Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Computational fluid dynamics Simulation Analysis of Heat Transfer Using Copper Oxide Nanoparticles/ Jatroha Oil in Two Concentric Tube Counter Flow Heat Exchange-Experimental and Numerical Approaches []

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of copper oxide-jatropha oil nanofluids and water in two concentric tubular heat exchangers were investigated and validated using experimental approaches. For this, water/water and copper oxide/jatropha oil nanofluids were used, with a flow inside the tube and a water path through the outer tube in the opposite direction, with different volume concentrations of 0.5%, 1.5 and 2%, at operating temperatures of 30° C and 73°C and Reynolds numbers between 9090 -134 322. The results showed that the concentration of copper oxide nanoparticles at 0.5% (v/v) had a better thermal effect and a temperature increase of 73℃. 2% CuO had a better Nusselt number and 2% (v/v) CuO had high thermal efficiency. The CFD estimation of the theoretical values ​​was consistent with the experimental and CFD simulation values.

Understanding Leptospirosis: Global Trends, Environmental Drivers, and Public Health Strategies []

Leptospirosis is an important re-emergent global zoonosis, affecting mainly tropical and subtropical climate zones. Leptospira spp. are primarily transmitted through the urine of infected animals, most notably rodents, and can result in a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations including mild flu-like symptoms to severe conditions like Weil's disease which is characterized by jaundice, renal failure or hemorrhage. Although leptospirosis is a treatable disease, underreporting of the low and middle-income countries usually occurs for many reasons including diagnostic difficulties and variations in clinical presentation. Cumulatively, leptospirosis causes about 1.03 million cases and 58,900 deaths globally each year with the highest morbidity in South & Southeast Asia followed by Oceania (i.e., Australasia) as well as the Caribbean. The disease is also considered environmentally related and its transmission can be enhanced by flooding due to the presence of large amounts of water which helps promote the survival of bacteria in soil and water. Climate change increases the danger in large part by causing more frequent extreme weather events. As a result, it is imperative that outbreaks are contained with preventive measures - such as vaccination campaigns or environmental management and education of the public. These vaccines, while effective, are limited by their short-lived protection and serovar specificity. The mainstay of treatment remains antibiotics such as doxycycline and penicillin with prophylactic antibiotics in high infection exposure settings. There are still many research questions that require answers regarding the environmental dynamics of Leptospira, as well as socio-economic factors affecting disease transmission. Effective leptospirosis control requires an integration of human, animal and environmental health approaches. We need better surveillance, diagnostics and public health in recognition of the fact that leptospirosis has to be anticipated by governments as a priority disease for which stress should not fall on susceptible populations. Continued work on leptospirosis prevention should address these gaps to form a more complete picture of the solutions that can be applied.

Diagnostic des cultures fourragères en alimentation bovines dans la zone périurbaine du district de Bamako Diagnosis of fodder crops for cattle feed in the peri-urban area of the Bamako district []

