) ratings on their practicum performance. The study also shows that there is a strong positive correlation (0.512) between Simulation performance and Practicum performance of the respondents which yields a coefficient of 0.000 at .01 level of significance. Though there was a marked difference from MS with Simulation grade and S to Practicum grades, some factors were considered. Like, some were transferees, some were from old curricula. Despite having these, their simulation experiences have given them the confidence and competence to execute the needed skills in their internship.


This study, Academic Performance and Comprehensive Examination Performance of BS Psychology Students of Southville International School and Colleges was conducted to the Psych graduates of the following batches 2012-2019. The purpose of the study is to identify the correlation between the performances of the students in their academic performance using their GPA and their performance in Comprehensive Examination which was taken during the last semester of their terminal year. The results of the study showed the following most of the respondents have Satisfactory (S) academic performance. They scored Fair (F) to Satisfactory (S) in comprehensive examination. The study also shows that there is a strong positive correlation (0.584) between Academic performance and Comprehensive Examination performance of the respondents which yields a coefficient of 0.000 at .01 level of significance. This means that that the moderately to satisfactory performance of the students predicted passing in their comprehensive examination. This also shows that the graduates would have fair chance of passing the board exam as this one was designed to prepare them for the actual board exam for Psychometricians.

Academic Satisfaction and Student Engagement of College Students in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic []

College students were seen to perform well in online learning. This research focused on analyzing academic satisfaction as it correlates to student engagement among college students in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students from different universities in NCR took a screening tool to be part of this study; being enrolled in a full-synchronous program with 5–6 hours of class per day during the Academic Year 2020–2021 qualified them to participate in the research. Results revealed that students showed high satisfaction with their online learning activities and generally exhibited slightly high interest and participation in their classroom experiences. The hypotheses that there is no significant relationship between academic satisfaction and student engagement among the respondents and that there is a significant difference between these variables were rejected. Learning outcomes, materials and resources, and interactions with student engagement facets had a low to moderately positive relationship. This means that respondents who are actively participating and showing interest in online learning are highly satisfied with their online learning experiences. Likewise, students from public schools and those from private schools exhibited differences regarding their overall stability in their online learning experiences and how they manifested interest and participation in class. Study participants are urged to strengthen the existing relationships and their good performance in online learning amidst the situation they are facing. It is suggested that the same research be conducted after the pandemic to find out more about how students perform in school during and after the pandemic. Keywords: academic satisfaction, student engagement, online learning, COVID-19.

Load Prediction of HVAC Systems using Deep Learning []

Currently, electricity is of utmost importance to the progress of a country's economy and society. The relentless surge in energy demand from modern buildings poses a profound challenge to global primary energy consumption, exhibiting an unwavering upward trajectory. This study constitutes a pivotal effort directed at fortifying energy efficiency by precision-focused short-term load prognostication for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Within this study, a cutting-edge methodology unfolds through the synergistic amalgamation of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). This integration unfolds a trans-formative process, initiating with RBM pre-training on input data to autonomously unravel intricate hierarchical features. Serving as a potent feature extractor, the RBMs learned features seamlessly interlace with the original input, engendering a harmonized set. Subsequently, this amalgamated set propels the training of the ANN, harnessing the synergistic prowess of RBMs unsupervised learning and ANNs nonlinear mapping acumen. The resultant amalgamation begets a robust and adaptive model, poised to elevate precision in HVAC system load predictions. A rigorous evaluation substantiates the model’s efficacy, unveiling a strikingly low Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.1541, a minimal Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.3405, a diminutive Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 0.5835, and an impeccable R-squared (R2) value of 1. This fusion propels advancements in predictive accuracy, poised to make a significant impact in the realm of energy-efficient HVAC system management. Furthermore, the suggested approach has significant adaptability and can be employed in several additional applications involving the prediction of energy system load.


