Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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HIV/AIDS-Infected Clients and their Mental Health in Developed and Developing Countries. A Review []

This paper compares and illustrates the big picture of How HIV/AIDS Affects peoples mental health overall, both for those from developed and developing Countries. We will see of how Mental Health is highly negatively affected, among people living with HIV in world, some they suffer mentally to suicidal attempts other to death. HIV/ AIDS impacts a human-being in Bio-Psycho-social dimension, and yet mental health is fundamentally basic life, to mean there is no health without mental health. Furthermore this article sheds on some Coping Strategies and mental health Issues for those are HIV positive. In this paper some solutions and recommendations were suggested to achieve of a goal of having healthy people. Abbreviations: HIV= human immunodeficiency virus, AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, ART = antiretroviral therapy, CD4 = cluster of differentiation, PLWHA = people living with HIV/AIDS, QoL= Quality of Life, HCWs= Health Care Workers, OHRQOL= oral health related quality of life.

Investigation of Heavy Metals in Ground and Surface Waters of Argungu, Augie, Arewa and Dandi Local Governments of Kebbi State, Nigeria. []

Ground and surface waters are important sources of drinking water in both rural and urban areas. Yet these water sources may contain heavy metals which can cause health problems. This paper therefore investigates eight heavy metals in 160 water samples of Argungu Emirate, Kebbi State, Nigeria. The result shows minimum and maximum levels of analyzed heavy metals as; Cr 5.2-30.3ppb in 43% of samples, Mn 35.4-876.6ppb in 99% of samples, Fe 33.8-6157.7ppb in 98% of samples, Ni 11.7-326.5ppb in 27% of samples, Cu 6.3-80.3ppb in 95% of samples, Zn 12.2-174ppb in 98% of samples, Cd 0.6-5.5ppb in 26% of samples and Pb 7.3-274ppb in 5% of samples. Majority of the heavy metals are found to be within the accepted International and WHO standards for drinking water. Even toxic metals like Pb and Cd were detected in only few samples. Authorities however need to take action with regards to all sample arears that showed maximum elevated level of heavy metals in the water samples to avoid long time chronic effects. Key Words: Ground and Surface water, Concentration of Heavy metals, Safer and Toxicity levels.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cork, Wood, Glass, and Plastic as Radiation Shields []

This study investigates the potential of cork, wood, glass, and plastic as radiation-shielding materials. Glass, plastic, wood, and cork were used to make the absorbent bodies, cut to various thicknesses. Glass and plastic ranged from 1.5 to 9.4 mm, while wood and cork ranged from 1 to 8 cm. An X-ray apparatus (model 554811, Germany) with a computer-connected detector was used for measurements at 25, 30, and 35 KV to determine the linear and mass attenuation coefficients (μ〖,μ〗_m) of the materials. The relationship between the thickness of the chosen samples and the quantity of X-ray photons that pass through was investigated. Results showed that the linear attenuation coefficients for glass, wood, plastic, and cork were 0.429〖cm〗^(-1), 0.304〖cm〗^(-1), 0.0465〖cm〗^(-1), and 0.00614〖cm〗^(-1), respectively. Mass attenuation coefficients were in good agreement with theory. Glass was found to be a better absorber than the other materials studied.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections in rural area of Ekiti state Nigeria []

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection (Lymphocyte), making a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It is spread by contact with certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV, most commonly during unprotected sex or through sharing injection drug equipment. If left untreated, HIV can lead to the disease AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). This study aims to determine prevalence of HIV among pregnancy women patients attended Ekiti Stats Specialist Hospital, Ijero-Ekiti. Descriptive research survey type was adopted. Medical records were collected from Health Information Management department of Ekiti Stats Specialist Hospital, Ijero-Ekiti. SPSS 19, version19 software was used to analyze data. Data were expressed in frequency expressed in percentages and bar chart. Result shown that (195) 99 % were negative and (2) 1% was positive. The ages of the women tested positive were 21 and 34 years. Mean of age group of pregnancy women were 2.97. His prevalence of HIV is low but more awareness creation should be made among the people and husband of every pregnancy women should be tested for HIV Key words: Pregnancy, Patients, Tested, Awareness, Lymphocyte