RESUME Introduction : Au Mali et par ailleurs en Afrique un système d’élevage intensif dénommé élevage péri-urbain est en train de se développer avec une demande croissante en produits laitiers induite par une population urbaine en plein essor. . L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la place des cultures fourragères en alimentation bovine dans la zone péri-urbaine du district de Bamako. Méthodologie : la méthodologie utilisée était basée sur la recherche documentaire et les enquêtes de terrain. L’étude a porté sur un échantillon de 84 agro-éleveurs sur 5 axes autour de Bamako : Kassela, Koulikoro, Ouélessébougou, Kati et Kangaba. Les données recueillies au moyen d’un questionnaire ont été saisies sur Microsoft Excel puis analysées avec le logiciel SPSS 21. Résultats : Au total 84 Agro-éleveurs dont, 65 hommes (77,38%) et 19 femmes (22,62%) ont participé à cette étude. Plus de la moitié (74,08%) des participants étaient des producteurs de lait. La totalité (100%) était des pratiquants de fourrages cultivés et la motivation principale est la production de lait. Les fermes ont été acquises par achat à 73,18%. Le maximum de production de fourrages a été observé sur l’axe de Bamako-Sanankoroba (30,9%), Ceux qui détiennent plus de 100 têtes de bovins étaient peu nombreux. Les agro-éleveurs ayant l’agriculture comme activité principale prédominaient avec 65,4%. La totalité (100%) des agro-éleveurs avait moins de 10 années d’expérience dans la pratique des cultures fourragères. Les principales motivations de la pratique de fourrage cultivé étaient la production du lait avec 100% pour l’axe Bamako-Kangaba, 81,8% pour l’axe Bamako- Kassela, 77,8% pour l’axe Bamako-Kati, 73,3% pour l’axe Bamako-Ouéléssébougou et 50% pour l’axe Bamako-Koulikoro. Les superficies emblavées par les agro-éleveurs sont de 2 à 4 hectares. Le niveau de satisfaction des participants par rapport à la qualité de semences diffusées par la DRPIA était très bon dans 72,7% pour l’axe Bamako-Kassela, 62,5% pour l’axe Bamako-Koulikoro, 55,6% pour l’axe Bamako-Kati, 40% pour l’axe Bamako-Ouélssebougou et 34,6% pour l’axe Bamako-Kangaba. Conclusion : la culture fourragère reste encore pour la majorité des agro-éleveurs un travail de spécialiste qui demande un encadrement poussé. Cette étude révèle que les systèmes de productions fourragères évoluent dans un environnement agro-écologique caractérisé par une incertitude pluviométrique, une urbanisation rapide et une demande croissante en produits laitiers et en viande. Mots-clés : Diagnostic, Cultures fourragères, Production, péri-urbain, Bamako. ABSTRACT Introduction: In Mali and elsewhere in Africa, an intensive livestock farming system called peri-urban livestock farming is developing with a growing demand for dairy products driven by a booming urban population. The objective of this study is to determine the place of fodder crops in cattle feed in the peri-urban area of the Bamako district. Methodology: The methodology used was based on documentary research and field surveys. The study focused on a sample of 84 agro-breeders in 5 areas around Bamako: Kassela, Koulikoro, Ouélessébougou, Kati and Kangaba. The data collected using a questionnaire were entered into Microsoft Excel then analyzed with SPSS 21 software. Results: A total of 84 subjects including 65 men (77.38%) and 19 women (22.62%) participated in this study. More than half the results of the survey reveal that (74.08%) of the participants were milk producers. The totality (100%) was they are all practicing 100% cultivated fodder and the main motivation is milk production. The farms were acquired by purchase at 73.18%. The maximum fodder production was observed on the Bamako-Sanankoroba axis (30.9%), those who kept more than 100 head of cattle were few in number. Agro-breeders with agriculture as their main activity predominated with 65.4%. All (100%) of the agro-breeders had less than 10 years of experience growing forage crops. The main motivations for the practice of cultivated fodder were milk production with 100% for the Bamako-Kangaba axis, 81.8% for the Bamako-Kassela axis, 77.8% for the Bamako-Kati axis, 73 .3% for the Bamako-Ouéléssébougou axis and 50% for the Bamako-Koulikoro axis. the areas sown by agro-breeders are 2 to 4 hectares. The level of satisfaction of participants with the quality of seeds distributed by DRPIA was very good at 72.7% for the Bamako-Kassela axis, 62.5% for the Bamako-Koulikoro axis, 55.6% for the Bamako-Kati axis, 40% for the Bamako-Ouélssebougou axis and 34.6% for the Bamako-Kangaba axis. Conclusion: fodder cultivation still remains for the majority of agro-breeders a specialist job which requires extensive supervision. This study reveals that forage production systems evolve in an agro-ecological environment characterized by rainfall uncertainty, rapid urbanization and a growing demand for dairy products and meat. Keywords: Diagnosis, Fodder crops, Production, peri-urban, Bamako

Compressive Strength Characteristics of Blended Cement Concrete Containing Coconut Husk Ash and Palm Kernel Shell []

The study investigated the optimum replacement level of Portland cement with coconut husk ash (CHS) and granite with palm kernel shell (PKS) that will give required compressive strength as well as comparing the setting times at varying percentages. The objectives of this study were to ascertain the replacement level of these samples, water absorption characteristics and the physical and chemical properties of palm kernel shell and coconut husk ash. A 2 × 5 × 5 × 1 × 4 × 1 factorial experimental arrangement with two (2) replicates was used for this study. Five (5) levels of replacement of OPC with CHA, 0%, 5%, 10%,15%, and 20%. Five (5) levels of replacement of granite with PKS, 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% AND 20%; one (1) level of mix proportion:1: 2: 4; four (4) levels of curing ages: 7, 14, 21 and 28days; one (1) level of curing media: water were adopted. A total of 75cubes of 100mm × 100mm × 100mm concrete were cast and cured in water for 7, 14, 21 and 28days at ambient temperature. Water absorption capacity was also determined. Preliminary test such as sieve analysis of sand, moisture content test of sand and CHA was carried out. The results of the tests showed that the compressive strength of palm kernel concrete decreases with increase in PKS and CHA replacement, the compressive strength of the concrete increases with increasing in curing age, and the water absorption of the cubes decreased with increase in percentage of Palm kernel shell and Coconut husk ash. It was observed that the value obtained was suitable for both light and heavy weight concrete.