In recent years, higher education enrolment has surged due to increased accessibility to scholarships and financial aid programs. Tagoloan Community College (TCC) exemplifies this trend, benefiting from the Unified Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UNIFAST) to support students pursuing tertiary education. Despite such support, TCC faces challenges in retaining its 3rd-year Business Administration (BSBA) students. Understanding the complexities of student retention is crucial for academic institutions striving for excellence. This study explores BSBA 3rd-year student retention at TCC within the UNIFAST framework, employing quantitative methodology. The findings reveal promising trends in student retention influenced by free tuition and subsidy programs. However, the impact of the UNIFAST Scholarship varies. While positively affecting instructional quality, it correlates negatively with extracurricular involvement, suggesting reduced participation among recipients. Recommendations include implementing additional academic support services, fostering a sense of belonging, increasing extracurricular engagement, enhancing teaching quality, empowering students, conducting regular assessments, and improving communication. Furthermore, the study investigates the significant relationship between the UNIFAST Scholarship and student retention. While negatively correlated with extracurricular involvement, no significant correlation is found with teacher competency. However, a positive correlation emerges with instructional quality. Overall, the study sheds light on the intricate dynamics influencing BSBA 3rd-year student retention at TCC, offering insights for tailored interventions to enhance student outcomes and institutional effectiveness.

The Influence of Teacher`s Satisfaction on Students Learning Achievement []

Teacher satisfaction has been found to be a key factor in determining the context of education and to be positively correlated with student learning achievement. The paper presents an extensive review of the body of research on the relationship between teacher satisfaction and student learning outcomes. This review aims to investigate the connection between student learning achievement and teacher satisfaction, determine the elements that influence teacher satisfaction, and look into the processes by which teacher satisfaction affects student achievement in learning. Various research studies and theories from many educational contexts are included in the review. It begins by going through how teacher satisfaction is perceived and measured, emphasizing how varied this concept is. A quantitative research synthesis will be conducted focused on exploring the relationships between teacher satisfaction and student learning achievement. Studies often show a strong and favorable correlation between student outcomes such as academic success, cognitive growth, and socio-emotional well-being and teacher satisfaction. Additionally, the review reveals a number of mediating variables, including classroom atmosphere, instructional techniques, and teacher motivation, that aid in explaining the mechanisms behind this connection. The factors that affect teacher satisfaction are investigated as well in the review. Three categories include these variables: individual, organizational, and environment. Personal characteristics, opinions about one's work, and inner drive are examples of unique attributes. Educational stakeholders should give priority to creating a work climate that encourages teacher satisfaction, given the substantial impact that teacher satisfaction has on student learning achievement.


Le massacre qui sévit à l’Est de la RDC est comparable (même si différent dans le mode, le temps et l’espace) à l’antisémitisme issu de l’hitlérisme que combattait Levinas à son époque. Dans un camp comme dans l’autre, il s’agit de l’expression d’un visage vulnérable, nu et défiguré par la méchanceté humaine. Ce visage meurtri porte un message auquel je dois nécessairement accéder. Il faut lire et écouter ce message que transmet le visage de l’autre qui m’invite à éviter toute violence jusqu’à me dire : « Ne me tue pas ». Mots-clés : vulnérabilité, miroir, défiguration, visage d’autrui,

Research on MOLT-4 T-Cell Line using Cumin Seed and Oyster Mushroom []

ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) is a fatal disease that affects many people worldwide, especially children, and the root cause has not yet been found. The fact that chemotherapy, which is used as a medical treatment for leukemia, not only destroys cancerous cells but also damages healthy cells, creates very serious problems for patients. It even adversely affects healthy tissues. This is why scientists are looking for alternative treatment modalities to chemotherapy for the treatment of leukemia. The most significant characteristic of the active substance to be used in this treatment is that it destroys or stops malignant cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Based on this, we investigated the effect of the active substances in black cumin and oyster mushroom extracts, which are major nutraceutical nutrients in our country and Asian countries, on T-Lymphoblast Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) cells, a very dangerous type. In this context, black cumin seed and oyster mushroom extracts were applied to both T-ALL leukemia cells (Molt-4) and HEK293 (healthy embryonic kidney cells) cells, and cell survival was observed by spectrophotometer absorbance calculations. The results of the tests showed that high concentrations of black cumin seed and oyster mushroom extracts had cytotoxic effects on cancer cells, causing cell death, particularly at 48 and 120 hours. No cytotoxic effect of these extracts was observed in healthy cells. Based on the results of the controlled test, it was concluded that black cumin seed and oyster mushroom extract may be used for the treatment of ALL-type leukemia

Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Performance of Small Business Sectors in Ayeyarwady Division []

This research of this study is to expansion of small business sector is a key factor in Myanmar's Business Development and an efficient means of attaining social advancement. This study aims to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial traits and the operational efficacy of small business sectors in Ayeyarwady Division. The study's methodology involved effectively surveying in small business sectors in Ayeyarwady Division and evaluating the information received. The framework of an individual who is entrepreneurial and has unique traits based on psychological and non-psychological motivators. The survey approach used in this study involves asking small business owners in various industries a series of questions. Based on the conducted, it was observed that entrepreneurial traits significantly impact the performance business of small business sectors. Gaining knowledge of the essential traits of small business owners and business performance is essential for promoting and comprehending the long-term survival of Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Performance of Small Business Sectors in Ayeyarwady Division.


This research focused on investigating the factors that determine domestic investment in Nigeria between 1986 and 2022. The primary aim was to identify and analyze the macroeconomic variables that influence investment in Nigeria, in order to understand their impact. The data for the study were obtained from secondary sources, and the ordinary least square statistical technique was used to analyze the data, and assess how these variables have affected investment in the Nigerian economy over time. The study found that government expenditure did not negatively impact domestic investors, and on the contrary, government expenditure had a significant positive relationship with domestic investment. However, interest rate, exchange rate, inflation rate, and GDP growth rate were all found to have a negative impact on domestic investment determination in the country. Although the relationship between the selected variables and domestic investment was insignificant, it was found that the macroeconomic environment played a role in determining the level of domestic investment in Nigeria, albeit to a small extent. As a recommendation, the study suggested that the government should continue to prioritize capital spending in its budgetary allocation, in order to increase the implementation of capital projects across the country, as this has a positive impact on domestic investment.

Unveiling the Dynamics of Office-staff/Field-staff Complex Syndromes: Navigating Organizational Success in Nigerian Manufacturing Industries. []

In the realm of Nigerian manufacturing industries, a fascinating interplay unfolds between office-staff and field-staff, shaping the very fabric of organizational success. This study delves deep into the intricate web of complex syndromes that exist between these two vital components of the workforce. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, we uncover the profound impact of inferiority/superiority complexes on performance and relationships within these industries. Our findings shed light on the challenges and opportunities presented by these dynamics, offering valuable insights for organizational leaders and policymakers. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the nuances of interpersonal relationships in the workplace and chart a course towards a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Four Antenatal Care Visits Among Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinic In Health Facilities Of A District Hospital In Rwanda []

Background: The goal of antenatal care (ANC) is to reduce the risk of morbidity and death in mothers and newborns. At least four antenatal (ANC) visits are recommended for all expectant mothers. This service hasn't been used much, though. The use of ANC is linked to a number of variables that differ between nations. The purpose of this study was to assess factors associated with four Antenatal Care (4ANC) visits among pregnant women attending clinic antenatal care in health facilities of a district Hospital in Rwanda. Compliance of antenatal care services has a great direct and indirect impact on the maternal and child health. The findings from this study will be used to improve and make interventions in antenatal care service provision, utilization, maternal and child health services. For health care service delivery, this study will also enhance health care providers and community about their role, responsibility and contribution in promoting antenatal care service. The study's results have generated valuable data and information that can aid future research and enhance prenatal care. The study's findings will assist national health care policy makers, healthcare facility managers, and other healthcare settings in formulating appropriate policies to support prenatal care. Moreover, public health professionals and students can use the study's findings as an additional resource for public health information to expand their understanding. Two objectives guided the study, and questions were posed to respondents along these lines. A sample of 220 postnatal moms, who made up the target group, was obtained. Materials and Methods: This research employed a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive design. A methodical questionnaire was used to collect data. The results of the study showed that there was underutilisation of Antenatal Care service in general and four ANC visits in particular. Results: The study findings showed also that early initiation for Antenatal Care was low in the study area. Various factors such as level of education, parity, age and source of information, were found to be in association with this problem. It is critical to increase public education through mass media channels in order to achieve 100% participation in Antenatal Care services. In short, a value of 0.003 for "The information about the existence of ANC is heard from the following sources" suggests a relatively low association with this statement. A value of 0.002 for "Pregnant women should attend ANC regularly" indicates a similarly low association. A value of 0.026 for "Early water breaking poses a significant risk during pregnancy and may lead to complications" suggests a relatively higher level of association with the potential risk posed by early water breaking. Using multivariate analysis, it was found that health-related factors have statistically significant associations (p-values < 0.05), suggesting their importance in predicting the outcome. Conclusion: In order to improve their relationships with clients, healthcare professionals should receive training on interpersonal skills. This training should be provided during both their initial professional training and post-employment inductions. Additionally, in order to ensure that women do not delay seeking ANC services, it is important to improve health education on prenatal care.


