Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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"Overcoming Disability: The Entrepreneurial Resilience of a Visually-Impaired Founder in Egypt" []

This case study explores the entrepreneurial journey of a visually impaired individual in Egypt, investigating how their psychological strengths and coping mechanisms have contributed to their business success. Drawing on in-depth interviews, the research delves into the unique problem-solving approaches and decision-making processes shaped by the entrepreneur's visual disability. The study provides a comprehensive character evaluation and personality profile of the subject, revealing a highly strategic, design-oriented thinker with exceptional cognitive abilities, emotional stability, and innate entrepreneurial aptitudes. The findings indicate that the entrepreneur's positive psychological traits, such as resilience, adaptability, and a solutions-oriented mindset, have been instrumental in mitigating the challenges posed by their visual impairment and enabling their entrepreneurial achievements. By unpacking the experiences of this visually impaired entrepreneur, the research aims to draw insights that can inform the creation of a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Egypt. The study explores how the country's cultural values of acceptance and integration can be leveraged to better support and empower aspiring disabled entrepreneurs. Additionally, the research investigates how the psychological strengths demonstrated by the entrepreneur can offer novel insights into the field of industrial and organizational psychology, particularly regarding the assessment of human potential and the design of inclusive work environments. Through this case study, the research challenges prevailing assumptions about the perceived limitations of disability in entrepreneurship, and seeks to empower other aspiring disabled entrepreneurs to pursue their ambitions. By highlighting the pathways to success, the study ultimately contributes to a more equitable and empowering entrepreneurial landscape in Egypt.

Les interférences linguistiques dans les productions écrites des lycéens. []

L’objet de cet article portera essentiellement sur les erreurs interlinguales attribuées à l’impact de la langue maternelle sur l’apprentissage du français, en milieu scolaire marocain. Notre constat est que l’interférence linguistique est l’une des difficultés auxquelles se heurtent, sans cesse, les apprenants marocains dans le processus de l’apprentissage de la langue française. Dans cette perspective, ce travail de recherche se limite à recenser les erreurs interférentielles commises au moment de la rédaction par des élèves du tronc commun. Ainsi, notre démarche consiste, d’une part, à relever les interférences langagières observées dans des textes produits par desdits élèves et de les soumettre à une analyse détaillée, d’autre part. Mots-clés : enseignement/apprentissage, Sociodidactique, paysage linguistique, contact de langues, interférences, langue maternelle, langue étrangère.

It’s not ‘Either … or’; It’s ‘Both … and’: On “Negotiating Culture, Performing Identities: North African and Pied-Noir Associations in France” []

There is no abstract since this is a reflection paper.


The South-South region, being a major oil-producing area, is particularly susceptible to oil spills, which can have devastating effects on the ecosystem and livelihoods of the local communities. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative aspect of the study involved the collection and analysis of numerical data related to the effectiveness of data management in emergency agencies for disaster recovery. The population of the study comprised of 1000 respondents which were drawn from various DRR-agencies (NEMA) and state ministry officials including staffs in all the six south-south states under study and their staff which includes; directors, deputy directors, assistant directors and other staff. The result shows that Information challenges were perceived as hindering the effectiveness of disaster recovery by 311 respondents, with a mean score of 3.48 and a standard deviation of 0.65. Multi-agency collaboration challenges were identified as a significant barrier by 585 respondents, resulting in a higher mean score of 3.95 and a lower standard deviation of 0.27. Political challenges had a mean score of 3.54, indicating a moderate hindrance to disaster recovery effectiveness. Thus, its recommended that government and disaster management agencies should Improve Communication Systems, develop local systems for disseminating warning messages and ensure a two-way flow of communication. Keywords: Data Management, Disaster, Vulnerabilities