Leadership styles and creativity of health information management practitioners in public hospitals in South- west Nigeria []

The purpose of organizations is to accomplish specific goals and objectives. It is impossible to overstate the importance of human resources in achieving these aims and objectives. When hospital staff members or administrators improperly manage their resources, it will be challenging to meet set objectives. In order to be creative, one must add concepts or enhance existing processes. For example, integrating health information services into health information management conferences can enhance patients' access to healthcare services in exchange.. This study was aimed to determine leadership styles and creativity of health information management practitioners in public hospitals in South- west Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for is study. Purposive sampling technique was used to selected health information management practitioners and simple sampling technique was adopted to select 563 health Information management practitioners both health Records/Information Officers and of health records/information technician in Federal Teaching Hospitals, Federal Medical Centres and State Teaching Hospitals in South West Nigerian and 522 questionnaires were returned by the participants. Data collected were analysed by descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages, and inferential statistics of Pearson Product correlation at 0.05 level of significant. The study revealed that males were 307(58.8%) and females were 215(41.25). The age group of the participants: less than 30 years were 60 (11.5%), 41-50 years were 185 (35.4%), 31-40 years were 182 (34.9%). 262 (50.2%) of the respondents were married, 233 (44.6%) were single and 5(1%) were separated. there is a significant correlation between leadership styles and creativity of health information personnel (r = 0.729, N= 522, p<0.05). It was concluded that leadership styles of health information management practitioners have positive impact on their creativity of health information management practitioners in Public hospital. It was recommended that the head of department of health information management (HIM) in public hospitals in South-west, Nigeria should give creativity training to HIM personnel in their department order to improve their creativity behaviour and head of department should acquire transformational leadership behaviour in order to enhance the creativity ability of their fellow staff. Key Words: Creativity, Leadership styles, Transformation, Management, Behaviour

An Intelligent Fraud Detection model for Oil and Gas Financial Statements Using Machine Learning & Big Data Mining []

Fraud detection is imperative in safeguarding the financial integrity of industries, particularly in the high-stakes oil and gas sector where financial discrepancies can lead to significant economic losses and reputational damage. This research employs a Random Forest machine learning model to analyze ten years of financial data from an oil and gas company, focusing on detecting fraudulent activities through the assessment of key financial ratios. The model's effectiveness was evaluated based on its ability to classify transactions accurately using metrics such as Asset Turnover, Return on Equity, and Debt to Equity Ratio. Despite achieving an overall accuracy of 97.2%, the model faced challenges with precision (0.92) and recall (0.93) for the fraud class due to the inherent class imbalance in the dataset, which often resulted in a higher rate of false negatives. This indicates a significant area for improvement in enhancing the model's ability to detect fraud. The model’s predictive power highlights the critical financial ratios that may indicate fraudulent activities, providing essential insights that can lead to more focused and effective financial audits. The findings suggest that while the Random Forest model offers a promising tool for initial fraud detection, its practical application requires ongoing adjustments and improvements to better address the complexities of fraud in the oil and gas industry. Future research should explore more sophisticated data balancing techniques, integrate a broader spectrum of financial and operational data, and potentially employ deep learning algorithms to improve detection rates and model robustness.


The mental health of individuals in society has shown negative trends as documented by previous research. Particularly, adolescents and secondary school children have been affected by poor mental health symptoms such as suicide, depression, anxiety, and addictions. Several factors have been posited as the cause of bad mental health among students such as social media use, academic pressures, substance intake, sleep deprivation, and peer influence. This research has investigated the influence of sleep deprivation on the mental health of secondary school children by measuring the impact of poor sleep quality on the physiological, emotional, and psychological health of the students. A sample of three hundred (300) students from secondary schools in Lagos were chosen for this study. Two standardized questionnaires (Sleep Condition Indicator and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale) were used to collect the necessary information from respondents. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using t-tests, pie charts, and line graphs with the use of percentages, frequency counts, and mean scores. Findings revealed that mental health was negatively influenced by sleep deprivation among secondary school students. When comparing the mental health of sleep deprived students with non-sleep deprived students, it was found that the sleep deprived students had poorer emotional, psychological, and physiological health. Additionally, it was found that a high percentage of students engaged in social media usage more than television shows. With the findings of this research, the government, parents, school authorities, and public health facilities should work together to create flexible school curriculums, effective mental health programs aimed at school students, and help to promote the overall mental wellbeing of secondary school students in Nigeria and Africa.


