Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2023 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Numerous studies in the past three decades associate high-quality leadership with positive school outcomes. The acknowledgment of the importance of school leadership has led to better attention to recruiting and preparing school leaders. Many new principal prep-aration and development programs emphasize the role of principals as instructional leaders (Horng & Loeb, 2010). This focus on in-structional leadership was driven in multitude by the effective school’s movement of the 1970s and 1980s and has been renewed because of increasing demands that school leaders be held accountable for student performance (Hallinger, 2005). Informed by ob-servations and interviews in hundreds of schools, Horng and Loeb (2010) call for a different view of instructional leadership, one that includes broader personnel practices and resource allocation practices as central to instructional improvement.

Being a First Responder: Challenges in Dealing with Motorcycle Accidents []

This study deals with the challenges encountered by first responders in responding to motorcycle accidents. A descriptive qualitative design was utilized which allowed the participants to describe the challenges undertaken when dealing with motorcycle accidents in Tabuk City, Kalinga. The study was participated by thirty-eight (38) Bureau of Fire personnel, forty-seven (47) Philippine National Police personnel, and thirteen (13) Regional Health Unit personnel. As to the findings of the study, the common challenges encountered by the first responders are unclear and interrupted communication; lack of mobility and emergency vehicles; lack of medical equipment; weather conditions, and uncooperative motorists and bystanders.

Psychological And Physical Problem among Patient Suffering from Schizophrenia Disease in Jalalabad, Kyrgystan []

Abstract Background In this study we have considered the psychological and physical problems amonong Patient suffereing from Schizophrenia disease in Jalal-abad, Kyrgystan. As we know Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects a lot of people all around the world. So we have done the study on the patient living with schizophrenia and whats the percentage of psychological and physical problems that they are affected with. Methods: A cross- sectional study was conducted in which semi structured close ended questionnaire was used to collect data from the the patient as well as from the healthcare provider that were selected on the basis of a convenient sampling technique. After collecting data, they will entered in SPSS software for data analysis. Conclusion: Majority of the respondent 83.3% were from age group above 65years and remaining 16% were from 45 -55 years. Where as regarding sex 75% were male respondents and remaining 25 % were from female respondents. Regarding the level of awareness about Psychological and Physical Problem among Patient Suffering from Schizophrenia Disease only 16.7% have good level of awareness, whereas majority 83.325% level of awareness is poor they could give correct answer. Keywords: Psychological Problem, Physical Problem, Elderly People,, Schizophrenia


Bismuth bulk electrodes (BiBEs) have been suggested as possible replacements for mercury electrodes in electroanalytical studies in part because they are simply prepared by melting bismuth powder in a glass capillary and also because of the relative lack of toxicity of Bi. The double layer of BiBEs in aqueous media was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The differential capacitance of BiBEs was determined in three aqueous electrolytes: sodium nitrate, sodium bromide and sodium chloride. Comparative measurements were made with a polycrystalline platinum electrode. Up to 43 µF cm-2 were recorded for the double layer capacitance at the BiBEs in the aqueous electrolytes. Combined investigations by EIS and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) suggest the high values of capacitance in the aqueous electrolytes are due to pseudocapacitance effects, owing to adsorptions of bromide and chloride ions as well as the formation/reduction of a bismuth(III) oxide film at the electrode surface. The EIS measurements also enabled the determination of the potential of zero charge PZC of -0.49 V versus Ag/AgCl at BiBEs in the aqueous electrolyte mixture of NaNO3/NaCl. From these results, it can be concluded that electrochemical measurements at bismuth could be reproducible, and that the irregular variation of capacitance with concentration is only a confirmation that the bismuth electrode surface is not an ideal capacitor.