The aim of the present work is to implement and characterize the polyester matrix hybrid composite material based on coconut shell granulates (coco nuciferia) and banana fibers. The manual extraction method was used to extract the fibers. These fibers were then treated with 5% concentrated caustic soda and cut to a constant size of 20mm, then used at 2% and 5%. Hull particles ranging in size from 0.5 to 1mm and from 1 to 2mm were used at volume fractions of 40%, 48%, 55% and 58%. The method of manual lamination followed by compression was used to process the composites. We then tested five specimens per formulation to assess physico-mechanical properties. Density was found to increase inversely with particle size and mass fraction, ranging from 726.61 to 1320 kg/m3, allowing this composite to be classified as a lightweight material. Young's modulus and maximum flexural strength were 2766.54 MPa and 38.67 MPa for formulations with 55% particles and 5% fibers, and 38.67 MPa for 58% particles and 2% fibers re-spectively. Impact strength increases inversely with particle size, and the maximum (17 J/cm2) is reached for the formulation contain-ing 58% T1-size particles and 2% fiber. The coefficient of static friction of the composite on wood increases with particle content, and inversely with fiber content, varying from 0.46 to 1.02. Based on the properties obtained, this composite could have several industrial applications.

Enhancing Economic Integration through Cross-Border Trade Optimization in Eastern and Southern Africa: Insights for Policy and Practice []

Purpose: The paper aims to optimize cross-border trade operations in Eastern and Southern Africa within the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). It seeks to identify key avenues for optimisation, address complexities and challenges in intra-regional trade, and propose solutions to enhance economic growth and integration. Methodology: The research involved collecting data from key stakeholders in Eastern and Southern Africa. Quantitative data analysis techniques, including Microsoft Excel, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and regression analysis, were employed to identify correlations and bottlenecks in cross-border trade processes. Findings: The study identified several bottlenecks and inefficiencies that hinder cross-border trade in the region, such as inconsistent legal frameworks, regulatory processes, inadequate infrastructure, transportation inefficiencies, and information asymmetry. By addressing these issues, the research suggests that trade delays can be reduced, and transaction costs lowered. This would enhance trade connectivity and facilitate smoother movement of goods and services. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: The paper contributes to the understanding of trade optimization under the AfCFTA framework by highlighting specific challenges and opportunities within Eastern and Southern Africa. It provides practical insights for businesses and policymakers to streamline trade processes, leading to more efficient cross-border trade operations and increased intra-regional trade volumes. The findings offer guidance for policymakers to make informed investment decisions in critical infrastructure projects, such as transportation networks and border facilities, thereby improving trade connectivity and fostering regional economic growth.


The increasing recognition of the importance of vehicles in enhancing both business and comfort has brought about increase in the rate of vehicle theft especially in the developing countries. The high cost of vehicles and possibility of being stolen led to the invention of several factory and non-factory fitted security systems aimed at theft prevention. In order to ensure real-time theft alert and tracking, a hybrid vehicle anti-theft system was designed and developed using security button, pressure sensor and Arduino uno with global system for mobile (GSM) module as main components. The security system was tested to ensure that any weight of greater than or equal to 20kg are being detected, the real-time alert minimal delay is being sent to the registered phone number, and also that the security button controls the ignition. This vehicle anti-theft system was designed to mitigate the possibilities of vehicle theft through dual operational techniques.


The present study investigated the effect of aflatoxins on the haematological parameters of wistar rats fed with contaminated baked garri. Nine rats divided into three groups, each group had three rats and fed for nine days. The group three served as control. Blood samples of the rats were analyzed at three days interval. The haematological study revealed that the values of packed cell volume were significantly reduced at all intervals at the 3rd day in group l (30%) and group ll (33%), 6th day in group l (22%) and group ll (27%), 9th day in group l (17%) and group ll (21%) of the wistar rats as compared with that of the control with higher mean value at all intervals (39%, 40% and 42%); white blood counts, the group lll for the 9th day has the highest mean value (9.4x109/L) than group l at 3rd day and 6th day (7.5x109/L and 5.1x109/L) and group ll at 3rd day and 6th day (8.6x109/L and 8.0x109/L) respectively; haemoglobin level at the 9th day in group l had the least mean value (5.6g/dl) compared to that in group lll (14.0g/dl). At the 3rd day in group l and ll (10.0g/dl and 11.0g/dl) had a lower mean value than in group lll (13g/dl). At 6th day in group l and ll (7.3g/dl and 9.0g/dl) intervals the value is lower than in group lll; the red blood counts of group lll at the 9th day has the highest value (2.2x1012/L) compared to that at group l and ll (1.3x1012/L) and (1.5x1012/L). At the 3rd day the group ll (1.8x1012/L) has higher red blood counts than group l (1.7x1012/L) while in group ll (1.6x1012/L) at 6th day the red blood count was also higher than group l (1.5x1012/L). This study, showed that the consumption of aflatoxin B1 contaminated baked garri gradually deplete the haematological values thereby resulting to severe illness and even death.

