Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Application of Gas Ratio Analysis in Reservoir Evaluation – Case Study in Burhan Land Field, BURHANN, OMAN []

Analyzing gas from the drilling formation is one of the earliest methods used while drilling, typically conducted by mud logging contractors. This process is crucial for wellsite geologists as it aids in formation evaluation and is especially significant for the production team during exploratory drilling operations. This paper focuses on Gas Ratio Analysis, a technique used to identify fluid types and determine which layers contain hydrocarbons. This is achieved by utilizing simple ratios of light gases measured by a gas chromatograph within the mud logging unit, enabling real-time calculations and plotting on mud logs alongside depth data. For this study, three wells in the Burhan land field were selected to apply gas ratio analysis, demonstrating the distribution of hydrocarbons within the formation and helping to identify optimal locations for perforation and production.

Modern philosophies as guiding principles to mitigate with Aristotelian Hamartia []

Title: Title: Modern philosophies as guiding principles to mitigate with Aristotelian Hamartia Abstract: This research is an attempt to find reliable answers to the questions connected to the concepts of Aristotle on the sequence of events propelled by the inner weakness (Hamartia) of any normal human being that eventually led to the downfall from the status of fortunate condition to unfortunate condition. The definition of tragedy stipulated by Aristotle and its application by Shakespeare in his world-famous tragedies are referred to in this research as examples to understand the concept of Hamartia. However, the focus of this research is to connect the concepts of major five philosophies such as Existentialism, Stoicism, Hedonism, Rationalism and Pragmatism as answers to avert the negative consequences followed by Hamartia which is found in everybody’s lives which includes you and me. Keywords: hamartia, peripetia, anagnorisis, catharsis, existentialism, rationalism, Epicureanism, stoicism, pragmatism

Adaptive Management an Effective Strategy to Sustain Program Implementation during COVID-19, Malawi Experience []

Abstract Adaptive management is considered an effective strategy to sustain program implementation during crisis. COVID-19 pandemic is such an event that required effective decision making. This style of management provides an opportunity for structured process of robust decision making at a period of uncertainty. Problem Statement For many years, Sub-Sahara Africa and developing countries faced serious challenges in the mitigation of emerging infectious diseases. Some of the recent diseases included, Ebola, Monkey burg and COVID-19 among others. Health systems and scare resources are some of the factors that hinder efficiency in handling such situations. This paper looks at events surrounding COVID-19 pandemic in Malawi and the work the ministry of health and other development partners did to contain the disease. Data Analysis The seminar paper defines adaptive management in general terms and relates to adaptive strategies Malawi government and ministry of health implemented during COVID-19 pandemic. A range of literature review cited in this paper synergized the thinking on the effectiveness of adaptive management. Conclusion Adaptive management strategy employed during COVID-19 in Malawi resulted to improved partnership and collaboration in the work towards fighting the diseases and its effects while implementing effective prevention and control measures. Key words: Adaptive, Containment, COVID-19, Effectiveness, Health, Malawi, Management

Effectiveness of Pre-orientation of Media Stakeholders in Delivering Accurate Information on Health programs, Malawi Experience []

ABSTRACT Background. Media reporting challenges exist in the health sector. Misreported information is ei-ther unclear, distorted or wrong. Most studies reviewed showed that the channels of communica-tion and ownership of the media were instrumental to quality of information relayed to the public. Method. We reviewed and analyzed a wide range of literature related to media orientation in health programs in addition to reports from work experience with the media in Malawi. Results. Many studies showed that, media misreporting is common. The practice becomes rampant with new technology where verification or control of information is difficult to ascertain. Evidence is available that media pre-orientation resulted to accurate information to the intended audience and an increased-on service uptake. Two work related experiences showed a 70% attendance by the invited media stakeholders to the pre-orientation exercise. Of the total attendees, 100% provided accurate information. Conclusion. Media misreporting is common. Pre-orientation is effective in delivering accurate information supported by a well-designed agenda, message content and com-munication framework. Many programs have benefited from media pre-orientation. Providing lo-gistics to participants is good motivation to encourage attendance and reporting.