Both the strategic objectives and individual performance targets of the Ministry of Manpower experienced a decline during the peri-ods 2020-2022 and 2022-2023, respectively. This decline in performance necessitates an evaluation of the causes to implement cor-rective actions and achieve the targeted performance. Previous studies have shown that employee performance can be influenced by factors such as organizational culture, compensation, and motivation. This quantitative study aims to examine the influence of compensation and organizational culture on employee performance in the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Manpower, with work motivation as a mediating variable.

Identification, innovation and application of artificial intelligence in the field of economics []

Abstract The range of themes and theories raised about artificial intelligence is so broad and extensive that it requires clarity regarding the fundamental principles, opportunities and challenges it creates. For this purpose, the present research provides an overview of the six manufacturer segments of artificial intelligence: built data, unstructured data, pre-processes, core processes, knowledge tracks, and valuable output information. A typology is then presented, as an analytical tool for managers in the field with artificial intelligence stabilization. This typology examines the impact of emerging innovations on artificial intelligence from two perspectives of innovation boundaries and their impact on organizational capabilities. The first view deals with the difference between product innovation (which affects the company’s output) and process innovation (that affects companies’ operations). The second view describes innovation as an empowerment enhancer or destroyer. This means that innovation enhances or destroys existing knowledge and skills. This framework enables industry managers to evaluate existing markets and opportunities or threats arising from them and create a valuable context and structure for relevant strategic decisions. Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, disruptive innovation, product development, strategic policy making, situation awareness

The impact of using AI tools in teaching and learning English as a foreign language at Gulf College: Tutors’ Perceptions []

John McCarthy invented the term "Artificial Intelligence" back in 1956. AI has become an essential part of our everyday lives, from diagnosing complex medical conditions using deep learning to generating music, literature, and art. AI is particularly good at producing realistic content, including photos and videos, and plays a key role in security, such as using facial recognition to protect data. AI is also used for monitoring the environment and enhancing safety at work, in gaming, and in exploring the environment. This paper delves deeply into how Artificial Intelligence is being used for personalized learning in education, revealing its significant impact for student learning English language and teachers presenting it, engagement, and motivation, and pointing out the importance of integrated learning tools considerations in its use. It also examines the impact (AI) tools on the roles of teachers and the learning outcomes of students in educational settings. The research explores the effectiveness of AI tools available to teachers and investigates their potential benefits and challenges. Through a mixed-methods approach, this research gathers data on the use of AI tools, their effects on teacher’s instructional practices, as well as their impact on student engagement and achievement. The findings offer insights into how AI tools influence educators' roles and student learning, contribute to the ongoing discourse on technology integration in education, and provide recommendations for optimizing the use of AI tools to improve teaching and student learning outcomes.

Etude de la morbidité et de la mortalité des enfants de 1 mois à 15 ans à l’hôpital du district sanitaire de Kalaban Coro Study of morbidity and mortality of children aged 1 month to 15 years at the district hospital of Kalaban-Coro []