Record keeping and the administration of records could be crucial duties of the school director since records are indispensable part of data within the day-to-day exercises of the school system. Gubat National High School is a public school under the supervision of the Department of Education it consists of more than 200 hundred employees both teaching and non-teaching staff, Gubat National High School produces many good and bright students through the encouragement of the ever-supportive teachers in junior and senior high school. Record-keeping in this institution is very important with the number of employee documents, records tends to get lose and be misplaced. For the foregoing reason, the developer makes his solution to solve the problem, Online Employee Record Management System for Gubat National High School that could cater to the growing needs in using the technology to make the work easy and fast, indeed, giving birth to the concept of Online Employee Record Management System for Gubat National High School which aim to record teaching and non-teaching staff personal information, SALN and the Individual Performance Commitment and Review form; centralize document storage for uploading and attaching files in different formats; registration of employee information in a centralized database; summary and transparency of all the transaction; generates reports for the daily login that makes the transaction of DTR easy and fast; monitoring for the person who enters the campus is necessary to manage the number of people. The system was also evaluated using an industry-accepted quality standard – the ISO 25010. The common result of the assessment by 33 respondents reflected that the created system is highly applicable and exceptionally suit the requirements of the company with an overall rate of 4.36. The system is tested for its functionality suitability, reliability, compatibility, usability, security, performance efficiency, maintainability, and portability. Partitioned comes about appeared that the system passed the whole variable to which it was suitable against. The designer is certain that together with the positive assessment of the system, the school will use the system to their advantage to make the record organized and saved into one place for the easy and fast retrieval of the needed documents. The system to being considered as viable can be balanced to suit the longer-term needs of the school. Key Words: Aemilianum College, DepEd Management System, Employees Records, Online System, Records Keeping, Teaching and Non-Teaching Records


COVID-19 proved to be a real daunting challenge. As it swept all forms of life and industries across the globe. Such industries were forced to adapt or shutdown. Since a government has no choice but to face it head-on, several strategies have been implemented but focused mainly on one important factor – social distance. In order to provide valuable time for the medical world to find viable cure, separateness was the key. Now then is the best moment to radically adopt to change in the workforce. With a web-based human resources – payroll – payment – remittance work flow in place it is one way to equivocally minimize human-human physical interaction thus meeting the demands of the moment. The AROROY ELECTRONIC CENTRALIZED PAYROLL AND REMITTANCE SYSTEM encompasses a solution that solved the redundant tasks of human resources and payroll to remittance. It drastically bridged the crucial time element factor that normally played a great factor in terms of actual accomplishment and human management. The system was evaluated using the industry-accepted standard – ISO 25010. Technical evaluation results of the system guaranteed the implementation of the system to LGU Aroroy, as the overall result showed that the system achieved an overall mean of 4.1354 with a verbal interpretation of “more than what is expected”. As to the system’s functional suitability, efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability, the system was declared by the evaluators as more than what is expected from what it was meant to do. Along with the result of the evaluation, the developer recommended the implementation of the system to the Local Government Unit of Aroroy. The system will be a great invaluable tool to the departments involved in human resources payroll-remittance management and operations. Key Words: Accounting System, Centralized System, Electronic System, LGU Software, Payroll System, Remittance System

Effect Of Schmutzdecke On The Efficiency Of Sand Filter. []

Water purification can be accomplished with a slow sand filter. The efficacy of the sand filter might change depending on the amount of schmutzdecke that forms on the sand bed's surface. The purpose of this study was to build and assess schmutzdecke's impact on sand filters' ability to effectively cleanse water. Sand served as the filter's filter media, supporting the straining and sedimentation of impurities from raw water before a biolayer formed on the sand's surface. For six weeks, filtration was done. The raw water and filtered water samples were tested for turbidity, pH, and bacterial analyses. The pH of the raw water ranged from 5.0 to 5.3, indicating that it was extremely acidic however, the pH of the effluent improved but significantly from the fourth week of filtration with a pH ranging from 7.0 to7.2 which measured up to 7.1-7.4 as WHO standard for pH of water. The raw water had the turbidity value of 16 FAU and reduced with filtration but significant reduction of turbidity was achieved from fourth filtration where the turbidity was 5FAU which met WHO water turbidity standard which should not be more that 5 FAU. Bacteriological test showed effective reduction of the E.coli up to 70% at the third filtration. Moreover, the effect of schmutzdecke became pronounced from the fourth week. There was similar result (0.7 FAU) between samples 6 and sample 7 i.e for sixth and seventh week respectively for the turbidity test and likewise the same result (7.1-7.4) with samples 5, 6, and 7 for pH test. These results suggest that the Slow Sand Filter being influenced significantly by schmutzdecke improved the water quality. Further disinfection is recommended to ensure that the best quality of portable water is obtained.


