Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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ABSTRACTS This study sought to investigate the incidence and severity of brown necrotic spots on leaves of Gnetum africanum in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. It is sought out to Identify the causal organism that is responsible for the brown lesions observed on the leaves. Infected samples were obtained from the Gnetum africanum leaves, surfaced-sterilized with 0.5% w/v sodium hypochlorite for 3minutes and incubated in humid chamber at 28°C. The leaves were plated on potato dextrose agar at 37°C while Pathogenicity test of the isolated fungi was carried out. Data on incidence and severity of brown lesion on Gnetum africanum was collected from the seven different locations visited in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state. Conidia spore were observed under a compound microscope with various magnification with mean length and width of 5.23 and 2 respectively. Fruiting bodies, acervuli were observed via the compound microscope with prominent dark, unbranched setae pointed at the tips. The colour of the fungal culture varied with four different types of colouration, which includes, white, ash, black and pink colour. Based on morphological characteristics and pathogenecity test, Colletotrichum gloessporoides was identified as the main causal organism associated with brown necrotic spot on leaves of Gnetum africanum. To my knowledge, this is the first morphological identification of causal organism responsible for the incidence and severity of brown necrotic spots on leaves of Gnetum africanum in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state.

Biogas production from potato waste and cow dung mixture []

Abstract Potato is one of the most important food crops in Bangladesh .In our country potato waste is available. Biogas is one of the most vital sources of energy. Biogas is the renewable energy source. In our country biogas is produced from animal manure .Usually cow dung is the common raw material for the production of biogas. If biogas is obtained from potato waste or potato waste is used along with cow dung for biogas production then this will ensure the proper use of potato waste.


The study examined the perceived factors influencing soccer referee decision-making and the perceived effects of soccer referees’ decisions on the outcome of football matches. This study employed the exploratory research design. The purposive sampling method was used to select referees, coaches, and players in Division One football in Ghana. The study employed an unstructured interview as a medium of data collection. The data collected from the field were manually transcribed and analysed qualitatively. Themes were generated from the responses of the respondents. It was found that referees’ decisions were not always accurate, they sometimes commit some errors. It was evident that several factors are perceived to influence referees’ decision-making in football matches. Generally, some perceived factors include ideal decision-making, individual factors, experience factors, and situational factors. It was also found that referees’ decisions are either positive or negative. It was concluded that referees can make and unmake games, specifically, football matches. It was recommended that referees eschew any practice or act that will influence their decision during football match officiating. The Ghana Football Association (GFA) was also recommended to continually intensify the training workshops they organise for referees to keep them abreast of current practices and ethics associated with the profession.


This study examines the impact of budgetary strategies on economic and sustainable development in Mali (1991-2023), a country facing financial, security, and political challenges. It adopts a mixed-methodological approach, articulating quantitative analysis through the ARDL (AutoRegressive Distributed Lag) model to explore short and long-term relationships between public spending, debt management, and economic growth, and qualitative analysis based on a sample of 25 interviews distributed among economic researchers, state officials, citizens, and technical partners. This mixed method allows for deep insights into the effectiveness of public finance management in Mali. Key findings highlight the critical importance of investments in human capital, underscore the need for prudent debt management, and emphasize the role of strategic investments in infrastructure to promote economic growth. Additionally, the study reveals the existing tension between current expenditures and long-term investments, illustrating the inherent complexity of budgetary decisions. Contrib-uting to the literature on budgetary management in a post-conflict context, this research provides practical recommendations for policy-makers, aiming to balance economic growth with sustainable socio-economic development in Mali.


Numerous professionals, including scientists, medical professionals, planners, biologists, and architects, started looking into the connections between physical environment elements and human experience as urbanization and population growth advanced. As a result, issues including crowding, residential satisfaction, a lack of sunlight, shared restrooms, and other issues became the subject of scientific study. According to the thesis' architectural focus, residential pleasure is the specific link that needs to be examined. As a result, this chapter reviews the research on residential satisfaction. It organizes the literature topically according to whether a source is focused on high-rise housing, crowding, planning, crime, social features, or physical aspects. Keywords: Apartment, Lahore, Architecture, vertical Growth

Transition of the Monetary system: Evolving from Fiat Currencies to Product-Based Currencies []

Abstract The current global monetary system, largely based on fiat currencies, is fraught with challenges including inflation, currency devaluation, and economic instability. This paper proposes a revolutionary approach to reform the monetary system by creating distinct currencies for each major economic product and sub-currencies for sub-products. Such a reformation could enhance price stability, increase trade efficiency, incentivize production, and reduce economic disparities. This study explores the potential benefits, challenges, and implications of this system, drawing on recent literature and economic theories to provide a comprehensive analysis.

