Volume 12, Issue 10, October 2024 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Scene of the Crime and Collection of Evidence []

A crime scene denotes the location where a crime has occurred, encompassing pertinent evidence and documentation. The examination and analysis of the crime scene are critical pillars of criminal investigations, essential for identifying and apprehending offenders. The process of evidence collection involves several stages, each demanding precision and specialized skills. Initially, the crime scene is secured to preserve evidence and prevent contamination or tampering, a task usually undertaken by law enforcement through the use of safety tapes and restricted access. Subsequently, thorough documentation of the scene is conducted via photography, videography, and detailed mapping, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the site and preventing the omission of critical details. Following documentation, physical evidence—such as fingerprints, DNA, footprints, weapons, biological remnants, and fibers—is meticulously collected and stored in appropriate containers to prevent contamination. Forensic experts then employ advanced technological tools, including electron microscopes, DNA analysis devices, and computerized systems for matching fingerprints and other forms of evidence, to conduct detailed analyses. The findings from these analyses are compiled into an exhaustive report, which serves as crucial evidence in judicial proceedings. This report must provide a full account of the crime scene, the methodologies used for evidence collection, and the outcomes of scientific testing. Such detailed documentation aids judges and juries in making informed decisions about the case. The application of sophisticated scientific and technological methods in the examination of crime scenes significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of investigations, mitigates the risk of judicial errors, and ensures the proper administration of justice. Consequently, the effective investigation of crime scenes and evidence collection is integral to solving criminal cases and safeguarding public security.

An investigation into the types of role-based relationships that exist between lecturers and students in universities across Southwestern Nigeria: A sociocultural and institutional analysis. []

This study investigates the types of role-based relationships between lecturers and students in universities across Southwestern Nigeria, employing a sociocultural and institutional analysis. Using a descriptive survey research design, data were collected from 1,800 students and 360 lecturers across nine universities in three states. The study identified various role-based relationships, including project supervision, teaching, mentorship, and advisory roles. Results indicate that 28.3% of students and 34.7% of lecturers engage in active role-based relationships, while 39.5% of students and 33.6% of lecturers have passive relationships. Notably, 32.2% of students and 31.7% of lecturers were found to be disconnected from meaningful role-based relationships. The research highlights the importance of understanding these relationships for enhancing academic performance, social integration, and institutional effectiveness in Southwestern Nigerian universities. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and educational administrators in developing strategies to foster productive academic relationships and improve overall educational outcomes.

Assessing the impact of Employee’s Burnout on customer satisfaction; A case study on selected Developed Nation Private Sectors. []

This study examines the impact of job burnout on customer satisfaction in service-based firms in developed nation. The research uses structured questionnaires and the Maslach Burnout Inventory to gather data from employees. The findings reveal that high levels of burnout are prevalent, particularly in telecom and real estate sectors, with 60% experiencing moderate to high burnout. This burnout is linked to decreased job satisfaction, poor work-life balance, and impaired job performance. It also negatively affects customer service quality, particularly in high-contact sectors. The study emphasizes the need for intervention to reduce burnout and improve employee well-being. The findings suggest that burnout is a systemic issue that requires comprehensive organizational strategies.


Information Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the technologies used to handle information, process data, and communicate electronically. It encompasses various hardware, software, networking, and telecommunications technologies that enable information storage, retrieval, transmission, and manipulation. Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is an increasingly common feature in schools worldwide, and its use has been shown to support student learning, behaviour, and engagement in various settings. The purpose of the study will be to determine the use of ICT in the management of academic activities in secondary schools in Bungoma County. The study was designed to identify innovative ways schools are employing to counter challenges in the use of ICT in the management of academic activities in secondary schools in Bungoma County. The study will utilize Media Richness Theory by Daft & Lengels (1984). This research work will use primary and secondary sources of data. The study will be carried out in Bungoma central sub-County, Kenya and the target population for the study will be 1047 comprising head teachers, teachers and students. The study will adopt a sample size of 289 respondents that will be a representative of the study population. Data collection will involve the use of questionnaires and interviews. Qualitative data analysis techniques will be used where interview transcripts and open-ended survey responses will be analysed using techniques such as content analysis. On the other hand, quantitative data will be analysed using descriptive statistics, t-tests and regression analysis. The outcome displayed that the strategies employed to address ICT challenges were positively perceived in enhancing the overall integration and utilization of ICT. Majority of the respondents (70%) agreed that innovative methods are being used to address ICT challenges as reflected in the mean score of 3.77. based on the results of this study, it was concluded that schools employing context-specific and adaptive strategies, such as targeted professional development and infrastructure investments, were more successful in mitigating ICT challenges. These strategies have been effective in enhancing the overall utilization of ICT, ensuring that the benefits of technology are fully realized. However, the success of these strategies is contingent upon active stakeholder engagement and institutional commitment, highlighting the need for a collaborative approach in addressing ICT-related challenges within the educational sector. This study recommends that Schools should actively promote and share successful innovative strategies for overcoming ICT challenges, ensuring that best practices are disseminated across all educational institutions.