The study was conducted at Kulguduri in Nalerigu, the North East Region of Ghana to assess water quality from the informal water vendors. Limited supply of municipal water in most developing areas has resulted in the use of alternative water supply means known as water vending. Water vendor activities such as; water collection, handling and transportation interfere with the quality of water. A quantitative design (i.e. testing for water quality parameters) was used for the study. A total of eighteen (18) water samples were collected, these included three (3) samples each from three different hand-dug wells, six (6) samples from informal water vendors and three (3) samples from household consumption point. The study revealed physico-chemical parameters of water source, vendor’s water and household distribution points had mean pH values of 5.79, 5.59 and 5.56 indicating a significant reduction in pH (p=0.00). Also, microbiological risk assessment (QMRA) assessment revealed high risk of infection from source water and vended water. E.coli contamination from water source and vended water were not significantly different (p=0.11) and were above WHO acceptable limit of risk to consumption from pathogens (10-5) daily per individual per annum. This showed a high risk of getting infections from consuming water from both source and vended water. The study findings will be useful to stakeholders and MMDA’s for planning and decision making in water for public health benefits and economic growth.

State and Politics in Africa []

The relationship between state and politics in Africa has been a topic of much debate and analysis. Africa is a diverse continent, with many different political systems and structures. This research paper examines the historical context of state and politics in Africa, as well as the current challenges faced by African states in terms of governance, democracy, and development. The paper draws on a range of academic literature and case studies to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of politics in Africa today. Key words: Decolonization, Governance, Democracy, Authoritarianism, Elections, Nationalism.

Study on the biodiversity of the fishes of Trisuli river with the reference to the ecological changes []

The present paper deals with the Biodiversity of the fishes of Trisuli river with reference to the ecological changes. In total 23 species of fishes were reported from different parts of the Trisuli river. Long distance fishes like Tor putitora, Clupisoma gaur, Anguilla bengalensis ,Bagarius bagarius and short distance migratory fishes like Schizothorax progastus, Labeo dero,Acrosso cheilus hexagonolepsis. are found in Trisuli river.The upstream of Trisuli river is inhabited by Schizothorax richardsoni, midstream by Barilius, Garra,Crossocheilus and downstream by Tor putitora, Acrossocheilus

Evaluation of infant and young child feeding practices in the city of Koutiala (Mali)from April 01 to 30, 2021 []

SUMMARY Introduction/Objectives: Due to the few studies carried out in Mali on the evaluation of infant and young child feeding practices, this study was carried out. Its objective was to evaluate infant and young child feeding practices in the city of Koutiala from April 01 to 30, 2021. Methods: A cross-sectional and analytical study by cluster survey was carried out among children aged 6-59 months with interview of mothers of children aged 0 to 23 months residing in the city of Koutiala. The study took place in two phases: a collection phase from April 01 to 20, 2021 and a phase devoted to encoding, entry, purification, data analysis and writing from April 21 to 30. 2021. Data entry and analysis were done using Epi-Data and SPSS software, the Chi2 test with a significance level p<0.05 at a 95% confidence interval was used. Results: The study showed that 47.9% of mothers of children were aged 15-25. Nearly 27.9% of mothers of children had secondary education; 62% were housewives and 87% were married women. Nearly 90.9% of mothers had put their children to the breast within 30 minutes after delivery, compared to 3.1% after 30 minutes. Nearly 81.8% of mothers of children had a good knowledge of the quality of colostrum. Nearly 88.3% of mothers introduced complementary feeding between 6-23 months of the child's month against 10.9 who had introduced between 0- 5 months. Only 24.5% of mothers breastfed their children 8 or more times a day; 41.4% of mothers breastfed their children until they were 2 years old, compared to 31% who stopped breastfeeding before they were 2 years old. Keywords: Assessment, Feeding, Infants, Malnutrition

Impact of Locally Formulated Demulsifiers from Locally Sourced Raw Materials on Emulsion Demulsification []