Earth Resource Data Collection and Monitoring Using Web Application and Satellite-based Cyber-Physical System []

Under the growing demographic pressure and climatic disturbance, food security is one of the challenging factors for South Asian countries. The design and development of a robust satellite-based Cyber Physical System (CPS), to provide timely information to the concerned authorities about crops, is of great importance. If this challenge is not dealt with sufficient attention, we feel that the time is not far away when the yield of consumable vegetation will become very limited for the ever-increasing human population. Despite the rapid advancements in the field of precision agriculture, traditional surveying techniques are used mostly for crop monitoring and estimation in South Asian countries. In this article, we propose a Web Application and Satellite-based Cyber-Physical System with the aid of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for surveying purposes. This system is used in the collection of reliable in situ geospatial data for supervised machine learning algorithms, applied on remotely sensed satellite-based multi-spectral imagery. The proposed satellite-based cyber-physical system is composed of state-of-the-art UAV architectural design and cutting-edge software technologies for web application dashboards. The proposed system utilizes the Amazon Web Services (AWS) computing platform for the execution of a human brain-inspired Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier for agricultural land use analysis. For the performance analysis of our proposed satellite-based cyber-physical system, we utilized the agricultural farm’s site of the University of Agriculture Peshawar, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, as our pilot region. It is concluded that using the proposed system model while employing ANN classifier results in 97% accuracy in the classification of the underlying pilot region.


The purpose of this research thesis was to examine how information management system methods can be applied to successfully integrate electronic government service modules for effective service delivery and revenue collection. Despite reporting higher collections, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) failed to meet its income objectives for the 2022–2023 fiscal year by Kes107 billion. The domestic excise tax was one of the bands that fell short of the goal, performing below average at 91.4 percent to achieve Kes 68.124 billion. However, the taxman claimed that earnings from the betting excise tax came to Sh6.65 billion, exceeding the objective of Sh5.72 billion. This result was ascribed by KRA to the betting companies' smooth integration into the KRA tax system. This integration has greatly increased revenue collection and expedited the sector's tax payment procedure. The agency connected its systems with the betting companies' systems around the end of 2022. This connectivity has made it possible to collect taxes in real-time and has increased visibility into the revenue these businesses generate. This descriptive-analytical study used a sample survey to investigate the information systems management strategies for the integration of e-government services with the Kenya Revenue Authority as a case study. This was done on a targeted population of 256 management staff extracting a sample size of 72 respondents using structured questionnaires. Interviews were conducted on normal tax payers, corporate taxpayers from 2 select companies, 2 KRA commissioners related to the ICT integration strategy and 4 senior ICT staff attached to the ICT authority. The questionnaires received responses from 66 staff members in total, or almost 91% of the intended audience. Due to patience and meticulous scheduling, the interviews were fully attended. IBM's SPSS version 26 (Statistical package for social sciences) was used to examine the data sets. The emergent independent variables (information systems, digital infrastructure and stakeholder involvement) and the dependent variable underwent qualitative data analysis utilizing content analysis. After that, inferential statistics were used to determine how information management system strategies would influence KRA system integration with the e-government platform. This included regression and correlation analysis. Information systems and stakeholder participation had a positive connection with the dependent variable. Digital infrastructure strategy did not have a significant correlation with integration of e-government services as most respondents did not agree with the compliance of standards and reliability of the current infrastructure at KRA (data center issues M=2.59, SD=1.268; Network infrastructure issues M=2.91, SD=0.944). In conclusion, the findings indicated that information systems strategy had a strong significance on the integration with e-government services despite the weak significance of the digital infrastructure variable. The integration of information systems plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless functioning of government services. The Kenyan government loses billions of shillings in revenues annually due to poor information propagation. A proper information management system to check the flow of revenue data is necessary. This research focused on examining the utilization of information management systems integration strategies by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) within the broader context of the country's e-government framework.


CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) is one of the innovations in the automotive industry. The CVT system is designed automatically so that there is no need to operate the gear shift lever when increasing or decreasing speed. Automatic motorcycles use a CVT transmission type where the roller masses used vary. So it is necessary to study whether the roller mass affects the work of the CVT. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in roller mass on the CVT system on the effective power of a 110 cc motorcycle. Experimental methods were used in this study. This study used various variations of different roller masses, namely 8 gram, 10 gram, 12 gram (standard) and 14 gram rollers. Testing was carried out using an inertia dynamometer to determine the effective power value. The results showed that the highest effective power value was obtained using a roller mass variation of 8 grams, namely 8.39 PS at 8000 rpm and the lowest effective power value was obtained using a roller mass variation of 14 grams, namely 6.76 PS at 8000 rpm.


Reading comprehension is one skill that students should be able to continuously improve or enhance. Hence, this study documented the implementation of speed-reading strategy among Grade 12 learners of San Jose National High School for the Academic Year 2022 – 2023 to improve their reading comprehension and reading speed. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the analysis of pretest and posttest scores, and in coming out with thematic analysis of interview scripts. As to the findings of the study, there is significant difference in the pretest and posttest results of Grade 12 learners in both reading comprehension and reading speed. Also, there is significant relationship between reading comprehension and reading speed. Moreover, the learners’ experiences reveal that with speed-reading strategy, they feel confident that their reading comprehension level and reading speed rate have improved.


The extreme temperature and precipitation index trend analysis for Addis Ababa city is presented in this study. The Bole and Tikur Anbesa observatories, two stations in the capital city of Addis Ababa, provide the temperature and rainfall variation used in this analysis. The RClim-Dex software has been used to find climate extreme indices for Addis Ababa city stations based on climate data for the period 1954 to 2019. The annual total precipitation trend (PRCPTOT) at the 5% significant level exhibits a positive slope at the Addis Ababa observatory and a negative slope at the Addis Ababa Bole station. SDII trends indicate an increase at the 5% significant threshold for both stations. At the 5% significance level, the trends for both stations' maximum and minimum temperatures show a positive slope. Conversely, both stations exhibit a negative slope in the diurnal temperature ranges. The RClim-Dex results indicate that, while rainfall intensity is decreasing, there is a tendency for annual rainfall indices to increase at the Addis Ababa observatory station, but to decrease at the Bole station. Additionally, there is an upward slope for consecutive wet days for all stations. Nevertheless, steady warming patterns are evident for both the maximum and minimum temperature indices. In contrast, declining trends are shown in the diurnal temperature ranges.

Effective Professional Development of School Leaders: A Case of AKU-KEMI Diploma in Education Leadership and Management Program []

ABSTRACT The professional development of school leaders is essential for realizing education reforms. However, for the professional development program to be effective, there is a need for the program developers to have a better understanding of the perceptions and expectations of the school leaders in the program. This study aimed to determine how school leaders' perceptions and expectations on the Diploma in Education, Leadership, and Management influence their shaping into effective leaders. However, there is a limited body of research on school leaders’ perceptions and expectations of their professional development. Other studies on perceptions and expectations were of higher education students towards their institution or on a particular course. The researcher used interviews as the primary data collection tool. Observation and document analysis were also employed for the purposes of triangulation. Findings revealed that the school leaders had a positive attitude towards the diploma program. Findings also revealed that the school leaders expected to be impacted with knowledge of administrative roles, management skills, ICT, and leadership skills. Also, they expected the program to boost their confidence in performing their roles. Further, they aspired to get promoted in their jobs.

Ethical & Unethical Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Medical Practices []

Artificial Intelligence's incorporation into contemporary medical practices has revolutionized the field of healthcare. In this paper, we will discuss both the ethical considerations and the chance of misuse associated with this technological advancement. The study begins by providing a background on how AI technologies have invaded numerous medical domains. It emphasizes on AI's capacity to enhance clinical decision making, minimize human error and improve access to healthcare particularly in remote places. Moreover, it comprises other ethical issues like privacy, patient’s data and consent as well as AI’s possibility of deepening biases inherent in training collections. Methodologically, the study is based on the mixed technique technique-the joining of qualitative analysis through the use of case studies with quantitative statistics coming from a survey conducted amongst health professionals. Finally, it concludes that deploying ethics-guided AI in healthcare can result in either maximum benefits or minimum damage. It concludes that future research should be directed to laying down comprehensive guidelines and policies that govern the role of AI in health service provision, with a view to ensuring it serves interests that best meet the needs of both patients and society.