Gouvernance locale à l’épreuve de la réalisation des assignations budgétaires dans la chefferie des Yalikoka-Mboso []

La décentralisation consacre le droit des collectivités territoriales à s’administrer librement et à gérer des affaires propres en vue de promouvoir le développement à la base et de renforcer la gouvernance locale. Cette gouvernance locale intègre principalement la gestion financière mais également la gestion du personnel et l’implication de tous les acteurs locaux qui constitue de nos jours une problématique nationale. La fiscalité locale s'entend comme l'ensemble des impôts et taxes perçus au profit du budget des collectivités territoriales. Pour lui permettre d’atteindre le développement durable, la chefferie des YLM devrait mobiliser les recettes conséquentes en fonction de son budget. Pourtant, pour atteindre ses assignations budgétaires, la chefferie devrait disposer d’un personnel compétent, mécanisé et payé en vue d’être motivé à maximiser les recettes publiques. Il a été remarqué qu’au cours de notre période d’étude, la chefferie des YLM n’a pu réaliser au cours d’un exercice budgétaire à même la moitié de ses assignations budgétaires. A cet effet, les assignations budgétaires de la chefferie des YLM ont été réalisées de la manière suivante : 18% en 2017, 20% en 2018, 17% en 2019, 9% en 2020, 17% en 2021et 19% en 2022. Mots clés : Gouvernance locale, développement durable, assignation budgétaire, Yalikoka-Mboso

Exploring the effects of the Covid – 19 Pandemic on student classroom behavior. []

This research paper investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student classroom behavior. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study combines quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to examine changes in student engagement, classroom dynamics, and behavioral patterns before, during, and after the pandemic. Findings reveal significant disruptions in students' behavioral norms, including increased instances of disengagement, anxiety-related behaviors, and alterations in social interactions. The research highlights the pandemic's role in exacerbating pre-existing educational inequalities and emphasizes the need for adaptive teaching strategies to address these challenges. The study concludes with recommendations for educators and policymakers to support students' behavioral and emotional needs in a post-pandemic educational landscape.

Investigate rainfall characteristics and relationship with sea surface temperature in Southern part of Ethiopia on Borena Zone []

Abstract One aspect that affects the global climate is the type of rainfall, particularly in dry and semi-arid regions where it restricts agricultural and grazing land usage. The fluctuation of rainfall determines by the interaction of land surface, atmosphere and Oceanic body as global, local and regional level; most recognize impact of rainfall variability in Ethiopia is ENSO and IOD events. Even though, several study in southern port of Ethiopian in arid and semi-arid region, no detail studies to characterize the climatic pattern, rainfall variability, trend analysis and related with global indices. The study area is located southern tip part of Ethiopia in south Oromia regional state at Borena Zone. The study used statistical data analysis method such as PCI, CV, RAI, trend analysis and linear regression equation by using applicable statistical tools. The result of study indicates that rainfall distribution is highly variability in Borena zone at district-level in seasonal and annual case, because of its coefficient of variation is greater than 30% in most part of the area, which indicates significantly variability. Even if, rainfall trend analysis is indicates increasing in all part of the the study area during MAM and SON, the result of R square (P-Value) is not significant to conclude increasing trend. Farther more, ENSO and IOD are factor for variability and its changes either increasing or decreasing of rainfall amount; IOD has positive impact for agricultural activities by enhancing rainfall amount over in the study areas during Indian Ocean dipole positive signals. The relation SON rainfall has good coefficient of correlation with IOD and ENSO condition, which is 0.67 and 0.51 respectively. However, MAM has correlation coefficient of (0.30 and 0.21) with IOD and ENSO condition respectively. Generaly, Borena Zone has two rainy seasons and two dry season. Seasons locally known as Ganna, Hagayya, Bonna and Adolessa which are MAM, SON, DJF and JJA respectively. In addition, rainfall distribution is highly variability and no significantly change of trends either annual or seasonal case. Moreover, annual and seasonal rainfall of the study area has good relationship with sea surface temperature mainly MAM rainfall with ENSO and SON rainfall with IOD. This result of this study is very significant for local household, decision makers, governmental and nongovernmental organization for implementation of short range and long range strategic plan in the study area. Key words: Seasons, Rainfall variability, Trend, ENSO and IOD