Separation of water from oil before transportation or refining is very essential for economic and operational reasons. Several methods in use have suffered from drawbacks such as high costs of production and environmental concerns. The need to develop a cost effective and efficient demulsifier in treating crude oil emulsions without compromising quality and environmental safety is a major concern to the oil industry worldwide. Hence, this study aims at developing and formulating cheap and environmentally safe demulsifier from locally sourced raw materials. Experimental investigation was carried out to ascertain its effectiveness in breaking crude oil emulsion. Materials used included locally made liquid soap, starch, camphor, alum, castor oil, and distilled water. Two different demulsifier formulations were made and tested on a crude oil emulsion sample from a Niger Delta field and subjected to a temperature of 60°F. The result of the treatment was a successful separation of oil and water using formulated demulsifier. The separated water volume by the local demulsifier (CONK1) was 31ml, showing the effectiveness of locally formulated demulsifier and better water separation capability than the commercially available imported demulsifier known. Keywords: Local materials, Coalescence, Demulsifier, Emulsion, Flocculation, Niger Delta.


Introduction: An abortion is considered safe if it is done with methods recommended by the World Health Organization and appropriate to the pregnancy duration, and if the person providing or supporting the abortion is trained. If either of these conditions are not met, the abortion is unsafe. In Rwanda, the amended law N° 01/2012/OL has extended the circumstances in which safe abortion could be practiced including rape, forced marriage, incest and maternal health. Safe abortion services are underuse in Rwanda in general and in Nyarugenge District in particular. According to Gender Based Violence Monitoring Service [GBVMS] (2021), only a few cases of induced abortion in Rwanda are conducted in health facilities and assisted by health specialist. This study aimed to determine knowledge, attitude and acceptability towards safe abortion among female adolescents in Nyarugenge district, Rwanda. Methods: Cross-sectional research design with quantitative approach was used to collect data from a target population of all under 18 female adolescents of Nyarugenge District. A descriptive statistic (mean, percentage and frequencies), bivariate (Chi-square test with α=0.05) and multiple logistic regression (95% CI and AOR) were carried out to test the factors influencing safe abortion acceptability using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS v22.0). The significance level was set at P-value equal to ≤0.05 and confidence level of 95%. This study involved 394 of female adolescents as a total sample size recruited by using random sampling technique within two youth centers of Nyarugenge District from 30th August 2022 up to 28th October 2022. Results: Socio-demographic characteristics of study population showed that the group of 17-18 years old was dominated by the group of 14-16 with 52.8% and 75.1% of the respondents were single mothers. The participants having done secondary school were majority with 47.5% and 65.2% of the respondents were people of middle class whereas the rich were 11.2% and 23.6% were poor. 47.5% were Protestants followed by Catholic members who were 37.6%.The findings on knowledge level revealed that the respondents with high level of knowledge were 61.7% while the respondents with low level of knowledge were 38.3%. Those who had positive attitude were 57.6%. The respondents with low level of safe abortion acceptability were 60.4%. Concerning the factors influencing safe abortion acceptability, bivariate analysis showed that being an adolescent mother presented a relationship with high level of acceptability on safe abortion. Also, the higher the level of education, the higher the level of safe abortion acceptability with 58.3%, X 2 =14.413, p<0.012. Multivariable analysis showed that being rich was 6 times more likely associated to safe abortion acceptability, AOR(CI)=6.175(1.117- 13.331), p<=0.001. Having a low level of knowledge on safe abortion was 7 times less likely associated to safe abortion acceptability, AOR(CI)=0.150(0.050-0.420), p<=0.001. Having negative attitude was 10 times less likely associated to safe abortion acceptability, AOR(CI)=0.098(0.021-0.253), p<=0.001. Conclusion: Therefore, , The government should put in place a program helping to sensitize the female adolescent on the legal framework on safe abortion as it was found that 65.7% do not know the circumstances in which safe abortion is legal in Rwanda. Also, the parliament should ease the conditions for safe abortion because 38.1% of the respondents said that they would recommend to the Parliament to do so. Key words: Knowledge, Attitude, Acceptability, Safe Abortion, Clandestine abortion, Female Adolescent and factor associated.