Le multi-alignement technopédagogique synergique, un mécanisme de résilience de la classe dans un environnement en pleine mutation numérique « mobile » : recherche-action dans le contexte des Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles au Maroc []

RÉSUMÉ : Nous définissons puis nous modélisons, dans cet article, avec la lentille du « stimulisme mobile », un « multi-alignement technopédagogique synergique », qui reconnait et favorise l’apport de sa composante gérée par l’apprenant adulte lui-même, dite « auto-alignement personnalisé », et qui constitue un mécanisme de résilience préservant et développant la santé de la classe vivante face aux mutations imprévisibles intrinsèques à l’ère numérique. Nous nous focalisons, conformément à la politique de l’éducation post-COVID-19 promue par l’UNESCO, sur « l’ingénierie stimulatrice » en tant que partie intégrante des pratiques hybrides de l'action d'autoapprentissage stimulé mobile. En promouvant celle, qui intègre pertinemment ce mécanisme synergique, et qui pourrait d’elle-même, de ce fait, concilier les comportements d’apprenants adultes, leurs besoins réels d’autoapprentissage tout au long de la vie, et leurs besoins d’évolution formalisée par l’institution, étant tous en mutation perpétuelle, nous contribuons à relever les défis mondiaux de développement durable. Nous encourageons donc, en harmonie avec « les lignes directrices pour les Ressources Éducatives Libres (REL) dans l'enseignement supérieur », particulièrement la conception de stimuli numériques compétitifs en accord avec les besoins d’autoapprentissage émergents au « tournant de la technologie mobile », tels qu’ils sont induits pendant notre recherche-action, face à un public natif numérique de jeunes adultes de la génération Z. MOTS CLÉS - Stimulisme Mobile ; Enseignement hybride ; Ingénierie pédagogique ; Alignement pédagogique ; Multi-alignement technopédagogique synergique ; Ingénierie stimulatrice. TITLE –Synergistic techno-pedagogical multi-alignment, a mechanism for class resilience in fast-changing "mobile" digital environment: Action research in the context of Prep classes for higher education in Morocco. KEYWORDS – Mobile stimulism; Hybrid teaching; Pedagogical engineering; Pedagogical alignment; Synergistic techno-pedagogical multi-alignment; Stimulative engineering. ABSTRACT: In this article, using the lens of "mobile stimulism", we define and then model a "synergistic techno-pedagogical multi-alignment", which recognizes and promotes the contribution of its self-managed component, that we call as "personalized self-alignment", and which constitutes a resilience mechanism preserving and developing the health of the living class in the face of the unpredictable mutations intrinsic to the digital age. We focus, in line with the post-COVID-19 education policy promoted by UNESCO, on "stimulative engineering" as an integral part of the hybrid practices of mobile stimulated self-learning action. By promoting stimulative engineering, which pertinently integrates this synergistic mechanism, and which could itself, accordingly, reconcile the attitudes of adult learners, their real needs for lifelong self-learning, and their needs for formalized evolution by the institution, being all in perpetual mutation, we contribute to meeting the global challenges of sustainable development. We therefore encourage, in harmony with "guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) in higher education", particularly the design of competitive digital stimuli in line with emerging self-learning needs at the "turn of mobile technology", as induced during our action research, with an audience of Gen-Z digital native young adults.


The study assessed the implementation of the school Health and Nutrition Program of selected Public Elementary Schools in the District of Iba, Zambales. The study utilized a descriptive research design with a questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data from ninety randomly selected respondents. It also dealt with determining the profile of the respondents as to age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, position, and length of years in the service. Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, the respondents assessed “implemented” health and nutrition education, health and nutrition services, healthful school living, and school community coordination for health and nutrition as dimensions of the implementation of health and nutrition program. The respondents assessed “less serious” the problems with implementing health and nutrition programs. Based on the findings the school should maintain and continuously conduct in-service training, seminars, and workshops for teachers, guidance personnel, parents, and other stakeholders as key players for proper awareness and implementation of health and nutrition programs.