Résumé Contexte et objectifs : la survie des enfants a progressé de manière considérable dans le monde mais demeure un défi majeur au Mali. Ce travail visait à étudier la mortalité et la morbidité des enfants de 1 mois à 15 ans à l’hôpital de district de Kalaban Coro. Méthodologie : Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective, descriptive qui s’est déroulée du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2019. Les données recueillies ont été saisie sur Excel puis analysées avec le logiciel Epi-info version 7. Résultats : Cinq-cents (500) enfants âgés de 01mois à 15 ans ont été inclus. La tranche d’âge 1 à 5 ans (53,6%) et le sexe masculin (58,2%) étaient les plus représentés. Les principales morbidités retrouvées étaient le paludisme (72,2%), les infections respiratoires aiguës (6,2%), et la diarrhée/déshydratation (3%). La proportion de mortalité était estimée à 10,6% et le groupe d’âge de 1 à 5 ans était le plus touché (47,16%) Les deux principales causes de décès étaient le paludisme (56,6%) et les infections respiratoires aigües (7,54%). Conclusion : cette étude confirme le taux élevée de morbidité et de mortalité dans les services de pédiatrie au Mali. Les maladies infectieuses constituent les principales causes de décès enregistrés. Mots clés : Enfants, Morbidité, Mortalité, Pédiatrie SUMMARY Context and objective: child survival has progressed considerably around the world but remains a major challenge in Mali. This work aimed to study the mortality and morbidity of children aged 1 month to 15 years at the district hospital of Kalaban Coro. Methodology: This was a retrospective, descriptive study which took place from January 1 to December 31, 2019. The data collected was entered into Excel then analyzed with Epi-Info version 7 software. Results: Five hundred (500) children aged 01 months to 15 years were included. The age group 1 to 5 years (53.6%) and the male gender (58.2%) were the most represented. The main morbidities found were malaria (72.2%), acute respiratory infections (6.2%), and diarrhea/dehydration (3%). The mortality proportion was estimated at 10.6% and the age group of 1 to 5 years was the most affected (47.16%). The two main causes of death were malaria (56.6%) and infections acute respiratory (7.54%). Conclusion: this study confirms the high rate of morbidity and mortality in the pediatric services in Mali. Infectious diseases are the main causes of recorded death. Key words: Children, Morbidity, Mortality, Pediatrics.


Abstract Over the years, rue de Marche' Mambanda in Douala IV has been greatly disturbed by uncontrolled commercial activities which have had an impact on traffic congestion. This research aims to examine the causes, effects, and coping measures of Commercial activities on traffic congestion in Mambanda, Douala IV municipality. The methodology applicable is the qualitative and quantitative method, with the consultation of primary and secondary sources. The Primary data were obtained from the field through observation, questionnaire administration, and personal interviews survey. Secondary data were obtained from both published and unpublished sources and were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques sampling 200 respondents who were selected randomly. The data were analyzed using the Chi-square(X2). Results revealed that there is a significant impact of commercial activity on traffic congestion in Mambanda. There was a high confirmation of traffic congestion in the area due to trading activities; and on-street trading within the Mambanda area of Douala IV municipality. That is, a greater proportion of the respondents agreed that the traffic congestion along the Mambanda market was poor. Strategies for sustainable commercial land use/transportation planning were suggested such as eradication of on-street trading, and adoption of traffic management techniques such as road enhancement schemes, traffic signs, traffic warden, and vehicle parking regulations and control. Keywords: Traffic Congestion, Commercial Activities, Public Transportation, and Land Use Planning.

Assessment of Cervical Cancer awareness and importance among female adult patients at Makululu Clinic, Kabwe. []