Controlling of Mold Contamination and Ochratoxin A of Corn Snakes and Corn Flakes in Egypt []

In this study mycological analysis was carried out to isolate and identify the molds associated with corn-based snacks and corn flakes products and determine the level of Ochratoxin A (OTA) contamination in these products. Fifty samples of corn – based snacks and fifty samples of corn flakes collected from local markets of two Egyptian governorates (Cairo and Beni-Suif), were used for fungal isolation, identification and analyzed for the presence of OTA using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Three species of Aspergillus (Asp. flavus , Asp ochraceus and Asp. niger); one species of Fusarium (F. verticilliodes); one species of Penicillium (P. chrysogenum); one species of Yeast( Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) and one Alternaria sp. were the most frequent fungus in the two governorates. OTA was found in 11 of 25 2 (44%) corn-based snacks samples obtained from Cairo. While, the numbers of contaminated corn – based snacks samples collected from Beni-suif was13 of 25(52%). Moreover, OTA was detected in 8 of 25 (32%) corn-flakes samples obtained from Cairo, While OTA, was detected in nine (36%) of the Beni-suif samples. The results revealed that all corn – based snacks samples that were contaminated with OTA (24samples) with a range of 0.75 to 13.47 μg / kg and all corn flakes samples (17samples) that were contaminated with OTA with a range of 0.65 to 7.92 μg / kg over passed the maximum allowable limits (0.5 μg / kg) for processed cereal-based foods consumed by young children. While, in case of adults and adolescents consumers the established maximum allowable limit was (3 μg/kg) for processed cereal-based foods consumed by adults and adolescents so that, only ten samples of corn– based snacks that were contaminated with OTA with a range of 3.05 to 13.47 μg/ kg exceeded the established limit (3 μg/kg) and eight corn flakes samples that were contaminated with OTA with a range of 3.07 to 7.92 μg / kg over passed this established limit. The other aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of employing the essentials oils from (garlic, cinnamon, clove, marjoram, fennel, cumin, lemon grass, peppermint, rosemary and thyme) in combating the growth of Ochratoxigenic mold associated with food deterioration, namely Asp. ochraceus and its OTA production. The antifungal activity was determined using the Agar well diffusion technique. The ten essential oils had a notable inhibitory effect on the development of Asp. ochraceus. However, garlic and cinnamon essential oils had the greatest antifungal potential against Asp. ochraceus growth and the production of OTA, followed by clove, and marjoram essential oils.

Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Analysis of Different Hill-Rice (Oryza Sativa) Genotypes []

Rice (Oryza sativa), a staple food crops is central to the lives of people around the world. The present production of rice will not suffice rapidly increasing population as the area for production is decreasing which necessitates increasing the productivity of rice through crop improvement. To identify suitable traits that contribute to crop improvement through the estimation of genetic variability, correlation, and path coefficient analysis, we conducted an experiment on eleven rice genotypes in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications under the irrigated condition at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung. Analysis of Variance revealed that genotypes under observation differed significantly for all the traits under study, which implies that genotypes constitute a pool of germplasm with adequate variability. The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) value was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), revealing a lower influence of environment in characteristics expression. For leaf area, number of effective tillers per m2 and days to 50% flowering we observed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance and moderate GCV. A number of effective tillers per m2 and panicle length had a significant positive correlation with grain yield. The result of path coefficient analysis revealed that panicle length exhibited a maximum positive direct effect on grain yield followed by a number of effective tillers per m2, days to 50% flowering and 1000-grain weight whereas number of un-effective tillers per m2 exhibited a maximum negative direct effect on grain yield. Therefore, the result suggests these traits can be used for grain yield selection and improvement.