Using computers to carry out most processes makes work easier, saves time and prevents a lot of manual error. In many institutions, the allocation of projects to students is still done manually, students are assigned to supervisors without taking into account the research area of interest of the student. The absence of a central system that monitors and coordinates the activities of both students and their supervisors results in many complexities and inadequacies. This project is the development of a web-based project allocation system achieved using the waterfall model which involves requirements specification, software design, implementation, testing, operation and maintenance. The HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) and JavaScript were used for the front-end development, while C# with Kestrel server was used for the back-end development, all within the Asp.Net framework. Before students are assigned to a supervisor, the system ensures that the supervisor has at least one corresponding area of research interest with the student by allowing both students and supervisors to select their areas of research interest. The system also provides an official platform for students to interact with their supervisors online. This interaction includes suggesting project topics for approval, submitting progress reports and having the supervisor make corrections to the submitted work when necessary.

Challenges and prospects of full implementation of digitalization of broadcast stations in the Southeast, Nigeria []

Chinedu This study assessed the challenges and prospects of digitalization in select broadcast stations in Southeast, Nigeria. The objectives were to ascertain the challenges facing the stations in the full implementation of digitalization in the select broadcast stations; and find out the prospects and readiness for full implementation of digitalization in the select broadcast stations. The study was anchored on the modernization theory and the technological determinism theory. The mixed method approach which included the use of the survey and in-depth interview methods was adopted in this study. Data was collected from 471 reportorial, editorial, production and engineering staff of the 15 selected radio and TV stations in Southeast Nigeria using questionnaire. In-depth interview schedule was also administered to 30 management staff (2 from each of the stations) and 5 suppliers of digital equipment in the region. The study found that there are many challenges facing the full implementation of digitalization of the broadcast stations in the Southeast, Nigeria: the biggest of them all seem to be absence of insufficient digital equipment and gadgets and poor manpower development. It was also found that the chance of total digitalization in the future in the Southeast does not inspire much confidence as majority whose stations have not fully digitalized still believe that their prospects are either only fair (43.4%) or poor (26.8%). Based on the findings, it was recommended that broadcast stations can raise money to buy all needed equipment by selling public bonds and engaging in other investments. More so, broadcast operators should make conscientious effort to increase their chances of transitioning to digitalization in the near future by doing more than paying lip services but by setting up committees and engaging in real commitments to digitalization.

Urban Rainwater: Strategies to Improve Water Management in Future Cities []

This study primarily aims at analyzing urban city strategies for water management, focusing on green infrastructure, sustainable drainage systems and gray water employment. The researcher used a qualitative approach, reviewing previous literature, academic researches and reports and analyzing data. The researcher also relied on systematic questionnaires and interviews in the field of urban water management, with a sample study involving 50 water experts from various major cities. The main results of the study indicated that the infrastructure of green spaces greatly improve rainwater management, and the results showed a positive impact of sustainable drainage systems in reducing the risk of flooding. The researcher recommends adopting policies that promote the use of green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems during urban planning for future cities.

Development, Evaluation and Efficacy of an Ointment Formulated from Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) for Common Dermatological Conditions. []

Plants are naturally affected against wide range of human diseases. They were used from ancient times for several purposes including cooking, preserving food, for treating a wide range of health conditions including cold, dysentery, anemia, wound heeling, curing insect bites and injuries. Nowadays people prefer products derived from natural sources more then products that are made from chemical methods. The plant Ocimum basilicum has a very range of health benefits including its potency to cure several skin conditions. This study aims to develop ,evaluate ,and determine the effectiveness of the herbal ointment made from Ocimum basilicum without alcohol and bees wax, using chea butter as thickening agent with the main focus on determining its outcome on common dermatological conditions such as acne(bacterial infection),eczema, inflammation, minor cuts, scrape wound. The prepared ointment was then evaluated for physiochemical characteristics including safety assessment of skin and stability tests. Then In Vivo experiments were carried in a group of volunteers including teenage and adults(two boys and four girls) skin, it reduced redness, inflammation and cured acne. The results showed the wound heeling ,anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity of this ointment .In conclusion ,no adverse reaction of this ointment was observed on skin , The thorough evaluation of this ointment has confirmed its anti-bacterial activity because of its ability to kill bacterial strains causing acne. Further research is needed for its commercial usage and clinical trials to use for Post surgery wounds, serious bacterial and fungal infections.