Redefining Student Assessments in the Age of AI-Assisted Learning Strategies for Educators []

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education gives reason for an overhaul of effective traditional student evaluation methods. This article assesses how conventional assessment practices are relevant and effective in AI-supported learning settings. It shows how standardized testing is limited as it fails to show the different paths that learners take in AI environments and their collaborative skills. The paper suggests that a holistic model should be used, where continuous assessments are combined with intelligent software providing instant feedback, personalized training programs, and smart examinations. By redefining assessment frameworks, educators can better align with the complexities of contemporary education, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and equitable access to technology-enhanced learning opportunities. The paper also discusses the ethical concerns about AI in education and potential biases within its own system design as well as the need for constitutive regulations that guarantee equity and honesty in appraisal processes.

Impact of Advertisement on Audience Retention of YouTube Comedy Skits – The Most Watched Content on YouTube in Lagos, Nigeria []

This study investigated that advertisement has an impact on audience retention on YouTube Comedy skits, which is the most watched content on YouTube in Lagos, Nigeria. The main objective was to determine if the advertisements affect the average number of times they spend watching YouTube comedy skits. The study was anchored on Festinger's (1952) cognitive dissonance theory. The research method for this exercise was a survey, to get responses from people in Lagos state, on how they react to the advertisements they face when watching YouTube comedy skits in Lagos state. Sample size derived from the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) Table was 384 YouTube users. The instrument that was used to gather data is a questionnaire. The findings showed that the adverts have far-reaching exposure by the target audience but most of the audience perceive them to be intrusive. It was also found that there is not enough evidence to infer that advertisement is indeed impacting audience retention on YouTube comedy skits in Lagos, Nigeria. The reason is that, for a majority of the audience, adverts do not essentially affect their retention on those skits, but for a considerable percentage (34%), these adverts do break their concentration and affect how much time they end up spending on the YouTube comedy skits. It was recommended that, among others, there should be a regular monitoring and adaptation of YouTube advertisement to the audience preferences and behaviours of the audience. Insights on changes or trends in audience preferences can be gained through surveys


This present work aims to evaluate the effectiveness of two extracting including Mextral 204P and Mextral 507P and to eliminate all possible impurities which accompany the cobalt in the LG Raff solution finally to be able to produce pure cobalt with a yield best. During our study, we carried out four tests, the first of which included two tests of elimination of solvent extraction impurities; the other three tests each included four attempts to remove solvent extraction impurities. The results showed the yields of: 72, 88% cobalt with Mextral 204P at 10%; 79,66% cobalt with Mextral 204P at 20%; 75,42% cobalt with Mextral 507P at 10%. The elimination of solvent extraction impurity was observed and interpreted according to the isotherms of our two extracting. Unfortunately; not only was the order of the isotherms not respected, according to our results but other impurities could not be eliminate and this may be due to the other parameters that we were not able to vary.

Effect of Sludge on the Biota, Sediment of Upstream Bonny River, Rivers State []