Embracing Islam must be the most difficult decision an individual can do as the great challenges follow after their reversion. The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges of the reverted Muslims during the journey of their reversion. Thus, this research study utilized exploratory design that gathered data through in-depth interview conducted to the 10 key informants who were purposively selected from Cotabato City. Research findings showed that environment and self-discoveries had been major factors that influenced individual to revert to Islam. Islamic practices, family relations, and the society in general had been the greatest challenges during post reversion. To cope the challenges, reverts sought knowledge about Islam and found comfort from practicing Muslims to help them overcome those challenges and understand more about the religion. Reversion to Islam was never been easy, but according to reverts, choosing Islam again as their religion made their life easier and meaningful. This study definitely provides insights regarding the issues and challenges of reverted Muslims during their journey of reversion, until they considered their decision as finding the light from the dark to see the new path towards truthfulness. It is concluded that environment was the biggest factor for reversion, the people they met and their spiritual discoveries. The common challenges faced by reverted Muslim are their family and other people surrounds them, and adopting Islamic way of life, specifically fulfilling Islamic practices every day. Yet Allah S.W.T. was their best source of guidance to overcome those challenges. The researcher recommends that schools composed of majority Muslim students and reverted Muslims to recognize their existence to protect them from bullying and discrimination. In addition, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) especially their da’wah committee office to provide agency for reverted Muslims. The same with Islamic organizations to strengthen their advocacy in terms of Islamization to educate the reverted Muslims and made them feel that they are special in Islam religion. And reverted Muslim should be supported and received fully acceptance and understanding from the community for them to live freely from discriminations and judgments.  Keywords: Islam, Reverted Muslim, Cotabato City, Maguindanao


The purpose of this study was to examine and explain the influence of seniority, work performance, education and training, nepotism, and loyalty to the promotion of civil servants in the North Buton Regency Government. This research approach is explanatory research with data collection carried out cross-sectionally through a questionnaire. The respondents of this study were all civil servants of the North Buton Regency government, totaling 657 people. The size of the sample was determined using the Slovin formula so that a total sample of 87 people was obtained using a proportional stratified random sampling technique. The analytical tool used to answer the problems and hypotheses of this study is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results of the study show that seniority, work performance, education and training, nepotism, and loyalty have a positive and significant effect on promotion. Seniority has a positive and significant effect on promotion, work performance has a positive and significant effect on promotion, education, and training have a positive and significant effect on promotion, Nepotism has a positive and significant effect on promotion, and Loyalty has a positive and significant effect on promotions for Civil Servants in the North Buton Regency Government. The dominant factor that influences promotion is education and training with indicators that employees have passed the Education and Training Center in a fairly good category.

A Proposed Practical Approach for Estimating the Reinsurer Share of Reserve for Deviates in Excess Loss and Stop Loss Reinsurance Treaties []

In General Insurance, It’s well known that net premium consists of two parts, the first is the risk premium and the second is reserve of deviates. So, the reinsurer which shares the direct insurer premiums and related risks accordingly has to share the direct insurer the risk premium as well as reserve of deviates and must get one standard deviation at least up the total number of standard of deviations added to the risk premium. In practice the reinsurers used to multiply the reinsurance risk premium by a loading ratio evaluated 100/65 or 100/70 as a reserve for deviates. This paper sets focus on how to estimate the reinsurer share of reserve for deviates with the direct insurer in respect of excess loss and stop loss reinsurance treaties.


Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office V existing document transactions tracking process is still manually done through manual encoding using the log-book for tracking the document. With rapidly-changing technology and increasing emphasis in managing information properly, the researcher developed a more stable and more efficient Web-Based Electronic Document Tracking Management System. The proposed system is the perfect solution for the problems arising in the office. It refers to the professional practice of managing the documents of an organization. This includes identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and preserving documents. Improving of the system in the office is a key that facilitates effective communications between client and staff whilst also providing opportunities for making the system more flexible and efficient. It enhances the tracking of documents, and makes the information more effortlessly accessible. The findings of the study depict that the system is applicable to the DSWD Field Office V, Center / Institutions and at the six (6) Provincial Operations Offices (POOs), having an overall mean of 4.257. The components of the system are fully functional and are deemed to be essential to the entire operation of the system. The system was evaluated against its functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. Along with the positive findings of the study, the developer deems it necessary to implement the developed system to help the DSWD Field Office V to monitor and manage the documents. The Researchers believe that a well-managed Electronic Document Tracking Management System can improve the processes of DSWD FOV. Key Words: Document Management, Docu-Track, Electronic Tracking System, Tracking System, Web Tracking System