The role of Rwanda Development Bank (RDB) in overcoming housing challenges in Kigali. []

This study was carried out in order to find out the contribution of RDB to fix housing problems in Kigali and draw attention to the managers of RDB about the behaviors of customers on procedural requirements, they got to know that there is the need to maintain and improve some of them. Concerning methodology, this study has adopted quantitative and qualitative research. The stratified sampling technique has been used to enable the researcher to get different cluster responding to the objective of the study. The researcher also used interviews in order to collect primary data from the workers and clients of RDB. The total population was 1436 whereby the sample was made up of 304 respondents. Secondary data was collected through a documentation technique, employing textbooks, annual reports, and internet sources. For the analysis of data, measures of central tendency were used. Findings indicate that there is still a big gap between the supply and demand of housing units in the country and hence going forward, the research showed the contribution of RDB in providing affordable housing units.

Comparative Analysis of Post-operative Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Single versus Multiple Arterial Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study at a Tertiary Care Hospital []

ABSTRACTBackground:Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is a widely performed procedure to restore adequate blood flow to the heart. The choice between single and multiple arterial grafts has significant implications for patient outcomes, particularly regarding post-operative left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), a crucial marker of cardiac function.Objective: This study aims to compare the post-operative LVEF in patients undergoing single arterial CABG versus multiple arterial CABG, assessing the potential benefits of multiple arterial grafts.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Different THQs Hospital District Gujranwala, Punjab Pakistan, a leading center for cardiovascular surgery, between December, 2023 and January, 2024. Patients were divided into two groups: those receiving single arterial grafts (n=120) and those receiving multiple arterial grafts (n=80). Pre-operative and post-operative LVEF were measured, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS.Results: The mean age of patients was 65 ± 10 years, with 70% male and 30% female participants. The pre-operative LVEF was similar between groups (single arterial graft: 55 ± 5%; multiple arterial graft: 56 ± 4%). Post-operative LVEF showed significant improvement in both groups, with the multiple arterial graft group demonstrating a higher increase (single arterial graft: 60 ± 7%; multiple arterial graft: 64 ± 6%, p<0.01).Conclusion: Multiple arterial grafts in CABG are associated with a significantly better improvement in post-operative LVEF compared to single arterial grafts. These findings support the use of multiple arterial grafts to enhance cardiac function and long-term patient outcomes in CABG surgery.

Impact of Mining on the Farmland Soil and Water in Gujeni and Tsohon Birnin Gwari Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria []

The present work was conducted on Gujeni and Tsohon Birnin Gwari Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria to examine the levels of heavy metals contamination of water and farmland soil in the communities as a result of artisanal and illegal mining activities going on in the areas. Water and Soil samples were collected and subjected to acid digestion. The solution was subjected to Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Model Varian AA240FS for the metal analysis. The concentration of metals in the water samples ranged Pb (0.21± 0.05- 0.26± 0.006)mg/l, Fe(0.04±0.002-0.13±0.011)mg/l, Zn(0.04±0.01- 0.79±0.03)mg/L and Cu(0.003±0.02- 0.008±0.01)mg/L. The metal analyzed were within WHO and SON limits of Fe (0.3), Zn (3.0) and Cu (2.0) mg/L except Pb which above the limit of Pb(0.01) mg/L in all the samples. The level of soil contamination were assessed by Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo) and Contamination factor (Cf). The Geo-accumulation studies show that the soil was moderately polluted by Pb (0.67), Fe(0.87), Zn(0.74) and Pb(0.67),Fe(1.0) and Zn(1.17) for both Gujeni and Tsohon birnin Gwari respectively. The contamination factor show that Gujeni soil was moderately contaminated by Pb(0.13),Fe(0.34), Zn(0.26) while Tsohon Birnin Gwari was considerably contaminated by Zn(4.80) and moderately contaminated by Fe(1.59) and Pb(0.13). Also, the geochemical distribution of the metals in the soil samples were revealed by three steps sequential extraction method which show that 99% of the metal concentrations were found in the residual fractions. This indicates high levels of metal concentration in the soil samples due to anthropogenic activities such as mining activities going on the communities.


Performance data for employees at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Manpower from 2022 to 2024 shows a decline in perfor-mance among Gen Z employees, who are affected by the rapid development of digital technology. Conversely, the performance of Millennial employees has improved. Observations indicate performance issues are due to a lack of digital literacy, insufficient efforts to improve employee competency, and limited innovative behavior, which affects their confidence in pursuing and integrating their ideas within the organization. This quantitative study aims to examine the influence of digital literacy and competence on employee perfor-mance, with innovative work behavior serving as a mediator, at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Manpower.