Integration of AI with Electrical Engineering: Transforming the Future of the Field. []

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Electrical Engineering is revolutionizing the field, enhancing system efficiency, predictive maintenance, automation, and design optimization. This article explores the current applications of AI in electrical engineering, the benefits it brings, and the challenges faced in its implementation. By examining case studies and emerging trends, this research highlights how AI can shape the future of electrical engineering and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Block chain in Engineering: Transforming Supply Chain Management, Data Security, and Project Management. []

Block chain technology is reshaping various industries, including engineering, by enhancing efficiency and security. This article investigates the applications of Block chain in supply chain management, data security, and project management within the engineering domain. By analyzing current implementations, advantages, and challenges, this research underscores how Block chain can improve transparency, security, and efficiency, thereby transforming conventional engineering practices.


The paper aims at studying the identity of the Rongmei tribe which is at the cross-road. The study traces the historical writings and documentation of the tribe which originally is an oral based society.

Impact of Clinical Pharmacist on Home Health Care Patients in Hail Region []

The primary aim of this research is to assess how the involvement of clinical pharmacists can influence home health care patient’s outcomes, including medication management, adherence to prescribed therapies, and overall patient satisfaction. To achieve this, the study adopted a descriptive and quantitative approach. Data gath-ered through an electronic questionnaire specifically targeted at home health care pa-tients, totaling 112 individuals, aiming to capture their experiences and perceptions regarding the contributions of clinical pharmacists to their health care. This question-naire included questions that focus on the effectiveness, accessibility, and pa-tient-centered care provided by clinical pharmacists. The collected data then system-atically analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) applica-tion, allowing for the identification of trends, correlations, and potential areas for im-provement in clinical pharmacy services. The study finally concluded that

Assessing Long-Term Health Outcomes in Teenagers with Hereditary Spherocytosis: The Role of Splenectomy versus Conservative Approaches []

Hereditary spherocytosis is the most common inherited hemolytic anemia among individuals of northern European descent, marked by defects in red blood cell membranes and chronic hemolysis. This paper explores the comparative long-term outcomes of splenectomy versus conservative management in teenagers with hereditary spherocytosis, with a focus on physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Splenectomy, which removes the spleen and thus reduces red blood cell destruction, results in improved haemoglobin levels and alleviates symptoms of anemia. However, it also carries long-term risks, particularly a higher susceptibility to infections. On the other hand, conservative management, which includes folic acid supplements, regular monitoring, and occasional blood transfusions, preserves spleen function and avoids the risks of surgery, though it often involves ongoing medical interventions. The results indicate that splenectomy provides significant symptom relief but may also lead to psychological stress related to the lifelong risk of infection. In contrast, conservative management maintains immune function but can require frequent treatments and has potential complications, such as iron overload. Ultimately, treatment decisions should be individualised, taking into account the severity of the condition and how it impacts the patient’s overall quality of life.