The purpose of this study was to conduct an assessment of knowledge about cervical cancer and awareness of its importance among female adult patients at Makulu Clinic, Kabwe. The objective of the study were; (i) to assess knowledge about cervical cancer; signs and symptoms, among female adult patients. (ii) to understand awareness levels on early detection methods of cervical cancer (iii) to establish factor associated with the knowledge gap, and the importance of cervical cancer awareness. The study used cross-sectional design and questionnaires were used. The total sample population was 270 and simple random sampling technique to select the respondents. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25.0 and Microsoft excel 2013 version to development of figures and charts. The study discovered that 59 % of respondents had heard about cervical cancer, 54 % of respondents thought that this condition affects only aged women, 46% held that cervical cancer can be prevented, 40% of respondents said viral infections causes cervical cancer, 65% of respondents felt they were not at risk, and 65% were not sure about vaccination against HPV. The study established that awareness level through early detection of cervical cancer and identified symptoms such as odorous vaginal discharge (47%), inter-menstrual bleeding (43%) and pain during sex (41%) were recognized by a significantly large proportion of respondents. About the screening technique, 44% didn’t know the screening test. 38% of respondents were aware of the cervical cancer and family members provides information. 89% of respondents were never screened for cervical cancer. Besides factor associated with the knowledge gap, and the importance of cervical cancer awareness and the study establishes that 88% of respondents were noted to have a huge knowledge gap within the general public concerning cervical cancer. Variables affecting cervical cancer screening, 44% of respondents highlighted low education levels while 30% of respondents regarded age as significant variable. Economic barriers established transport costs by 25%, and poverty represented by 37%. Lack of time 9%, language barrier 16%, cultural beliefs 32%, privacy/confidentiality concerns 13%, stigma/self-esteem issues 30% has been established that these are social barriers. The participants’ opinions on cervical cancer awareness, screening, early detection, prevention and knowledge impact meanwhile, 58% believed that early detection can save lives. This study recommends that cervical cancer screening services should be made available at all clinics, integrated at community level, and policy reforms to adopt cervical cancer routine screening in health facilities. Keywords: Cervical cancer, assessments, awareness and screening.

On “I will perpetuate your memory through all generations”: Institutionalization of Collective Memory by Law in Israel []

There is no abstract since this is a reflection paper.

Experience of loneliness and homesickness among international students studying abroad in Japanese universities []

In the globalized world, the decision of studying abroad is becoming more and more popular among young adults. Studying undergraduate or postgraduate degree in a foreign country is regarded as an interesting opportunity to enhance academic ability and enrich multicultural awareness, thus equipping students with globally competent skills. Much as the opportunities are promising, the challenges of settling down in a foreign country for international students are also worth researching which might include language barrier, cultural shock, homesickness, or feeling of loss and loneliness. However, in this paper, the specific field of research will focus on the experience of loneliness and homesickness that international students face. The reasons behind the feeling of isolation vary from the cultural environment of the country or the lack of connections among international students. This research paper aims to discuss the mental distress that international students undergo during the university transition process by accumulating information from scholars and conducting a survey about students’ experience. The research found out that the nature of loneliness lied in the lack of meaningful and trustworthy relationships so solutions that equipped students with communication competence would help them in building relationships. Moreover, coping strategies that addressed emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of the experience would also help students in dealing with their distress.

Intrinsic Motivation Teachers Private Schools Pakistan []

The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, functional competencies, and intrinsic motivation. Another objective was to assess the mediating effect of work engagement on the hypothesized relationship. The research used a quantitative approach and used a structured questionnaire to collect the data. We used random sampling and 189 teachers working in high- to middle-level private secondary schools in Lahore Division, returned complete and usable questionnaires. The results indicated that self-efficacy and functional competencies have a significant impact on the intrinsic motivation of teachers. The study revealed that work engagement acts as a mediator variable in the relationship between self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, functional competence, and intrinsic motivation. The study suggests school management is used a performance framework. Use work engagement through enhancement of self-efficacy of teachers and providing opportunities to develop functional competencies. The study contributes to the literature by interpreting self-determination and the theory of causal effects by taking performance-related behavioral characteristics into account. For limitations, this research does not include control variables such as educational and vocational qualifications, experience, and gender. Future research may take these factors into account in a better Elaborative perspective.

Exploring the Effectiveness of Hamburger and Mind Mapping Graphic Organizers in English Language Instruction at Gulf College []