Optimizing Nutrient Removal from Domestic Wastewater Effluent through Microbial Fuel Cells: A Physio-Chemical Analysis []

The inadequacy of centralized water infrastructure especially in the wider non-urbanized regions of the Nigerian community necessitates innovative affordable Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology for the production of recyclable water from domestic wastewater. This work demonstrated the feasibility of using H-type reactors of different electrode materials as a sustainable and environmentally friendly method which can efficiently remove some of the physical and chemical properties of the wastewater. The data derived from the laboratory showed that MFC-1 had a removal efficiency of 79.53 % of Total Solid (TS), 90.66 % of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), 68.72 % of turbidity and temperature of 290C in 25 days. MFC-2 had removal efficiency of 7.02 % of TS, 2.59 % of TDS, 41.62 % of turbidity and temperature of 290C in 25 days while MFC-3 achieved 1.02 % of TS, 43.98 % of TDS, 35.77 % of TSS, 0 % of turbidity and temperature of 300C in 25 days. The result of chemical properties showed that MFC-1 had removal efficiency of ammonium ion of 66.67 %, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 96.10 %, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of 0 %, MFC-2 had removal efficiency of ammonium ion of 0 %, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 97.84 %, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of 0 %, while MFC-3 had removal efficiency of ammonium ion of 97.46 %, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 97.46 %, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of 0 % in 25 days. The result of physical properties showed that MFC-3 (Carbon Cloth (CC)) had the least precipitated organic materials due to the metabolic action of the microbes while that of chemical properties showed that MFC-3 (carbon cloth (CC) led to the highest removal efficiency of the wastewater ions KEYWORDS: Wastewater, Microorganisms, Substrate, Cation Exchange Membrane.


Walkable towns and neighborhoods contributes in to achieving sustainability within any area. To ensure walkable neighborhood it should be kept in mind that there is sufficient space and adequate services for the walkers to gait effortlessly and also a relaxed environment for residents to reside. Currently, the main aim of planning and development specialists is to produce walkable societies, where the built-in environment is prearranged in a manner which foster walking and cycling to reach adjacent destinations instead of relying on automobiles. Our country is subjected to swift growth and increased urban population, enhanced pace of development, rural urban migration, amplified urbanization and transformation in infrastructure is causing critical impacts on walkability and thus dispiriting and tumbling its scope. Additionally, due to distended automobile practices and with the improvement and availability of new transport routes in Lahore, does not permits residents to walk. The outcomes of this study would enable the liable authorities to recognize and grasp the locations required for improvement, causes and levels of mutilation of walking routes as well as the pedestrian’s specific needs through the systematic and acceptable assessment.

The Role of Indigenous Technology Systems in Enhancing Agricultural Productivity. A Case Study of the Abaluhya of Busia District, Kenya []

The Abaluhya people of Western Kenya used a variety of agricultural practices before colonialism to increase food production. Despite being primarily traditional, these technologies were effective and enabled people to adapt to unique environmental conditions. This paper highlights the significant role the indigenous Abaluhya people played in the improvement of agricultural productivity and environmental protection. It provides insight into the role that indigenous knowledge systems played in improving agricultural productivity among the Abaluhya of the Busia District on the eve of the colonial period. It also describes various forms of indigenous agricultural technology. The study established that, although indigenous knowledge served as the foundation for local-level decision-making among pre-colonial rural Abaluhya farming communities in Busia, its application has not been fully incorporated into farming systems by the community, researchers, extension service providers, scientists, policy makers, and planners working to improve rural conditions. It also makes recommendations for how indigenous knowledge might be used to increase agricultural productivity among smallholder farmers in Busia, Kenya. Key Words: Abaluhya, Agriculture, Agricultural Productivity, Busia district, Eve of Colonial Period, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Indigenous Technology Systems

Pavan Gampala's Pattern: A Novel Observation in Arithmetic Sequences []

This study introduces and explores a novel pattern, referred to as "Pavan's Pattern," discovered in Mathematics. The findings highlight the pattern's potential applications in Mathematics and suggest further research to fully understand its implications and utility. This discovery contributes to the broader understanding of Mathematics and opens new avenues for exploration and application.