Mycological species of Central Papillary Atrophy (CPA) []

Abstract Background: Central Papillary Atrophy (CPA) is a chronic candidal infection at the dorsum of the tongue, at which different candidal strains are frequently isolated. Aims: This study aimed to determine the microbiological makeup in the routine dental patients clinically diagnosed with this condition to assess any association between the type of candida species in the isolate and systemic diseases encountered in those patients. Material and Methods: The susceptibility of the isolates to different therapeutic agents of the isolated fungal species was also assessed. The study sample comprised 62 isolates from the tongue of 34 males and 28; with an age range of 5 to 72 years subjected to mycological examination with the standard international laboratory methods. Results: Different Candida species were isolated from 51.6% of CPA patients (mostly seen in the age group 51–60 years), their mycological examination without any statistically significant correlation between the candida strains and systemic disorders or drugs taken by CPA patients do not show. McFarland turbidity standards were used to standardize the approximate number of fungi in a liquid suspension. The susceptibility to antifungals as tested by the Kirby-Bauer method and a fully automated VITEK® system was used to perform candidal identification. Conclusion: CPA is a unique and uncommon condition affecting the tongue containing numerous microbats. There is a significant correlation between denture-wearing and candidal strains in CPA lesions and susceptibility to different antifungal agents. Keywords: CPA, candida, antifungal susceptibility, VITEK 2® system.


Wonderful cola seed is a tropical plant and a family member of Capparidaceae. This research concept was aimed at examining the seeds of Buchholzia coriacea for phytochemical and mineral composition. Cold maceration method of extraction using ethanol and hexane solvent was used to obtained the active crude extract of the seeds. Photochemistry results indicates that both ethanol and hexane possessed steroids, flavonoids, tannins, carbohydrates, saponin and phenol. With alkaloids and legal test only present in ethanol and cardiac glycoside and alkaline reagent only present in hexane extract. Mineral content ANALYSIS was conducted FOR Buchholzia coriacea seeds using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy to detect iron, lead, calcium,phosphorus, sodium,zinc, magnesium , potasium and cupper in.thier elemental state The results indicate that wonderful cola seeds WERE rich in essential minerals like IRON (1.22mg/kg), calcium(22.43mg/kg), potassium(47.53mg/kg), magnesium(22.54mg/kg) and zinc (21.12mg.kg). Buchholzia coriacea seeds .also possess other minerals such as Phosphate (2.54mg/kg), Cupper (2.12mg/kg) and Sodium (14.12mg/kg). Looking at other results obtained from other research conducted on Buchholzia coriacea seeds .the mineral content varies depending on plant location. Keywords Phytochemistry, Buchholzia coriacea seeds ., Minerals, Atomic Absorbtion Spectroscopy and essentials.


ABSTRACT Technology integration in education revolutionizes teaching and learning processes by enhancing accessibility to information and promoting participative, collaborative methods. Digital tools and resources support the evolving educational paradigm, enabling educators and students to engage more effectively. The importance of these technologies continues to grow, influencing how knowledge is imparted and acquired in modern learning environments. Because of improved technological development, digital technology is now employed in almost every aspect of day-to-day activity, to improve technology for mankind. Digital technology, namely computer systems, has become a significant aspect of the education system's teaching and learning processes. Computer technology has influenced all other teaching and learning processes or methods utilized in the educational system, making them an intrinsic part of daily life. This study will address instructional methods using education technology, as well as how computer technology may assist higher educators and students improve their teaching and learning abilities in classrooms.

Communication des acteurs socioétatiques sur la gouvernance de la Réserve de biosphère de Yangambi au crible de la perception des communautés locales []

Cet article présente le résume essentiel de notre étude menée sur la « perception de la communication des acteurs socioétatiques sur la gouvernance de la Réserve de biosphère de Yangambi par les communautés locales ». En fait, cette étude, basée sur la méthode ethnologique, nous a conduit à identifier les facteurs qui influencent la perception figée qu’ont les paysans vis-à-vis de message reçu des acteurs socioétatiques qui interviennent dans la gouvernance de cette réserve. Trois facteurs déterminent donc la perception figée ou collée au passé de la création de cette réserve, notamment : les conditions de réception du message, la dissonance cognitive déclenchée par le message de l’émetteur et l’absence de preuve dans le message porté par l’émetteur. L’analyse des résultats extériorisant ces trois facteurs nous a permis de dégager onze tendances issues des entrevues collectives ou focus groups et sept tendances issues des entrevues individuelles. Les tendances issues de deux modes d’entrevues sont identiques ou similaires, telles que sont présentées dans les résultats de cet article.