The objective of this research was to develop an innovative Autonomous Network Remediation System (ANRS) designed to address the limitations of current network security systems. Leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, the ANRS aims to achieve automated anomaly detection, threat classification, and remediation within a secure and scalable architecture. The research methodology involved designing the ANRS with key components including Network Monitoring Agents (NMAs), a Centralized Anomaly Detection Engine (CADE), a Policy Enforcement Module (PEM), and a Self-healing Module (SHM). These components work together to collect, analyze, and respond to network traffic data, enforcing security policies and initiating remediation actions as needed. Evaluation of the ANRS was conducted using the CICIDS2017 dataset, specifically the Thursday-WorkingHours-Morning-WebAttacks.pcap_ISCX.csv file. The system was tested for various performance metrics, including anomaly detection accuracy, threat classification precision and recall, remediation effectiveness, policy enforcement consistency, system security, and scalability. The results indicated a high anomaly detection accuracy of 99%, with precise and timely classification and remediation capabilities. The ANRS demonstrated a precision of 1.00 for benign traffic and varied precision for different types of web attacks, with an overall system accuracy of 99%. The findings highlight the ANRS's superiority over existing network remediation systems, particularly in terms of detection accuracy, response speed, and policy enforcement consistency. The automated nature of the ANRS reduces the need for manual intervention, enhancing operational efficiency and allowing network administrators to focus on strategic tasks. Additionally, the system's scalability and minimal resource utilization make it suitable for deployment in diverse network environments. However, certain limitations were identified, such as the need for improved classification of rare attack types. Future research directions include refining the machine learning models, enhancing integration with legacy systems, and exploring broader application scenarios such as IoT and edge computing environments


This study examined the relationship between emotional empathy and psychological resilience in public school teachers and to better understand the relationship between these variables and teachers’ well-being. A descriptive correlational research design was utilized. To measure the variables, the researcher adapted the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire and Teachers’ Resilience Scale. The study involved 112 respondents, and data collection was conducted online through various social media platforms. The study used frequency and percentage distribution, Pearson’s r correlation coefficient, and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) to determine the profile, the relationship, and the difference between variables. The study found that there are more female respondents compared to males and the years of teaching experience cluster in the range between 5 to 10 years. The study also explored various subscales to investigate this relationship and any differences that exist. The study revealed that there was a significant relationship between emotional empathy and psychological resilience in the subscale of personal competencies and emotional comprehension, sympathetic physiological arousal, and interpersonal sensitivity. The subscale spiritual influence is significantly correlated to prosocial helping behaviors and sympathetic physiological arousal. There is also a significant relationship between peer support and interpersonal sensitivity, emotional comprehension, and emotional contagion. Furthermore, the study found that there were no significant differences in emotional empathy and psychological resilience when participants were categorized by their sex and years of teaching experience. These findings imply that regardless of sex or years of teaching experience, public school teachers displayed similar emotional empathy and psychological resilience profiles. This study contributes to the understanding of public school teachers' ability to adapt to the different adversities and their ability to understand and share the emotion of others emphasizes the need to maintain or improve emotional empathy and psychological resilience within the teaching profession. Keywords: Emotional Empathy, Psychological Resilience, Public School Teacher