Evaluation of literracy programmes in morocco []

Illiteracy is undoubtedly a serious obstacle to human development. Thus, it does not allow the citizen to participate fully in the construction of the future of his community, it helps to make the enterprise a low-performing production unit by reducing the capacities of the worker, it limits the horizon of the farmer by entrusting him in a universe without prospects ; finally, it prevents the woman from flourishing, to improve her social status, to better educate her children, to reduce infant mortality. Morocco has been engaged for several decades in the fight against illiteracy and every year, hundreds of thousands of people, living in their vast majority in a precarious situation, who benefit from literacy programs across the territory. All those involved in this field have recognized for several years that, although literacy was an end in itself, It now has broader objectives that allow its beneficiaries to participate in their own development and that of their community. It is also envisaged as a means of promoting the integration of individuals into their environment. It is for all these reasons that we have chosen to deal with this topic.

Face- Based Graphical Authentication Systems: Comparison of Memorability between Models []

ABSTRACTDue to the proliferation of human activities online, numerous computing applications and users compete for system resources, such as hardware, software and data. Hence access control is a fundamental issue in application design. Both system and resource access are important security challenges in computing systems and need to be addressed to maintain system integrity. In such applications, people often have to prove their identities through some means of authentication. Authentication is the process of granting resource and application access to legitimate users and denying such access to illegitimate users. This paper is aimed at comparing the memorability of a newly designed Face-Based hybrid authentication system with the simulated sports Faces Scheme. The novel Face-Based Hybrid Authentication System and the simulation of sport faces scheme were developed and implemented. A series of laboratory tests were conducted on the novel system and the simulated sports faces scheme to ascertain and compare their memorability. Users created accounts using the novel schemes in each category and were subsequently required to login to their accounts in order to measure the rates at which they could be able to memorize and subsequently remember their graphical passwords they had created initially. The study found out that the novel system has significantly higher memorability rates compared to the simulated sports faces scheme based on the average login times of the participants and their login success rates.

Causes naturelles de dégradation des formations de galeries forestières des rivières au Mali-Sud []

This study focuses on the natural causes of the degradation of woody vegetation in the gallery forests of three rivers, tributaries of the Niger River (Bagoé, Baoulé, Sankarani) in the Mali-South zone. The factors underlying the degradation of vegetation bordering watercourses in southern Mali are anthropogenic and natural. This work aims to identify the natural causes of the degradation of woody vegetation. We start from the hypothesis that droughts, floods and violent winds are the main causes of degradation of the gallery forests of Southern Mali. We combined three data collection tools, a socio-economic survey, phytoecological surveys and photographs. The results show that the galleries are characterized by woody populations of very variable height with a coverage rate of 20 to 80%. They are ecologically unstable and fragile. Three natural causes of degradation of the woody vegetation of these galleries have been identified: violent winds, erosion and flooding, drought or climate change.


Academic achievement is manifested only when students are fully engaged in different classroom activities. Hence, this study documented the implementation of instructional strategies package among Grade 11 learners of San Jose National High School for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024 to increase their level of engagement. Total enumeration composed of 32 served as respondents of the study. Meanwhile, quantitative method analyzed the pretest and posttest scores. Adopted engagement survey as the instrument determined the level of engagement of the respondents. Data gathered were subjected to mean, t-test, and percentage. As a result, the students’ level of engagement is at ‘ritual compliance’. After the implementation of the intervention, their level of engagement rose up to ‘engagement level’. When subjected to inferential statistics, there was significant difference in the pretest and posttest results of Grade 11 learners in their level of engagement. The high percentage gain shows the effectiveness of the instructional strategies package. Hence, the instructional strategies package was effective in improving the level of engagement of Grade 11 learners. Teachers should then adopt the strategy to aid learners improve their level of engagement. Keywords: level of engagement, ritual compliance, retreatism, instructional strategies package

Effects of Self-assessment Strategy on Biology and Business Studies Students’ Academic Performance in some Selected Secondary Schools in Katsina Educational zone Nigeria []