Communication valorisante : nouvelle approche pour une gouvernance efficace de la Réserve de biosphère de Yangambi []

Depuis plus d’une décennie, les acteurs socioétatiques communiquent avec les communautés locales vivant dans et autour de la Réserve de biosphère de Yangambi (RBY), pour les persuader au changement de comportement favorable à la biodiversité et à la participation active à la gouvernance de cette réserve. Par contre, les résultats de notre enquête ethnométhodologique et par entrevues non-directives ont révélé que le message et l’agir des acteurs socioétatiques ont déclenché plutôt l’incommunication ou des malentendus de suite aux mauvaises conditions de réception de message, à la dissonance cognitive de leur contenu et le manque de preuve dans leur message. Ces trois facteurs influencent la perception qu’ont ces communautés locales de la communication reçue des acteurs socioétatiques sur la gouvernance de la RBY. Ces facteurs sont marqués par la communication disproportionnelle et paradoxale des acteurs socioétatiques, leur déloyauté et incrédibilité, l’insatisfaction et l’inacceptabilité sociale de la réserve et de ces acteurs par les communautés locale, leur revendication de droit au patrimoine et héritage traditionnel, l’histoire acariâtre de la création de la réserve rappelant les rapports antinomiques entre les deux parties, etc. Ces résultats ont démontré l’échec des actions de communication menées par les acteurs socioétatiques sur la gouvernance de ladite réserve. Pour répondre au besoin d’une gouvernance efficace de la Réserve de biosphère de Yangambi, nous avons proposé une nouvelle approche de communication sous le label de la « communication valorisante » basée sur l’action, en appui au message principal, comme moteur des nouvelles significations, des nouveaux repères perceptifs et révélatrice de l’intérêt du récepteur dans le message, afin d’apaiser les oppositions des paysans et les amener à l’acceptation et adoption du message.

Performance Evaluation Of A Salt Water Power Cell []

ABSTRACT 1.0 INTRODUCTION Energy is one of the basic needs of man. It is needed for electricity, motive power and heating (cooking and drying).The world needs more energy to meet socio-economic development requirements and enhance global living standards (BP, 2019; IPCC, 2012). In 2018, the global energy demand rose by 2.3%, the fastest in the last decade (IEA, 2019). By 2040 it is forecasted that the use of various sources of energy will increase including the nonrenewables such as coal, gas, and oil (BP, 2019). Around 1.1 billion people (14% of the global population) have no access to electricity (IEA, 2017). Many of those without access are found in rural areas, and more than 95% of those living without electricity are in countries in developing Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (ibi. To date, several communities are still found off-grid and don't have access to electricity (ibid) to light their homes or power, even small devices. In 2015, the solar-powered electricity has reached around 227 GWe, about 1% of all energy used globally (WEC, 2016). However, one of the major drawbacks affecting the utilization of solar energy and indeed all renewable sources of energy is the unavailability of a reliable, durable and non-toxic energy storage(battery) system to be of use when the renewable source is available (Green Match, 2019; Renewable Resources Co, 2016). The solution to this problem is the invention of a battery which can serve as a bank for generated energy. The use of saltwater (brine) as an electrolyte in a power cell is an affordable way to hoard energy even in large quantities over a long period of time. In this project, we hope to explore the possibilities that lie ahead of a fully energized Earth by the use of a salt water battery as a means of energy storage. 1.1 Aim and Objectives The aim of this project is to assess the voltage and current characteristics of a salt water power cell using copper (positive) and zinc (negative) electrodes with respect to time, salinity and temperature. Objectives 1. To evaluate the output voltage and current from different salt to water ratios. 2. To evaluate the change in output voltage and current from different salt to water ratios over a period of seven (7) days. 3. To evaluate the change in output voltage and current in relationship with temperature change.