Unravelling the Knot: Exploring the Correlation Between Poor Financial Management and SME Performance []

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of economies worldwide, contributing significantly to economic growth, job creation, and innovation, Karadag, H., (2015). Despite their pivotal role, SMEs face numerous challenges that threaten their survival and growth. Among these challenges, poor financial management stands out as a critical factor influencing SME performance, Karadag, (2015). The intricate relationship between financial management practices and SME performance has been a subject of considerable interest and debate among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. This article seeks to delve deeper into this relationship by exploring the correlation between poor financial management and SME performance. The study aims to shed light on the underlying mechanisms linking financial management practices to the performance outcomes of SMEs. By examining the factors contributing to poor financial management and its impact on SMEs, this research seeks to provide actionable insights for enhancing the financial management practices of SMEs and improving their performance and sustainability in the market. SMEs play a crucial role in driving economic development and fostering entrepreneurship globally. According to the World Bank, SMEs represent approximately 90% of businesses worldwide and contribute significantly to employment and GDP in both developed and developing economies. In addition to their economic contributions, SMEs serve as engines of innovation, often pioneering new products, services, and business models that drive competitiveness and productivity gains across industries. Despite their importance, SMEs face a myriad of challenges that hinder their growth and competitiveness. These challenges range from limited access to finance and markets to regulatory burdens and technological constraints. Among these challenges, poor financial management emerges as a common thread that can exacerbate the vulnerabilities of SMEs and impede their ability to thrive in todays dynamic business environment. Against this backdrop, this study aims to deepen our understanding of the correlation between poor financial management and SME performance.

“Relationship between job satisfaction and job stress among High School Teachers in Public and Private sectors” []

The main purpose behind conducting the study was to investigate the “Relationship between job satisfaction and job stress among High School teachers in Public and Private sectors”. The population of the study contained all the Public and Private High Schools of District Malakand. All the male teachers of Public and Private High Schools in district Malakand were target for the population of the study. Sample of 50 teachers from Public and 50 teachers from Private were selected randomly from the target population of Public and Private High Schools of District Malakand. The tools used were Teachers Job Satisfaction scaled questionnaire consisting 15 items and Teacher Stress Inventory questionnaire consisting 15 items. Data was analyzed through SPSS. Frequencies, percentages, and Means were used as descriptive statistics for organizing and summarizing data while “Correlation (Spearman's rho)” was used as inferential statistics to analyze data and get the results. From the findings of this research, it’s clear that the majority of the teachers of Government High Schools in district Malakand were satisfied in teaching job, while the majority of the teachers of Private High Schools in district Malakand were not satisfied in teaching job. According to the current study, there is negative relationship between job stress and job satisfaction, less the stress more the satisfaction and vice versa. Furthermore, this study indicates that the ability of teachers to deal with workplace stress can be minimize by better handling physical and mental pressures at work and this can lead to an improvement in the level of optimistic moral ethics, job satisfaction, social and attitudinal results such as commitment and teachers’ efficiency. The positive attitude of the principal, students and colleague helps a lot in improving the job satisfaction of teacher. It is therefore important for the principal to avoid dictatorial behavior; he should be a good administrator, who gets the work done efficiently without hurting the dignity of the teachers. He should adopt a guiding approach to the faults of the teachers and never point at their faults in public.


In this paper, we study the primary resonances of a sandwich beam piezoelectric/elastic/piezoelectric subjected to two excitation frequencies. For this purpose, the feedback potential via the piezoelectric sensor and actuator is used. The dynamic model of the sandwich beam results in a differential equation not linear, the Galerkin approximation allows us to discretize this equation of move-ment. The multiple scale method is used to obtain solutions approached for strong excitation. Analytical frequency-amplitude rela-tionships and phase-amplitude are given. The static and dynamic stability criteria are studied, the critical displacement and the associ-ated excitation amplitude are given analytically. The effects of feedback parameters in this work are analyzed