Effects of Self-assessment on Biology and Business Studies Students Academic performance in some selected Secondary Schools in Katsina educational zone aim at determining the classroom assessment practices that arise while teaching Biology and Business Studies. And assess the effectiveness of students’ self-assessment strategy in relation to students’ academic performance in Biology and Business Studies. Also determines teachers’ perception towards student self-assessment. Quasi experimental design was employed, students were taught in intact classes of the sampled secondary school within five local government areas of Katsina educational zone. Test was administered to determine the effects of self-assessment on student performance in Biology and Business Studies. Similarly, one hundred and eleven teachers were interviewed. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive statistics and student t test. The research findings showed majority of the teachers for Biology and Business studies have no idea on students’ self-assessment. As such do not administrate students’ self-assessment in their classes. There is significant difference between scores obtained from students' self-assessment and teachers' assessment in the two subjects (p< 0.05). There is higher scores for students’ self-assessment compared to scores obtained from teachers’ assessment. However, the teachers are of the opinion that students’ self-assessment appears to be difficult to administer to students and most students will not enjoy self-assessment if administer to students in class. The most prominent challenge associated with the administration of students' self-assessment by the teachers is the in-adequate know-how of conducting students’ self-assessment from side of the teachers. The governments should encourage the development and enhancement various learners’ assessment techniques. This can be achieved through teachers training and re-training for proper administration of variety of assessments including students’ self-assessments.


This study assessed the effectiveness of modular distance learning and academic performance of Grade 8 students in Cabul-an National High School, Lonoy Heroes Memorial High School and Cogon National High School during the COVID-19 pandemic as basis for a proposed MDL enhancement plan. There were 309 Grade 8 students who were identified using complete enumeration. The respondents were asked to answer the adapted survey questionnaire of Aksan (2021) to assess the level of perception, benefits and challenges encountered by the students towards modular distance learning and their third quarter mathematics grades were used to assess the academic performance. Data gathered were treated statistically using frequency count, percentage, weighted mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC). The level of perception of the learners towards modular distance learning is positive. In addition, modular distance learning is beneficial and they moderately encountered challenges. There is a significant relationship between the students’ perception and benefits of modular distance learning and their academic performance in math. However, there is no significant relationship between the encountered challenges of the students and academic performance in math towards modular distance learning. Thus, it is recommended that a modular distance learning plan is adopted.

Potential for Agro-Tourism Enterprises in Ramaroshan of Acham District in Nepal []

Abstract Ramaroshan is a attractive tourist destination of the Sudurpaschim province which is located in Ramaroshan Rural Municipality of Achham district. Sudurpaschim province is one of the major provinces and rich in agricultural genetic resources, biodiversity, historical places, and socio-cultural phenomenon. Agriculture is a mainstay of this province contributing 35.5 percent of the GDP and generating more than 80 percent of provincial employment. This study has exploded the opportunities on agro-tourism enterprises. This study has used a mixed approach with qualitative and quantitative information from major stakeholders at province and local levels. Primary sources of information comprise SWOT analysis, focus group discussion (FGD), Key Informants Information (KII), Consultative meetings, and observations whereas secondary sources of information gathering from various publications, existing policies and strategies at national and sub-national levels. Ramaroshan has immense potentials for agro-tourism enterprise development due to the strength of pristine, vibrant, and panoramic natural view comprising of floral and faunal diversity; having the richness of socio-cultural uniqueness; situated near to the road, agricultural and livestock diversity; and prioritization by the Government sector. Marsi rice, maize, millet, barley, naked barley, foxtail millet under cereal crops, Amaranths, Fiddlehead fern (niuro), bamboo shoot (tusa), Nettle (sisnu), potato, buckwheat, yak pate sag, fedade, dadu, jaluko, mushroom, watercress (panisag), khiraula, colocasia, yam under organic vegetables, Walnut, peach, plum, apple, pear, golden raspberry, Oleaster (guyelo), wild bayberry (rukh kaphal), Asian barberry (chutro), Himalayan blackberry (kalo ainselu), Strawberry (bhuikaphal), black mulberry (kimbu), wild Himalayan cherry (paiyu), wild pear (mayel) under fruit crops and Achhami naumuthe cattle, local buffalo, local poultry under livestock. Coriander, garden cress, turmeric, ginger, chilli, wild garlic, local tomato, Nepalese pepper (Timur), Bhangro (nettle) are most potential enterprises under Spices and condiments. Keywords: agro-tourism, enterprise development, agriculture, tourism

Addressing Interconnectivity and Cloud Computing []