The study evaluated the effect the dumping of sludge on concentrations of heavy metals in gills, liver and muscle of Sarotherodon melanotheron in Woji Creek, Rivers State, Niger Delta. Four sampling stations were established and were accurately located by global positioning system. Fish samples were obtained with the help of a professional fisherman using gill nets of 1-3cm diameter at each station based on availability. Samples were collected in triplicates from each station. The collected fish were taken to the laboratory and preserved in the freezer prior to processing and analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analysis. The inferential statistics used was analysis of variance to investigate the significant difference among the locations. Findings showed that the concentration of heavy metals analysed in the gills, liver and muscle were not significantly varied. In Fimie Creek, Abuloma Creek and Furoamakiri (Control), Chromium was higher than permissible in the gills and muscle. Copper (Cu) concentration was above permissible limit in all station and organs except the gills and muscle in Fimie Creek. Ni, Ar, Hg, and Pb in the gills, livers, and muscle were below the permissible limit. Bioaccumulation potentials of >1 was found in Cu in Liver from Fleet offshore Jetty and in the gills, liver and muscle in Furamakiri (Control). The study concluded that the consumption of Sarotherodon melanotheron in Fleet Offshore Jetty (S1) and Fimie Creek (S3) is not encouraging as the biosorption of heavy metals especially chromium and copper into the gills, liver and muscle of the fish was high. It is recommended that the consumption of Sarotherodon melanotheron in Fleet Offshore Jetty (S1) and Fimie Creek (S3) should be discouraged. Discharging of sludge and other anthropogenic activities in these areas should be effectively monitored by the regulatory authorities; and creation of public awareness and sensitization of established the dangers associated with discharging of sludge and solid waste into the creek should be ensured, and implemented.

Determinants of Commercial Production of Honey:The case of OKU Sub Division, North West Region Cameroon []

ABSTRACT Cameroon being Africa in miniature is one of the countries producing honey in the world. One of the outstanding places producing quality honey in Cameroon is Oku in Bui Division, North West Region. Oku has gained international prominence given its unique production of white honey in the Kilum Mountain forest for commercial and domestic purposes. However, despite its good climatic and edaphic conditions, Oku still produce honey below the existing capacity as expected in the world market. This study examines the factors influencing commercial production of honey in Oku. A cross sectional research design was used. Primary data were obtained from 239 Bee farming households and analysed with descriptive statistics, household commercialization index (HCI) and tobit regression. Results showed that the average HCI was 55.4%, implying that there is a gap of 44.6 % for the bee farmers to attain full commercialization level. Access to credit, number of bee hives, age of household head and non-farm income were found to significantly influence household commercialization of honey production. The major constraints faced by the household vis-a-vis honey production, were colonisation, absconding, transportation problem, inadequate land due to population pressure on land, inadequate credit facilities, lack of production inputs, disease, climate change. This study recommends provision of inputs and credit to bee farmers, encouraging the youths to actively participate in bee farming, encouraging bee farmers through capacity building programmes as well as expanding the land put under bee farming. Key words: Honey production, Household commercialization index, Factors, Constraints

Assessment on Ambient Air Quality Standards of Bangladesh []

WHO air quality model confirms that 92% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality levels exceed WHO limits. It also denotes some 3 million deaths a year are linked to exposure to outdoor air pollution. Bangladesh is ranked as number fifth country in the world with a pollution index of 92.30. This study summarises about air quality data provided by Department of Environment (DoE), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Database consists of eleven Continuous Air Monitoring Stations (CAMS) from six different cities: Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Khulna and Barisal during February 2013 and February 2015 respectively. Further, Pollutant standard Index (PSI) and its associated health risk is assessed in this study.

Caractéristique de la performance des hôpitaux par les usagers et personnel au Mali : cas de l’hôpital du Point G []

L’objectif de cette étude est de trouver les caractéristiques de la performance hospitalière du point G au Mali. Pour ce faire, 350 usagers et personnel ont été interrogés sur les caractéristiques de la performance des hôpitaux au Mali. Les statistiques descriptives univariée, bivariée et multiniveau ont été effectués. Le cadre d’analyse couvre neuf (9) dimensions. Les résultats ont montré que les usagers ont une opinion plus favorable de la transparence dans les hôpitaux plus que le personnel de santé et existe un manque de conscience professionnelle toute chose qui pourrait expliquer la corruption souvent observée en milieu hospitalier. En plus, qu’il existe une relation significative entre la qualité de la gouvernance et la performance en milieu hospitalier malien. Parmi les critères de la performance, la qualité des ressources humaines est le critère déterminant de la performance hospitalière au Mali. Par contre, la performance est freinée par les moyens de l’hôpital et la gouvernance.