Evaluation of malaria parasite cases among children in rural area of Ekiti State: A case study children attending General Hospital of Iyin Ekiti, Ekiti state Nigeria []

Malaria is a major cause of illness and death especially among children under 12years old because they have more water than cells in extracellular fluid compared to adult. It is estimated that more than one million children living in Africa especially in rural area. Affected children often die within less than 72hours after developing the symptoms in Nigeria, thus this study is set to evaluate malaria parasite cases among children in rural area of Ekiti state. Descriptive research design of survey type was adopted for this study. Purposive sample technique was used to select400 laboratory test results of children patients attending General Hospital of Iyin Ekiti from January to December 2023.Data were collection from Health Information Management department in hematology laboratory at General Hospital Iyin Ekiti. Data were analysed by SPSS 21.0 and results were expressed in frequency and percentage. The results revealed that 207 (51.8%) of the samples were male and 193 (48.3%) of the samples were female. The prevalence of malaria among the children was 92%. Male children were more infected by malaria parasite than female. Age group 0-3 years were most infected by malaria parasite than any other age groups. Researcher concluded that majority of the children attending General Hospital Iyin Ekiti had malaria parasite. It was recommended that there is need for the parents to protect their children from mosquito bite by ensuring that they sleep under insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), remove stagnate water and cut down bushes around the houses. Key words: parasite, malaria, children,infected

Electrochemical Halogenation of Phenol Using a Chromium Catalyst at 80°C []

This study explores the electrochemical halogenation of phenol at 80°C using a chromium-based catalyst. Electrochemical methods were employed to introduce halogen atoms into the phenol molecule, focusing on reaction efficiency, product selectivity, and environmental benefits. The process was optimized for various halogens, including chlorine, bromine, and iodine, and analyzed for potential industrial applications. The results demonstrate that chromium catalysis in combination with electrochemical techniques provides a sustainable and efficient route for halogenating phenols.


In many countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, students on degree courses in English are required to read a considerable number of literary works. Generally, the major criteria for selecting texts is not their accessibility for non-native speakers, but their status as major works in the literary canon. In order to produce works of literary criticism, one must know the analytical methods required to approach a difficult text containing archaic lexis, deviant grammatical constructions and subtle literary devices. One of these analytical methods is just called a stylistic analysis.


The works under study converge on the notion of leadership. Throughout the history of the world, it is said that the Creator has planted a garden in the East, in Eden, and there he put the first couple. After being blessed, he said: “have domination over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and all the things that move on the earth” (Heenan1973:3). From the above citation, great leaders change the world, or more perhaps more aptly, great leaders make the world. They help design the products and services that we use in our personal and professional lives; they create companies that provide jobs so that people who work there can provide for their families; they fought for social causes and injustices to help make the world a better place; they support charities and non profits organisations and they shape the cultures, attitude and behaviour of the people who work there, meaning they shape who we are as human beings. It is a tremendous responsibility but an enormous privilege. In order to create a better world, we all want to work and live in. We need to make sure that we have the right leaders in place, now and especially in the future. In the same way, the interest of this work has broadside. Scientifically, we are interested in how some searchers wrote about leadership in general, i,e, to create an environment where people can resonate and eliminate obstacles between the ruling classes and the governed ones. Socially, most of leaders are bluntly speaking, not good. It does not mean they are bad people, but the way that, teaching and talking about the leadership is extremely antiquated and that is largely what leaders today are familiar with and practise. It is like trying to fly in a modern jet when you were only trained on an original plane. You might get in the air, but you are not going to go far. Similarly, it is also how African leadership is viewed through Meja Mwangi’s The Big chiefs and Wole Soyinka’s The Interpreters where many leaders all over the world, in Africa as well as in the Democratic Republic of Congo are today on the wrong path they take. Ahead of this society are some unconscious and senseless leaders who outrage their population like Adolph Hittler, a Dictator and Master of Germany who told the German people that, “Conquest” was not only a right but also a duty. (WBE, Vol. 9:236), and then as a leader, he chose a direction of evil, war and death. We think that in these urban realistic novels, Meja Mwangi and Wole Soyinka are unanimous when discovering and describing their respective middle classes and their precariousness. Accordingly, justice and equality would be applied to every human being as Pastor Martin Luther King, a Black American once said: “ I have a dream that, one day my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but in the content of their character” (Sussel, 1998:24). Key-words: great leaders, leadership, ruling classes.