Interconnectedness and cloud computing have a significant impact on the IT environment in today's technological age. Interconnected systems and gadgets effortlessly transmit data across platforms, which is crucial for cloud computing. This cutting-edge paradigm allows customers to conveniently access and oversee IT resources, apps, and services over the internet, eliminating the need for any physical installations. It enables the use of applications and services without you having to concern yourself with the intricacies of the technological aspects, since all operations are overseen and kept on distant servers. Businesses may optimise their efficiency of the operations occurring and save expenses by providing resources that allow them to adapt their processing power and storage capacity according to their very specific requirements. Cloud computing enables the fostering of an environment for creativity and practical advancement inside businesses. By incorporating interconnectivity into cloud systems, the efficiency of data flow is maximised, the dependability of the system is improved, and real-time collaboration across geographically separated teams is made easier. Research undertaken at Telenet in Kathmandu studies the architecture, service models, deployment models, and extremely important components of cloud computing, concentrating on how the actual interconnectivity enables these systems. The study also investigates the use and effects of these technologies in several sectors, highlighting their crucial contribution to advancing digital transformation in various aspects like security, enterprises, and society.


The portion of the highway most obvious to the motorist is the road pavement, the surface of a road on which vehicles will travel. The road pavement provides traction for vehicles to travel as well as transfer normal stresses from the vehicle to the underlying soils (subgrade). This study developed an optimized flexible pavement design procedure that is based on fundamental properties of the pavement materials, environmental impacts, loading and pavement response. The study consisted of the determination of traffic volume on Akure – Ilesha Expressway. Established equations were used to obtain soil-cement stiffness, soil-cement tensile strength, allowable soil strain, subgrade stiffness and lateritic material constant from resilient modulus. Soil support values, layer co-efficient, serviceability index, structural Number, Regional Factors, cracking and No-cracking values as environmental factors were sourced from Design Manuals, Literatures Journals and test results. The load from the design traffic and resulting contact pressure were used to calculate the developed pavement stresses and strains at critical points of the pavement. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to analyze the strains and stresses induced as responses to the pavement loading. The stresses and strains from ANN analysis were compared to the maximum permissible stresses and strains at the critical points of the pavement to select those that are less than the safe working stresses and strains at those points. The constraints equations were solved to produce the different layer thickness. Inserting the layer thicknesses produced the total cost of pavement in Naira per square meter when converted from US dollars. The results show 4.47 x 105 as Equivalent Axle load for twenty (20) years. The preliminary layout ranges between 425 mm to 550 mm while the optimum layout ranges between 600 mm and 625 mm. And the cost per square meter of the optimum layout ranges between ₦47,797.80 and ₦48,585.00. The proposed procedure produced an optimal layout that can sustain overloaded traffic (which is a basic design problem in Nigeria) through the design life. However, further studies should be undertaken on more additional different additives on lateritic soil to obtain optimal layout with this developed procedure

Two-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks for Precision Plant Disease Detection and Management []

Convolutional neural networks are really gaining revolutionary importance in the domain of plant pathology. In the work, a data set with over 128,005 images reached 96.2% accuracy in disease identification. Thus, the question of interest when it comes to severe agro-climatic settings—such as the Aral Sea region, Uzbekistan—is indeed how effective CNNs can be in showcasing environmental adaptability and their potential for improving food safety and the sustainability of agro-ecological practices. This research adds corroborated evidence to the fact that advanced deep learning technologies are vital in completely revolutionizing crop management techniques across the globe.

Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Based Injera Baking Oven []

Access to clean and reliable energy for injera baking is the biggest problem in developing countries. However, biogas, solar, and electricity-based injera baking are clean and somewhat efficient; there are energy reliability and accessibility problems in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, the majority of people rely on biomass which is not clean, inefficient, and also causes health and environmental problems. So, this study aims to propose a clean and reliable new type of injera baking stove where liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is used as baking fuel. So, a baking stove with a 56 cm diameter and 1 cm thickness plate was used to test the stove. The test result obtained showed that the initial heat-up time was 21 minutes to reach 185℃, the average baking plate surface temperature, and 3.4 minutes baking with 3 minutes idle time. The stove consumed 0.0034m3 per injera or 0.96 kWh/kg compared to 0.54 – 0.82 kWh/kg of electric stoves. The thermal efficiency of the stove achieved was 53.77 % against 5-15 %, 61 %, 57 % and 37 % for traditional three-stone, electric, biogas, and solar baking stoves respectively. The developed stove is economically feasible for mass injera production or for a group of people who bake by single initial heat up with a 2-month payback period. This successful test shows the possible and promising result of a reliable, efficient, and clean LPG-based injera baking stove and it could be widely disseminated.