The Web-Based Information System with SMS Notification of Competency assessors using the Rapid Application Development methodology was intended for Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) within the Camarines Sur area. Specifically, the following objectives were achieved in the completion of this project. First was to develop a web-based information system that stored the records of the accredited assessors. The second objective was to include a SMS notification to inform the clients of the renewal of their accreditation. Third objective was to provide a system that include a secure login module for both admin and client users. Fourth was to generate updated reports of the accredited assessors. Last was to evaluate the system using an industry accepted quality standards, which, in this case the ISO. The TESDA focal person in-charge in the accreditation of the assessors, TESDA assessors and the aspiring to be assessors were the recipient of this study. Much more efficient and effective manual operations were listed in recording and storing files of competency assessor’s accreditation using Microsoft Office applications. It is therefore recommended that such system be implemented and deployed by the beneficiary agency. The system has proven its veracity, for it is of great help to the focal persons who are still using the manual system. The system, since proven maintainable and portable, can accommodate added feature to make it more functional, reliable, usable and efficient. Key Words: Assessors, Competent Assessors’ System, SMS Notification, TESDA System for Competent Assessors, TESDA Systems, Web-Based Information System


This study conducted a situational analysis on the nutrition during the first one thousand days of life in Barangay Lebe, Kiamba, Sarangani Province. The study used a quantitative-qualitative design and non-probability purposive sampling to select 30 respondents. Thematic analysis was used to identify the problems and coping mechanisms related to providing proper nutrition during this critical period. The major findings revealed that the respondents preferred iron and calcium for their nutritional requirements, and encountered various problems such as not taking vitamins, lack of prenatal check-ups, unhealthy food intake, and inadequate support from family members. The coping mechanisms included counseling, education, vegetable gardening, seeking care from midwives, and utilizing local resources. The study also found a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and the coping mechanisms used. The strengths of the study were the knowledgeable respondents, while weaknesses included financial constraints and transportation difficulties. Opportunities included encouraging mothers to have prenatal check-ups and immunizations and finding alternative sources of income. Threats included a shortage of free vitamins and inadequate family support. The study concludes that with the support of health care providers and the local government unit, the nutritional requirements during the first one thousand days of life in Barangay Lebe can be achieved. Key words: Situational Analysis in nutrition, nutritional requirements, first one thousand days of life. Barangay Lebe, Kiamba, Sarangani Province.

Connaissances, Attitudes et Pratiques des femmes enceintes Vue en Consultation Prénatale sur leur mode d’alimentation dans la maternité du centre de Santé de référence de Sikasso du 01 Avril au 30 Juin 2021 []

Introduction/Objectifs : En raison du peu d’études réalisées au Mali en particulier, et en Afrique en générale sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des femmes enceintes sur leur mode d’alimentation, que la présente étude a été réalisée. Elle avait porté sur l’Evaluation des connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des femmes enceintes sur le mode d’alimentation. L’objectif était d’Evaluer les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des femmes enceintes sur le mode d’alimentation dans le centre de santé de référence de Sikasso dans la région de Sikasso. Méthodes : Il s’agit d’une enquête transversale exhaustive menée auprès de 384 femmes enceintes dans la maternité du centre de santé de référence de Sikasso du 1er Avril au 30 juin 2021, La saisie et l’analyse ont été faites à l’aide des logiciels Epi-Data et SPSS, la rédaction du document avec le logiciel Word 216. Résultats : L’étude a montré que 60% des femmes enceintes étaient âgées de 15 - 30 ans. Près de 80,7% étaient mariées et 37% non alphabétisées ; Près de 33,3% des étaient à leur 1ere consultation. Près de 52,1% des connaissaient une alimentation appropriée pour la femme enceinte. La majorité (76,6%) des femmes enceintes avaient une fréquence minimale des repas pendant la grossesse inferieur ou égale à 4 repas par jour. Conclusion : Au terme de cette étude, nous constatons que la tranche d’âge 15 à 20 ans était la plus représentée, que près de la moitié des femmes était des mariées et des ménagères ; 59,1% de ces femmes étaient au 2e trimestre pendant leurs CPN et 33,5% n’avaient fait que 1 CPN. La majorité des femmes connaissent l’importance de la supplémentation en Fer+acide folique. Mots clés : Femme enceinte, Maternité, Alimentation, 2021