Investigating Littering Behavior and Awareness of Land and Air Pollution Among Students in tertiary Institutions in Katsina State []

Littering is among the undesirable anthropogenic behavior leading to myriad of issues which negatively affect the social, economic, ecological and health related human endeavors. The research is set to survey littering behavior and students’ awareness of land and atmospheric pollution in tertiary institutions of Katsina and Daura zones. Eight hundred and ninety (890) students were randomly sampled within four (4) randomly selected tertiary institutions. Survey method via modified scoring guides was used to determine land and air pollution, questionnaire as well as air pollutants were collected from online website. The research findings revealed papers and plastics waste are being litter by students across the tertiary institution under study. Papers were found to be highest litters with 5.00 mean scores in school of science of the College of Education. The plastics littering with 4.00 mean scores in Administration & management and Agriculture students of the Polytechnic. Nonchalant attitude towards environmental sanitation/lack of cooperation from the side of the students were among the numerous challenges associated with on environmental sanitation of tertiary institutions. Other problem bedeviling the institution on environmental sanitation includes in adequate of refuge disposal items/dump sites. Temperature, humidity and PM2.5 showed significant difference among the cities of study areas. Daura city recorded the highest temperature at 32.00 0C. Similarly, Dutsinma have the highest mean humidity and PM2.5 with 64.00% and 26.00 respectively. The Air Quality Index pollutant levels were between AQI50 to AQI54. The study recommended the need for the provision of water and related items for environmental sanitation in tertiary institution. The schools should invite paper and plastic recycling industries and other non-governmental organization to provide refuge disposal bins/dump sites.


The study aimed to revisit the J. Marquez National High School as School of Peace using descriptive survey method of research to the total complete enumeration of 39 teachers and 15 Parents Teachers Association officers S.Y 2022-2023. The study used mean in describing the variables of the study. The major findings revealed the attainment of the Vision of J. Marquez National High School as School of Peace were “highly attained” with mean rating of 3.79. The results on the attainment of the Mission of J. Marquez National High School as School of Peace were “highly attained” with mean rating of 3.86. The attainment of the objectives of J. National High School as School of Peace was rated 3.77 with the description of Highly attained. The Peace Building Initiatives implemented by J. Marquez National High School as School of Peace was rated 3.76 with the description of “Highly Evident”. The extent of Strategies and Mechanism adopted by the by J. Marquez National High School as School of Peace was 3.76 with the description of “Highly Evident”. The study concludes that the J Marques National High School as School of Peace sustained its mandate as independent school of Peace of the Cotabato City Division. The school helped develop and produce morally upright citizen and produce peace loving leaders that had contributed in the success of conflict resolution and peace agreement programs implemented not only in the area they serve but in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao in general. Based on the findings and conclusion of this study the following are strongly recommended. The school should continuously strengthen competency building in order to improve faculty qualifications and students' access to professional development towards attaining higher degrees of peace education through a free education which will produce more peace advocates in society and improve the quality of their lives. In order to be able to develop more intervention programs in order to address various conflicts that occur in the locality, the school should support and intensify research extension programs that are focused on equipping students to conduct research related to peace development in their locality in order to be able to establish more interventions programs within the locality. Keywords: School of Peace, J. Marquez National High School, Revisiting, Cotabato City


The study was formative Evaluation of Orphans and Vulnerable children Educational project at Nsalaga Village in Uyole Ward in Mbeya City-Tanzania. The aim was to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and utilization of resources in relation to the goals and objectives of supporting orphans and vulnerable children access to education for life improvement. The study used mixed approach under Convergent parallel design in data collection, analysis and presentation. Also the study implied both probability and non probability sampling technique. Major findings from the study were; the Project succeed in ensuring access to qualify education to orphans and vulnerable children by registering them different primary and secondary schools, paying school fees, providing uniforms and other learning materials such as exercise books, pens, and school bags. The study recommends that the Project, religious leaders and other stakeholders should establish other orphans and vulnerable children education Project centres as many as possible around the country so that all other orphans and vulnerable children can be assisted to meet their educational needs and basic needs for the future improvement.