The researcher targeted gay and lesbian individuals who were currently in a same-sex romantic relationship for their study. The respondents needed to reside and work in the province of Cavite in the Philippines. A total of 100 eligible participants were chosen using purposive sampling. Out of the 100 total respondents, 59% were gay and 41% were lesbian. The majority of respondents fell into the age group of under 19-40 years old (97%), followed by 41-65 years old (2%) and 66 years old and above (1%). In terms of personal income, the highest frequency was for those earning less than ₱12,082 (48%), followed by ₱12,083 to ₱24,164 (23%), and ₱24,165 to ₱48,328 (14%). The most common length of the relationship was 25 months and above (26%), followed by 0-3 months (25%). The overall arithmetic mean for the facets of love language was 4.46, indicating a high level of satisfaction. Confirmatory words, quality time, physical contact, and buying presents received "very satisfied" ratings, while service behavior was rated as "satisfied.The study found various relationships between love language and EQ, with some subscales showing significant associations while others did not. Additionally, the study did not find significant differences in love language and EQ based on gender preference, age-group, personal income, or length of the relationship, except for the relationship between love language and gender. Keywords: Emotional Quotient, Homosexuals, Love Language

Startups and Intellectual Property: Addressing Homelessness through Innovative Social Enterprises []

This paper explores startups and intellectual property: Addressing homelessness through innovative social enterprises. The confluence of startups, social impact, and Intellectual Property (IP) presents a dynamic avenue for transformative solutions. Robust IP frameworks safeguard innovations and attract investments crucial for sustainability. The paper underscores the need for tailored IP strategies that balance protection and accessibility, aligning with the unique goals of social enterprises. Six key suggestions are proposed: holistic IP education, platforms for collaborative IP sharing, government incentives, open innovation initiatives, legal aid for social enterprises, and impact investment ecosystems. Together, these recommendations form a comprehensive approach to leverage IP in combating homelessness, fostering an ecosystem where innovation and social impact coalesce. This paper advocates for a paradigm shift that recognizes intellectual property as a catalyst for positive change, facilitating the creation of scalable, impactful solutions to address one of society's most pressing challenges; homelessness.

Strategic Integration of Project Management Techniques to Enhance Success and Overcome Construction Project Challenges in Nigeria. []

The goal of strategically integration project management is to maximize project success by using a suitable combination of project management techniques. Construction projects encounter various obstacles and delays, which can be resolved by embracing and executing project management techniques. The study objective was to determine if strategic integration of project management enhance organizational success exponentially. To achieve this, we look on twenty project management technique namely: Project Sensitivity Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT), Programme Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT), Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt Charts, Line of Balance, Network Analysis, Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE 2), Lean Construction Management Technique, Just In Time Method, Monte Carlo Technique, Critical path Method, Spread sheet, Benchmark Job Technique, Cost of Quality, Expert Judgment were the twenty project management techniques identified to address this issue. The present study employs a mixed methodology, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect primary and secondary data through structured questionnaires and interviews. A probability random sampling technique was employed in the study. There are 144 participants in the study. Of them, 113 could be obtained, and 100 of them were taken into consideration for analysis. Factor analysis, means score ranking, content analysis, and regression analysis were used in SPSS to analyze the data, and tables and content analysis were used to present the findings. Nigerian construction project management techniques are ranked based on the findings. The top ranking is for CT (Classic Technique), which is followed by WM (Waterfall Method). It recommended that government regulations are required to include the construction project management approach in the list of requirements for approving construction projects and Companies must regularly train staff on available and emerging construction management tools, especially at middle and management level.

Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation on post Coronary artery bypass graft surgery patient in Kuwait []

Case of an 45 years old Kuwaiti male patient diagnosed with ischemic myocardial infraction with hyperglycemia and hypertension under want to Coronary artery bypass graft in chest disease hospital in 2023.Rfferded to Cardiac rehabilitation clinic to improve physical activity, Cardio respiratory endurance, Functional capacity and daily activity of life.