Graphic organizers have become increasingly popular in tertiary education in the Sultanate of Oman in recent years, particularly in ESL and EFL reading-writing classes. These visually appealing tools are now widely recognized as an effective method for presenting knowledge, allowing learners to develop their understanding of the text with the guidance of the teacher. The incorporation of graphic organizers into English classes has been found to significantly improve students' reading and writing performance. The use of graphic organizers has transformed the learning experience, providing students with a structured and engaging platform to enhance their language abilities. Consequently, the use of graphic organizers as an instructional tool continues to flourish and have a positive impact on education in Oman, offering numerous opportunities for accelerated growth and enrichment in the field of language acquisition. Additionally, the implementation of graphic organizers has not only benefited students' linguistics skills but has also proved to be instrumental in developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. With their visually stimulating format, graphic organizers stimulate students' cognitive processes, prompting them to analyze and synthesize information more effectively. This not only improves their comprehension and retention but also equips them with valuable skills that are increasingly sought after in today's globalized and technologically driven society. Furthermore, the versatility of graphic organizers makes them adaptable to various subject areas and educational levels. Whether used in science, social studies, mathematics, or even creative writing courses, these tools have demonstrated their efficacy in facilitating knowledge acquisition and conceptual understanding. By visually organizing information, students are able to make connections between different concepts, identify key points, and extract crucial information in a more organized and systematic manner. The use of graphic organizers in tertiary education in Oman has revolutionized the way students learn and acquire knowledge. With their ability to enhance comprehension, foster critical thinking, promote collaboration, and adapt to various subject areas, these tools have proven to be an asset in empowering students and preparing them for success in higher education and beyond. The present study was conducted to recognize and determine the impact of hamburger and mind mapping graphic organizers utilization on undergraduates English writing skill at Gulf College in Oman. It attempts to answer the following research questions: First, what are the effects of a hamburger graphic organizer used in paragraph writing? What are the effects of a mind mapping graphic organizer used for the same purposes as a hamburger graphic organizer? To address this issue, a study has been conducted on the use of hamburgers and mind mapping organisers as tools for enhancing paragraph construction skills among undergraduate students at the Gulf College. This study draws on a social constructionist theoretical framework and employs various research methods such as a systematic review of the literature, an in-depth semi-structured questionnaire to collect tutors’ perceptions and practices in using such graphic organisers, and an analysis of writing assignments of some Gulf College students in the academic year 2023/2024. Through this study, teachers expressed their concerns, perceptions, and teaching practices in terms of applying the hamburger and the mind-mapping graphic organisers to paragraph writing. The current study showed that students achieved greater success in the writing class when they passed through hamburger and mind mapping graphic organizers as pre-writing stage of writing. They tend to have clear stated topic sentences, main ideas, and supporting ideas in more coherent paragraphs.

Gender Disparity in Urban Transport in Pakistan; a case study of Lahore []

This research study aims to explore Gender disparity in urban mass transit gender differences, inequalities in male and female for daily commuting and non-commuting trips. A comprehensive literature review is carried out to examine the situation in different countries. A sample of Green town Lahore taken as case study area because it is planned housing society with accessible commercial centers. The statistical analysis has been performed to collect and interpret the data for analyzing quantitative research data. It uses possibilities and models to test predictions about the data. Cycling and walking is not common outside the neighborhood but inside it is common. Current public transportation systems in Lahore are not gender-sensitive, failing to meet the mobility needs of not only women, but also children, the elderly, and those with disabilities. As a result, women confront obstacles in mobility.


In this study, one of the most significant aspects of online shopping may be the factors influencing Mandalay, Myanmar consumers' online shopping behavior, which is the subject of this study's analysis. Using a random sample of 314 customers, the study analyzes quantitative data from the Mandalay Region of Myanmar using descriptive and inferential statistics. Using survey questionnaires distributed among online retailers, the study examines the effects of perceived risks, infrastructure variables, and return policies on consumer behavior when shopping online. This study examines the variables influencing Mandalay, Myanmar, consumers' online buying habits.


L’entomophagie dans la province du Haut-Lomami, cas du territoire de Kamina, présente le résultat d’enquête suivant : 6 espèces de chenilles, 7 espèces d’insectes et 1 espèce de larves. 30 personnes soit 55,5% consomment les espèces précitées en raison du gout, 15 personnes soit 27,8% en raison de l’habitude alimentaire et 9 personnes soit 16,7% en raison de la valeur nutritive. 2 espèces de chenilles, 1 espèce des grillons, 1 espèce des termites rouges, 1 espèce des termites ailés, 1 espèce des criquets et 1 espèce des dynastes de palmier étaient vendues sur les marchés. La population utilise les modes de consommation suivants : crû grillé, rôti et bouilli. Nous avons identifiés 6 espèces des plantes nourricières de chenilles. Mot clé:Entomophagie


Notre Sujet de recherche est intitulé « Evaluation de reboisement et déboisement dans la ville de Kamina ». Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé la méthode descriptive appuyée par les techniques d’observation directe, d’analyse et d’interview ; dont l’objectif principale et d’évaluer la fréquence de reboisement et du déboisement dans la ville de Kamina de Mars 2022 à Mars 2023. Après analyse est interprétation des données nous avons que 29 responsables sur 50 ménages soit 58% ont reboisés les espèces d’arbres contre 21 responsables soit 42 % qui n’ont reboisés aucune espèce d’arbres ; 34 espèces reboisées et ces espèces ont été réparties dans 11 familles dont la famille rutaceae représentée par 14 espèces. Il nous revient de conclure que les espèces de la famille Rutaceae sont les plus reboisées dans le milieu d’investigation, mais la fréquence du reboisement est encore un problème environnemental dans notre milieu. En fin, nous nous sommes rendus compte que espèces d’arbres plus sont plus reboisés à raison de la consommation des fruits et traitement de nombreuses maladies. Mots clés : Evaluation, Reboisement. Déboisement.


Adopting agile project management methodologies (APMM) is seen globally as a means of ensuring more efficient and effective delivery of business strategies in the face of uncertainty. With the unprecedented challenges facing the mining sector such as a continually changing environment, growing business complexities, the rise in stakeholder expectations, low commodity demands and pressure on prices, there is a driving force favouring streamlining mining businesses to mitigate the chances of business failure and reduced profitability. This study aimed to examine how APMM influence mining project success by exploring the benefits, extent of APMM integration in strategy, challenges in implementing APM and extent of effectiveness and efficiency. The study took a quantitative approach on a single mining case, to analyse questionnaire data collected from 104 managers selected using stratified random sampling. The study results revealed that APMM adoption enables strategy execution while dealing with uncertainty, high team capabilities, product development, continuous innovation, people and process adaptability at the mine. APMM enables the management of teams, collaborative teamwork, customer collaboration and development testing. However, APMM is affected by cross-collaborative functions, flexibility restrictions, development process restrictions, business process conflicts and people conflicts. APMM achieves efficiency and effectiveness at the mine through value delivery, staff engagement, increased business focus, lower costs and high-quality management. It is recommended that mining organisations permit upskilling, business process adaption focused on business and customer value and more regular budget discussion.


Teachers in the Department of Education had to adapt their work and life realities to accommodate the necessary restrictions imposed by government responding to CoVid-19. This created significant changes in working practices within education system as working from home has become the norm for all sectors. As these changes have been implemented for two years, teachers have created their own practices. As such, this study aimed to explore the work from home experiences of elementary teachers in the Schools Division Office- City of San Fernando, La Union. Data was gathered through one-on-one online interview. Interpretative phenomenology was used in which where nine key informants responded to the interview guide questions. The findings revealed that elementary teachers performed their duties at home by scheduling time and listing of tasks as their means to increase teaching productivity. It was also found out that they had attained work-family balance during their stay at home while working. It was also emphasized that they faced problems working at home especially with the presence of environmental distractions and internet connectivity issues. Furthermore, the research suggested that elementary teachers should adapt the practices as education shift back to face to face learning.


The relentless progress of current technology has profoundly impacted human society, creating existential challenges that question the core of human existence. This paper delves into existential predicament of the ambivalence nature of the current technology. It explores how modern tech trends has reshaped human thinking and attitude, social structures and values, individual identities, and collective realities in the society. This raises significant questions concerning autonomy, authenticity, and the dignity of human person in the current digitalized society. Nevertheless, it is possible to live meaningful life in technological society without being technological oppressed. Therefore, there is the need of seeking a collaborative means that will enhance human heathy relationship in innovation and application of technology.